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Wanita yang Dinikahi Chris Hemsworth di Pulau Sumba, NTT Ini Doyan Pastry

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- 'Jemaah' Marvel merayakan perilisan film Avengers: Endgame pada Rabu (24/4). Lama dinanti, film ini menyedot perhatian khalayak. Tak tanggung-tanggung, sejumlah bioskop menyediakan slot layar lebih untuk film ini. Di balik euforia sambutan penggemar, ada kerja keras para pemeran demi mewujudkan karakter superhero . Mulai dari latihan hingga diet ketat seperti yang dilakukan Chris Hemsworth. Tubuh kekar nan seksi milik pemeran Thor ini tidak didapat dengan sulap atau konsumsi ramuan instan. Luke Zocchi, sang pelatih pribadi, membocorkan menu latihan Hemsworth. Dia berkata, menu latihan Thor untuk Avangers: Endgame berbeda dengan sebelumnya.

Biasanya, latihan banyak diisi dengan angkat beban yang cukup berat dengan pengisolasian serta istirahat panjang di antaranya. "Olahraga untuk Endgame umumnya tak lebih dari satu jam, menargetkan dua kelompok otot per sesi. Kami membatasi hingga empat latihan per kelompok otot dengan beban berat dan sekitar 12 kali repetisi," jelas Zocchi dikutip dari Daily Mail. Latihan tersebut, kata Zocchi, bukan perkara jumlah intensitas yang meningkat, melainkan latihan yang lebih cerdas. Sesi latihan dibagi ke dalam beberapa titik fokus antara lain dada dan bisep, punggung dan trisep, serta kaki dan pundak. Zocchi mengatakan, siapa pun bisa mengikuti menu latihan ala Thor ini.

"Menu latihan saya ada di aplikasi meliputi HIIT HIRT ( high-intensity interval training dan high-intensity resistance training ), sesi latihan kekuatan, mirip dengan latihan Chris yang biasanya," kata Zocchi. Diet ala Thor Rancangan menu latihan sedemikian rupa tak akan sempurna jika tidak diimbangi dengan asupan makanan yang sesuai. Sergio Perera, koki sekaligus ahli gizi, menjelaskan bahwa Hemsworth membangun otot dengan menambah konsumsi daging merah. Jumlah karbohidrat seperti nasi tim, barley, pasta yang bersumber dari biji-bijian utuh dan roti pun mengalami penambahan porsi. Perera menambahkan, Hemsworth biasanya mengonsumsi sumber makanan ini selama hari latihan. Hemsworth juga diketahui mengurangi asupan saat malam hari. "Ini kadang cukup menantang untuk menjaga asupan kalori tetap banyak, sehingga dia menambah asupan dengan jus hijau yang mengandung sayuran, lemak, dan protein berbasis tanaman," ujarnya. Untuk lebih rinci, berikut menu harian Hemsworth demi Avangers: Endgame.

Sarapan ' Green shake ' dari sayuran mentah dan sebagian sayuran matang. Sayuran umumnya terdiri dari dedaunan hijau, beri, sumber lemak seperti alpukat, kacang mentah, minyak zaitun, minyak flaxseed dicampur dengan air atau santan. Satu jam kemudian, dua sampai tiga telur rebus atau goreng dengan sepotong roti hangat dan bayam, asinan kubis, dan hummus. Makan siang Sepotong dada ayam panggang atau fillet ayam dengan sayuran panggang dan nasi tim dengan rempah. Makan malam Fillet kakap merah bakar dengan kentang panggang dan zucchini mentah dengan mint dan keju parmesan. Makanan ringan Yogurt dengan beri, muesli, dan dressing minyak falxseed atau almond butter . [Gambas:Video CNN] (els/asr)

Setelah hampir dua lusin film dan miliaran dolar hasil penjualan tiket di seluruh dunia, para Avengers berkumpul untuk petualangan terakhir yang bisa memecahkan seluruh rekor box office.

“Avengers: Endgame” adalah edisi penutup proyek ambisius 22 film yang menampilkan superhero Marvel kesayangan. Kebanyakan diambil dari karya-karya mendiang komikus legendaris, Stan Lee.

Film tersebut mulai tayang di bioskop-bioskop pekan ini. Dan bioskop-bioskop di beberapa negara di Asia dan Eropa mendapat kesempatan pertama untuk menyaksikan film epik berdurasi 3 jam pada hari ini, Rabu (24/3). Penayangan perdana di AS dan Kanada akan dibuka pada Jumat (26/4). Para pakar memperkirakan debut pada akhir pekan bisa mencetak rekor dengan pemasukan miliaran dolar pada hari pertama.

Tentunya akan mudah memecahkan rekor sebelumnya yang dipegang oleh “Avengers: Infinity War,” bagian pertama dari “Infinity Saga” julukan yang diberikan oleh Kepala Marvel Studios Kevin Feige. Feige memproduksi setiap film dalam serial tersebut yang dibuka pada 2018 dengan hasil penjualan tiket $640,5 juta.

Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) dan Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) berkumpul untuk terakhir kali dengan Feige di TCL Chinese Theatre. Mereka menandatangani cetakan semen dan menandai dengan cetakan tangan.

“Pengalaman yang luar biasa,” kata Ruffalo mengomentari proyek film yang berjalan selama 10 tahun itu.

Sebanyak 21 film sebelumnya sudah mengantongi hasil penjualan tiket $19 miliar dari seluruh dunia. Dan meski “Endgame” menandai akhir dari naratif saat ini, Marvel Studios masih jauh dari selesai.

Marvel sendiri sudah mengumumkan beberapa proyek baru: selain film lanjutan untuk “Spider-Man”, “Black Panther” dan “Doctor Strange”, akan ada “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3”, “The Eternals” dan “Black Widow”, film kedua Marvel yang menampilkan tokoh utama solo perempuan.

“Yang paling menyenangkan tentang sebuah akhir adalah Anda bisa membuat awal yang baru,” kata Feige kepada AFP.

Dengan antusiasme penonton yang tinggi, sutradara dan para pemeran berusaha keras tidak memberikan bocoran akhir film tersebut.

Tapi ternyata ada juga penonton yang tak sabar. Pada Minggu (21/4), cuplikan “Endgame” berdurasi lima menit yang berisi adegan penting film tersebut, diunggah online.

Bocoran itu mendorong sutradara "Endgame", kakak beradik Joe dan Anthony Russo, menulis surat kepada para fans Avengers di seluruh dunia.

Mereka mengakhiri surat mereka dengan permintaan: jangan bocorkan akhir film itu.

“Ingat,” kata kakak-adik Russo, “Thanos masih meminta Anda untuk diam.”

Galeri Foto Wanita yang Dinikahi Chris Hemsworth di Pulau Sumba, NTT Ini Doyan Pastry

Jakarta - Memiliki badan yang ramping, istri Chris Hemsworth sering manjakan selera dengan ragam sajian lezat. Mulai dari spaghetti, sandwich hingga aneka pasrty.

- Bertalenta dan memiliki wajah tampan, Chris Hemsworth berhasil memiliki jutaan penggemar dari seluruh dunia. Terlebih perannya sebagai Thor di dalam film-film Marvel Studios membuat ketenaran Chris semakin mendunia.Tapi meski memiliki wajah tampan, pria kelahiran Melbourne itu terlihat dengan ekspresi kocaknya saat menaiki roller coaster. Sama dengan orang pada umumnya, Chris tampak ketakutan dengan berteriak di atas wahana yang berada di Disneyland Shanghai.


"Disneyland Shanghai for @avengers. Squeezed in a little rollercoastering 😜🤪😝," tulis Chris, Rabu (17/4).Chris yang menaiki roller coaster bersama rekan-rekannya itu pun mendapat reaksi beragam dari para penggemarnya. Ada yang menilai jika pria 35 tahun itu tetap terlihat tampan meski sedang berteriak."Why still look so cool even screaming ? 😭," tulis akun @lulu.lepetitchat."HOW IS HE THIS HOT SERIOUSLY @corinne_furlong even on a rollercoaster when no one ever looks good! 🤤," tulis @aylin_axo.Bahkan ada yang menghubung-hubungkan ketakutan Chris dengan Thanos, salah satu tokoh di film-film Marvel. "Thor I think this roller coaster is more frightening you than Thanos," tulis @dindahps. Chris Hemsworth sendiri tengah disibukkan dengan promosi film terbarunya, Avengers: End Game . Film yang disutradarai Anthony Russo dan Joe Russo itu juga mendapat antusias yang besar dari para pecinta film Indonesia. Bahkan beberapa situs online sudah menjual tiket pre order film yang rilis pada 24 April mendatang itu.

[Gambas:Video Insertlive]

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID - Hampir semua orang mengenal sosok Chris Hemsworth .

Chris dikenal dari beberapa perannya di layar lebar, termasuk peran sebagai Thor di Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Tentunya tak ada yang membantah kenyatan bahwa Chris memiliki tubuh berotot idaman.

Nah, jika kamu ingin memiliki tubuh seperti dia, hal pertama yang harus kamu ketahui adalah bahwa tubuh itu tak dibentuk dalam waktu semalam, melainkan melalui latihan rutin.

Sergio Perera, konsultan gizi yang sudah lama bekerja bersama Chris sekaligus resident foodie di Centr, membeberkan rahasia di balik bentuk tubuh sempurna seorang Chris Hemsworth .

Untuk memiliki badan Thor, Chris perlu menambah berat tubuhnya dengan cepat.

Artinya, ia harus mengkonsumsi lebih banyak kalori daripada yang dibakar.

Menurut Perera, ia membimbing Chris supaya menjalani kalori surplus dengan meningkatkan asupan kalori dari makanan segar, alami dan tinggi nutrisi.

"Kami membuat protein, karbohidrat dan lemak seimbang. Chris meningkatkan konsumsi daging di awal hari, dan pada malam hari ia banyak mengkonsumsi ikan untuk melancarkan pencernaan," kata Perera.

Actor Chris Hemsworth has mixed feelings now that his yearslong stint portraying “Thor” in Marvel’s beloved “Avengers” film series has come to an end.

Hemsworth – who alongside wife Elsa Pataky attended the premiere for “Avengers: Endgame” on Monday – spoke to Entertainment Tonight about the film, which opens this week and closes the book on the first 11 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

"It's always a nerve-wracking experience, but, I don't know, we literally left it all on the field with this one,” the actor told the news outlet, in part. “I think we all have a sense of pride.”


"It's a bittersweet quality to it, because this is the last time this gathering of this group of people is gonna be here together,” he added.

The film ends the yearlong cliffhanger of "Avengers: Infinity War," in which half of the universe turned to dust.

"I mean, I've heard nothing but incredible things," Hemsworth, who had not yet seen the film when he spoke to ET, said, adding he was “nervous” to watch it for the first time.

Separately, Hemsworth and fellow “Avengers” star Chris Evans admitted to crying over the end of the series, which includes 22 films.

"I don't know about you, but I cried like six times," Evans told The Associated Press at the premiere.

"I cried more than six times, Chris,” Hemsworth said in response.

The premiere Monday was a who's who of Marvel and Hollywood, with actors and directors from MCU films past and present turning out to see the film, including the likes of Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bradley Cooper, Jon Favreau and even Matt Damon, who some may remember had a cameo in "Thor: Ragnarok." Luke Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus also came out to see the film and support their family.


Hemsworth also revealed while speaking with Entertainment Tonight that his three children — India, 6, and twin sons Sasha and Tristan, 5 — seem to prefer other Marvel superheroes rather than their father's Thor character.

“I try and convince them to [favor Thor], you know, sort of give them special treats, but no they're not into it," he said, according to the outlet.

"I think they like Captain America. They like Wonder Woman and yeah, the Hulk, but then they met Mark Ruffalo and they were like where's the Hulk? I was like, well... Kids, you know? What do you do?"

The highly anticipated film is slated to be released on Friday.

Fox News' Shelley Ng and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

BBC Radio 1’s series of “Playground Insults,” in which celebrity guests attempt to make each other laugh by slinging juvenile jabs at each other, has seen some all-stars over the years. Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell, and Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin, to name a few. Avengers: Endgame stars Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson, however, may be “the worst players” to ever grace the bit.

Their words, not ours.

“Chris, you’re ugly,” Johansson began. “Everyone’s been talking about it. You’re just really ugly.”

Hemsworth fired back, “They say beauty’s on the inside, and inside you is just awful.”

Some comments about the Thor star’s “grandma cardigans” were made, but then Hemsworth basically called her dumb and things went downhill from there. By the end of it all, the pair struck a truce with Johansson saying, “I don’t like your sweater, but I love your biceps.”

“Are we the worst players?” Hemsworth asked.

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Chris Hemsworth plays one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but even he is getting emotional about the Avengers' final mission together.

The actor and his wife, Elsa Pataky, stepped out in style for the Avengers: Endgame premiere in Los Angeles on Monday, looking every bit the dapper duo as they celebrated the massively anticipated closer to the MCU's first three phases of films.

Hemsworth, who marks his eighth Marvel movie appearance as the Norse god Thor in Endgame, sported a stylish navy and black paisley print suit and dress shirt, with a black tie and perfectly-coiffed hair and stubble, while Pataky looked stunning and ready for summer in a white gown with a halter top.

Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Of course, the big buzz of the evening was about the top-secret details of Endgame, which have been carefully kept under wraps by the Marvel cast and creatives. In fact, Hemsworth hadn't even seen the film yet when he stopped to talk with ET on the carpet.

"I mean, I've heard nothing but incredible things," he assured, noting that there was "a different buzz about this than I have [had] in previous films," and admitting that he felt "nervous" about watching the movie for the first time.

"It's always a nerve-wracking experience, but, I don't know, this was-- we literally left it all on the field with this one, and it was a combination of about 22 films, 10 years of work, and so I think we all have a sense of pride," he added. "It's a bittersweet quality to it, because this is the last time this gathering of this group of people is gonna be here together."

No matter what his character's fate might be in the Endgame, Marvel fans have loved Hemsworth's portrayal of Thor since his on-screen debut in his 2011 origin story. However, it may be another story at home. The actor admitted that he isn't quite the favorite Avenger among his and Pataky's three kids: daughter India, 6, and twin sons Sasha and Tristan, 5.

"I try and convince them to [favor Thor], you know, sort of give them special treats, but no they're not into it," he laughed. "I think they like Captain America. They like Wonder Woman and yeah, the Hulk, but then they met Mark Ruffalo and they were like where's the Hulk? I was like, well... Kids, you know? What do you do?"

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on Friday.


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They're often found strolling around the beaches of Byron Bay together.

But on Tuesday night, it was Matt Damon and wife Luciana Barroso's turn to entertain Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky as the couple joined them in Santa Monica.

The A-list friends were reunited in America for the world premiere of Avengers: Endgame in Los Angeles on Monday, before enjoying a low-key dinner the following night.

A-list night out! Chris Hemsworth (pictured) and Elsa Pataky enjoyed a dressed down double date with Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso in Santa Monica on Tuesday

Each of the foursome had swapped their red carpet looks for something much more casual while dining out at hot-spot Via Veneto.

Australian actor Chris, who reprises his role as Thor in the new movie, looked cool in a pair of stonewash jeans and grey boots, with a plain white t-shirt and jacket.

Despite being a long way from home, Elsa channeled her famous Byron bohemian style with a full length, floral print asymmetrical skirt.

She flaunted her abs with her white shirt knotted above her midriff, and finished the look off with a pair of wedged heels and beige jacket.

Away from the chaos! The A-list friends united for the premiere of Avengers: Endgame in Los Angeles on Monday, before enjoying a low-key dinner. Pictured Elsa and Luciana

Off duty! Matt attempted to go incognito while leaving the venue in a cap with his wife

Likewise, Luciana appeared to be enjoying the opportunity to dress down, slipping into a sporty Adidas jacket for the outing.

She completed the casual look with white trainers, ripped jeans and black top.

Matt attempted to go incognito while leaving the restaurant in a baseball cap.

Blending in the crowd! The two couples, along with their children, are often found together, with Chris and Matt most recently spotted at a football game in Melbourne on March 23

During their downtime away from shooting blockbuster movies, the two families are often found socialising together.

Mostly recently, Chris and Matt were spotted watching the Western Bulldogs take on the Sydney Swans at the Marvel Stadium in Melbourne on March 23.

Days earlier, both families enjoyed a trip to Western Australia, with Matt and Luciana regularly spotted around Byron Bay with both Chris and Elsa.

Besties! Last month both families enjoyed a trip to Western Australia together, with Matt and Luciana regularly spotted around Byron Bay with both Chris and Elsa

Last night the Avengers series officially came to a close, with the premiere of Avengers: Endgame in Los Angeles. And while the main event of the night was the film in question, here at GQ we were paying closer attention to what Chris Hemsworth turned up in.

Attending the premiere with Elsa Pataky, Hemsworth looked every inch Hollywood royalty. Sporting a full paisley suit by Etro, on paper the Australian actor's look sounds quite in your face. In reality, though, it was anything but and Hemsworth has just bagged an unofficial title of one of the best-dressed actors going.

What did he get so right? He cleverly went for a muted navy, rather than the traditional ornamental, somewhat psychedelic paisley print you'd expect to see. And it worked. Wearing a full midnight-navy paisley print suit was a clever way of mixing up his suit game in a way that was daring, but still fail-safe. And by pairing his shirt with the pattern and sticking to black shoes and a black tie, his entire look was pulled together.


And paisley is something that we've seen more and more of on the red carpet as of late. Zachary Levi is a fan of that same muted all-over print as Hemsworth, while Seth Rogan has been proving the power of the paisley tie. And we're here for it. Paisley has a staying power, thanks to brands such as Etro, Pretty Green and Alexander McQueen championing it. Starting life as a Persian pattern, paisley has stood the test of time and continues to be popular, with the traditional teardrop-shaped motif the go-to.

And it's going nowhere.

With that in mind, below are some easy ways you can inject paisley into your own wardrobe.

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