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Nazri: I will not apologise to Robert Kuok

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Robert Kuok has pledged to take legal action against online blog Malaysia Today for allegedly spreading false allegations in three articles it published last week.

According to a statement released by his office on Monday (Feb 26) , the articles had cast aspersions on Kuok's commitment to Malaysia and the country's democratic process.

Describing the Malaysia Today articles as constituting "very serious libel", the statement said Kuok has taken these allegations very seriously and reserves the right to take action against Malaysia Today and the author to address the false allegations contained in the "scurrilous articles."

Kuok, said the statement, refuted and emphatically denies the allegations contained in the three articles published on the online blog, Malaysia Today, namely: "Malaysian Insight Funder Fingered" on Feb 21; "Robert Kuok Wants Chinese Rule in Malaysia" on Feb 21; and "Robert Kuok’s Last Chance at Changing the Government" on Feb 23.

The satetment said Kuok “holds in the highest esteem” the leaders of Malaysia who have throughout their lives done everything they can to contribute to the well-being of Malaysians.

"Kuok would also like to place on record that he has a deep appreciation for the opportunities he has had and recognises the contributions made by Malaysians of all creeds, races and religions towards the development of Malaysia to date, and the continued commitment shared by all Malaysians in ensuring a bright future for the country."

PETALING JAYA - Malaysian tycoon Robert Kuok said on Monday (Feb 26) he would take action against the Malaysia Today news portal and its author over what he said were false allegations claiming he was funding opposition parties and a news portal in a bid to overthrow the government.

Mr Kuok's office issued a media statement citing three articles published on the online blog Malaysia Today, which alleged that he had given money to various political parties and the The Malaysian Insight news portal in order to overthrow the government and install a one led by the predominantly Chinese Democratic Action Party (DAP).

The statement carried by The Star newspaper said the 94-year-old businessman "refutes and emphatically denies the false allegations" made by pro-Umno blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamaruddin in the three articles. The articles were "Malaysian Insight Funder Fingered" published and "Robert Kuok Wants Chinese Rule in Malaysia" - both of which were published last Wednesday - and "Robert Kuok's Last Chance at Changing the Government" published on Friday.

"The false assertions made in these articles include that he was funding The Malaysian Insight and various political parties with the aim of overthrowing the present government of Malaysia; embarking on a campaign to manipulate the Malaysian political process and democratic system; being anti-government vis-à-vis the ruling Barisan Nasional Party in Malaysia; and being a racist and a 'Chinese chauvinist'", the statement said.

"Mr Kuok takes these baseless allegations very seriously and reserves the right to take all necessary steps against Malaysia Today and the author to address the false allegations contained in the scurrilous Malaysia Today articles," his office said.

Mr Kuok, who lives in Hong Kong and is Malaysia's richest man, also said that any assertion that he had forgotten his roots were false, and that he had a "deep appreciation" for the opportunities he has had.

"Mr Kuok would also like to place on record that he has a deep appreciation for the opportunities he has had and recognises the contributions made by Malaysians of all creeds, races and religions towards the development of Malaysia to date and the continued commitment shared by all Malaysians in ensuring a bright future for the country," the statement added.

"Mr Kuok holds in the highest esteem the leaders of Malaysia who have throughout their lives done everything they can to contribute to the well-being of Malaysians," it said.

Mr Kuok's response came after senior Umno leaderTajuddin Abdul Rahman told Mr Kuok not to forget his roots and how he emerged as Malaysia's richest man.

Related Story Malaysia's richest man Robert Kuok in spotlight as PM Najib says govt policies helped his business

On Saturday, Prime Minister Najib Razak said some of Malaysia's richest people owed their success to opportunities created through policies implemented by the government, led by the 13-party Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

Mr Kuok has been dubbed as Malaysia's "sugar king" for many years as he had a government concession to trade sugar in the country. He also traded rice and flour, and his empire includes hotel chain Shangri-La, Kerry Properties and commodities trader Wilmar.

He released a memoir late last year, in which he implicitly criticised Malaysia's affirmative action policy to help Malays and other bumiputera races in education and business.

DAP leader Lim Kit Siang on Sunday denied that he had received money for the party from a nephew of Mr Kuok.

Nazri: I will not apologise to Robert Kuok Khairil Ashraf

KUALA LUMPUR: Mohamed Nazri Aziz says he will not apologise to Robert Kuok, Malaysia’s richest person, although the tycoon’s office has denied an allegation that he funded the DAP to topple the Barisan Nasional government.

The Umno supreme council member said his earlier statement criticising Kuok over the allegation was based on what Raja Petra Kamarudin wrote in his blog and which had not been denied by Kuok.

“I will not (apologise). My statement was based on an allegation made by Raja Petra which had not been denied (by Kuok),” he told a news conference after signing a memorandum of understanding to promote tourism cooperation between Malaysia and Senegal here today.

News portal Malaysiakini had reported that Nazri challenged Kuok to return to Malaysia and contest in the coming general election.

“Don’t be a ‘pondan’ (pansy). Don’t be an ‘ayam betina’ (hen) that hides behind walls in Hong Kong,” he was quoted as saying.

Kuok, however, has denied funding the DAP to oust the government as alleged by Raja Petra.

The tycoon’s office said Kuok reserved the right to sue Raja Petra over the allegation.

Nazri, who is also the tourism and culture minister, said it was good that Kuok denied the allegation but he should have done it much earlier.

“If he had denied the allegation immediately after it appeared, the situation would not have come to this stage,” he said.

He said it was a good thing that Kuok had nothing to do with opposing the government, and he thanked him for it.

“I welcome it and I wish to say to him that all the statements made earlier were based on reports which had not been denied.

“We didn’t know that perhaps the blogger had certain information that we were not aware of,” he said.

Nazri hoped Kuok would take legal action against Raja Petra to clear his name because it was not enough to make a mere denial.

(The Star) – Billionaire Robert Kuok said he would take all necessary steps against portal Malaysia Today and its author to address what he said were false allegations.

In a media statement released by his office Monday (Feb 26), the tycoon referred in particular to a series of three articles on the portal, owned by Raja Petra Kamarudin, published between Feb 21 and 23.

The articles, which attacked Kuok as the funder for news portal The Malaysian Insight, in addition to funding political parties, were untrue, the statement said.

The billionaire also said that any assertion that he had forgotten his roots were false, and that he had a deep appreciation for the opportunities he has had.

“Mr Kuok holds in the highest esteem the leaders of Malaysia who have throughout their lives done everything they can to contribute to the well-being of Malaysians,” the statement from his office read.

Here is his statement in full:

Media Statement from the Office of Mr Robert Kuok

In the last week, articles have emerged that have cast aspersions on Mr Robert Kuok’s commitment to Malaysia and the integrity of the country’s democratic processes. Mr Robert Kuok wishes to state that any assertion that he has forgotten his roots are entirely false.

Mr Robert Kuok would also like to place on record that he has a deep appreciation for the opportunities he has had and recognises the contributions made by Malaysians of all creeds, races and religions towards the development of Malaysia to date, and the continued commitment shared by all Malaysians in ensuring a bright future for the country.

Mr Kuok holds in the highest esteem the leaders of Malaysia who have throughout their lives done everything they can to contribute to the well-being of Malaysians.

In particular, Mr Robert Kuok refutes and emphatically denies the false allegations contained in the three articles published on the online blog, Malaysia Today, namely: “Malaysian Insight Funder Fingered” on Feb 21; “Robert Kuok Wants Chinese Rule in Malaysia” on Feb 21; and “Robert Kuok’s Last Chance at Changing the Government” on Feb 23.

The false assertions made in these articles include that he was funding The Malaysian Insight and various political parties with the aim of overthrowing the present government of Malaysia; embarking on a campaign to manipulate the Malaysian political process and democratic system; being anti-government vis-à-vis the ruling Barisan Nasional Party in Malaysia; and being a racist and a “Chinese chauvinist”.

These allegations are untrue, and Mr Robert Kuok expressly denies them in their entirety.

Since the publication of the Malaysia Today Articles, further articles have been published in Malaysia on the online portal known as Malaysiakini as well as in The New Straits Times, The Star, The Malay Mail, Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, amongst others.

In no uncertain terms, Mr Robert Kuok states that the Malaysia Today articles constitute very serious libel. Moreover, the allegations made are false and the attack on him wholly unjustified.

Mr Robert Kuok takes these baseless allegations very seriously, and reserves the right to take all necessary steps against Malaysia Today and the author to address the false allegations contained in the scurrilous articles.

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