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Rumah dan Mobil Milik Mantan Bupati Simeulue Disita, Diduga Terlibat Korupsi Tahun 2002-2012 - Bioskop TRANS TV   edisi Jumat (28/6/2019) akan menanyangkan f ilm '2012' pada p ukul 21.00 WIB.

Film '2012' ini  terinspirasi dari peristiwa kiamat yang dirilis pada tahun 2009.

Dikutip dari   Wikipedia , film '2012'  ini dibintangi oleh John Cusack, Chiweel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, hingga Danny Glover.

Film '2012' bermula sejak kabar tentang suku Maya di Guatemala yang meyakini kalender Maya, di mana akhir dunia diperkirakan terjadi pada 21 Desember 2012.

Jackson Curtis adalah seorang duda yang bekerja sebagai sopir Limousin dan penulis.

Sementara mantan istrinya Amanda tinggal bersama pacarnya, Gordon, serta anak-anak Jackson.

Sebuah institusi keberlangsungan hidup manusia (IHC) yang merupakan organisasi rahasia menyadari soal terancamnya dunia akan kiamat.

IHC membangun sebuah bahtera besar di bawah Pegunungan Himalaya yang dirancang untuk menghadapi banyak bencana.

IHC ingin menyelamatkan manusia, spesies binatang tertentu, dan harta berharga manusia ketika kelak kiamat terjadi.

Rumor kiamat ini menimbulkan perdebatan soal bagaimana dan kapan pemerintah sedunia akan memberitahu warga mereka.

Pemerintah juga bingung menentukan cara memilih orang-orang yang akan diselamatkan dari kiamat ini.

Sementara itu, ketika Jackson dan dua anaknya sedang dalam perjalanan ke Yellowstone, dia bertemu dengan Charlie Frost.

SERAMBINEWS.COM, BANDA ACEH – P enyidik Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) Aceh, Kamis (27/6/2019) akhirnya melakukan penyitaan terhadap Rumah dan mobil milik mantan Bupati Simeulue, Darmili.

Tindakan hukum ini dilakukan terkait kasus dugaan korupsi pada Perusahaan Daerah Kabupaten Simeulue (PDKS) tahun 2002-2012, dengan indikasi kerugian negara Rp 2 mencapai Rp 3 miliar.

Harta milik Darmili yang disita ini berlokasi di Gampong Neusu Aceh, Kecamatan Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh .

Kejati sendiri sejauh ini tidak menahan Darmili dengan dalih belum mendapat persetujuan atau izin tertulis dari Gubernur Aceh, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintah Aceh. - Perjalanan Jeep sebagai salah satu produsen mobil dua alam jelas tidak bisa lepas dari salah satu model populer mereka yakni Jeep Wrangler JK Meski kini sudah hadir Wrangler baru berkode bodi JL, modifikasi Jeep Wrangler JK tetap obyek menarik untuk dimodifikasi lebih gahar. Lihat saja Wrangler JK keluaran 2012 ini yang dimodifikasi dengan gaya mencolok. Mobil ini ialah hasil modifikasi JAS Motor, yang bermarkas di Tangerang, Banten. Dari baju luarnya Wrangler JK ini tampil mencolok dengan kombinasi warna merah putih yang segar. ( Baca Juga: Jeep Rubicon Tak Berdaya Kejar Yamaha NMAX, Terguling Hingga Batu-batu Berhamburan )

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The last time an NRL team opened up a six-point lead in June, they ended up lifting the premiership trophy in October.

Six years on and Melbourne are on track to repeat history after surging three wins clear atop the ladder with a two-point win over the Sydney Roosters on Friday.

Losses by the second-placed Roosters, and third-placed South Sydney this week mean the Storm are clear frontrunners heading into the final third of the season.

However, coach Craig Bellamy warned his men against looking too far ahead.

"I don't take too much notice of the table throughout the year," he said.

"Obviously towards the end of the year you do, where you might finish and where you're capable of finishing, I suppose.

"It's certainly a nice spot to be in, but if we start worrying about the table, the table won't do us any favours.

"We've got to worry about our performance and preparation. Usually if you're performing at a high, consistent level, the table looks after itself.

"We're not going to take too much notice of the table at the moment."

Youngster Ryan Papenhuyzen was one of the Storm's best against the Roosters despite being a late call-up for the injured Jahrome Hughes.

The first-choice No.1 succumbed to a back issue on game day that he aggravated playing for New Zealand in representative round last week.

However, Papenhuyzen filled in with aplomb, carrying the ball for a game-high 229 metres to go with four tackle breaks and a crucial try.

Bellamy credited retired champion fullback Billy Slater for the way his successors have played this year, including new North Queensland fullback Scott Drinkwater.

"Our two fullbacks have gone extremely well since Billy retired," Bellamy said.

"I said earlier in the season he can take a lot of credit for that because he does a lot of the coaching with them.

"I see Scotty Drinkwater scored a try tonight there for the Cowboys down in Wollongong. So we're all really happy that he settled in there well.

"Paps was tremendous tonight. I don't know if he's got Josh Addo-Carr pace, but he's got pace. While he's very small, for an NRL player, he's as tough as nails."

EMBED >More News Videos "They said, 'Just listen to us! Do as we say and you won't get hurt!'"Ann Lury remembers.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- It was a crime that shocked neighbors, family, and the public. A seemingly normal family engaged in a secret life.In August 2012, Scott Catt and his son Hayden walked into a Comerica Bank in Katy wearing white painter suits, masks and baseball caps.Bank teller Ann Lury was talking to her friend and supervisor, Krissia Navarrete, near the front door. The women immediately noticed something wasn't right."You could feel it," Navarrete told ABC13 Eyewitness News. "Like, 'Oh my God, this is so scary.'""They said, 'Just listen to us! Do as we say and you won't get hurt!'" Lury remembers.Scott's 18-year-old daughter Abby waited in the getaway car in the parking lot.The Comerica bank at the corner of I-10 and Fry Road was the first of several the Catt family robbed that year."They took us to the back and they had us all face the wall with our hands up. That's the moment where I started shaking and I said, 'Oh my gosh, I'm not going to see my family anymore, my kids,'" Navarrete said."We would shout something or yell something initially," Hayden Catt tells ABC News in an exclusive new interview from prison. "Definitely not like the movies, or at least ours wasn't like that.""They just said, 'Just listen to us! Do as we say and you won't get hurt!'" Lury says. She remembers hearing Abby's voice counting down over her father's walkie talkie. "Like, 59, 58, 57."They stole $70,000 that day.A few months later, surveillance video from a Katy credit union shows the father and son duo wearing orange construction vests and Hayden had on a fake mustache.On Nov. 9, 2012, Scott, Hayden and Abby were all arrested. Police had identified them by the construction worker vests that Scott directed his children to buy as disguises for the second robbery. They had used his debit card to buy them at a local Home Depot.The Catt family story is the subject of a new "20/20" documentary.In 2015, Abby was released from jail in Fort Bend County after serving her five-year sentence. Now, she says she's not mad at her father for telling her and her brother to rob banks with him."I think, sometimes, I blame myself more than him," Abby says. "I know he loves me. I know he loves me as much as any father. So, it's hard to get what happened.""They don't realize the impact they caused on other individuals," Navarrete told Eyewitness News. "I have nothing to say to her or to any of them. I'm not here to judge anybody, whatever they do, the reasons they had."Scott is serving a 24-year sentence in prison in Navasota. He's eligible for parole in 2024. Hayden is serving 10 years behind bars in Dayton, expected to be released in 2022.

The Constitutional Court (ConCourt) has granted 65 Dunlop employees, who were unfairly dismissed after a 2012 strike at the company, leave to appeal their dismissal.

It held that an employer "may not dismiss an employee for participating in a protected strike or for any conduct in contemplation or furtherance of a protected strike".

Dunlop employees had embarked on a weeks-long protected strike from August 22, 2012. The picket was met with several allegations of violence, intimidation and damage to property. A month later, on September 26, the company dismissed the employees who were on strike.

While the 65 employees were not positively and individually identified as having been present when the alleged violence was committed during the strike, they were, however, also dismissed for "derivative" misconduct.

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) disputed the employee's dismissals, basing its argument on fairness. They were reinstated.

The Labour Court (LC) and Labour Appeal Court (LAC) had, however, held that the employees, although they were said to have not been positively and individually identified, as part of the strike, had a duty to aid the employers by identifying those who were part of it.

The courts also held that by remaining silent, the employees were guilty of derivative misconduct.

The LC then set aside the arbitration award that was handed down and the Labour Appeals Court confirmed the order.

This saw Numsa approaching the ConCourt seeking leave to appeal the order, arguing that both the courts (the LC and LAC) had incorrectly defined derivative misconduct by setting obligations on striking workers to tell on their colleagues even if they had no evidence to prove who took part in the strike.

However, Dunlop counter-argued that the dismissals were procedurally fair, because of the circumstances of the strike.

The ConCourt, in a unanimous decision delivered by Justice Johan Froneman, held that it would be wrong to use the duty to disclose as an easier means to dismiss employees, rather than dismissing them for being individually present in the strike and participating in the violence.

It also held that the dismissal of an employee under the Labour Relations Act was unfair if the employer failed to prove that the reason for the dismissal was a good reason related to the employee's conduct or capacity, or the employer's operational requirements.

"In a similar vein, an employee may forfeit the immunity for participating in a protected strike or for any conduct in contemplation or in furtherance of a protected strike and may be fairly dismissed for a reason relating to the employee's conduct or for a reason based on the employer's operational requirements," Justice Froneman's judgment read.

The ConCourt also ruled that for an employer to impose a unilateral obligation on an employee to disclose information to an employer about the participation of a co-employee in misconduct in a protected strike would be akin to imposing a fiduciary duty on them.

In the context of a strike, the imposition of a unilateral duty to disclose would undermine the collective bargaining power of workers by requiring decisive action in the interests of the employer without any concomitant obligation on the part of the employer to give something, the judgment further stated.

It added that in the context of a strike, the employer's reciprocal duty of good faith would require, at the very least, that employees' safety should be guaranteed before expecting them to disclose information on misconduct by their colleagues.

The ConCourt further cautioned that a duty to disclose might have an impact on the right to strike and that the fact that the strike had turned violent did not mean there was no longer the right to strike.

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Menikah Tahun 2012, Akhirnya Carissa Puteri Posting Foto Terbaru Suami Untuk Pertama Kalinya

TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM - Sejak pernikahannya pada 2012 silam,   Carissa Puteri   memang jarang mengekspos foto dengan suaminya.

Suami pemain film Ayat-ayat Cinta ini bernama Navies Abdullah Naif

Sebagaimana diketahui, sebelum melanjutkan ke jenjang yang lebih serius, keduanya telah menjalin hubungan selama 3,5 tahun lamanya.

Sejak pacaran hingga usia pernikahan mereka kini menginjak tujuh tahun, namun nyatanya Carissa enggan memperlihatkan wajah sang suami secara jelas ke publik.

Ibu 2 anak ini memang sangat 'pelit' membicarakan soal kisah asmaranya ke publik.

Di akun Instagram pribadinya,   @carissa_puteri , ia hampir tak pernah mengunggah foto bersama suaminya.

Wanita berusia 34 tahun ini hanya memamerkan kebersamaan dengan putranya.

Bukan tanpa alasan, Carissa pernah menyebut jika suaminya itu enggan tersorot kamera layaknya   public figure.

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Namun, baru-baru ini Carissa membuat warganet terkejut dengan kemunculan sang suami.

It didn’t take long for the political classes to decide that the biggest loser in part two of the first Democratic primary debate was former Vice President Joe Biden. California Sen. Kamala Harris ripped Biden for bragging about maintaining relationships with segregationists, leading Biden to bizarrely defend the right of local governments to pursue segregation as a policy. And the moderators raised his vote for the Iraq War while in the Senate.

The most unlikely Biden callout, though, came in the form of a recent history lesson by longshot candidate Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet. Bennet turned one of Biden’s own talking points back on him by pointing out the former vice president’s revisionist version of when he was taken to the cleaners by Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.

Biden attempted to defend his acumen for negotiating with Republicans during Thursday night’s debate by citing his ability in late 2012 to convince McConnell to raise taxes. The problem for Biden was that multiple people on stage had witnessed Biden’s effort, and it was an utter catastrophe for Democrats.

Bennet jumped on Biden, laying out the reality of Biden’s faceplant. The episode was the subject of an Intercept article published earlier this week, drawn from my new book, which looked back at the pivotal “fiscal cliff” negotiations.

Tax cuts from the George W. Bush era were set to expire, which would have brought $3 trillion in revenue to the federal government over 10 years. Biden settled with McConnell for a mere $600 billion, making the rest of the tax cuts permanent.

“I got Mitch McConnell to raise taxes $600 billion!” Biden said.

Bennet wasn’t having it. “The deal that he talked about with Mitch McConnell was a complete victory for the tea party,” Bennet said. “That was a great deal for Mitch McConnell. It was a terrible deal for Americans.”

Fact check: True.

Biden botched the late 2012 talks badly, but the cascading effects of the deal were even more damaging for Democrats. The deal did not address the debt limit and punted what’s known as the sequester — automatic spending cuts — only to March, rather than eliminating it, as Democrats had been pushing for.

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