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Rangkaian Final NBA, Toronto Raptors Vs Warriors, Ini Jadwalnya

31 Mei 08.00 WIB di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario

3 Juni 07.00 WIB di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario

10 Juni 08.00 WIB di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario*

13 Juni 08.00 WIB di Oracle Arena, California*

16 Juni 07.00 WIB di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario*

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Toronto Raptors untuk pertama kalinya menjejaki babak final NBA , setelah menyingkirkan Milwaukee Bucks dari final Wilayah Timur dengan skor 4-2. Di final NBA, Raptors bakal menghadapi Golden State Warriors yang sudah lima musim beruntun masuk final dan memenangi tiga dari empat penampilan terakhir mereka. Pemain Terbaik (MVP) Final NBA dua musim terakhir, Kevin Durant, kemungkinan masih absen pada pertandingan-pertandingan awal melawan Raptors. Namun, Warriors tanpa Durant membuka kesempatan kepada Stephen Curry, pemain yang menyabet gelar MVP NBA 2014/2015 dan 2015/2016, untuk melejit kembali.

Sedangkan Kawhi Leonard menjadi motor kebangkitan Raptors yang menang empat pertandingan beruntun untuk membalikkan ketertinggalan 0-2 menjadi kemenangan 4-2 dari Bucks pada final Timur. Raptors pada musim reguler membukukan 58 kemenangan dan 24 kali kalah (58-24). Mereka unggul satu pertandingan dibandingkan Warriors dengan catatan 57-25. Karena itu, Raptors punya keuntungan main di kandang lebih dulu serta empat kali main di kandang jika diperlukan. Rangkaian final akan dibuka dengan dua laga di kandang Raptors, Scotiabank Arena, sebelum dilanjutkan dua pertandingan berikutnya di Oracle Arena, markas Warriors. Berikut jadwal rangkaian final NBA 2018-2019 seturut laman resmi NBA: 31 Mei di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario 3 Juni di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario 6 Juni di Oracle Arena, California 8 Juni di Oracle Arena, California 10 Juni di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario * 13 Juni di Oracle Arena, California * 16 Juni di Scotiabank Arena, Ontario * *jika dibutuhkan

- Raptors melaju ke Final NBA untuk kali pertama, menjadi finalis pertama dari luar Amerika Serikat.

- Golden State Warriors menyamai Boston Celtics menjadi satu-satunya tim yang bisa melaju ke final untuk lima kali beruntun. Warriors kini mengejar rekor Celtics menjadi satu-satunya tim yang bisa empat kali juara dalam lima tahun. Mereka berpeluang menjadi tim pertama yang menang tiga kali beruntun sejak LA Lakers pada 2000-2002.

- Jika bisa menjadi juara, Warriors akan meraih gelar juara untuk kali ketujuh. Mereka akan menyamai prestasi Chicago Bulls yang menempati posisi ketiga sebagai pemegang gelar juara NBA terbanyak. Celtics mengantongi 17 gelar juara, diikuti Lakers sebanyak 16 kali.

- Skuat Raptors menggambarkan keberagaman kota mereka, Toronto. Mereka punya pemain asal Inggris (OG Anunoby), Kanada (Chris Boucher), Spanyol (Marc Gasol), Republik Kongo (Serge Ibaka), dan Kamerun (Pascal Siakam). Presiden klub, Masai Ujiri berasal dari Nigeria.

- Jika Kevin Durant kembali dari cedera betis, itu akan menciptakan duel fenomenal melawan Kawhi Leonard. Banyak orang yang mendebatkan siapakah di antara Durant dan Leonard yang akan mendapatkan label sebagai pemain free agent dengan harga tertinggi pada musim panas ini.

- Kevin Durant dipastikan absen pada gim pertama Final NBA 2019 karena cedera. Jika bisa kembali turun, dia berkesempatan memenangi gelar Most Valuable Player Final NBA untuk kali ketiga beruntun. Pemain yang pernah mencatatkan raihan istimewa tersebut hanya Michael Jordan dan Shaquille O'Neal.

- Ayah Stephen Curry, Dell, pernah memperkuat Toronto Raptors selama tiga musim. Istri Curry, Ayesha, lahir dan tumbuh di Toronto. Pada usia 14 tahun dia baru pindah ke Charlotte dan bertemu Curry.

- Steve Kerr adalah pelatih pertama dalam sejarah NBA yang bisa selalu mencapai final dalam lima tahun beruntun awal kariernya. Dua juga bergabung dengan enam pelatih lain yang minimal telah mencapai lima laga Final NBA, yaitu Phil Jackson (13)), Red Auerbach (11), Pat Riley (9), John Kundla (6), Gregg Popovich (6), dan K.C. Jones (5).

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Final basket NBA akan dibuka di Toronto, Jumat dan Minggu pekan ini, sebelum pindah ke Oakland, California, pada 5 Juni. NBA mengumumkan jadwal lengkap final berformat  best-of-seven  antara Golden State Warriors yang melangkah ke final lima kali berturut-turut, melawan Toronto Raptors. Warriors memenangkan tiga dari empat final NBA terakhir. Raptors yang bergabung dengan liga NBA saat diperluas pada 1995, untuk pertama kalinya masuk final NBA. Warriors menyapu Portland Trail Blazers 4-0, sedangkan Raptors menang 4-2 melawan Milwaukee Bucks pada final wilayah.

Toronto memenangkan dua pertandingan musim reguler mereka musim ini menghadapi Golden State: masing-masing 131-128 di kandangnya dengan melewati  overtime  pada 29 November, diikuti kemenangan 113-93 di Oakland pada 12 Desember. Jadwal Final NBA Gim 1: Jumat, 31 Mei, di Toronto, 09.00 WIB Gim 2: Senin, 3 Juni, di Toronto, 08.00 WIB Gim 3: Kamis, 6 Juni, di Oakland, 09.00 WIB Gim 4: Sabtu, 8 Juni, di Okland, 09.00 WIB *Gim 5: Selasa, 11 Juni, di Toronto, 09.00 WIB *Gim 6: Jumat, 14 Juni, di Oakland, 09.00 WIB *Gim 7: Senin, 17 Juni, di Toronto, 08.00 WIB *Jika diperlukan

Toronto Raptors untuk kali pertama lolos ke final NBA. (REUTERS/John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports) Toronto Raptors untuk kali pertama lolos ke final NBA. (REUTERS/John E. Sokolowski-USA TODAY Sports)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --vsakan terjadi padasetelah Raptors mengalahkan Milwaukee Bucks 100-94 pada game keenam final Wilayah Timur di Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Sabtu (25/5) malam waktu setempat.Kawhi Leonard kembali menjadi bintang kemenangan Raptors setelah mencetak 27 poin, 17 rebound dan tujuh assist di laga ini. Di kubu ada Giannis Antetokounmpo sebagai pendulang poin terbanyak dengan 21 poin dan 11 rebound.Setelah mengalahkan Bucks 4-2, ini adalah kali pertama Raptors lolos ke babak final NBA. Tim asuhan Nick Nurse akan menantang Warriors yang berstatus juara bertahan NBA dalam dua musim terakhir. Warriors melangkah ke final NBA untuk lima musim beruntun setelah menyapu bersih kemenangan 4-0 atas Portland Trail Blazers di final Wilayah Barat.Raptors sedang menjalani musim terbaik sepanjang sejarah 24 tahun klub tersebut. Para pendukung Raptors sempat mengkritik manajemen klub setelah menukar bintang DeMar DeRozan dengan Leonard. Namun, keputusan itu membuahkan hasil positif.Raptors sendiri berhasil meraih kemenangan dalam dua pertemuan melawan Warriors di musim reguler musim ini. Pertemuan pertama musim ini terjadi di Toronto, 29 November 2018, ketika Raptors menang 131-128. Sementara pada pertemuan kedua di Golden State, 12 Desember 2018, Raptors menang 113-93 atas Warriors.Game pertama final NBA 2019 yang menggunakan best of seven akan dimulai di Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, pada Kamis (30/5) malam waktu setempat. Warriors tidak akan diperkuat Kevin Durant dan DeMarcus Cousins di game pertama karena mengalami cedera. - Dua tim terkuat dari dua wilayah, Timur dan Barat, siap bertarung untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam laga Final NBA 2019.

Sang juara bertahan Golden State Warriors yang juga menjadi juara di Konferensi Barat akan menghadapi juara Konferensi Timur, Toronto Raptors .

Kedua tim bersiap mencetak sejarah. Bagi Raptors, ini merupakan kali pertama tim asal Kanada itu melaju ke laga Final NBA . Tentu jadi juara akan menjadi rekor manis bagi Kawhi Leonard, Kyle Lowry, dkk.

Sedangkan, Golden State Warriors akan bertarung keras untuk menjadi juara tiga kali berturut-turut atau three peat .

Jika juara, Stephen Curry dkk akan bergabung dalam klub elite yang pernah memenangkan three peat , seperti Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, dan Los Angeles Lakers.

Bagi pencinta bola basket di Tanah Air, simak jadwal Final NBA 2019 dalam infografik berikut:

NBA 2018-2019 telah memasuki partai final, yang mana bakal mempertemukan antara sang juara bertahan, yakni Golden State Warriors , yang akan ditantang oleh Toronto Raptors. Warriors sampai ke final usai berhasil menjadi yang terbaik di wilayah barat lantaran mampu mengalahkan Portland Trail Blazers dengan 4-0. Lalu Raptors melaju ke final setelah berhasil menumbangkan tim kuat dari wilayah timur, yaitu Milwaukee Bucks.

Bagi Warrios, mencapai babak final bukanlah sesuatu hal yang baru. Apalagi mereka memang juara bertahan pada musim 2017-2018 yang lalu. Akan tetapi, bagi Raptors mencapai final di kompetisi 2018-2019 merupakan suatu hal sangat membanggakan. Pasalnya itu menjadi final pertama yang dicapai Raptors selama mereka tampil di ajang NBA.

Baca Juga: Tekuk Blazers Secara Dramatis di Game Ke-4, Warriors ke Final NBA 2018-2019

Tentu akan sangat menarik menyaksikan bagaimana Raptors menjalani final NBA pertamanya saat melawan Warriors nanti. Apakah tim final debutan itu mampu mengalahkan sang juara bertahan? Atau apakah Warriors yang tetap tampil dominan hingga akhirnya menjadi jawara di musim kali ini? Patut dinantikan bagaimana aksi kedua tim terbaik NBA 2018-2019 itu di laga-laga final mendatang.

Secara di atas kertas, Raptors jelas tak terlalu diunggulkan ketimbang Warriors. Namun, tim asuhan Nick Nurse itu tetap memiliki harapan. Sementara Warriors yang diunggulkan di final kali ini tampaknya masih belum bisa menurunkan pemain terbaiknya, yakni Kevin Durant, yang masih berkutat dengan cedera lututnya.

Kendati begitu, meski tanpa Durant sekali pun Warriors tetaplah sangat berbahaya. Mereka masih memiliki pemain andalan lain yang mampu memenangkan tim tersebut. Sebut saja seperti Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, dan masih banyak lainnya. Karena itu, Warriors tetaplah menjadi ancaman yang kuat untuk Raptors di final NBA 2018-2019 nanti.

Game 1 : Golden State Warriors vs Toronto Raptors, Jumat 31 Mei 2019 pukul 08.00 WIB

Game 2 : Golden State Warriors vs Toronto Raptors, Senin 3 Juni 2019 pukul 07.00 WIB

Game 3: Toronto Raptors vs Golden State Warriors, Kamis 6 Juni 2019 pukul 08.00 WIB

Game 4: Toronto Raptors vs Golden State Warriors, Sabtu 8 Juni 2019 pukul 08.00 WIB

Game 5: Golden State Warriors vs Toronto Raptors, Senin 10 Juni 2019*

Game 6: Toronto Raptors vs Golden State Warriors, Kamis 13 Juni 2019*

Game 7: Golden State Warriors vs Toronto Raptors, Kamis 16 Juni 2019*

Draymond Green is on the edge.

Green, the Warriors’ volatile big man, has been receiving praise for having stepped up his game a great deal in these playoffs following a late-season decision to lose weight, but he has also been much more measured, on and off the court. He comes into the series with four technical points — just three away from a mandatory one-game suspension — but he has not received one for arguing with officials since Game 1 of the conference semifinals, a span of nine games.

Fine, let’s talk about Drake.

Considering Kawhi Leonard’s notable silence, Toronto’s answer to Draymond Green’s trash talking may be one of the team’s fans: Drake. The rapper is known for being a pest on the sidelines, but the Warriors do not seem particularly concerned. Golden State Coach Steve Kerr made a self-described “dad joke” about Drake calling him on his cellphone, and Curry defended Drake’s rights to be himself.

“It’s been entertaining,” Curry said. “I know it’s a tricky situation with him being right there on the court, but at the end of the day, he’s having fun, having — you can’t hate on nobody having fun.” After considering his answer, Curry added: “Well, I guess in this life everybody hates on people having fun. So it’s par for the course on that one.”

Stephen Curry is back (but he never left).

Remember earlier this month when people started openly wondering if it was time to talk about Curry disappearing in the playoffs? The two-time most valuable player has temporarily ended that discussion by scoring 30 or more points in each of his last five postseason games. In 2015 he had a streak of four playoff games with 30 or more points, but the addition of Kevin Durant changed things considerably; Curry’s longest streak in the last two postseasons was just two games.

Toronto has discovered a new weapon from long range: Fred VanVleet.

No one in the league can claim to be on a hotter shooting streak than VanVleet. The backup point guard shot 82.4 percent from 3-point range (14 for 17) in the final three games of the Eastern Conference finals against the Milwaukee Bucks. Up until that point he had been shooting 19.5 percent (8 for 41) from long distance.

DeMarcus Cousins could make the difference for Golden State.

Golden State’s DeMarcus Cousins, who has been out since April 15 with a severe quadriceps injury, will be active Thursday night for Game 1 of the N.B.A. finals between the Warriors and Raptors in Toronto, according to Golden State’s coach, Steve Kerr.

Cousins, who came to Golden State last summer amid great fanfare — and ample derision from people who thought his addition made the team even more unbeatable — has proved to be a significant liability on defense. His limitations could be more pronounced as he works his way back into shape, but there is also the chance that he will pay dividends by providing a different look on offense.

Toronto - Toronto Raptors mengalahkan Milwaukee Bucks 100-94 di game 6 final Wilayah Timur. Kawhi Leonard dkk pun meraih tiket final NBA perdananya sepanjang sejarah. Bertanding di Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Sabtu (25/5/2019) waktu setempat, Raptors sempat tertinggal 18-31 di kuarter pembuka. Namun di tiga kuarter selanjutnya, Raptors berbalik menang 25-19, 28-26, dan 29-18, dengan skor akhir 100-94.

Kemenangan itu membuat Raptors menjadi unggul 4-2 di final wilayah timur NBA dalam pertarungan enam game. Tim asuhan Nick Nurse itu pun merebut tiket final NBA untuk pertama kalinya sepanjang sejarah tim. Selanjutnya, Raptors sudah ditunggu Golden State Warriors. Stephen Curry dkk sebelumnya merebut tiket final usai mengandaskan perlawanan Portland Trail Blazers 4-0. Rangkaian pertandingan final NBA akan mulai digelar mulai 31 Mei mendatang WIB. Raptors diagendakan menjamu Warriors lebih dulu di Scotiabank pada game pertama. (yna/fem)

NBA: Game 1 of the NBA Finals... and of course Drake is courtside causing theatrics! Trolling Steph Curry by wearing his dad's Raptors jersey.

The Golden State Warriors’ quest for a three-peat is off to a shaky start after Toronto answered every challenge in a convincing 118-109 win at home in Game One of the NBA Finals.

Paskal Siakam was incredible in his first finals game, scoring 32 points on 14/17 shooting and adding five assists and eight rebounds. “A breathtaking performance,” ESPN commentator Mike Breen said.

Kawhi Leonard wasn’t at the same level he’s been at for most of the playoffs but found a way to get to the free throw line on his way to 23 points and Marc Gasol came up big with 20 points and seven rebounds before fouling out late in the game.

That was one more bulk scorer than the Warriors had. Steph Curry recorded his sixth consecutive playoff game with 30 or more points by hitting 34 — including 14/14 free throws — while Klay Thompson was 8/17 from the field for 21 points.

But there was a big gap to the next best for Golden State. Draymond Green had a triple double with 10 points, 10 assists and 10 rebounds but it wasn’t enough.

Drake called Dray "trash" immediately after the Raptors won Game 1 😳 — Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) May 31, 2019

Game 2 is on Monday at 10am (AEST).

Raptors have all the answers The Warriors bench pushed hard early in the fourth and closed the gap to three points — but Toronto rallied when it mattered. Pascal Siakam hit his 11th consecutive field goal attempt to move to 30 points before Danny Green hit a wide open three to cap a 10-1 run that made it 100-88. The Warriors didn’t get closer than seven the rest of the way. Share

Siakam has been unstoppable Paskal Siakam is lighting up the NBA Finals, scoring 14 points in the third term to take his tally to 26 and give the Raptors an 88-81 lead. The Raptors forward was 11/13 from the field and 2/3 from three, while also tallying four assists and five rebounds. Steph Curry (26 points) kept the visitors in the game by getting to the foul line (where he was 10/10) but Toronto has been able to respond to every challenge. Golden State’s chances of a fightback could be impacted by Draymond Green’s foul trouble — he picked up his fourth early in the stanza. Toronto’s Marc Gasol also has four. Share

Raptors roar in first half Toronto closed the first half with a 19-8 run to lead by 10 points — despite a somewhat subdued opening by star Kawhi Leonard. Leonard started 2/7 from the field and picked up his third foul late in the second stanza but his teammates picked up the slack. Marc Gasol (14 points) and Pascal Siakam (12 points) led the way before a late triple by Danny Green (eight points) got the lead to double digits. Steph Curry and Klay Thompson combined for 22 points but needed 22 shots to get there as the Warriors also coughed up 10 turnovers. Marc Gasol is the best player on the floor? — Paolo Uggetti (@PaoloUggetti) May 31, 2019 Share

Boogie is back and handing out treats DeMarcus Cousins got his first minutes off the bench early in the second quarter and immediately made an impact. The returning centre missed his first couple of shots but found Klay Thompson for a dunk and Jonas Jerebko for a three-pointer for two assists in a four-minute stint. SWEDISH LARRY IS HERE — Bill Simmons (@BillSimmons) May 31, 2019 Both teams found themselves in the penalty midway through the second quarter and after two Fred Van Vleet misses from the stripe the Warriors scored five consecutive points to retake a 41-40 lead. Share

Curry, Drake square-off *Beef intensifies*

Drake: "You got something in your hair. Hold still. K, got it."

Steph: "Thx." — Yahoo Sports NBA (@YahooSportsNBA) May 31, 2019 Steph Curry made some history early in Game 1 as he became the first player to record 100 made three-pointers in the NBA Finals. Playing in his fifth finals, Curry went 3/6 from deep in the opening quarter but played a lone hand with 11 of Golden State’s 21 points. Marc Gasol made two early three-pointers and led Toronto with eight points as the Raptors nudged in front 25-21 at quarter time despite just three points from Kawhi Leonard. The Raptors ain't scared. This gonna be good ... — Marc Stein (@TheSteinLine) May 31, 2019 Share

Raptors firing at will Eight of Toronto’s first nine attempts from the field came from deep — and they connected on three to keep pace with the Warriors in the opening minutes. It was a fast-paced opening with both teams pushing the ball in transition. Can something be tense and loose at the same time? Asking for the first 4.5 minutes of Game 1. — Dan Devine (@YourManDevine) May 31, 2019 Share

Bell to start at centre for Warriors DeMarcus Cousins will start on the bench after declaring himself available for Game 1. Australia’s Andrew Bogut will also start as a substitute after Jordan Bell was preferred as the starting centre. Share

Larry Legend says Kawhi No. 1 Larry Bird says Kawhi Leonard is “playing as good as anyone’s ever played in this league through the playoffs.” But Bird also knows the Toronto Raptors face a new level of pressure in their first NBA Finals. The three-time NBA champion says of the finals: “If you’ve never been there before and you never played in it, it’s a different animal.” The Warriors have been here before, winning three titles in the last four years. Bird is especially impressed with a couple of Klay Thompson’s standout performances, including one he saw in person when the Golden State guard scored 60 points against the Indiana Pacers in just 29 minutes. Bird says the Warriors are “doing things with the 3-point line that I didn’t think would ever happen in this league, so obviously they’re a great basketball team and a great champion. But Toronto’s got a great chance.” Share

Drake update for those who care Drake going with the Dell Curry jersey tonight — Rob Perez (@WorldWideWob) May 31, 2019 Drake is wearing a Curry jersey for Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Dell Curry, that is. Stephen Curry’s father ended his career as a member of the Raptors, and Drake was wearing his purple-and-black No. 30 jersey as he watched from his courtside seat near the Raptors’ bench. He also has a conveniently placed sweatband around his arm to cover up his Steph Curry and Kevin Durant tattoos. The rapper and Raptors’ global ambassador was animated well before the game started, gesturing to fans and arena workers all around him. Commissioner Adam Silver said the league had talked to Drake and his manager about some of his antics — he rubbed Toronto coach Nick Nurse’s shoulders during one game in the conference finals — and Silver says he believed they ended the discussions in a good place. Share

Durant unlikely in Game 2 Golden State star Kevin Durant will miss Game 1 of the NBA Finals with his strained calf muscle, and Game 2 might not be in his plans either. Warriors coach Steve Kerr says that “it’s a long shot” that Durant will be able to practice with the team in Toronto before Game 2 of the title series against the Raptors. Kerr has said that Durant won’t be back in a game until he practices with the team. So that means Durant seems unlikely to return before Game 3 — at the earliest. Kerr says Durant has been doing some on-court workouts, but there still is no concrete plan for when the 2017 and 2018 NBA Finals MVP can rejoin practices. Durant was hurt in Game 5 of the Warriors’ second-round series against Houston. DeMarcus Cousins is available though. Kerr said he would “pick and choose when we feel like the best time to put him in is”. Share

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