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Viral! Isu Beredar Video Jonatan Christie Dikaitkan Atlet Masturbasi, Jojo Fokus Kejuaraan Asia 2019

Viral Kabar Beredar Video Jonatan Christie Dikaitkan Atlet Masturbasi Jojo Fokus Kejuaraan Asia 2019

TRIBUNJAMBI.COM - Sedang ramai jadi perbincangan video atlet masturbasi yang beredar di media sosial.

Satu diantara atlet yang namanya dikait-kaitkan yakni Jonatan Christie pebulu tangkis Indonesia peraih medali emas Asian Games 2018.

Atlet yang akrab dipanggil Jojo ini namanya dikait-kaitkan dengan peredaran video mesum atlet masturbasi .

Tunggal putra Indonesia, Jonatan Chtistie diterpa kabar tak sedap baru saja disangkut pautkan dengan sebuah video panas masturbasi yang tengah beredar di media sosial.

Baca: Bayi Elang Jawa Ditemukan di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Kelahiran Garuda Disambut Gembira

Baca: Bupati Asahan Meninggal, Foto Tangan Kurus Taufan Gama Simatupang Gengam Istri Banjir Ucapan duka melansir dari BolaStylo, kejadian tersangkutnya nama Jonatan itu bermula dari sebuah akun twitter yang mengeluarkan deretan nama yang terlibat dalam sebuah video panas.

Dalam daftar nama tersebut ada nama Jonatan Christie.

Netizen pun kemudian menemukan sebuah video laki-laki yang diduga sebagai Jonatan Christie tengah melakukan masturbasi .

Meski begitu, banyak netizen yang menjelaskan jika pria di dalam video tersebut bukanlah Jonatan Christie .

"Pas sesudah asian games juga rame kan? Tapi udah di klarifikasi sama jojo katanya hoax itu mah bukan dia. Udah dilaporin ke polisi juga," tulis seorang netizen.

Jojo Kian Melemah, Anthony Ginting malah Menanjak naik ke Rangking 7 Dunia.

TRIBUNSTYLE.COM - Tak disangka atlet bulu tangkis tunggal putra Indonesia, Jojo alias Jonathan Christie tergusur oleh Sinisuka Ginting di rangking dunia.

Dikutip dari berbagai sumber pada Senin (22/4/2019) ternnyata diam-diam Anthony Sinisuka Ginting baru saja menyalip sekaligus menggusur Jonatan Christie.

Hal tersebut tentu saja membuat banyak kalangan menilai, apakah Jojo kini kian melemah?

• Ikuti Ujian CPNS 2018, Para Atlet Bulutangkis ini Kompak Lakukan Gerakan yang Sama, Kecuali Jojo!

• Jonatan Christie Ulang Tahun ke 21, Ternyata Ini Cara Unik Jojo Hadapi Haters

• Ginting, Jojo, & Ihsan Naik Daun, Pelatih Ungkap Kisah di Balik Suksesnya: Belajar dari Kekalahan

Dalam rangking daftar terbaru di pekan 16 yang diterbtitkan Federasi Bulutangkis Dunia alias BWF.

Tak disangka Anthony Ginting yang pada pekan sebelumnya bertengger di rangking 9 dunia, kini melompat ke peringkat 7.

Juara China Open 2018 tersebut merebut rangking 7 dunia dari tangan tunggal putra India, Kidambi Srikanth.

Tak cuma menggusur Kidambi, Anthony Ginting juga menjebloskan Jojo ke rangking 9.

Sebelumnya Jojo, memiliki prestasi mentereng seperti peraih medali emas Asian Games 2018 yang akhirnya menobatkan dirinya sebagai tunggal putra terbaik nomer 8 di rangking dunia.

Namun, karena penampilannya yang kurang bergitu secemerlang tahun terakhir, Jojo terdepak di peringkat ke-9.

Sedangkan raihan positif yang terus diraih Anthony Sinisuka Ginting naik ke rangking 7 dunia setelah mendapatkan tambahan poin 3000 poin usai menjadi finalis Singapore Open 2019.

Saat ini Anthony Giting telah mengoleksi poin sebesar 63.730.

Sekitar sepekan yang lalu Anthony Ginting hanya memiliki 60.780 poin.  ( Isriadhi)

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TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Berikut hasil drawing New Zealand Open 2019 , Jonatan Christie akan jalani laga perang saudara di babak pertama.

Sejumlah pemain top dunia asal Indonesia akan tampil dalam New Zealand Open 2019 yang akan berlangsung selama enam hari mulai 30 April - 5 Mei 2019.

Mereka adalah Anthony Sinisuka Ginting (1), Jonatan Christie (3), Tommy Sugiarto (2), Gregoria Mariska Tunjung (5), Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan (2), Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu (5), dan Hafiz Faizal/Gloria Imanuelle Widjaja (4).

Para pemain Indonesia harus bekerja keras sejak awal turnamen untuk mengejar gelar juara.

Sebanyak 24 wakil Indonesia akan bertanding di Eventfinda Stadium, Auckland, New Zealand, Senin (30/4/2019).

Tiga di antaranya akan mengikuti babak kualifikasi terlebih dulu.

Mereka adalah tunggal putra Yehezkiel Fritz Mainaky, Henrikho Kho Wibowo, dan ganda putra, Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/Bagas Maulana.

Gelaran turnamen New Zealand Open 2019 ini akan menarik untuk ditonton.

Pasalnya, pada turnamen New Zealand Open 2018 silam tak ada wakil dari Indonesia yang berhasil meraih juara.

Tunggal putra Jonatan Christie dan ganda putra Berry Angriawan/Hardianto harus puas menempati podium kedua setelah kalah menghadapi masing-masing lawan.

Pada babak pertama kali ini, Jojo harus dihadapkan pada laga perang saudara melawan kompatriotnya sendiri.

Berikut sajikan hasil drawing New Zealand Open 2019 melansir dari BWF :

Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/Bagas Maulana vs Chang Tak Ching/Yeung Ming Nok (Hong Kong)

Anthony Sinisuka Ginting (1) vs Brice Leverdez (Prancis)

Gregoria Mariska Tunjung (5) vs Zhang Yiman (Tiongkok)

Lyanny Alessandra Mainaky vs Saena Kawakami (Jepang)

Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Frengky Wijaya Putra vs Lee Jhe-Huei/Yang Po-Hsuan (Taipei)

Akbar Bintang Cahyono/Moh Reza pahlevi Isfahani vs Kualifikasi 4

Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan (2) vs Lu Ching Yao/Yang Po Han (Taipei)

Yulfira Barkah/Jauza Fadhila Sugiarto vs Vivian Hoo/Yap Cheng Wen (Malaysia)

Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu (5) vs Pai Yu Po/Wu Ti Jung (Taipei)

Agatha Imanuela/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti vs Akane Araki/Riko Imai (Jepang)

Della Destiara Haris/Rizki Amelia Pradipta vs Ng Wing Yung/Yeung Nga Ting (Hong Kong)

Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti vs Pranaav Jerry Chopra/Reddy N Sikki (India)

Hafiz Faizal/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja vs Kualifikasi 4

Akbar Bintang Cahyono/Annisa Saufika vs Maika Phillips/Anona Pak (Selandia Baru)

Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari vs Tan Kian meng/Lai Pei Jing (Malaysia)

WowKeren - Pebulutangkis Jonatan Christie sedang berjuang untuk Kejuaraan Asia 2019. Namun disaat momen bergengsi itu digelar di Tiongkok mulai 23 April hingga 28 April, Jonatan malah diterpa isu miring.

Pebulutangkis berusia 21 tahun itu disebut sebagai atlet berinisial JC yang tampil dalam video masturbasi. Sebelumnya, viral sejumlah video 7 artis dan 1 atlet yang sedang melakukan masturbasi.

Video-video itu kabarnya tersebar di Twitter. Selain Jonatan, Richard Kyle juga diterpa isu serupa. Selain itu, muncul rumor kalau Kriss Hatta menjadi salah satu sosok di video masturbasi lainnya.

Rumor miring soal video JC itu sempat disoroti Kabid Pembinaan Prestasi PP PBSI, Susi Susanti. Mantan atlet senior itu menduga kalau video tersebut cuma rekayasa. Ia menilai Jojo cuma jadi korban fitnah pihak tak bertanggung jawab.

Biasanya kalau orang naik kan nyari-nyari lah, mungkin bisa saja mukanya bisa dipakai, mungkin saja bisa kayak begitu, kita tidak tahu juga. Apalagi sekarang, bener gak? yang benar bisa menjadi salah, yang salah menjadi benar," kata Susi. "Kalau saya selalu positif ya, karena kalau betul-betul ada buktinya, kalau apa, itu saja bisa direkayasa."

"Selama ini kami mengarahkan dia fokus ke badminton, kalau sampai dia begitu, aduh saya sih kayak tak yakin," lanjut Susi. "Sampai ramai-ramai kiri kanan. Kalau melihat figurnya si atlet sih saya yakin enggak, melihat dari hari-harinya."


Paranormal Mbah Mijan sempat ikut angkat bicara. Mbah Mijan mengaku tak tertarik melihat video syur tersebut.

"Baru kali ini dapet kabar video syur tapi aku gak tertarik sama sekali mencari linknya," kata Mbah Mijan. "Soalnya, aku juga punya pentungan hansip."

Mbah Mijan mengaku diteror DM yang menanyai pendapatnya soal video syur itu. Namun ia kembali menegaskan tak tahu apapun.

"DM Bejibun, nanyain soal video syur diduga KH," kata Mbah Mijan. "Ya mana gue tahu, ini aja baru tahu dari berita."

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Saksikan live streaming Badminton Asia Championships 2019 (Kejuaraan Bulutangkis Asia) mulai Selasa (23/4/2019)

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID - Jadwal dan live streaming Badminton Asia Championships 2019 (Kejuaraan Bulutangkis Asia) mulai pada Selasa (23/4/2019) - Minggu (28/4/2019).

Badminton Asia Championships 2019 tidak disiarkan langsung di TVRI, namun link Live Streaming Kejuaraan Bulutangkis Asia dapat diakses di website penyedia streaming bulutangkis di antaranya smashnation7 dan youtube BWF.

Live streaming Badminton Asia Championships 2019 juga dapat diakses di streaming akun BWF.

Namun Youtube BWF hanya menyiarkan langsung mulai babak perempat final dan memerlukan VPN untuk dapat menonton live streaming Badminton Asia Championships 2019.

Baca: Live Streaming RCTI Chelsea vs Burnley Liga Inggris, Manfaatkan Kekalahan Arsenal & Tottenham

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20 wakil pebulu tangkis Indonesia siap bertanding di kejuaraan ini, masing-masing empat wakil pada setiap sektor.

Di sektor tunggal putra ada nama Tommy Sugiarto, Jonatan Christie , Anthony Sinisuka Ginting dan Shesar Hiren Rhustavito.

Untuk sektor tunggal putri, Indonesia mengirimkan Gregoria Mariska Tunjung, Ruselli Hartawan, Fitriani dan Choirunnisa.

Choirunnisa akan memulai perjuangan dari babak kualifikasi grup B bersama Yeung Sum Yee (Hong Kong) dan Amro Domou (Jordania).

Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo sejauh ini masih menjadi andalan Indonesia di Kejuaraan Bulutangkis Asia 2019. - Pemain tunggal putra Anthony Sinisuka Ginting memang gagal menjuarai Singapore Open 2019. Di babak final, Anthony  dikalahkan Kento Momota di turnamen level Super 500 itu. Meski demikian, Ginting tetap berbangga. Sebab, lolos ke final menjadikan peringkat terbaru Ginting yang disusun Federasi Bulu Tangkis Dunia (BWF) per 16 April ini  menempati urutan tujuh dengan 63.780 poin. Peringkat ini menggeser Jonatan yang turun  pada ranking sembilan (62.132).

Jonatan memang hanya mampu menembus perempat final Singapore Open 2019. Peraih medali emas Asian Games 2018 itu takluk di tangan pebulu tangkis Denmark, Viktor Axelsen.

Sementara, lonjakan drastis dicapai Firman Abdul Kholik yang naik 14 tingkat. Itu berkat kesuksesannya menjuarai Vietnam International Challenge 2019 setelah mengalahkan Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo (+11) pada All Indonesian Final.

Di sisi lain, Momota belum tergoyahkan di puncak. Apalagi, pekan lalu, wakil Jepang ini sukses menjadi yang terbaik pada Singapore Open 2019.

Dalam 10 besar, tidak ada perubahan signifikan. Termasuk, Chen Long yang mengudeta Chou Tien Chen dengan berada di urutan empat.

Sementara itu, sektor ganda putra Indonesia belum mampu mengakhiri paceklik gelar sejak 17 Maret lalu. Tepatnya, setelah Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto menjuarai Swiss Open 2019 yang menyandang level Super 300.

Pada dua turnamen elite berikutnya, tidak ada wakil Merah-Putih yang bertaktha. Yaitu, Malaysia Open 2019 (Super 750) dan Singapore Open 2019 (Super 500).

Hasil tersebut sangat kontras mengingat pada awal tahun, Indonesia sukses menyapu tiga gelar elite. Itu terjadi lewat Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon yang menjuarai Malaysia Masters 2019 dan Indonesia Masters 2019 (keduanya Super 500) dan Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan dengan All England 2019 (Super 1000).

Meski paceklik gelar sepanjang April ini, ganda putra Indonesia sukses menguasai peringkat dunia.

Berdasarkan susunan Federasi Bulu Tangkis Dunia (BWF) per 16 April ini,  terdapat tiga wakil Merah-Putih yang menempati lima besar. Hasil tersebut sangat kontras mengingat pada awal tahun, Indonesia sukses menyapu tiga gelar elite. Itu terjadi lewat Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon yang menjuarai Malaysia Masters 2019 dan Indonesia Masters 2019 (keduanya Super 500) dan Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan dengan All England 2019 (Super 1000). (bam)

The collaboration between JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind and Harajuku and Omotesando is showing off more of its big plans. From snacks to merch to street decorations, we've got the details on the high-fashion event!

First off, visitors to the shopping district will see 14 different character flags at 59 locations around town. The reverse of each flag will be graced with a chibi version of the character from the mobile game JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!

Omotesando's CHAVATY milk tea shop will be selling three JoJo-themed iced tea lattes, as well as a stainless steel straw with a limited-edition cloth carry case:

An exhibit at DESIGN FESTA GALLERY EAST will let you peruse the voice scripts for episodes 1-28 of Golden Wind, along with character panels and tapestries.

Harajuku's MOMI & TOY'S Crêperie will be offering two JoJo-themed crepes: mont blanc for Giorno, and tiramisu for Bruno. Each is decorated to match their respective character, and comes with an acrylic keychain.

Last but not least — at least for now — is the promise of some cool figures and merch, including a Giorno Q Posket and a variety of lottery items:

A collab café sponsored by ANIMAX is still on the books for later this year.

The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind event in Harajuku and Omotesando will roll out in stages starting later this week.

>> Watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure on Crunchyroll

Source: Comic Natalie


Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and interviewer with bylines at VRV, We Are Cult, Fanbyte, and many more. She is also the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. Kara blogs at and tweets @RubyCosmos.

Jakarta  - Di balik isu video panas yang sedang menerpa, pebulu tangkis Jonatan Christie memang mempunyai paras yang cukup tampan. Jojo yang lahir pada 15 September 1997, menjadi pujaan wanita sejak aksi selebrasi lepas kaos di Asian Games 2019.

Yap! Inilah Jonathan Christie waktu dia masih kecil. Pipi tembem dengan ekspresi menggemaskan!

Meski memegang bola di masa kecil, ternyata pas sudah besar Jojo lebih suka bulutangkis.

Hak Cipta:

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind has started to shine in all its gory glory now that King Crimson is after Giorno and his friends. This week, Nick and Micchy steel their stomachs for a deep dive into the show's escalating brutality.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the participants in this chatlog are not the views of Anime News Network . Spoiler Warning for discussion of the series ahead. Not Safe For Work warning for content and language.


Well Nick, since the last time we checked up on our glamorous mafia boys, they'd just betrayed their boss. Now they have a huge target on their backs, but I think they've demonstrated enough awareness of Jojo's logic to recognize an enemy stand user when one turns up. I'm sure they'll be fine--

Oh. Oh no, you can't just get on a plane, no Bruno...!


Bucciarati is about to learn the hardest lesson in Jojo's canon. If he wasn't already a walking corpse after King Crimson, I'd say it would cost him his life.

Bucciarati is about to learn the hardest lesson in Jojo's canon. If he wasn't already a walking corpse after King Crimson, I'd say it would cost him his life.

Luckily, there are other people in his posse he can get killed! Like everyone's favorite piss-for-brains son.

Though now that I think of it, can we really consider them alive when half their bodies are now random objects that Giorno stuck into their wounds? It's a real Ship of Theseus situation.

Yeah Giorno's kinda turned into the team's White Mage this arc, and boy have they needed the help. Apparently Araki took the whole "Giorno can replace body parts" thing as an opportunity to ramp up Jojo's body horror from its usual 8/10 to a god damn 11.

And our poor son Narancia's been hit the worst! Like before he got eaten by John Carpenter's The Thing, he had to deal with getting literally tongue-tied by these Sweatin' To The Oldies motherfuckers.

With any other character in the cast, the conflict in the Talking Head/Crash fight would be resolved pretty easily, as the victim finds a way to communicate the opposite of whatever they're forced to say, but unfortunately Narancia's a goddamn idiot who almost none of the gang takes seriously.

facial expressions.

It also requires everyone be terrible at recognizingfacial expressions.

Yeah I was gonna say, it's a shame the gang are all huge assholes.

Honestly, I've long accepted that everyone in Jojo's is an obtuse moron when it comes to anything but supernatural combat, so it's par for the course that everyone but Giorno just stands around staring at their wine glasses while Narancia fights a toilet shark.

Though I do have to call out Leone "Piss Tea" Abbacchio for being a total hypocrite when Narancia asks him to come to the bathroom with him.

Look, at least Abbacchio managed to monetize his piss thing

Piss aside, I am glad Narancia got another fight, and that he managed to win by outsmarting somebody! Granted, that only worked because his opponents got too horny for each other, but I'll take it as a sign that he's growing.

"We have to be careful or we'll be killed by our mafioso enemy's remote control plane," I whisper softly into my partner's ear while teasing his nipple.

I'd tell you to stop posting your slash-fic in here if you weren't literally describing the real scene. Truly, Araki is way ahead of us.

But Narancia's not even the one who's been doing the most growing up lately. Trish (my girl!) is going through some rough shit right now, and she's handling it like a champ as far as I'm concerned.

She's certainly handling this better than I would've as a 15-year-old. Like, if my dad cut off my hand just to kill me slightly faster, I'd be staying inside that turtle for the rest of my life.

Yeah, we've finally reached one of my favorite parts of the the entire manga: Trish getting her Stand. She's freaking out about dying without ever figuring out where she came from, when suddenly she becomes aware of this latent part of herself that reassures her that she can and will survive.

Spice Girl's debut was really surprising to me. I figured Trish would develop a Stand sooner or later, and shonen power-ups are certainly routine, but it was neat to see a Stand talking directly with its user in such a personal way. Like yeah, we've had Echoes and Sex Pistols, but they've never given such a cogent motivational speech.

Are you telling me "S-H-I-T kill da ho" isn't a motivational speech? I'm shook.

I'm just saying, it's cool that when Trish doubts herself in the face of danger, her own damn self is the one to assure her that she's strong enough to face it head on.

Spice Girl's such a supportive girlfriend type that now I'm wondering if Trish/Spice Girl counts as selfcest.

I feel like that just falls under masturbation but go off I guess.

I don't wanna go too far down this rabbit hole, but I'm just saying Trish deserves to be happy, and if that entails getting it on with the voice in her head, I'm all for it.

I mean, it's probably healthier than her dad's whole deal. Because boy have we learned some dark secrets about "The Boss".

No wonder he's been trying to keep his identity hidden!

Sister Princess . Oh please, Golden Wind is set in the year 2001, so clearly he would be watching

We've finally (sort of) discovered the identity of Passione's mysterious leader. One of the things I heard rumblings about going into Golden Wind was that its main villain was rather controversial, but honestly I don't see the problem yet. This guy can stand right beside DIO and Kira no problem.

Vinegar Doppio is a special boy. Also yes his first name is Vinegar, which isn't exactly much weirder than Ham or Cheese, but it still gets to me

DBZ , anything less than characters being named after underwear doesn't faze me. So yeah, Doppio is decidedly distinct from prior Jojo's Big Bads, in that he's maybe the least intimidating Stand user in this whole show—including the turtle. After years of reading, anything less than characters being named after underwear doesn't faze me. So yeah, Doppio is decidedly distinct from prior Jojo's Big Bads, in that he's maybe the least intimidating Stand user in this whole show—including the turtle.

That makes him perfect as a sort-of cover for the boss! Nobody expects the scrawny nobody to be important in the organization except as a sugar baby or something.

He's much scarier as an actual baby. Like honestly, you can throw that one out with the bathwater.

TFW your weird silent baby grows up to bury you under his bedroom floor. The jury's out on whether that's creepier than Kira's hand fetish or not.

I think it's creepier specifically because he kept her alive. I have no idea why. Did he just chicken out after kidnapping her and sewing her mouth shut? Did he just really love The Telltale Heart growing up? The fuck?

Better a Poe fan than a Lovecraft fan, or whatever inspired this. Geez, this part of Jojo goes hard on the gross body horror.

Funny you bring up body horror because holy shit that Metallica fight huh?

I think of myself as being pretty desensitized to gore, especially in Jojo's, but good lord did Risotto's power make my gut churn.

On the bright side, there's only about as much iron in the human body as exists in a two-inch nail, so scissors coming out of your throat is highly unlikely. At worst, you could get two or three razor blades. I'd have to imagine reverse acupuncture still hurts like hell though!

I'm pretty sure just one razor blade in the face is enough to take out most people.

Not to mention that most people appreciate having hemoglobin inside their bodies.

For real, Risotto vs Doppio gets nasty but even if it was hard to watch at times, I'm here for it. The idea of suffocating while you're still breathing is one of the scariest things Araki's yet introduced.

Frankly I'd rather fight the undying cancer monster.

I suppose brutal Stand powers make sense for a cast composed entirely of hitmen but geez, Golden Wind is absolutely hard mode. Though if I remember correctly, it's gonna get worse? At this point, part 5 is approaching 'close-up footage of surgery' levels of ick, with only its cartoon medium to protect us.

I have to imagine it'll get gnarlier, though I'm struggling to think of a more messed-up fight than your own blood turning into scalpels. Though I do appreciate Risotto getting such an ironic death. His own stand made him a target while protecting Doppio, so he ends up being killed by the enemy of his enemy, who are inadvertently rescuing the Boss.

The boss is nothing but devious, even when filtered through the weenie lackey whose head he lives inside. Risotto Nero put up a good fight, but he couldn't take down his target alone. Maybe if Bucciarati's gang hadn't offed most of his team, things could have been different, y'know?

is a pretty vulnerable place to see a Jojo's villain. We've still got a cour or so of episodes left, so I imagine he'll slip out of this somehow, but I'm excited to see that play out. Now Doppio is barely alive and facing down three more stand users, whichis a pretty vulnerable place to see a Jojo's villain. We've still got aor so of episodes left, so I imagine he'll slip out of this somehow, but I'm excited to see that play out.

The boss definitely has more tricks up his sleeve, and I guess Doppio's along for the ride. I'm hazy on what happens between now and the endgame, but I'm sure it'll be dope.

Whatever happens, I just hope it's a little less stomach-churning.

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