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Resmi Diperkenalkan, Kapan Google Stadia Masuk ke Indonesia?

Foto: Google mengumumkan layanan streaming video gaming baru bernama Stadia. (Dok. Foto: Google mengumumkan layanan streaming video gaming baru bernama Stadia. (Dok.

Foto: Google meluncurkan Streaming video-game yang disebut Stadia, memposisikan dirinya untuk mengambil bisnis video-game tradisional. Platform akan menyimpan sesi bermain game di cloud dan memungkinkan pemain melompat melintasi perangkat yang beroperasi di browser Chrome Google dan Chrome OS, seperti ponsel Pixel dan Chromebook. (Google via AP) Foto: Google meluncurkan Streaming video-game yang disebut Stadia, memposisikan dirinya untuk mengambil bisnis video-game tradisional. Platform akan menyimpan sesi bermain game di cloud dan memungkinkan pemain melompat melintasi perangkat yang beroperasi di browser Chrome Google dan Chrome OS, seperti ponsel Pixel dan Chromebook. (Google via AP)

Foto: Wakil presiden dan manajer umum Google Phil Harrison berbicara selama pidato utama Google yang mengumumkan layanan streaming video game baru bernama Stadia yang berupaya memanfaatkan teknologi cloud perusahaan dan jaringan global pusat data, di Konferensi Pengembang Game di San Francisco, California, AS, 19 Maret 2019. (REUTERS / Stephen Lam) Foto: Wakil presiden dan manajer umum Google Phil Harrison berbicara selama pidato utama Google yang mengumumkan layanan streaming video game baru bernama Stadia yang berupaya memanfaatkan teknologi cloud perusahaan dan jaringan global pusat data, di Konferensi Pengembang Game di San Francisco, California, AS, 19 Maret 2019. (REUTERS / Stephen Lam)

Dalam gelaran Game Developers Conference (GDC) di San Francisco kemarin (19/3/2019), Google mengumumkan layanan cloud gaming service yang dinamai Stadia. Melalui layanan ini, bermain video games jadi super mudah. Pasalnya, video games bisa dimainkan tanpa memiliki perangkat yang pada umumnya diperlukan seperti gaming PC atau konsol (Playstation dan Xbox). Hal ini dimungkinan karena video games dijalankan melalui cloud alias server yang disediakan sendiri oleh Google.Menggunakan layanan ini, gamers bisa menikmati video games favoritnya melalui laptop, PC, TV, tablet, dan bahkan smartphone.Namun, akankan Google Stadia masuk ke tanah air? Dilansir dari The Verge, hingga saat ini Google belum mengumumkan tanggal resmi peluncurkan Stadia. Google hanya mengatakan bahwa layanan ini akan tersedia pada tahun 2019 di AS, Kanada, Inggris, dan Eropa.Ini artinya, Indonesia tak masuk dalam jajaran negara pertama yang bisa mencicipi layanan teranyar dari Google tersebut.Namun jika dilihat dari sisi infrastruktur, rasanya gamers tak perlu berkecil hati. Pasalnya, infrastruktur internet di tanah air terbilang memadai untuk mendukung layanan Stadia dan mungkin pada akhirnya akan membuat Google memboyong layanan tersebut ke sini. Ya, mengingat layanan Stadia adalah berbasis streaming, tentu diperlukan koneksi internet untuk bisa menikmatinya.Menariknya, kecepatan koneksi yang diperlukan untuk bisa melakukan aktivitas gaming dengan mulus menggunakan Stadia ternyata tak kencang-kencang amat.Melansir The Verge, resolusi yang didukung oleh Stadia mencapai 4K atau Ultra HD (3840 x 2160/4096 x 2160) dengan jumlah Frames Per Second (FPS) sebesar 60 atau yang merupakan standar supaya video games yang dimainkan tak terasa patah-patah. Google memproyeksikan layanan Stadia akan mampu mendukung aktivitas gaming di resolusi 4K (60 FPS) dengan kecepatan internet sekitar 25Mbps.Walaupun kecepatan internet sekitar 25Mbps terbilang besar bagi Indonesia, perlu diingat bahwa kecepatan tersebut diperlukan jika ingin menjalankan video games di resolusi 4K atau Ultra HD. Kemungkinan besar, jika hanya bermain di resolusi 1080p yang merupakan resolusi yang umum digunakan oleh gamers di tanah air, kecepatan internet yang diperlukan akan jauh lebih rendah, apalagi kalau hanya bermain di resolusi 720p.Katakanlah untuk bermain video games di resolusi 1080p, kecepatan yang diperlukan hanyalah setengah dari yang diperlukan untuk bermain di resolusi 4K. Maka, kecepatan internet yang diperlukan adalah sekitar 12,5Mbps.Dilansir dari CNN Indonesia, berdasarkan data dari Ookla, rata-rata kecepatan internet kabel di Indonesia adalah sebesar 15,5Mbps. Artinya, infrastruktur internet di Indonesia terbilang masih memadai untuk menjalankan layanan Stadia.Semoga saja Google pada akhirnya memboyong layanan Stadia ke Indonesia mengingat adanya infrastruktur internet yang memadai dan akan ada banyak gamers yang rasanya tertarik untuk mencoba layanan tersebut.

Google stadia merupakan sebuah layanan cloud gaming yang memungkinkan para pemain bermain game secara streaming.

Yesterday, Google made its grand entrance into the world of game streaming. The search giant announced Stadia at the Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco, showing off a bold vision for a gaming future where anyone could play any game on any screen, with all the hard processing work done at an off-site data center. It's not the first streaming service that's been meant to disrupt the industry, but it is one of the most convincing. When it launches in 2019, however, a major question will be what games we'll be able to play on it. Google was pretty light on those particular specifics for this presentation, but we do know three titles.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey: No surprises here. Assassin's Creed Odyssey was the test case for Project Stream, and people have already played a remote version of this game in a web browser. Google used Assassin's Creed Odyssey to show off the new tech during the presentation as a demonstrator moved from phone to TV to laptop and PC playing the same game session.

Doom Eternal: This was meant to answer some of people's doubts about Stadia. Where Odyssey is a relatively forgiving title that can handle a little latency without disrupting the experience, Doom Eternal is set to be a lighting quick twitch shooter where even a tiny bit of input lag could absolutely wreck a play session. Announcing Doom Eternal was Google's way of saying that they were aware of these concerns and wanted to meet them.

The game will be playable at the convention, but that isn't a huge test, to be honest. If it's going to work well anywhere, it's going to work well in downtown San Francisco with a beefy connection running into the Moscone Center. The real test will be when this hits someone living out in a rural area, far away from a data center and with a slow connection.

Something from Q-Games: Maybe you can't say it's confirmed if you don't actually know what it is, but there wasn't a lot to work with in that presentation. Google confirmed that Dylan Cuthbert's Q-Games would be building a game around the "state share" feature that will allow you to instantly start playing a game at the same moment as a Youtube video or a live Youtube stream. There are a lot of possibilities there even for normal gaming, and so the possibility of an entire game built around that mechanic is intriguing. Easy to see how it goes wrong, but intriguing.

And that's the list: this was clearly the conceptual presentation, with more announcements to come. Google has confirmed that Stadia will have exclusive games, and it's hired AAA gaming industry very Jade Raymond to head up a studio called Stadia Games and Entertainment.

Google teased some more titles with images before the presentation that seemed to correspond to AAA titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, Skyrim, Metal Gear Solid and what I'm assuming were the full suite of EA sports titles. There was also something with bullets and a drone that could have been basically anything. A tease is not a confirmation, however, and none of the actual names of those games appeared anywhere in that presentation.

The cloud can turn watching into playing with the press of a button.Google is launching a game-streaming service called Stadia

Google's plans for its streaming service to bring the industry's "Netflix for games" promises to life. Ideally, it will allow folks to play any game on any connected device. Stadia will be able to stream games in 4K, 60 fps and HDR color at launch, but eventually it'll support up to 8K.

Stadia will allow developers to sell their games in new ways, including directly via YouTube and Twitch live streams. For example, load up a trailer for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey on YouTube and, at the end, click the Play button and the game will load in as little as five seconds in your Chrome browser, ready to play.

Imagine joining your favorite streamer's session just by clicking a single button, or letting a friend anywhere in the world jump on the sticks and take over the game you're playing, seamlessly. A Style Transfer feature uses machine learning to apply art styles to the game world in real time, turning even a drab landscape into a colorful display. Meanwhile, its gamepad connects directly to the service via WiFi, with dedicated buttons for clip sharing and Google Assistant.

We'll see if that's enough to avoid more fines.Google will ask European Android users what browser they want to use

The tech giant will start asking both current and new users in the region their preferred browser and search applications. While Android users can download almost any app they want, the company is likely doing this to show the EU its "continued commitment to operating in an open and principled way."

But the designs, displays and ports aren't changing a bit.Apple's 2019 iMac gets some fresh chips, including an eight-core CPU

On Monday, the company unveiled two updated iPads, and on Tuesday it revealed the iMac is getting a minor refresh. Going forward, the 21.5-inch model will be offered with an eighth-gen six-core Intel Core i5 CPU at the high end, plus 4GB AMD Radeon Pro Vega 20 graphics. That top-tier sku will also include an eighth-gen six-core Core i7 processor as a configure-to-order option. On the 27-inch, for the first time, Intel's Core i9 is an option, as well as an 8GB Radeon Pro Vega 48 GPU.

With less fanfare, Apple also lowered the cost of SSD upgrades for the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Mac mini, as well as the price for more RAM in its Mac Pro. Take a close look before you hit the buy button.

'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' leaves Netflix on April 7th. What's coming to Netflix in April: 'Our Planet' and the return of 'Sabrina'

Among the highlights for April are You vs. Wild, an interactive survival show starring Bear Grylls (April 10th) and the long-awaited nature docuseries Our Planet, which is narrated by David Attenborough and from the creator of Planet Earth (April 5th). From April 12th, you'll be able to watch To All The Boys I've Loved Before star Noah Centineo in The Perfect Date, in which he plays a high-school student who lets people hire him to stand in as their boyfriend.

On the non-original front, Netflix will add New Girl season 7, Fifth Element, Pineapple Express and The Golden Compass. You'll have until April 1st to watch the likes of American Pie, a string of James Bond movies (including Casino Royale), Happy Feet, Luther, Pokémon: XY and Heat.

Good news: It seems easy to operate one-handed while folded closed.Leaked Galaxy Fold pops up in a video with a significant seam

In a YouTube video from Vietnam, someone appears to have obtained one of Samsung's Galaxy Fold test units. What's concerning about it, however, is a dark seam that appears on its unfolded screen. We'll find out if production units reflect the same wear when they launch April 26th.

But wait, there's more...

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It's not clear just how easily developers will integrate Style Transfer into their titles, and it won't always make sense. Would you really want to play a sports game with a Picasso look? Still, this is something that wouldn't be practical on conventional consoles. They often have to save their precious local hardware resources for the game itself, and the lag between the system and the cloud makes live style processing unlikely.

Streaming has proved to be one of the most disruptive technologies to hit the media landscape in the last decade. Instant, fuss-free access to movies, TV shows and music has fundamentally changed the way we watch and listen - and if Google gets its way, streaming will transform the way we play too. Today, the firm reveals itself as a new platform holder, announcing a bespoke cloud gaming system that possesses undoubted strengths - and weaknesses - compared to the current console model. Fully integrated with YouTube, and leveraging the unique strengths of its vast, worldwide infrastructure, the new system - named Stadia - has the potential to change everything.

In this extensive interview, I had the chance to sit down with Google VPs Phil Harrison and Majd Bakar, to discuss the principles of Stadia, how it integrates with YouTube, and why it may deliver the opportunity for a genuine shift in the kinds of games we play - innovations only possible with datacentre-based hardware. On top of that, we discuss what differentiates Stadia from Project xCloud - Microsoft's Xbox One-based streaming set-up - and we also discuss specs in depth, with Google revealing what kind of hardware developers have to work with and how the firm is seeking to remove compute limits.

And then there's client-side hardware. Google isn't making a console, there will be no local box that sits under your TV, and it has no intention of adhering to the traditional concept of a console generation - but there will be a new controller, providing some intriguing new features and built for optimal performance on a cloud system. The 'gameplay over IP' concept has been tantalising us ever since the launch of OnLive, but somehow the end experience never lived up to the promise. Can a global giant like Google deliver where so many systems have failed to gain traction?

In addition to this interview, we have more Stadia coverage elsewhere on Eurogamer. I take a deeper look at what Google has revealed in terms of the Stadia specs, and I had the chance to go hands-on with Stadia, the new controller and a more up-to-date version of the cloud technology first revealed at the tail-end of last year in Project Stream, with new image quality and latency tests. Is this our first look at the next generation of gaming? Let's dig in.

Why now? We've had OnLive, PlayStation Now, Gaikai - and none of these past streaming systems gained traction. But here come Microsoft and Google with two of the biggest cloud infrastructures in the world and it's now that it's happening.

Phil Harrison: I think there's a couple of reasons for it. One, timing is everything with new technologies - and, in our case, building on pretty much 20 years of innovation at the datacentre level, deep, deep technology and networking and infrastructure, and the ability not just to get the bits to the destination in the most efficient way with some very intelligent networking routing, but also the performance inside the datacentre. That's something we don't actually talk about very much as a company, but Google is a huge hardware company in the datacentre. Yes, we make consumer-facing hardware obviously, but we've been a hardware company deeply inside the datacentre for many, many years on some of the fundamentals of connecting devices in a very high performant way.

And then we're able to bring together that expertise with standing on the shoulders of giants with YouTube, for example, and the infrastructure that YouTube has built out - and you'll see as we get deeper into this just how tightly integrated we are with the YouTube experience both from a player end-user perspective, the gamer, but also at the technical level inside the datacentre. Yes, there are other companies who are looking at this but we think that Google has some fairly unique advantages and points of difference in this area.

Obviously there's a huge opportunity here, in that the existing paradigm is that you have a box that sits under your TV and delivers the experience - but you have the potential for unlimited compute resources in the cloud. Potentially, there's the opportunity to do things in gaming that have never been done before.

Phil Harrison: Spot on. That is exactly the way that we describe what we're doing as a new generation, because it's purpose-built for the 21st century. It does not have any of the hallmarks of a legacy system. It is not a discrete device in the cloud. It is an elastic compute in the cloud and that allows developers to use an unprecedented amount of compute in support of their games, both on CPU and GPU, but also particularly around multiplayer, where in a historical multiplayer context you are always - as you well know - gated by the lowest performing client-server relationship in your network and you have to optimise for that lowest level performance.

In our platform, the client and the server are inside the same architecture, and so whereas historically you'd be talking about milliseconds of ping times between client and server, in our architecture you're talking about microseconds in some cases, and so that allows us to scale up in a very dramatic way the numbers of players that can be combined in a single instance. Obviously the go-to example would be battle royale going from hundreds to players to thousands of players or even tens of thousands of players. Whether that's actually fun or not is a different debate, but technologically that is just a headline-grabbing number that you can imagine.

So you're talking about scalability, no real limits on compute. Is that essentially what you would set aside for the server in a multiplayer game, and the client has a set amount of resources to produce that experience on their screen, or does scalability extend to both client and server?

Phil Harrison: It extends to both client and server.

So you can say to a developer: this is a top-tier product for the holiday season, you can have as much compute as you want, within reason?

Phil Harrison: Even if you take a relatively modest slice of our performance characteristics, the performance increase you get just by virtue of the fact that no client inside our system ever leaves the Google private network - and so, yes, there's geography in terms of where the player will be - but they will always be connected by our proprietary Google backend. We have 450,000km of fibre that connects our datacentres around the world. You know, San Francisco to New York is sub 20ms, Frankfurt to Madrid is like another sub 20ms, you know, that allows developers to have a super-predictable latency even in the most extreme edge cases that they can then design up to.

An example of Stadia integration into YouTube - watch the Assassin's Creed Odyssey trailer, then immediately play the game afterwards with just one button click.

Let's talk about YouTube integration.

Phil Harrison: Our platform engages deeply with the YouTube technology but actually, take a step back. Think of gaming today. There are really two discrete universes that co-exist. There are people who play games and there are people who watch games. There are 200m people watching games on YouTube every day. In 2018 there was 50bn hours of watch time of game content and you know, just unpack that mentally for a second in terms of what that means in years. It's insane in terms of time and population, and our vision for our platform is to converge those two worlds together so that you can be watching a game, click and be playing a game and vice-versa. It even goes down to what we call the platform.

It's not a games system, it's not a console. Contrary to rumours, we are not entering the console business at all. Actually, the point of our platform is that we are not a console. It's a place to gather, it's not about marketing a device or being device-centric in our thinking. We're not making a box, we're making a place. It's a place where you can have different types of game experiences, whether you are watching, playing, participating, whether you're being entertained or whether you are the one doing the entertaining. All that being joined together into one idea, very inclusive, hopefully over time expanding to include the broadest set of gamers that we can possibly imagine today, scaling into the future and supporting every type of game, from input modalities to fundamental game types and styles, that you can experience.

So our brand is Stadia, our platform is called Stadia. It's the plural of stadiums, obviously. A stadium is a place where you can have, obviously, sports, but it's also a place where you can have entertainment. And so we wanted that to be our brand idea, which was a place for all the ways that we play and this idea of watching, playing, participating, even managing - where you could take a slightly 'lean-back' view of a game. You don't necessarily have to be leaning into every last button press per second of a game. Maybe there's an opportunity for some people to take a slightly 'sit back' view of the game and in fact, there are some technologies that we'll unpack for you that make that really possible that would be impossible in other architectures.

So, like an RTS game where the units are actually people...

Phil Harrison: Correct. And just to get deep into some of the technology, we support in our first-generation platform architecture up to 4K, 60 frames per second and HDR with surround sound, and that will scale according to the infrastructure you have bringing the bits into your home. But in addition to that screen, we are simultaneously sending a stream to YouTube, which is always 4K, always 60 frames per second, always HDR - so your gaming memories will always be the best.

And you're going to be logging everything?

Majd Bakar: It's up to the player. We won't log everything. If the player chooses to enable that for the game, then we'll stream it in 4K.

Phil Harrison: And the gamer's choices are that I'm either saving it for myself, I'm sharing with my friends or I'm sharing with the world. We give the gamer control as to how they engage with the stream, but every YouTube game that I share beyond myself, any player can then click on and then jump into the game.

So you could have a cascade of new users joining a particular instance just by sharing.

Phil Harrison: And then the YouTube creators, the people who create videos, VOD or livestream on YouTube are a central part of how we connect games with gamers. So you'll see how that works in practice, but at a fundamental level it's the future of multiplayer lobbies, where as a streamer, as a YouTube creator, I can bring people into my game in an instant from the fans and subscribers to my channel. And whether that's me and my 10 mates, or Matpat with millions and millions of subscribers, the technology is the same.

Is the player account system YouTube-based, or is it a separate layer that sits on top?

Phil Harrison: It's a part of your Google account, so your Gmail account is effectively your login for Stadia. Let me go back to some of the other fundamentals. We work from launch on any screen: TV, PC, laptop, tablet and phone. A fundamental part of our platform is that we're screen agnostic. And the thinking there is that historically, up until this point - really for the last 40 years - all game development has been device-centric. As a developer I'm building to the constraints and scaling my creativity down to fit within the box I'm writing to.

We want to invert that model with Stadia; we want developers to scale up their ideas and be unbound by the constraints of any single device. Performance-wise, you click on a link and the game starts in less than five seconds: no download, no patch, no install, no updates and in many cases, no hardware required. So an old laptop running the Chrome browser, we support current USB controllers that support the HID standard so any USB controller that you already have will generally work - but of course, we're building our own as well.

A look at Google's new WiFi-based controller for Stadia.

Why build your own controller? USB controllers are pretty much ubiquitous.

Phil Harrison: We have built our own controller for a couple of reasons. One: for connection to the TV, we use Chromecast as our streaming technology. The most significant feature of the Stadia [controller] is that it's WiFi and so it connects directly to your game in the datacentre. It does not pair with your local device.

That's interesting, so it's almost like a client in its own right.

Phil Harrison: Correct. This is the invocation of our brand and our platform made physical. And so, that gives us the highest performance because you're always connected directly to the game and it also gives you, the player, the gamer, the most flexibility to move the game across any screen that you want to, so you can seamlessly play, pause and resume across any screen.

Then there are two additional buttons that we have added to the traditional buttons you'd expect on a controller - one uses Google Assistant technology and there is a microphone built into the controller. At the user's choice, they can communicate with both the platform and the game using natural language understanding and conversational understanding, so for example, "Hey Google, I'd like to play Game X with Madj and Patrick," and it will set up a multiplayer game with the players you've listed immediately.

So you're looking to bypass the traditional UI?

Majd Bakar: We're trying to get the gamer to the game as quickly as possible. We did a lot of studies and 85 per of the time, the gamer, when they fire up their console or their PC, wants to play their game immediately with their friends. They don't want to spend time on the UI.

Phil Harrison: Someone was saying about current-gen consoles that whenever they turn it on, it felt like work, because there was either a patch to the console or there was a patch to the game, and we wanted to get rid of that completely. The other button that is maybe slightly different is the share button, which lets you share to YouTube. Dual analogue sticks, all the features you'd expect.

And you can have clients anywhere: phones, smart TVs?

Phil Harrison: Anywhere where YouTube runs well, Stadia can run.

Chromecast is used for TV connectivity, so how does that work exactly? Chromecast receives a stream sent from my phone or my laptop. Is this a different use for it?

Majd Bakar: Chromecast doesn't actually receive a stream from your phone, it receives a command beamed from your phone. It directly streams from Netflix or YouTube. In this case, all we're sending from the Stadia controller, we're telling it to connect to this game instance and Chromecast is streaming the video from that game instance. For us, the client is so simple. All it needs to do is networking and video and audio decoding. Chromecast doesn't handle input, it's all handled on the controller. Video, audio and networking are built into the fundamentals of Chromecast.

So how do you activate Stadia - via the controller?

Majd Bakar: Yes, it's really nice. All you need to do is bring it online on WiFi. It needs to know your WiFi credential and that's it. And when you hit that home button, it knows there's a Chromecast there and it immediately launches our client on Chromecast. You'll see the UI and then it immediately takes you into the game and you can navigate the UI using the d-pad. This is the beauty of moving all the heavy lifting to the cloud, you can use a low-power device like Chromecast to be able to have a compelling experience. Chromecast is under five watts, it's powered by Micro-USB, while a typical console is around 100 to 150 watts. And one thing we didn't mention is that even on the phone, all you are doing is playing a video, so playing Assassin's Creed or Doom or any heavy game on your phone is using less battery than if you're playing a mobile game, and you can play for ten hours.

And on the smart TV side of things, will Stadia be built into those YouTube clients or will you launch Stadia independently?

Majd Bakar: For now we're just focusing on Chromecast, but from a technical and functional perspective, its wherever YouTube is. We'll need to figure out how it manifests itself to the user.

Google says that Stadia is device agnostic. Just about anything that decodes video can run the service.

Looking again at the controller side of things, with mobile devices you really need to physically attach, say, a smartphone to your controller. Looking at Microsoft's xCloud reveal, control seemed to be a real issue.

Phil Harrison: We have some solutions to that.

Right. Beyond the smartphone controller clamps, the obvious solution to that would be a Switch-style client device that you would make.

Phil Harrison: There are some really good third-party solutions which we support from launch and we have some other ideas as well, but we're not going to share those right now.

Obviously, you've demoed with Ubisoft, and I understand that you've been doing some demos based on Doom 2016 by Bethesda and id. What is other developer buy-in looking like?

Phil Harrison: Great! Before I joined, the team have done an amazing job sharing what we've been doing for some years now; in some cases a few developers had an early look at our platform. We're Linux-based, we use the Vulkan graphics API, the developer develops to our cloud instance so dev kits are now in the cloud. Either in our cloud, or in the developer's private datacentre, or on their desk.

So they can have physical hardware?

Phil Harrison: If they want to, but we expect the trend will be to be more and more cloud-centric both in creation and in distribution of games, so we think over the next few years it'll become pretty standard for developers to be cloud-centric and cloud native in the way that they develop games.

Everyone seems to be developing their own cloud systems. We've got the Origin cloud coming for example, but the infrastructure requirement is possibly beyond third parties to achieve the kind of scale we're talking about here - so would they buy into your system as well as what they're doing on their own?

Phil Harrison: Well, we think that developers and publishers are very smartly thinking about the tools and technology to reach a new kind of game experience that is cloud native. That's very different to running datacentres at scale with thousands of points of presence around the world and all of the huge CapEx that is necessary to run that. We announced publicly a few weeks ago that this year alone, Google is spending $13bn on CapEx.

That's pretty big! But there's still the fundamental issue of getting it built and installed, so are we looking at a phased rollout across territories?

Phil Harrison: We're already live everywhere we need to be in the US, we were live ready for our Project Stream test at the back end of 2018. We've been testing privately inside of Google with Google employees for two years since the beginning of 2017 and we will launch in 2019 in US, Canada, Western Europe and UK.

So we have a system here where to get the best out of it, software will need to be built specifically for it. If we're looking at what Microsoft is doing, they have Xbox One hardware sitting in server racks, and that's a world apart from what you're doing.

Phil Harrison: Correct.

So are you looking to invest in software as well as infrastructure and the back-end?

Phil Harrison: Yes.

Are you looking to start your own games studios?

Phil Harrison: Yes. We're announcing the formation of Stadia Games and Entertainment which is our first-party studio.

And that's happening now?

Phil Harrison: Yes.

Majd Bakar: We are also helping developers with all the tools, so building for Stadia is really another target for them, together with existing tools in terms of Visual Studios and all the development tools they are using and integrating with their workflow, so developing for Stadia is as simple as developing for PlayStation and Xbox.

Phil Harrison: We have Unreal support, we're announcing that Unity is supporting our platform and there's a wide variety of industry standard tools and middleware you can expect.

Unreal Engine 4, Unity - and a whole host of middleware tools are available or coming to Stadia developers.

Playing devil's advocate, there are things here that are out of your control - specifically, user-side, client-side infrastructure, even down to poor routers in the home. How do you solve problems like this?

Phil Harrison: It's a really good question. We have to help our users understand what's happening inside their own infrastructure as best we can and we'll invest in both information that will help a gamer tune their set-up for the optimum gameplay experience, but we'll also use our own technologies to help performance to a great degree as well. Remember that a lot of Google technologies are the fundamental fabric of the internet, so I think we have a pretty good understanding of how the bits leave our datacentre and how they land on someone's eyeball - and we want to optimise that as best we can.

So developers and publishers can take existing games and put them onto this new platform, but at the same time, you're offering a lot of new options.

Phil Harrison: Exactly right - and that's the fundamental point of difference of our platform. Yes, it's very straightforward and familiar for a developer who has an existing catalogue or slate of games that they want to bring to our platform. We will make that as frictionless as possible for them to bring those games to our platform, because gamers want to play the familiar games and they definitely want to play with the characters and stories and worlds that they love. But we also want to give developers that new canvas where they can go create the future, distribute those games in a very immediate way, engage with their players in a new way - particularly through YouTube - and give them the unprecedented technology to power their underlying ideas.

If we talk about the traditional limitations of cloud systems client-side, it basically comes down to image quality and latency. Obviously the impact of both of these issues has lessened over the years owing to better technology and infrastructure improvements, but there's still a fundamental gap between local quality and streaming quality. I was looking at some patents from id software and Zenimax, where it seems like they're effectively exploiting h.264 motion vectors for some degree of client-side prediction to reduce the perception of latency. Even Project Stream had measurable latency. What are you doing to close the gap? Are these problems now solved - or at least mitigated?

Phil Harrison: I think it's solved and mitigated. There are some investments in the datacentre that will create a much higher experience for more people, and there are some fundamental advances in compression algorithms. Google is a participant and forerunner in a lot of open standards in compression algorithms that will power the future of streaming. Sadly, one thing that Google doesn't control is the speed of light, so that will always be a factor, but one important thing to keep in mind is that we are building our infrastructure at the edge. It's not just in our central, massive datacentres. We're building infrastructure as close to the end user, the gamer, as possible - so that helps mitigate some of the historical challenges, and using a much more straightforward and less sophisticated version of our streamer on Project Stream landed an incredible result. And we have made some fundamental improvements to get us from 1080p60 to 4K60 at launch and beyond. We will get to 8K.

That's impressive - are these improvements all compression-based?

Majd Bakar: It's compression and it's networking, so we are piggybacking on a lot of the networking work done that has been done by Google infrastructure: BBR, QUIC and WebRTC are the foundation of what we're building on top of, so we can provide not just low latency distribution of the IP packet but also provide feedback to the source, so the tricks you're talking about Zenimax using - they can also be used here, and they'll be able to optimise their gameplay. We can predict latency on a frame by frame basis and allow them to adjust for that.

So we've got input received, game processes logic and renders - which for a 60Hz game can be around 50ms. Then we have encode, transmit, decode, present. In Stream, latency seemed to be around +60ms compared to the game running on PC. Can you improve that?

Majd Bakar: We will continue to improve that, yes. As Phil said, Stream is the first version of our tech. We're investing in terms of improving performance and adapting to latency and it'll be better once we launch.

Our video breakdown of Stadia specs and an exclusive look at performance, latency and image quality.

A cloud system is going to live or die based on accessibility. Consider a launch as massive as, say, Red Dead Redemption 2 with thousands, hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of players online concurrently. The system lives or dies depending on access - if you can't play your game, that's a critical point of failure.

Phil Harrison: For sure, and that is one of the skills and fundamental scalability capabilities that Google has developed over many, many years. How we do it, what we use to do it are things we won't go into detail on today, but some of the same fundamental technologies that mean that your Gmail, Maps and YouTube continue to be available all the time are also things that we lean on.

We're at a transition point at the moment where the current generation is drawing to a close and traditionally, it's consoles that define the baseline. Do you think your hardware can match up to the next-gen Xbox and PlayStation?

Phil Harrison: I'm not disclosed on what our competitors may or may not be doing.

But you've got some very smart people who can produce some very good projections.

Phil Harrison: The GPU that is built into our first generation system is more than 10 teraflops of performance and we will scale up from there.

Is that shared between users or for the single user?

Phil Harrison: That's a single instance.

Is that an Nvidia GPU?

Phil Harrison: It's AMD.

I'm assuming it's a custom GPU?

Phil Harrison: It's a custom GPU.

Made specifically for your requirements? Is there anything else you can share? Is it Vega, Navi or beyond?

Majd Bakar: It's not that we don't want to tell you the information. It's more that this platform will evolve and we want to make sure that this evolution is seamless to both gamer and developer, and it's always evolving and you're always getting the latest and greatest.

Stadia's core specs are revealed at the GDC 2019 keynote.

I mean, that's part of the cloud promise: the fact that you don't need to upgrade your hardware.

Majd Bakar: We even want developers to start thinking this way. It's definitely not completely abstracted, especially for a game developer, but we want them to think that this is always evolving, that I'm not limited by time, or space or resources.

With an AMD GPU, there's a commonality there between your system and other consoles. Is that a benefit to developers?

Phil Harrison: There are some shader compiler tools that we've built that help make their lives easier, but I think modern GPUs do a great job and if the developer is already a Vulkan house - and id Software is an example that's already all-in on Vulkan - it was comparatively straightforward for them to bring their games over to Stadia. You'll see Doom Eternal running at 4K, 60 frames per second, and it looks amazing. And that was a very important proof point to us because shooters are very demanding both on the graphics side and the playability side, so that's a really powerful validation of our platform and I'll let id speak to it.

CPU-wise is there anything you can share there?

Majd Bakar: It's an x86 CPU, it's running at 2.7GHz and it's what developers are used to. Throughout all of development, CPU is not a bounding factor at all. We give them enough CPU power to manage all titles.

How many cores, threads?

Phil Harrison: A lot.

Eight cores? 16 threads? More? Less?

Majd Bakar: I don't think we're saying much more... it's hyper-threaded.

Phil Harrison: But it's a server-class CPU. Because we're not constrained by packaging in the same way a historical console is constrained, we don't have the same thermal dynamic challenges, we don't have the same size and packaging dynamics, it can look seriously ugly inside the datacentre. It also allows us to do very, very high bandwidth memory, and it also allows us to have access to petabytes of local storage at very high speed - hundreds of times faster than what you'd get from a consumer device in your home.

So this is another vector that developers could exploit for a completely different experience. The opportunities could be quite profound, but we are living in a multi-platform world - will your unique forward-looking features only be used on your first-party games?

Phil Harrison: I will let our partners tell their stories when they're ready to tell their stories, but it's incredibly exciting to meet a developer for the first time when you present Stadia to the absolute greatest game creators on the planet. And you share the vision of Stadia, or Yeti as we used to call it, and the reaction from the developer is, "this is exactly what I was hoping you were doing, this is exactly the vision we have for our next game, this idea of elastic compute, being able to take multiplayer to the next level, this idea of blurring watching and playing into one experience."

One of the areas of innovation is - we touched on it earlier - in terms of multiplayer going from straight packet redirect to multiplayer to a true simulation which is constantly updated across clients with an atomic-clock level of consistency across all states. It allows you to get distributed physics into multiplayer in a way that hasn't been possible before. That alone unlocks a huge amount of game design innovation, and so we're seeing a lot of developers, without going over the top, actually having quite an emotional reaction to what we've presented.

Potentially that solves a lot of problems and raises the bar.

Phil Harrison: That's one of the wonderful things about the games industry. Technology has always stimulated creativity which has created a bigger audience for games which has created bigger opportunities for players and developers and if that ecosystem keeps evolving and keeps rotating in a positive way, that's a good thing for playing games.

You talked earlier about scalability and how you can spin up more resources to cope with increasing demands from the games, but at the same time there's a 10 teraflop GPU and a server-class CPU. How do you draw on extra resources?

Phil Harrison: We're showing a demo that shows three GPUs running together. I wouldn't say that there are no limits, but we have fundamentally raised where those technical limits exist and we're not a static platform. This is not a platform that will stay level for five or six years. This is a platform that will grow and evolve as the demands of developers and players require it, because we're building in a datacentre, it's very easy for us to evolve.

Majd Bakar shows off Google's huge datacentre infrastructure at the GDC 2019 presentation.

You're talking about first-generation quite a lot, which suggests that there'll be second generation hardware and so forth. If you can scale up right now, is it just simply a case that what you're doing on three GPUs now you can do on one later on?

Phil Harrison: There are some natural step-changes in performance on the CPU/GPU/memory bandwidth which we can take advantage of in a much smoother and more constant evolution than if you had a physical retail device at home, but even more important is the investment in the fundamental fabric of the datacentre and the underlying networking technology. So it's those two things in concert rather than being one or the other.

When you mention 'infrastructure on the edges', we have the situation where Netflix, say, installs into the ISP for smoother caching. Is this something you're going to do, or already doing with YouTube?

Phil Harrison: It's something we're already doing. It's something Google has been doing for 20 years. It's another giant's shoulder we're standing on.

In Project Stream, you specified a minimum of 25 megabits of bandwidth required by the user. Is that purely for the streaming or are you including overhead for other people using the same connection simultaneously for other things?

Majd Bakar: We will be enhancing on top of Stream, so you would expect these numbers to go down especially with time and improvement and optimisation of the whole stack, we'll definitely go below that.

I'm assuming a pretty meaty connection for 4K60 then.

Majd Bakar: 4K60 definitely will be higher!

1080p60 should be lower...

Majd Bakar: I'm not going to comment on the exact number now, but it definitely should be lower.

Phil Harrison: There is a general rising tide in internet connectivity in the market in which we will be launching, which means that this performance characteristic is available to a wider and wider audience.

Majd Bakar: And again with BBR and all the networking understanding we have - and you have to keep in mind that our networking understanding is not static, we build it over time as well. YouTube gives us a lot of information about the state of the network at the macro and the micro level and we'll be able to leverage that to adjust and enhance the experience for the gamer.

But people shouldn't be looking at YouTube for the visual quality they'll get in-game.

Majd Bakar: Yeah, there are two things that differentiate us from YouTube: YouTube can buffer and it's not as real-time and as interactive as gaming - so we can't buffer. We definitely have to be accurate on the frame level. And the second one is that when you have visual quality of games like Doom or Assassin's Creed, the expectation is much higher than watching user-generated content on YouTube.

Phil Harrison: One thing that's worth touching on as well is that although we will talk a lot about and demonstrate clear connections - in both senses of the word - from YouTube to Stadia, fundamentally a game is a link and so a link can be distributed and discovered and shared in a myriad of different ways.

Multi-GPU support? It's a part of Stadia - in the GDC 2019 keynote, Phil Harrison showed the same scene being rendered at a much higher frame-rate and with more advanced rendering and physics.

So I could say that we're going to be playing Doom Eternal on Saturday at 10am, and you can join us by pressing this button on a web page?

Phil Harrison: Exactly. Absolutely. And so yes, from an editorial point of view, it could be exactly the scenario you just described. It could also be Eurogamer reviewing a brand new game and being able to click directly from your review to the game with no download, no patch and install and be able to try that game straight away. It could be one of your sites talking about a new map, a new character or a new level. We have a very powerful new technology with the working technology called State Share.

State Share is a really super-powerful feature where you're playing the latest version of a game, you're streaming that game out to your friends, to me, to the world, it doesn't matter. And you have the latest weapon in that game - you've got the Flaming Sword of Doom or whatever is the coolest gadget in the game. And I think, 'Cool! I want that Flaming Sword of Doom.' I click on your video stream and that metadata transfers all of those attributes directly to my game as well, so not only are you able to jump into somebody else's video stream, you can jump into somebody else's game with all of their capabilities - and this is developer-defined and game-defined. So, we have a couple of examples of this but one is that you get to a particularly tricky part of the game and you kind of drop a challenge to the community to see if they can beat the game in the same way that you did at exactly that moment with exactly that loadout or with exactly those features.

Another thing that we're doing on YouTube connectivity is... a typical scenario, happens to me quite a lot playing through an adventure or a puzzle-based game. I will get stuck at some point in the game and I can't get past that particular puzzle or past that particular tomb in Tomb Raider or whatever. Today I pick up my phone or I go to a laptop and I download a walkthrough, or I go to a YouTube video. Now you just press that button and say, 'Hey Stadia, how do I beat that boss' and it invokes the correct YouTube video overlaid inside your game, you see the level is solved and then you continue.

And the point I was saying earlier about a game being a link, that means that a website can host that link... Discord, Facebook, Twitter, email, text message, WhatsApp, a search result on Google - and even the distribution of a game can happen on the Google Play store.

How does that work?

Phil Harrison: It's a link.

But it's a fundamentally separate system.

Phil Harrison: It is, yes, we're taking advantage of the broad surface area of distribution across the entire internet. We have this concept that we share with developers and publishers that the internet is your store. Yes, we have our own Stadia store where you'll be able to discover and find games, but we want to allow developers to go and take their games to their community, wherever that community sits. So that really inverts the model of discovery and distribution in a super-positive way for the developers. And because there is a set of very robust performance marketing technologies sitting behind them, they allow publishers to be super-efficient about the way they distribute that experience to as many people as possible.

On a more general level, basically you're taking YouTube and integrating it with a gaming platform. How do you moderate everything that goes on in that platform?

Phil Harrison: We have very robust approaches to community moderation. YouTube has made some tremendous investments in that area which we will be partnering on and then at the more household level, you can be assured we will have will be best-in-class parental controls and digital gamer wellbeing controls that will allow parents to manage what their kids play, who they play with and when they play.

So that leads me onto data privacy - is it all tied into the existing Google infrastructure?

Phil Harrison: We're absolutely committed to everything being at the user's control, and the same level of control and functionality that you would expect from Google will apply to us as well.

Do you think with local gaming and the traditional console model, is this the beginning of the end?

Phil Harrison: It's not for me to say. I mean, I think there is a new way to develop games, a new way to discover games and a new way to enjoy games because of Stadia. We have significant aspirations for the future and we want to get to a very substantial scale. It's not going to happen overnight and we are completely respectful of everything that has come before us in the industry that's got us to this point. We want the whole industry to be successful and we want the whole industry to grow.

Google Stadia sounds like a bad idea

I will take 6 GPU teraflops hardwired to my 1ms refresh rate monitor over 10 GPU teraflops and a BGP-4 routed TCP-IP backbone for gaming.

While presented as a wonderful way to buy a videogame and instantly have it appear on your screen, Google Stadia seems to be ignoring both that most online multiplayer gaming is super latency sensitive, and most ISPs suck.

Google plans to enter the arena of cross-platform play, but I can not see the latency allowing for much more than a good game of Hearts. FPS and other shooters, which are the mainstay of the streaming game realm Google hopes to latch onto as its advertising engine, seem unplayable in this model. Bandwidth restrictions may limit you to playing only when next door to a Google data center.


James Martin/CNET

When you think of ways to play big-name video games, you probably think of Microsoft's Xbox, Sony's PlayStation or Nintendo's Switch.

If Google has its way, you'll soon be considering its Stadia service too.

The tech giant announced its new streaming game service at a press event during the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday. The new service, called Stadia, is designed as a way for people to play and watch gaming together, Google said. The company said it plans to bring together players, broadcasters on YouTube and game developers to create a new experience. It'll launch later this year, Google said, without saying anything about how much it'll cost.

Now playing: Watch this: Google rolls out Stadia gaming service and controller

"Our ambition is far beyond a single game," said Google's Phil Harrison. Instead, the company sees the opportunity to give players "instant access" to a game by clicking a link. "The power of instant access is magical, and it's already transformed the music and movie industries."

Enlarge Image James Martin/CNET

The service allows gamers to play standard PC games within anything that can browse the web, including a TV, a phone, a tablet and of course a PC. The games are powered by Google's high-performance computers, which then stream the images to the web browser in a similar way Netflix streams videos. And they're streamed at up to 4K high-definition video, at 60 frames per second, meaning animations will move smoothly.

Gamers play using a controller Google designed, which connects through Wi-Fi to Stadia's systems.

"It's seamless," Harrison said.

Google isn't the only company doing this. Sony's offered its PlayStation Now game streaming service since 2014, and chipmaker Nvidia offers one called GeForce Now. Microsoft is also readying an Xbox-related game streaming service, called Project xCloud, expected in the next couple of years.

Here's everything we know about Google's service so far.

It uses the 'cloud'

The service relies on Google's massive global network of computers and servers that delivers YouTube, Google Maps and Gmail to you already. Google said it's developed specialized graphics and computer chips to make its systems work particularly well for gaming.

Google has a controller

The rumors were true: Google has developed a controller for its Stadia service. But unlike most gaming controllers, which connect to a video game console, the Stadia controller is designed to connect directly to the internet, to ensure the fastest connection.

Claudia Cruz/CNET

Stadia streams at high quality

Google said its service currently streams video at 1080p, 60 fps. But at launch later this year, Google said it should be capable of 4K video at 60fps, and in the future it'll be able to output 8K video at 120fps.

Google already has partners

The company said it's working with Ubisoft, makers of the popular Assassin's Creed adventure games, and id Software, makers of Doom, to bring games to the service.

Google is going to make its own games

The company also said it has started a game-making studio, much like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo have done. The company didn't show off any games it has planned, but it's recruited industry veterans such as former Electronic Arts and Ubisoft executive Jade Raymond.

We don't know how much it'll cost

Of all the things Google did announce, it didn't put a price tag on any of it. It's fair to assume the games will likely cost the same they typically do on a standard Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo, but the company's staying quiet for now.

Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft, said in an interview after the event that he expects several different approaches, from direct purchase to game rentals where people sign up to play for a certain number of hours.

Stadia is designed with YouTube in mind

Google showed off how Stadia can stream video to spectators, and also offer them ways to join in. One example Google described was a "play" button on a YouTube video that brings you straight into the game on Stadia. Another example was allowing gamers watching someone play a basketball game, for example, to click a link to join in.

Google also said Stadia will have a "State Share" feature, where people can share a link that allows someone to play starting exactly at the same spot in the game that they are.

Google wants developers to use Stadia too

Google said it's partnered with game development software makers like Epic Games, Unity and Cryengine to ensure game developers can take advantage of its technology.

What do Google's competitors say?

Microsoft said in a statement that it's "a great time to a gamer," and noted that it's devoted to offering choice as well through its upcoming Project xCloud service.

Sony and Nintendo didn't respond to requests for comment.

Not everyone likes the logo

It's getting roasted for looking too '90s.

CNET's Lori Grunin contributed to this report.

Originally published March 12.

Update, March 19, 9:55 a.m. PT: Adds details from Google and expectations for the event; 11:55 a.m. PT: Adds info on everything just announced; 2:00 p.m. PT: Adds Microsoft comment.

Google Stadia is a streaming service for video games that the company says will revolutionize the gaming industry when it hits the market later this year.

Source: CNN

Arguably 2018’s biggest game was  Red Dead Redemption 2 , Rockstar’s epic-scale open world western that won numerous awards and stands as the best-selling game of 2018 . Even so,  Red Dead Redemption 2 ‘s potential audience is somewhat limited by the fact that the game is only available on PS4 and Xbox One, but that could change in the near future.

Prior to its GDC 2019 keynote address , Google showed a series of images that some believe are hinting at third-party game releases for its ambitious Stadia platform. One graphic features a cowboy hat, a cowboy boot, saloon doors, a horse, and a cactus, leading to speculation that  Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to Stadia. After all,  Red Dead Redemption 2 features these elements prominently, and while one could argue that Google is teasing any kind of western game, it’s worth pointing out that  Red Dead  is one of the  only westerns on the market.

However, the other images that Google released are a bit more generic. One shows various military images, which could be teasing the  Call of Duty series. Another features an alien and spaceships, which doesn’t seem to be referencing any science-fiction game in particular. Considering this, it is possible that Google is just trying to play on various thematic genres, and isn’t hinting at any specific games in particular.

It would make sense for Google to go out of its way to get  Red Dead Redemption 2 for Stadia, considering the game’s popularity and continued success.  Red Dead Redemption 2 on Stadia would also make the game technically playable on PCs (not to mention mobile phones), potentially drawing interest from PC gamers who don’t have a PS4 or Xbox One.

Of course, some PC gamers would still prefer a proper PC port of Red Dead Redemption 2 , which has been rumored for months. But before fans get too excited about  Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC or Stadia, we must stress that nothing has been confirmed by Rockstar so far, and right now the only way to play the game is on PS4 or Xbox One.

Red Dead Redemption   2  is out now for PS4 and Xbox One.

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