Do veterans receive discounted pricing? Yes No Unsure
Does this place or activity have parking ? Yes No Unsure
Is there a recommended dress code for this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Would you send a teenager to this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Would you associate this place or activity with entertainment ? Yes No Unsure
Would you tell a friend to pay to skip the line ? Yes No Unsure
Would you tell a friend to take a guided tour of this place? Yes No Unsure
Is a headcover required for this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Would you recommend wearing modest dress to this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Does this place or activity offer free wi-fi ? Yes No Unsure
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Hershey Park is expected to reopen Tuesday morning.The amusement park along with Zoo America were closed Monday because of the weather.The park tweeted that the decision was made because of the excessive rainfall over the last three days and localized flooding.------
Do veterans receive discounted pricing? Yes No Unsure
Does this place or activity have parking ? Yes No Unsure
Is there a recommended dress code for this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Would you send a teenager to this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Would you associate this place or activity with entertainment ? Yes No Unsure
Would you tell a friend to pay to skip the line ? Yes No Unsure
Would you tell a friend to take a guided tour of this place? Yes No Unsure
Is a headcover required for this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Would you recommend wearing modest dress to this place or activity? Yes No Unsure
Does this place or activity offer free wi-fi ? Yes No Unsure