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Why celebrating Juneteenth is more important now than ever

Today may feel like just another Tuesday, but it is actually a day of celebration for many. Just check your iPhone—Apple recently expanded the holidays noted on its U.S. calendar—you’ll find that today is Juneteenth. For many, Juneteenth is a day of American patriotism, celebrated with barbecues and baseball games, parades and parties, rodeos and reunions, much like the Fourth of July. Confused? Read on to find out why some refer to Juneteenth as the Black Fourth of July or America’s second Independence Day.

The key fact is that July 4, 1776, symbolizes the day when white Americans became free. Enslaved black Americans did not. Many of us, myself included, forget this on Independence Day. But, it wasn’t until almost 100 years later that the Emancipation Proclamation eliminated slavery, and more than two years after that when the end of slavery was actually communicated to all who were enslaved. For that reason, Independence Day has always been a poorly and ironically named holiday. Abolitionist (and formerly enslaved American) Frederick Douglass made this point on Independence Day, 1852: “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is constant victim.”

That is a pretty massive asterisk on a day we equate with liberty and freedom. Independence Day might be more accurately thought of as Independence Day*, where the asterisk signals a “certain terms and conditions may apply” caveat to the celebration of independence.

This brings us to Juneteenth, also known as June 19. Juneteenth started in Texas in 1865 when 250,000 enslaved people were liberated (note the delay - the Emancipation Proclamation was signed on January 1, 1863). Historians debate which is the right date to commemorate the end of slavery; in fact, some African-Americans worship in Watch Night church services on New Year’s Eve. Unpacking all of the historical details is complicated; it’s a bit of a long story. But culturally speaking, June 19 has taken on the symbolic meaning of the day when the land of the free became less of a false narrative.

If you have not heard of Juneteenth, you are not alone. Statistics about how many Americans know about Juneteenth are hard to come by but I did a non-scientific poll of friends and acquaintances across the country and three patterns emerged. If you are of any race and have lived in Texas, or if you are African-American living anywhere in the United States, or if you caught the Juneteenth episodes of the hit TV shows Atlanta in 2018 or Black-ish in 2017, the odds seem higher that you know about Juneteenth. Some people told me they attended Juneteenth celebrations every year. Others told me that they look forward to seeing joyous photos and jubilant videos from Juneteenth celebrations throughout the United States, even if they did not attend them in person. Many reported that social media has made the day and its celebrations more visible.

Still, some who had not heard of Juneteenth seemed genuinely surprised to hear it was a thing and until a few years ago, I was in this group. But once you start to read a bit, it becomes clear that this is not a new or made-up or greeting card holiday. Apple did not go rogue with their calendar. Juneteenth is officially recognized or observed in at least 45 states plus the District of Columbia. It is a known and meaningful day to many Americans, which brings up the question of why it is not a known and meaningful day to all Americans.

Our awareness gap may be reflective of a more significant issue. Historiographer James Loewen—who studies how we study history—spent two years at the Smithsonian studying American history textbooks. He found that they tend to present slavery as if it was an external event, like a natural disaster. “Somehow we ended up with four million slaves in America but no owners,” he writes in Lies My Teacher Told Me. Bestselling author Ta-Nehisi Coates writes of “patriotism a la carte” in which we celebrate the veteran and forget the slave owner. Writer Vann R. Newkirk II speaks of the “dizzying contradiction” that is America and the “belated liberation” Juneteenth celebrates. He says “Juneteenth is the purest distillation of the evils that still plague America, and a celebration of the good people who fought those evils. It is tragedy and comedy, hope and setbacks.” Celebrating July 4, but dismissing June 19, sells America short.

If we remember only July 4, we not only misremember the past, we misunderstand the present. Most of us are in organizations actively engaged in diversity and inclusion efforts. Many of us are navigating a complicated racial landscape in our country. These efforts are in vain in a historical or cultural vacuum. We see only symptoms – the persistent and potentially deadly cough – but fail to diagnose what led to that cough. Without the right diagnosis, we only treat symptoms. We put in the training program and fight the class action suit, but our underlying illness remains. Most of us want to go beyond the symptoms and there are ways to do this.

We begin by grappling with the uncomfortable idea that Juneteenth might be America’s real Independence Day. Some Americans may find this statement divisive or unpatriotic. But, as I researched and reflected more on this piece, I started to wonder if the truly divisive and unpatriotic act was to only celebrate Independence Day on July 4 , as if there was no asterisk. I started to wonder if America today would make more sense if we knew and accepted the reality of America past, however ugly some of it was. Can we claim to love America, and not see the asterisk?

The asterisk is big, or it should be. White America is celebrating 242 years of freedom this year. Black America is celebrating only 153 years of freedom from actually being held captive, bought and sold by their fellow Americans, and not even 60 years of freedom from legalized segregation. Sixty years is a blink of an eye when it comes to economic progress and attitude change. We still enjoy TV shows, movies, and music that is older than the end of segregation. We still live in houses and apartment buildings that are older than the end of segregation. We still have family who are older than the end of segregation. In fact, the first African-Americans to integrate segregated schools are barely old enough to qualify for Social Security benefits – that is how recent our past is. It is naïve to believe that American’s racial divisions today are unrelated to our asterisks.

Owning the asterisk is hard. Slavery was an atrocity that few of us want to remember, let alone be associated with. This is not our identity as Americans. Psychologists say our sense of “self-threat” goes up when our identities are threatened, even if we were not alive when the atrocities were committed. But research says that we can reduce the intensity of self-threat by expanding how we see ourselves. If we think of our love for July 4 as fully capturing our love of America, we will reject Juneteenth and more importantly, continue to misinterpret the realities of race in America today. But if we can expand our vision of what it means to love America to include not only July 4, but also June 19 and the rest of our history as well, we can own the asterisk. If we can broaden our identity as Americans, we can understand and do more for the country we love today.

If you love America, and goodness knows, there is so much to love about America, learn about all of America. Here are three things you can do today:

Watch this entertaining 90 second video which describes the origins of Juneteenth. Read any of the articles or watch any of the videos linked above to this article. When you do, think about how our past enslavement of African-Americans continues to impact mindsets, policies, and systems today. Reflect on what other asterisks sit – or should sit - in our history books and holidays related to other groups, such as Native Americans. Share what you are learning with at least one other person today. When you do, grapple with contradictions from the past and the present. Many of us find these topics confusing and unsettling. It is okay to be unsure about what you think. Consider asking people you know if this is a meaningful day for them (do not assume all black people know about or celebrate Juneteenth). When you do, remember that the internet exists as a starting point to learn anything; none of us are entitled to have others educate us. So move with grace and humility—especially in the workplace—when asking others to share their history, traditions, culture, opinions, joy, or pain. (And, do not expect anyone to be grateful that you are learning more. Remember, this is not about getting credit. It is about expanding our view of what it means to love this country.) When people do share, enjoy the gift of hearing a perspective outside your own.

If you love America’s independence, then start celebrating today.

Today is Juneteenth, also known as Juneteenth Independence Day or Freedom Day, which commemorates the emancipation from slavery in the United States. In honor of the day, and the critical turning point it represents, we rounded up six facts:

As the Civil War came to a close in 1865, a number of people remained enslaved, especially in remote areas. Word of slavery’s end traveled slowly, and for those who were largely isolated from Union armies, life continued as if freedom did not exist.

This was especially the case in Texas, where thousands of slaves were not made aware of freedom until June 19, 1865, when Union Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston and issued an order officially freeing them. Their celebration would serve as the basis of June 19 — or Juneteenth — a holiday celebrating emancipation in the US.

Ironically, while Juneteenth has become the most prominent Emancipation Day holiday in the US, it commemorates a smaller moment that remains relatively obscure. It doesn’t mark the signing of the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, which technically freed slaves in the rebelling Confederate states, nor does it commemorate the December 1865 ratification of the 13th Amendment, which enshrined the end of slavery into the Constitution. Instead, it marks the moment when emancipation finally reached those in the deepest parts of the former Confederacy.

In many ways, Juneteenth represents how freedom and justice in the US has always been delayed for black people. The decades after the end of the war would see a wave of lynching, imprisonment, and Jim Crow laws take root. What followed was the disproportionate impact of mass incarceration, discriminatory housing policies, and a lack of economic investment. And now, as national attention remain focused on acts of police violence and various racial profiling incidents, it is clear that while progress has been made in black America’s 150 years out of bondage, considerable barriers continue to impede that progress.

Those barriers may remain until America truly begins to grapple with its history. “There are those in this society that still hold on to the idea that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about states’ rights or Northern aggression against slavery,” says Karlos Hill, a professor of African and African-American studies at the University of Oklahoma and the author of Beyond the Rope: The Impact of Lynching on Black Culture and Memory. “Juneteenth is a moment where we step back and try to understand the Civil War through the eyes of enslaved people.”

I spoke with Hill recently about the history of Juneteenth, why the push to make it a national holiday matters, and how commemorating the holiday could bring America closer to truly embracing its ideals of freedom and equality for all.

Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

P.R. Lockhart

Can you tell me a bit about the history of Juneteenth and what the holiday commemorates?

Karlos Hill

In the United States, we do not have a commemoration for the emancipation of 4 million enslaved people. We simply have not commemorated that monumental moment.

Juneteenth is a holiday, or commemoration meant to celebrate word of emancipation finally coming to a group of enslaved people in Galveston, Texas. It commemorates this group of slaves who learned that they had been emancipated months earlier. The holiday is meant to commemorate the emancipation of 4 million slaves, but particularly the small handful who weren’t aware that emancipation had come months earlier.

P.R. Lockhart

When it comes to teaching the history of Juneteenth, what does that look like? This isn’t really taught in schools, is it?

Karlos Hill

Juneteenth as a moment in African-American history is not, to my knowledge, taught. There are references to it in certain textbooks. I recently taught at Texas Tech University, and because of Juneteenth’s importance to Texas history, it is mentioned in some textbooks there. But in history textbooks across the nation, I would be willing to guess that there are few, if any, mentions of this holiday.

I think the question of if Juneteenth is well-known and understood is directly tied to the history of slavery not being well-understood. And I think that Juneteenth is largely seen as an African-American thing; it is not seen as something for the general population. Much like Kwanzaa, it is seen as a holiday that is just observed by African Americans and is poorly understood outside of the African-American community. It is perceived as being part of black culture and not “American culture,” so to speak.

P.R. Lockhart

Did the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s affect public knowledge of Juneteenth?

Karlos Hill

The civil rights and black power movements are a moment where old ways of thinking about blackness begin to recede and new ways of understanding blackness begin to come to the fore. And for a long time in African-American history, there was some shame around having been enslaved. There was shame around the kind of stereotypes around slavery that were used to humiliate African-American people.

I think with the black power movement, there was a moment where African-American activists and, more broadly, black culture took a turn toward thinking about the slave past as a moment of struggle, one that black people overcame, but also one that we should be proud of in the sense that African Americans created communities, they created families, they created culture, and that was worth celebrating; that was worth being proud of.

That period created a moment in which black people reinterpreted the experience of slavery as instead of being something to be ashamed of, it was something to be proud of. Out of this much larger cultural turn, our understanding of slavery was being revised. As a holiday that commemorates the experience of slavery, it makes sense that [increased awareness of] Juneteenth would happen then.

P.R. Lockhart

I know that over the years, there’s been a push from women like Opal Lee to black journalists, other historians, etc., to have Juneteenth become a federally recognized holiday. What do you think of that push?

Karlos Hill

I recently visited the National Memorial for Peace and Justice as well as the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, both created by the Equal Justice Initiative. And what that memorial and that museum try to do is tie the history of slavery to our present. It tries to help us understand the ways in which we as a country have never really dealt with the trauma or the legacy of slavery, and everything connected to slavery. From the perspective of the memorial and museum, our whole racial past is tied up in and connected to slavery.

One of the things that Bryan Stevenson [founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative] has argued is that in order for us to move beyond slavery, its legacy, and the trauma it brought, we have to acknowledge the ways in which slavery generated massive amounts of wealth for white Americans, and how the narratives used to justify slavery are still connected with narratives that are used to oppress African Americans today. He argues that unless we acknowledge all of this, we are going to continue to face the consequences of this legacy.

Through that memorial, and with things like a national Juneteenth holiday, we can begin to really acknowledge and address all of the issues, past and present, tied up in this issue of slavery.

It wouldn’t be a Juneteenth holiday so much that would bring about this change; it would be the dialogue — creating the consensus around the holiday, the actions taken after this holiday has been approved at the national level — that would really be where change begins. A Juneteenth holiday is just the impetus and enabler of the change that we want to see. The process of creating this holiday, the change that would need to occur to get people’s minds and spirits in the right place, is really what we want.

P.R. Lockhart

We are in a moment where America is really being confronted with its history and this question of what it wants to memorialize. I think about the violence in Charlottesville last year, or the ongoing debate about Confederate monuments, or even things like the Equal Justice Initiative’s efforts to make America more aware of the history and grim realities of lynching. And I’m wondering, where does Juneteenth fit into that?

Karlos Hill

It goes back to an earlier point I made. As a nation, as a collective, we’ve never really acknowledged the 250-plus years of slavery, and the depth of it, and the trauma it caused and the wealth it created. We haven’t really had an accounting for that.

Can you imagine 9/11 happening and there not being a recognition, a ritual, a moment where we step back and take an accounting of what happened on that day? Where we think about who it happened to and the trauma that it caused and how people have dealt with its wake, and how we’re still dealing with it? Can you imagine that not happening? Think about how that one day had this tremendous ripple effect — it changed how we did everything in this country. Now look at 250 years of slavery, and all that is bound up and connected in that. We have done almost nothing as a nation to deal with that.

One year after Charlottesville and the debate of monuments, and for me a month after going to Montgomery, a city that is a veritable shrine to the Confederacy, observing something like Juneteenth is kind of a stark reminder of the divided history that we have as a nation as it relates to slavery, as it related to the Civil War.

There are those in this society that still hold on to the idea that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about states’ rights or Northern aggression against slavery. You have those in society that like to tell the story of the Civil War exclusively through the eyes of the Confederacy and not through the eyes of enslaved people. Juneteenth is a moment where we step back and try to understand the Civil War through the eyes of enslaved people. There is an argument to be made that we use Juneteenth as part of an effort of enslaved people to liberate themselves from bondage.

When we start to peel back the layers and think about slavery and the Civil War in the context of today, Juneteenth is a moment where we bring to the fore these divided histories on remembering this era. As a nation, we don’t have a national consensus on this issue, and that’s why we don’t have a national consensus on the holiday. That’s the part of this that we are still fighting: who gets to decide what that history means, 150 years later. As a nation, we haven’t done that work.

P.R. Lockhart

Is there anything else you want to add?

Karlos Hill

I think that Juneteenth is a necessary moment of observation because our government and, to a certain degree, our nation and our culture has not really acknowledged the trauma of 4 million enslaved people and their descendants. It hasn’t acknowledged the impact this institution has had on this country and continues to have on this country. There hasn’t been a national accounting, and I think the Juneteenth holiday is kind of a reminder of that. And it will continue to be a reminder and a haunting until we do. It’s necessary, but it isn’t sufficient in terms of what we need to when it comes to acknowledging this history.

CLOSE It may not be a national holiday, but Juneteeth marks a major milestone for America USA TODAY

A group celebrates Juneteenth. (Photo: David Paul Morris / Getty Images)

Juneteenth is a holiday celebrated on June 19 that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. Across the country, the day is marked with events and parades.

"As a Nation, we vow to never forget the millions of African-Americans who suffered the evils of slavery," President Donald Trump said in a statement Tuesday recognizing the holiday. "Together, we honor the unbreakable spirit and countless contributions of generations of African Americans to the story of American greatness. Today we recommit ourselves to defending the self-evident truth, boldly declared by our Founding Fathers, that all people are created equal."

Here's everything you need to know about Juneteenth:

What is Juneteenth?

On June 19, 1865, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger came to Galveston, Texas, to inform a reluctant community that President Abraham Lincoln two years earlier had freed the slaves and to press locals to comply with his directive.

Why did it take so long for the news to get to Texas?

There is no one reason why there was a 2½-year delay in letting Texas know about the abolition of slavery in the United States, according to The historical site said some accounts place the delay on a messenger who was murdered on his way to Texas with the news, while others say the news was deliberately withheld.

Despite the delay, slavery did not end in Texas overnight, according to an article by Henry Louis Gates Jr. originally posted on The Root. Gates said after New Orleans fell, many slavers traveled to Texas with their slaves to escape regulations enforced by the Union Army in other states.

The slave owners were placed with the responsibility of letting their slaves know about the news, and some delayed relaying the information until after the harvest, Gates said.

Where does the name "Juneteenth" come from?

Juneteenth, which is also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is a combination of "June" and "nineteenth," in honor of the day that Granger announced the abolition of slavery in Texas.

How do people celebrate?

On social media, many shared photos and videos of their local Juneteenth celebrations.

Warming up to go live on #News4 at 6am for #Juneteenth2018 . Let’s get ready for the Strike Force Drum 🥁 Line @pgparks — Molette Green (@MoletteGreen) June 19, 2018

#Juneteenth Parade festivities are beginning on South State St. from Dunbar Center! Cheer on the many organizations and smiling faces from all over our City and Region. — City of Syracuse (@Syracuse1848) June 16, 2018

Others called for Juneteenth — which some see as a second Independence Day — to be named a national holiday.

The end of slavery should be a national holiday with celebrations on par with July 4th. Why isn't it? — LaneBrooks (@lanebrooks) June 19, 2018

Many use the holiday to call attention to modern racial inequality.

Juneteenth commemorates the emancipation from slavery in the US, but the fight for racial and economic justice continues. Celebrate freedom! Yet, may we all continue the work to liberate all who are oppressed. #Juneteenth2018 — Juliana Stratton (@RepStratton5) June 19, 2018

Happy Juneteenth ✊🏾 The day the last of the slaves were freed . Although slavery ended & turned into mass incarceration. Keep fighting for justice & celebrate your freedom. — Ayesha 🌻👑 (@Prettie_Dope) June 19, 2018

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