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Wesak Day spirit coincides with the birth of new Malaysia, says Azmin

A florist arranges flowers on the main float at the Malaysia Buddhist Association ahead of the Wesak Day celebrations in George Town May 28, 2018. — Picture by KE Ooi

KUALA LUMPUR, May 28 — Minister of Economic Affairs Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said Malaysia’s new beginning emphasises the importance of service and justice to all, good governance and placing the people above all else.

“Wesak Day spirit and enlightenment coincides with the birth of a new Malaysia, a feat made possible through striving for justice to be upheld”, he said in his Wesak Day message to the media today.

Azmin who is also Selangor Mentri Besar added that he decided to take on responsibilities at the federal level to save the country.

“It will be tough, but together, I am confident we can provide a new direction for our country,” he said in a statement today.

“The celebration of Wesak in 2018 is historic as it comes on the back of an unprecedented demand by Malaysians for change,” said Azmin.

Wesak Day is celebrated to honour the birth of Gautama Buddha.

In Malaysia, Wesak is a treasured symbol of our multi-cultural and multi-religious society, as Buddhists commemorate this occasion with peaceful celebrations and charitable deeds for the less fortunate.

AS Buddhists all over Malaysia gather to celebrate Wesak Day tomorrow, Kechara House in Petaling Jaya and Kechara Forest Retreat in Bentong, Pahang, are inviting devotees to spend a day doing good deeds starting from 8am with the Eight Precepts.

Kechara House's main events on Wesak Day will be held at its Sunway Mas Commercial Centre (PJ) temple.

• 9am - 9.30am: Animal Liberation – Bringing Happiness to Others

The practice of loving-kindness called 'metta', is the main pillar of Buddhism. On Wesak, Buddhists celebrate the value of life by liberating the lives of animals. Join Kechara House on this virtuous day and gain a bounty of merits by freeing less-fortunate animals from suffering.

• 9.30am to 10.30am: Vegetarian Vow

As a way of honouring life, Buddhists abstain from eating meat on Wesak. The Vegetarian Vow is open to anyone who wants to reduce the suffering of animals being slaughtered for meat. The Vegetarian Vow will be held at the Kechara House Main Prayer Hall.

• 11am to 12.30am: Lama Chopa

Lama Chopa is a guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa, written by the First Panchen Lama based on teachings. This comprehensive practice strengthens one’s relationship with the Spiritual Guide through offerings.

• 1.30pm to 2.30pm: Dharma Talk

Visitors are also welcome to light candles with a donation of RM10 onwards.

Various Wesak Day offering packages are also available. For details, call 012-987 3908 or email

IT took more than two weeks for 17 people to assemble a specially made Thorana at the Buddhist Maha Vihara temple in Brickfields.

A Thorana is an arched gateway built for ceremonial purposes in Hindu and Buddhist architecture.

The Thorana, which took a month to complete, was gifted by the Sri Lankan government to the temple to commemorate the 60 years of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

The Thorana, which stands at 18.3m and lit up by 35,000 bulbs, depicts the story of enlightenment of a nun named Bhikkhuni Kundalakesi.

This year marks the first time the temple will light up a large Thorana for Wesak Day from 7.15pm to 11pm every night until June 1.

Volunteers preparing flowers for devotees to pick up when placing donations at Buddhist Maha Vihara temple in Brickfields.

The Joint Wesak Celebration Committee comprising 50 Buddhist temples and societies in the Klang Valley lighted up the Thorana for the first time on May 26 to start the celebrations.

Wesak Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha.

Joint Wesak Day Celebration Committee honorary secretary-general A. Hemadasa said 5,000 volunteers from the temple devoted their time and effort to prepare for the Wesak celebrations.

From preparing flowers and joss sticks to spring cleaning, the volunteers followed a roster of activities to make the event a smooth process until tomorrow.

Hemadasa said the celebration on Wesak Eve would consist of sermons and blessings including lighting 15,000 oil lamps.

Hemadasa says 15,000 oil lamps will be lighted up for Wesak Day.

“A dance troupe of 16 dancers from Sri Lanka is here and will perform tonight,” he said.

Tomorrow, Wesak Day will begin at 7am with the raising of the Buddhist flag followed by prayers and sermons.

“We will distribute 8,000 rice packets from 11am while free drinks prepared by temple devotees will be served throughout the day,” he said.

Hemadasa added that on Wesak night, thousands of devotees holding lighted candles will participate in a procession of 20 colourfully decorated floats.

The floats, made by devotees from different societies and temples, will ply a 12km route after its launch by Transport Minister Anthony Loke at 6pm.

The floats will move along Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Jalan Petaling, Jalan Yap Ah Loy, Jalan Hang Lekiu, Jalan Gereja, Jalan Raja Chulan, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Jalan Pudu, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad and return to the temple in about four hours.

The temple will also hold a blood donation drive tonight and tomorrow.

KUALA LUMPUR: The 2018 Wesak Day celebration in Malaysia is historic as it comes on the back of an unprecedented demand by Malaysians for change, says Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

He said Wesak's spirit of birth and enlightenment coincided with the birth of a new Malaysia, a feat made possible through the enlightenment of Malaysians striving for justice to be upheld.

Mohamed Azmin said Malaysia's new beginning highlighted the importance of service and justice for all, the importance of good governance, and placing the importance of people above all else.

"In the spirit of new beginnings, I have decided to take on responsibilities at the Federal level as we need to save our country. It will be tough, but together, I am confident we can provide a new direction for our country.

"To Buddhists in Selangor and throughout Malaysia, I extend my warmest wishes to you on a Wesak Day filled with joy and thanksgiving. Happy Wesak Day!," he said in his Wesak Day Message today.

He added that in Malaysia, Wesak Day was a treasured symbol of multi-cultural and multi-religious society as Buddhists commemorated this occasion with peaceful celebrations and charitable deeds for the less fortunate.

Wesak Day marks the celebration to honour the Gautama Buddha's birth, enlightenment and liberation via Nirvana.

This year in Malaysia, Wesak Day will be celebrated tomorrow. — Bernama

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