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Malaysian fashion critic Zaihani Mohd Zain says those above 60kg should not attend fashion shows

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Nama Zaihani Mohd Zain tidak asing lagi dikalangan peminat fesyen tempatan, style serta gayanya sememangnya mempunyai keunikan tersendiri. Namun, pengkritik fesyen terkenal itu telah membuatkan netizen kurang senang apabila mengkritik individu berbadan besar yang duduk disebelahnya ketika pertunjukan fesyen berlangsung.

Kenyataan Zaihani itu juga telah mendapat perhatian dari beberapa pereka fesyen terkenal seperti Tom Abang Saufi dan Adila Long. Ini komen mereka mengenai isu tersebut.

Seorang pengguna Twitter bernama Nalisa Alia Amin telah memuat naik beberapa paparan skrin dimana pereka fesyen terkenal membalas balik kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Zaihani Mohd Zain di sosial media, mengenai pengalamannya duduk di sebelah berbadan gempal.

Ini antara respon fashion designer seperti Tom Abang Saufi dan Adila Long;

A designer i admire from jakarta ..our pics in.our younger designing days 1985..and quite recent in our early 60s n( grandmothers ) in paris with Hermes brothers ..we both have journeyed all over the world for our work or pleasure and always true to our countries heritage .. have been many kilos different and done and attended many shows globally but never has weight been an issue..but we always have passion in our craft and chosen career.

Upset by touching thighs, style critic tells those over 60kg to skip fashion shows

Fashion critic Zaihani Mohd Zain is copping flak for an anti-plus-size post. — Instagram/StyleTributePETALING JAYA, April 17 — Fashion critic Zaihani Mohd Zain said people weighing more than 60kg should not attend catwalk events here.

Her reason?

“Your thighs are spilling over onto the chairs on your left and right,” she wrote in social media post.

She claimed people she considered plus-sized were making it uncomfortable and awkward to attend such events as their limbs would touch hers when seated.

According to Malay language portal Oh Bulan, Zaihani’s remarks also come just as labels are gearing up to show their Hari Raya collections.

Zaihani, better known as Kak Zai in the Malaysian fashion scene, has styled many celebrities and is one of the most sought-after image consultants and esteemed fashion critics in the country.

She is often seen in the front row of fashion shows.

Her remarks invited swift reprisals on social media, with messages suggesting that she was also unsuited to continue covering fashion events.

“If you are reaching 60 years of age, no need to be so keen to attend a fashion show, it’s much better to study religion,” wrote Twitter user @maafcakaplah.

“It’s so awkward and uncomfortable when you’re that old but have no regrets.”

Fashion designer Calvin Thoo also used social media to counter her view, saying plus-sized individuals have as much right as Zaihani to attend fashion shows.

Sorry but 60kg doesnt mean you re fat......kalau tinggi cmne....... — Ceparah (@ceparah) April 16, 2018

Peha melimpah? Mentang2 dia kecut. Meh nak tampar pakai lemak bawah lengan. — Zul (@zulhafizaz) April 16, 2018

Fashionista Zaihani Mohd Zain invites criticism for her scathing remarks on weight. Zaihani Mohd Zain Facebook page

Known for her sharp tongue and timeless avant-garde looks, Malaysian style critic and image consultant Zaihani Mohd Zain made quite the statement when she made a Facebook post ranting about people at fashion shows who weigh above 60kg.

In her post, she said: “If your weight is more than 60kg, you don’t need to come because you will overflow to the chairs on your left and right. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable for the persons seated next to you!!!”

The post has since been taken down, but a screenshot is still circulating on social media.

Zaihani’s remarks came just as fashion labels were getting ready to showcase their Hari Raya collections, according to Malay news website Oh Bulan.

In a time when organisations and individuals are often called out for body shaming, netizens were quick to pounce on the harshness of her post.

Kalau usia tu hampir mencecah/melebihi 60 tahun, tak payah lah datang terkinja-kinja ke pertunjukan fesyen, pergi belajar agama lagi bagus. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable bila usia senja-senja ni tak reti nak insaf. — Kak Bam (@maafcakaplah) April 15, 2018

Twitter user Kak Bam retaliated by mocking her.

He said: “Those above the age of 60, they don’t need to model at fashion shows, instead they should go study religion. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable when you’re at a twilight age like this and don’t know how to repent.”

Netizens also berated her and suggested that her comments were regressive.

In what year she’s living where models only wear size 0? We live in era where plus size models have place in fashion industry. Tah tah yg peha melimpah tu lagi vogue, beli baju fashion sbb duit berkepuk. — najwa. 🐚 (@najwadameek) April 16, 2018

If you feel uncomfortable then you’re the problem not the person who weighs more than 60kg sitting next to you. Being big is not a problem. If you weigh 60kg+ but youre healthy then continue. Give zero fucks to anyone who talks. — 17 38 (@13hk10) April 16, 2018

However, this is not the first time the style icon has made controversial comments on weight.

In a 2016 interview with Malaysia Tatler, Zaihani said that those who indulge in fashion and dressing up should make the sacrifice of watching their weight, and emphasised that size matters.

“Why do you think big fashion houses do not cater to plus sized women?” she asked.

If you ask us, it seems a tad ironic how one of Malaysia’s top image consultants managed to bring such a PR nightmare on herself.

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