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Boyfriend of tragic adult film star Olivia Nova 'killed himself' months before her death

ADULT performer Olivia Nova revealed her boyfriend “killed himself” just months before her own death.

The heartbreaking revelation came to light after Olivia Nova – real name Lexi Rose Forte – was discovered at her Las vegas home on Sunday. Olivia hit back at a Twitter troll last year where she said her partner committed suicide, just two days before her birthday. The 20-year-old added: “My boyfriend killed himself two days before my birthday in April. “That’s not cool to poke at – not over him.”

INSTAGRAM/ OLIVIA NOVA LOVED: Olivia said she was "not ready to say goodbye" to her boyfriend

Porn star Olivia Nova found dead aged 20 Porn star Olivia Nova, 20, rose to fame in the adult film industry in a matter of months 1 / 8 Twitter Nova's death comes two weeks after she tweeted she was spending the holidays alone

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She then posted photo of them together a few days after he killed himself. Olivia said: “Rest in peace love. It seems like we were cuddling n bed allay with the puppy eating pizza and watching movies yesterday. I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet.” Now Olivia’s mum is facing the heartbreaking task of bringing her daughter’s body back home to Minnesota, but worse still she has no money to pay for the funeral. Her family are now begging for help to pay for it, and close friends have set up a GoFundMe page which has already raised $5,170 of the $8,000 goal.

INSTAGRAM/ OLIVIA NOVA HAPPIER TIMES: Olivia Nova was found dead at her Las Vegas home on Sunday

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Porn star Olivia Nova knew she was going to die unless she got help to change her life, after doctors warned she must sober up just months before her tragic death.

Olivia - real name Lexi Forde - had reached out to pals for help in getting sober and desperately wanted to turn her life around, her close friend Jimmie Romero told Mirror Online.

"Lexi knew her days were limited, she was told in October by doctors," he explained.

"She was at a friend's house trying to get sober. She had three days off of everything. She said she wanted to change her lifestyle - she looked in my eyes and said to me, 'I want to stop and change my life. I have a family that loves me.'"

(Image: Twitter)

Jimmie, who has worked in recovery rehabs and has been sober himself for 14 years, saw the warning signs and begged Lexi to get to hospital to detox fully.

But, heartbreakingly, Lexi decided not to seek medical treatment to battle her demons, choosing instead to help another friend who was "heading down a dangerous path", says Jimmie.

"Even though her friend would never forgive her for giving a statement, Lexi had to try to help save her life," he went on.

"I am indebted to Lexi for her selfless act. She passed trying to save others and I believe that's the stuff saints are made of.

(Image: Twitter)

"If there is a heaven, I hope you're smiling and all the pain is gone. Sleep easy my friend," Jimmie added. "My love, respect always... You will never be forgotten."

His heartfelt tribute came after Lexi's high school friend Taylor Johnson lifted the lid on the traumatic life events that led the 20-year-old into porn .

Lexi had spent the last few days of 2014 in hospital after getting behind the wheel of a snowmobile drunk, which resulted in a horrific crash that injured her face.

The model's friends had begged her not to drink and drive, and she later said the crash had given her a wake-up call.

(Image: Instagram)

At the time, Lexi posted a picture of herself lying in a hospital bed with a neck brace on and blood encrusting her nose and mouth.

She captioned the photo as a warning to her friends: "So thankful to be alive. Thank you for all of your prayers everyone, I hope you all take it to heart when I say it's never going to be worth it to drink and drive.

"I easily could've lost my life or taken another this morning," she added.

In another cruel twist of fate, Lexi lost a close friend to suicide in 2016 and then her much loved boyfriend Nolan to a heroin overdose in April 2017, a month after she'd started in the porn industry.

(Image: Instagram)

(Image: Twitter)

Lexi later claimed on Twitter that his overdose had been deliberate.

The fiercely principled vegan and animal lover was dealing with all these tragedies in the run-up to her death, Taylor told Mirror Online.

"Her lifestyle kinda changed drastically in the last year and I know she was recently feeling pressure about her busy upcoming schedule, and believe her and her new boyfriend might've been arguing," she said.

"She spent Christmas alone. I haven't seen her in a few years, but we kept in touch through social media."

(Image: Twitter)

Lexi was found dead this week in Las Vegas. Her family now face the prospect of recovering her dog, possessions and body and bringing them back home, for which a GoFundMe page has been set up to help them with the expenses.

If you're struggling to cope with mental health issues, there are ways you can access help.

Samaritans (116 123) operates a 24-hour service available every day of the year. If you prefer to write down how you’re feeling, or if you're worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email Samaritans at

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM  - Kematian bintang film dewasa Olivia Nova masih menjadi buah bibir hingga saat ini.

Penyebab kematiannya belum diketahui, tetapi banyak yang menduga jika ia mengalami tekanan berat.

Wanita 20 tahun itu ditemukan tewas di Las Vegas pada Minggu (7/12/2018).

Ia merupakan bintang film dewasa ke-4, yang meninggal dunia dalam waktu dua bulan ini.

Setelah kematiannya, fakta baru yang membuat miris pun muncul.

Baca: Satu per Satu Bintang Film Dewasa Berguguran, Kini Olivia Nova Meninggal Dunia

Rupanya, ibu Olivia tak memiliki uang untuk biaya pemakaman putrinya.

Pihak keluarga kemudian meminta bantuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu.

Teman-teman dekat Olivia pun mengumpulkan donasi melalui sebuah laman, yang kini telah terkumpul $ 5.170 dari target $ 8.000.

Baca: Meninggal Dunia di Usia Muda, Ini 9 Fakta Tentang Bintang Panas Olivia Nova

Tak hanya itu, sebuah fakta miris juga terungkap baru-baru ini.

Pacar Olivia juga tewas bunuh diri pada tahun 2017 lalu, hanya dua hari sebelum pemilik nama asli Lexi Rose Forte itu merayakan ulang tahun.

Olivia sempat mengungkapkan kesedihannya di Twitter.

"Beristirahatlah dengan cinta damai. Ini seperti kita masih memeluk di tempat tidur bersama anak anjing makan pizza dan menonton film kemarin. Aku belum siap untuk berpisah denganmu," tulis Olivia kala itu. (TRIBUNJOGJA.COM)

Tragisnya, dalam sebuah wawancara di bulan Agustus 2017, saat dia ditanya apa yang diharapkan terjadi padanya dalam sepuluh tahun ke depan, dia menjawab ingin lulus perguruan tinggi dan banyak terlibat dalam proyek sosial.

"Saya berencana untuk lulus sekolah. Saya juga punya proyek sosial besar yang tidak mencari keuntungan, saya ingin menjadi bagian dari orang-orang," katanya sebagaimana dilansir dari .

Ilustrasi akhir hidup mengenaskan sang bintang 'Panas'

Olivia Nova juga mengungkapkan bahwa dia adalah penyanyi yang pandai menulis musiknya sendiri, dan membandingkan gayanya dengan Amy Winehouse.

Penggemar Amy tersebut juga mengatakan bahwa saat ini dia sedang mengerjakan album debutnya sendiri dengan orang yang cukup besar. Tetapi dia menolak menyebutkan nama.

Sayangnya, bintang porno berusia 20 tahun tersebut meninggal sebelum impiannya tercapai. Dia ditemukan tewas di Las Vegas pada 7 Januari lalu. Bahkan, belum diketahui penyebabnya karena hasil dari post mortem baru akan keluar setidaknya selama enam minggu ke depan.

Lalu kenapa gadis yang memiliki nama asli Lexi Forte ini memilih menjadi bintang porno? Dalam sebuah wawancara tahun lalu, dia mengungkapkan bahwa menjadi bintang porno membantunya mengatasi masalah percaya diri. Walaupun, pertama kali beradegan dalam sebuah film porno membuatnya gugup.

"Saya cukup gugup tapi dalam beberapa detik aku merasa seperti kamu hanya punya ini," katanya.

Dia juga menceritakan bagaimana nerveous saat pertama kali harus menanggalkan pakaian di depan kamera. Tetapi, membintangi beberapa film dewasa dan membuat sebuah nama alias untuk dirinya sendiri di media sosial, membuatnya memperoleh 20.000 pengikut di Twitter .

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