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Google Doodle Ungkap Terima Kasih untuk Koki di Tengah Pandemi : Okezone techno - Minggu lalu, Google mulai menampilkan serangkaian doodle sebagai tanda ucapan terima kasih untuk garda terdepan yang melawan pandemi Covid-19 akibat virus Corona.

Kini, Google melanjutkan aksi simpatiknya dengan doodle Thank You Coronavirus Helpers. Doodle Thank you coronavirus helpers ini menjadi akhir kampanye dukungan moril kepada semua pihak yang berada di garis depan, yang diinisiasi Google sejak 6 April lalu.

Dalam doodle tersebut, logo Google yang menghiasi halaman dihiasi dengan ilustrasi sejumlah profesi, seperti dokter, polisi, sopir angkutan umum, pemadam kebakaran, petugas kebersihan, koki, tenaga pengajar, dan sebagainya.

Baca juga: Berkenalan dengan Tukang Gambar Google Doodle

Profesi-profesi itu ditampilkan bergantian, setelah digilir ditampilkan dalam sepekan terakhir. Menurut Google, ini merepresentasikan bagaimana semua elemen masyarakat bahu-membahu saling menolong di masa sulit ini.

"Covid-19 terus memberikan imbas kepada banyak komunitas di dunia, orang-orang kini menjadi lebih bersatu padu saling membantu," tulis Google dalam situs resmi Google Doodle.

"Kami meluncurkan serangkaian Doodle untuk menghormati mereka yang berada di garis terdepan," lanjut Google.

Huruf G yang ada di depan mewakili masyarakat di seluruh dunia, mengirim "cinta" dalam bentuk ikon/tanda hati ke huruf-huruf lainnya, yang mewakili para pekerja di garis depan.

Doodle berseri ini jarang dibuat oleh Google, kecuali ada event-event khusus besar yang sedang terjadi, seperti Olimpiade dan Piala Dunia.

Simak berita-berita seputar tenaga medis yang menjadi salah satu garda terdepan Indonesia dalam menghadapi wabah di Indonesia:

Simak berita-berita seputar tenaga medis yang menjadi salah satu garda terdepan Indonesia dalam menghadapi wabah di Indonesia:

JAKARTA - Setelah Google menunjukkan animasi apresiasi terhadap mobil pengantar barang atau boks, kini Google mengungkap terima kasih untuk koki di tengah pandemi COVID-19.

Seperti diketahui, Google mengusung serangkaian Doodle untuk mengenali orang-orang yang merespons COVID-19. Perusahaan juga menunjukkan hasil pencarian "thank you coronavirus helpers" ketika animasi Doodle diklik pada hari ini.

"Minggu ini, kami memulai serangkaian Doodles untuk mengenali banyak orang yang merespons COVID-19. Mulai dari dokter dan perawat yang merawat orang-orang di garis depan, hingga guru dan pekerja layanan makanan yang memastikan barang dan layanan penting masih tersedia. Terima kasih untuk semua orang yang bekerja untuk menyelamatkan nyawa dan menjaga komunitas aman selama pandemi ini," kata Google.

Google selain menampilkan Doodle juga menampilkan peta penyebaran virus corona. Perusahaan menampilkan peta penyebaran virus corona melalui situs

Dengan mengakses situs ini, Anda akan dapat melihat peta penyebaran, statistik jumlah yang terinfeksi corona di seluruh dunia dan rincian jumlah kasus yang terkonfirmasi berdasarkan negara.

Situs peta penyebaran virus corona John Hopkins University mengungkap kasus penderita COVID-19 saat ini mencapai 2 juta lebih. Urutan pertama kasus COVID-19 paling tinggi ialah Amerika Serikat, disusul Spanyol di urutan kedua dan Italia di urutan ketiga.

Amerika Serikat mencatatkan lebih dari 638 ribu kasus COVID-19 yang terkonfirmasi, kemudian 180 ribu lebih di Spanyol dan Italia mencatatkan 165 ribu lebih.

Negara-negara lainnya yang berada di urutan empat dan seterusnya antara lain Jerman, Prancis, Inggris, lalu China.

TRIBUNPALU.COM - Sebuah penampakan aneh terlihat pada Google Earth dan Google Street View .

Google Earth dan Google Street View   memburamkan sebuah rumah.

Tahukah kamu? Ada rumah yang sengaja diblur atau diburamkan oleh   Google   Earth dan   Google   Street View?

Rumah tersebut terletak di 2207 Seymour Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113,   Amerika Serikat.

Ternyata, dibalik langkah   Google   ini, ada kasus mengerikan yang dilakukan oleh sang pemilik rumah.

Yakni kasus penculikan dan kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan selama 10 tahun oleh seorang pria.

• Tema Google Doodle Hari Ini : Thank You Coronavirus Helpers

• Mengenal Pelopor Cuci Tangan di Dunia, Ignaz Semmelweis yang Jadi Google Doodle Hari Ini

Rumah Ariel Castro diblur google, diambil Google Earth pada 2009 (Google)

Ariel Casto tega menculik tiga wanita sekaligus sejak 2002 hingga 2013 silam.

Dikutip   The Sun , Ariel Casto sebelumnya telah memiliki seorang istri dan empat anak.

Namun sang istri memilih bercerai karena Ariel Casto melakukan penganiayaan.

Today wraps up two weeks of Google Doodles that pay tribute to essential workers combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Google has an illustration showing all the “thank you coronavirus helpers” together, while that space is also being used to remind users when their cities clap every night.

Since the coronavirus emerged, people around the world have taken to clapping for doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers every evening. Google highlighted this occurrence in an ad last month. The display is particularly striking in cities where people take to the streets (while practicing physical distancing) and their balconies.

Each city has its own daily celebration, with Google now highlighting major ones. Clicking the Google Doodle performs a “thank you coronavirus helpers” search with an illustration that shows letters from the past two weeks together. This direct method is the only way you can view the graphic.

Those living in larger areas will see their city, a hashtag, and the time underneath. It’s “#SolidarityAt8” in Los Angeles, while the message for San Francisco is “#GetLoudForOurHeroes at 7pm!” Clicking performs a search where the top result is a Twitter carousel that often shows a message from your mayor.

In total, there are 10 Doodles in the “Thank you coronavirus helpers” series and you can view all of them here:

Public health workers and to researchers in the scientific community

Doctors, nurses, and medical workers

Emergency services workers

Custodial and sanitation workers

Farmworkers and farmers

Grocery workers

Public transportation workers

Packaging, shipping, and delivery workers

Food service workers

Teachers and childcare workers

FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.

Check out 9to5Google on YouTube for more news:

I’m not crying — you’re crying. Actually, we all are.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the world is seeing an emotional outpouring of support for medical professionals and other essential workers. People are taking to the streets to cheer on front-line workers from London to Barcelona, Spain to New York.

But folks are also sharing their virtual gratitude in video messages of thanks that tug at viewers’ heartstrings. Whether offering praise to hospital workers from afar or showing support for farmworkers who are keeping the world well fed, the YouTube generation is using their video savvy to make sure their messages are heard. And felt.

Here are some of the most heartwarming video tributes to essential personnel — the true heroes of the COVID-19 crisis. Your eyes should dry within a few hours, but we offer no guarantees.

Heroic hurrah

The University of Chicago Medicine uses a 2½-minute video to acknowledge letters and artwork — including kids’ drawings — sent by appreciative people from across the country. The compilation of messages from California, Washington state, Nebraska and beyond encourages medical professionals to “stay strong” and “stay safe,” with plenty of gratitude to spare. “Thank you for putting yourself in the way of danger to save others, to save the public,” says one message. “This is what it means to be a hero.”

Boston strong

More than two dozen survivors of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing offer a tag-team message of thanks and support in this touching message. Among the presenters are Marc Fucarile, who lost his right leg and was hospitalized for 100 days, and Jeff Bauman, who lost both legs and was portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal in the 2017 film “Stronger” about his recovery.

Kids’ message

An adorable collection of kids offer a chorus of thanks for the “awesome” people working in the trenches. The tike tributes take place in their living rooms, backyards and bedrooms — and in one case, while bouncing on an outdoor trampoline.

A whole new ballgame

New York Mets first baseman Pete Alonso delivers a surprise message to five first responders on the front lines, thanking them “for keeping everybody safe and providing protection for everybody.” The video has been viewed more than 107,000 times since it was posted March 25 on Major League Baseball’s social media accounts. On April 3, Alonso also sent a message to fans on Twitter saying he “can’t wait to hear y’all cheer your lungs out! Shake that damn stadium!”

Hooray for helpers

This compilation of news stories depicting “random acts of corona kindness” and “neighbor helping neighbor” was produced by Massachusetts filmmaker Michael Gilbert. The video encourages viewers to “look for the helpers” and includes clips about the New England Patriots sending 300,000 N95 masks to medical workers and an emotional sendoff for a patient who was applauded by medical personnel as she was discharged from a hospital.

‘We will get you home’

Cleveland Clinic patient Nic Brown, 38, was one of Ohio’s first COVID-19 cases. When his condition worsened, he was put on a ventilator — but hospital personnel rallied for him, leaving messages on his room’s glass door, including one that read, “We will get you home.” In the video, Brown heaps praise on his protectors. “I don’t know that I have ever seen such selfless people in my life. I really saw the love of God through these people,” says the husband and father of two daughters. “I feel like I’ve got a second chance at life.”

Saluting their own

Two workers at New Jersey’s RWJBarnabas Health Community Medical Center were hit with COVID-19, but they beat it — and they received a hearty sendoff from fellow staff members who “clapped them out” as they were discharged.

Cue the applause

On April 9, members of the NYPD gathered outside the Hospital for Special Surgery to applaud the “heroes” inside the Upper East Side facility. “We are deeply grateful for this show of support,” the hospital writes in the short video’s description.

‘Thank U Frontline’

Singer-songwriter Chris Mann borrows the music from Alanis Morissette’s “Thank U” and offers new lyrics of thanks to essential workers as images of first responders, grocery clerks, truck drivers, janitors, mail carriers and more flash by during the nearly five-minute video. “How ’bout taking a moment to thank the front line,” he croons. “How ’bout thinking of others who can’t stay home.”

You better believe

Even if you’re not a Journey fan, you’d be hard-pressed not to get choked up by the sight and sound of New York-Presbyterian Queens Hospital workers blasting the rock group’s hit song “Don’t Stop Believin'” as recovered coronavirus patients are discharged from the Flushing facility.

‘Big’ thanks

“Big Little Lies” star Nicole Kidman offers her support to front-line workers as the daughter of a nurse herself. “I’ve seen a nurse in action my whole life. I used to hang out at the hospital when I was a little girl,” says Kidman, 52, who is a global ambassador for Swisse health and wellness company. “So to now be able to say thank you to all of you for your bravery and your selflessness in what you are doing, particularly during this time, is so important. We recognize you and we love you. Thank you.”

Senior salute

Senior residents at a Kentucky nursing home send a message of hope to those much younger than they who are waging the battle against COVID-19. Saying they themselves had survived the Great Depression, world wars and more, they offer a unified message for the younger generation’s battle: “You will win.”

Caravan of thanks

On April 10, residents around Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, DC, cheered, honked car horns and otherwise took to the streets to celebrate first responders, restaurant workers and the medical center staff. “That was so amazing,” one masked hospital worker says in the video. “It was the most emotional thing that I have ever experienced.”

Fake TV docs salute real-world docs

In a video orchestrated by former “House” actress Olivia Wilde, she and other television docs offer shout-outs to medical personnel battling the coronavirus crisis in real life. Among the stars taking part are “Scrubs” stars Zach Braff and Donald Faison, Patrick Dempsey of “Grey’s Anatomy” and Neil Patrick Harris of “Doogie Howser, MD” fame.

Surprise serenade

A Massachusetts nurse is moved to tears — and you will be, too — when two neighbors saddle up to a violin and a cello for an impromptu performance of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” in front of the shocked medical worker’s house.

As we enter the third week of our five-week lockdown, South Africans are taking to Google in search of answers. One of the search terms this week was a pleasant surprise: Thank you, coronavirus helpers.

Top trending searches on Google this week

“Thank you coronavirus helpers” – 700 000 searches

The top trending search term over 21-day lockdown in South Africa was “thank you coronavirus helpers”, with more than 500 000 searches generated on 15 April, and an additional 200 000 since then.

Starting today, we're launching a #GoogleDoodle series to honor many of those on the front lines in the fight against #COVID19. Today's doodle is dedicated to the public health workers and researchers in the scientific community – on behalf of all of us, thank you. — Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) April 6, 2020 Today, we’d like to say:

To all grocery workers, thank you.

#GoogleDoodle → — Google Doodles (@GoogleDoodles) April 13, 2020

This was also the title of a recent Google Doodle which celebrates teachers and childcare workers who put their lives on the line during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The “Thank you coronavirus helpers” series also honours grocery store workers, farmworkers, farmers, emergency service workers, food service workers, and scientific researchers, to name a few.

“As COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, people are coming together to help one another now more than ever. We’re launching a Doodle series to recognize and honour many of those on the front lines. Today, we’d like to say: To all coronavirus helpers, thank you.” – Google

Boris Johnson and Tiger King

The second and third favourites this week were “lion”, which dethroned the previous popular “tiger”, related to the popular Netflix docuseries The Tiger King; as well as “Boris Johnson”.

Johnson, on the other hand, made headlines when he tested positive for COVID-19 on 27 March 2020, and again when he was moved to intensive care on 6 April 2020.

Vinolia Mashego, Zwelinzima Vavi, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams

In addition, South Africans also searched for actress “Vinolia Mashego”, who recently passed away, and “Zwelinzima Vavi”, who tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus on 2 April 2020.

The Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, also made it to the list after she was sanctioned and placed on leave by the President for violating the lockdown regulations.

The search term was especially popular among Eastern Cape residents, with Western Cape showing the least amount of interest:

Other than “Thank you, coronavirus helpers,” another top trend today is “School reopen South Africa”, after the Department of Health said schools will only resume once the department gives the green light:

“Given the high risk associated with large gatherings, the DBE is considering a phased-in approach. The most critical grades will be brought in first to start the primary and secondary schools, while the remaining learners are retained at home, and they are brought in on an incremental basis”.

Top ten trending search terms over the lockdown period:

Thank you coronavirus helpers


Boris Johnson


Vinolia Mashego COVID-19 news

Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams

Money Heist


Zwelinzima Vavi

Search trends information is gleaned from data collated by Google based on what South Africans have been searching for and asking Google. Google processes more than 40 000 search queries every second.

This translates to more than a billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year, worldwide. Previous search term reports can be found here.

Say thanks to coronavirus helpers by sending messages. Some quotes and wishes to send on Whatsapp.

The Unsung heroes of the nation are being thanked in different ways. These coronavirus helpers have been working since the Covid-19 outbroke. When everybody is sitting home, the delivery boys, the policemen, the doctors, nurses, etc are working in order to contain the Coronavirus. These people are coronavirus helpers i.e. corona warriors.

Need to say thank you

The whole world is praising the efforts that are being made by corona warriors to ensure everyone’s safety everywhere. These people have been tirelessly working to deliver essential services.

The community of these workers should be given applause for the work. From the rag pickers to the nurses and security personnel standing on all fronts are working for the people.

Here is how to say thanks to coronavirus helpers

Say thanks to coronavirus helpers by sending messages. Some quotes and wishes to send.

Here are some quotes to say thanks to coronavirus helpers 'No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks'. James Allen Thank you for being you. Thank you! Let us be kinder to one another. Thank corona warriors. Please accept this thank-you from me to express a million thanks to you for your work. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for. 'I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder' -G.K. Chesterton Many many thanks for being there. Thank you for helping us Your work deserves appreciation. Thank you! Thanks for being there for everyone 24*7. Thank you Thank you for saving me and my family. Thank you!

We should encourage them for the work coronavirus helpers

have been performing when most people are sitting home. It is because of the coronavirus helpers that the nation is being able to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. Say thanks!

Read: World Haemophilia Day 2020: Founder, theme, significance, quotes

Last week, Google released a simple and moving ad thanking healthcare workers around the world for combating COVID-19. The company is now continuing that praise by saying thank you to all coronavirus helpers with a series of Google Doodles over the next two weeks.

This week, we’re beginning a series of Doodles to recognize the many people responding to COVID-19 — from doctors and nurses caring for people on the front lines, to teachers and food service workers ensuring essential goods and services are still available

This Google Doodles series — usually reserved for multi-week sporting events like the Olympics and World Cup — coincides with National Public Health Week in the US.

The first thanks public health workers and researchers in the scientific community. Given that there will be several Doodles in this series, Google is using the same basic format where the “G” sends heart/thanks/appreciation/respect to a themed “e” at the end.

Monday’s features graphs depicting curves, while the one tomorrow sees the last letter dressed in scrubs. The Search homepage at the bottom notes who Google is recognizing that day.

Google Doodles: Thank you coronavirus helpers

April 6: Public health workers and to researchers in the scientific community

April 7: Doctors, nurses, and medical workers

April 8: Emergency services workers

April 9: Custodial and sanitation workers

April 10: Farmworkers and farmers

April 13: Grocery workers

April 14: Public transportation workers

April 15: Packaging, shipping, and delivery workers

April 16: Food service workers

April 17: Teachers and childcare workers

April 18: Google has one final Doodle in the “thank you coronavirus helpers” series that rotates between essential workers from the last 10 illustrations. In a post, the company explains how this effort “came together in a matter of days” — instead of the usual “months (sometimes years!) of planning and development.”

In this series of animated GIF Doodles, the big “G” represents communities around the world sending our love to the other letters, which represent the essential workers. Fun fact: we purposely used the first and last letters of our logo to ensure characters in every Doodle were practicing social distancing.

Other coronavirus helpers that will see a thank you include:

Over the next two weeks, our Doodles will honor other essential frontline workers, including healthcare workers, first responders, and the many people keeping services like sanitation, food service, public transit, schools, and more up and running. Thank you to all the people who are working to save lives and keep communities safe during this pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, Google has leveraged its platforms to provide information and link to health resources. Recent efforts involve:

FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.

Check out 9to5Google on YouTube for more news:

It’s so important that we don’t take coronavirus medical staff and essential workers for granted as they battle on the frontlines of the global pandemic. These “Thank You Coronavirus Helpers” videos are a small way to say thanks to the people who put their lives on the line to save ours everyday, and they serve as a sweet reminder to keep looking for the helpers. From songs to applause to celebrity tributes, these “Thank You” video will warm your heart and help us all feel a little more connected while social distancing.

1. New York-Presbyterian Hospital Workers Won’t Stop Believin’

Medical staff at New York-Presbyterian Hospital applauded and played Journey classic “Don’t Stop Believin'” to celebrate COVID-19 patients being discharged—and to celebrate one another triumphing over the pandemic.

2. Lizzo’s Thank You Video

Lizzo surprised staffers at several hospitals with meals and recorded heartfelt videos thanking them for fighting the coronavirus on the frontlines.

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3. New Yorkers Getting Loud

New York City residents have been showing their appreciation for healthcare workers nightly: At 7 p.m., people go on their porches, balconies or lean out of their windows to applaud, cheer and sometimes sing to frontline coronavirus fighters.

4. Getting Creative for Coronavirus Helpers

Need something to keep you busy and to thank frontline workers? This soothing drawing tutorial is just the ticket.

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5. “Thank U Frontline”

Remember Alanis Morissette‘s classic “Thank U?” This coronavirus cover thanks all the essential workers in the crisis, including some that may surprise you.

6. NYC Hospital Gets a Fiery Response

Local fire departments showed their appreciation for medical staff at NYU Langone Medical Center in the Big Apple.

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7. Morristown Medical Center Has Sweet Reminders

There are sweet messages written for hospital workers arriving to and leaving work all over Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, N.J., thanking doctors, nurses and staff for everything they do.

8. Growing and Harvesting Thanks for Farmers

There are a lot of people who work to get you those delicious fruits, veggies, milk and meat you still enjoy. This video salutes farmers who are still toiling away to keep you fed during the pandemic.

9. Hospital for Special Surgery Cops Some Gratitude

Doctors, nurses and staff at the Hospital for Special Surgery got some love from New York City police officers.

10. Kids Around America Say Thanks

A teacher in Carlsbad, Calif., asked friends and family to film their kids thanking first responders and essential workers—and the video went, pardon the pun, viral immediately.

Related: How to Donate PPE to Healthcare Workers on the Frontlines of the Coronavirus Crisis

11. Cleveland Clinic’s Window Into Kindness

A patient who recovered from coronavirus wrote an emotional letter of thanks to the staff at Cleveland Clinic on the glass window of his isolation room.

12. Daisy Ridley’s Tribute

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker star Daisy Ridley is famously social media-averse. That makes her reading a story to thank frontline workers a bigger gesture than one from other celebs who normally love flexing for the ‘gram!

13. Look for the Helpers Tribute

This sweet roundup has a slew of footage of acts of corona-kindness.

14. RWJ Barnabas Salutes Their Own

Two staffers who contracted coronavirus while working at RWJ Barnabas Medical Center received an honor guard sendoff upon their recovery.

15. Thank You Caravan

Workers get a social distancing salute from neighbors at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., in a thank you caravan of vehicles passing safely by.

16. Boris Johnson’s Thanks to NHS

Upon his release from the hospital for coronavirus treatment, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered a heartfelt thanks to the National Health Service and expressed gratitude to two of his own nurses by name.

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17. Patient’s Extreme Expression of Gratitude

A recovered COVID-19 patient in Wuhan, China, literally knelt down to thank her medical staff for saving her life.

18. Europeans Get Clappy

New Yorkers aren’t the only ones who express appreciation at a high volume. Residents in numerous European cities followed suit, applauding and cheering their frontline and essential workers.

19. Healthcare Workers Rise Up

This video, set to Andra Day ballad “Rise Up,” shows just some of what healthcare workers deal with in a day.

20. Kids Raise Their Voices

SOS From the Kids wrote and performed a sweet song thanking essential workers.

Want to see another sweet video tribute to essential workers? Check out Adam Sandler’s “Quarantine Song.”

Anyone who uses the world’s most popular search engine - there are around 3.5 billion Google searches each day - will more than likely be aware of the Google Doodles (if not get the story here). Every day we get to see a different doodle next to where the search bar sits and these give a nod in the direction of someone or something special related with the moment.

Well now, amid the global coronavirus pandemic, Google’s Doodles are sending a strong message of love and thanks to the medical teams and others that are working to keep us all healthy and to keep our daily lives going as smoothly as possible.

Google Doodle for the Covid-19 front lines

"As COVID-19 continues to impact communities around the world, people are coming together to help one another now more than ever. We're launching a Doodle series to recognise and honour many of those on the front lines." This was the statement from the digital behemoth as they launched the initiative.

The images show an emoji of a heart which is being sent from the ‘G’ in the Google characters to the various frontline teams created out of the letter ‘e’. There has been one issued to researchers and scientists who are working hard to find a vaccine; another to all those in the healthcare industry; then more to emergency service workers, sanitary employees, farmers, and those that are keeping our supermarkets and grocery stores going.

Still to come are more ‘thank yous’ to honour schools and education workers and food transit services among others.

Keep you eyes open and remember to thank these people when you get your own chance…

Follow all the latest news related to the coronavirus pandemic with our daily live blog.

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