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Mengenal CrossFit, Olahraga yang Ditekuni Almarhum Ashraf Sinclair

Jakarta - Semasa hidup, almarhum Ashraf Sinclair dikenal rajin berolahraga. Salah satu variasi olahraga yang ditekuni suami Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) tersebut adalah CrossFit . Meski mungkin namanya terdengar asing, Crossfit sebenarnya cukup populer di kota-kota besar. Pusat-pusat kebugaran yang mengusung konsep Crossfit mudah sekali ditemui saat ini. Crossfit Box, demikian tempat itu biasa disebut. Sebenarnya, apa itu CrossFit? Asosiasi Pelatih Kebugaran Indonesia (APKI) dalam situsnya menyebut CrossFit sebagai program latihan yang menggabungkan dua unsur sistem aerobik dan anaedobik. Penekanannya adalah perpaduan antara latihan interval intensitas tinggi (HIIT), angkat beban, gymnastic, dan disiplin lainnya.

Ciri khas CrossFit lainnya adalah mengedepantan latihan fungsional. Artinya, gerakan-gerakan yang dilakukan adalah gerakan yang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari memang banyak dilakukan, seperti angkat beban, bergelantungan, dan tentu saja lari. Bagaimana sejarah CrossFit? Singkatnya, CrossFit didirikan oleh Greg Glassman. Mantan atlet senam yang juga personal trainer ini mendirikan CrossFit pertama kali di Santa Cruz, California pada 1995. Di era 1990-an, program yang dibikin Grassman dipakai untuk melatih para polisi di Santa Cruz. Tidak heran bila gaya latihannya hingga saat ini mirip-mirip militer . Benarkah rawan cedera? Tentu saja sangat tergantung kondisi individual. Beberapa kritik memang menyebut adanya risiko cedera yang tinggi, mengingat ada banyak gerakan dan program yang terhitung ekstrem. Namun dalam praktiknya, seorang instruktur CrossFit selalu menawarkan regresi atau versi yang lebih mudah sesuai kemampuan. Simak Video " Aktif Olahraga, Ashraf Sinclair Kantongi Sertifikat Pelatih Crossfit "

Meninggalnya aktor Ashraf Sinclair membuat volume pencarian 'CrossFit' di Google meningkat. Almarhum suami Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) ini semasa hidup memang menekuni olahraga CrossFit.

Pada prinsipnya, CrossFit adalah program latihan yang didominasi gerakan-gerakan fungsional. CrossFit juga dikenal dengan variasi gerakan yang menggabungkan angkat beban, gymnastic, dan kardio intensitas tinggi.

Beberapa pakar mengingatkan bahwa olahraga intensitas tinggi memang tidak untuk sembarang orang. Mereka yang punya risiko penyakit jantung, tentu saja harus berkonsultasi dulu dengan dokter sebelum coba-coba melakukannya sendiri.

Tetapi jangan salah. CrossFit yang belakangan ini cukup populer di kalangan selebritis juga mengenal regresi atau scale down, yakni variasi gerakan dengan tingkat kesulitan lebih rendah. Artinya, programnya sangat mungkin disesuaikan dengan kemampuan individu. Yang penting, know your limit aja sih.

Mau tahu seperti apa saja gerakan-gerakan dalam CrossFit? Berikut ini beberapa video CrossFit yang terangkum dalam Health It Up.

Gerakan mengecilkan perut

Diperagakan oleh coach Diva, seorang instruktur HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Ada 6 gerakan yang diperagakan:

1. Elbow plank jack

2. Prisoner sit up

3. Russian twist

4. T-Plank rotation

5. Mountain climber

6. Knee tuck

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

Gerakan untuk kamu yang sibuk

Untuk kamu yang super sibuk, model latihan Tabata bisa dicoba. Dalam model latihan ini, 4 gerakan berikut hanya butuh waktu masing-masing 20 detik. Tapi jangan ditanya efeknya, dijamin 'pedes'.

1. Bunny hops

2. Squat jump

3. Step Up

4. Push Up

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

Gerakan penghancur lemak

Dalam video ini, coach Mahendra memperagakan 3 gerakan yang cukup efektif membakar lemak. Ada 2 versi gerakan, versi mudah dan versi advanced. Gerakannya sebagai berikut:

1. Burpees

2. Trusters

3. Pull up

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

Crossfit untuk pemula

Bagi yang baru ingin mencoba, coach Jemima mencontohkan 4 gerakan yang umum dilakukan dalam CrossFit. Beberapa di antaranya membutuhkan alat.

1. Rowing

2. Box jumps

3. Kettlebell

4. Pull Ups

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

Aktif Olahraga, Ashraf Sinclair Kantongi Sertifikat Pelatih Crossfit

Jakarta - Suami artis Bunga Citra Lestari ( BCL ), Ashraf Sinclair , meninggal dunia karena serangan jantung di usia 40 tahun. Ia dikenal sebagai sosok yang rajin olahraga, terutama olahraga intensitas tinggi CrossFit . Terkait hal tersebut ahli jantung dr Dede Moeswir, SpPD, KKV, dari OMNI Hospitals Pulomas menjelaskan olahraga yang terlalu berat sebetulnya tidak baik dilakukan. Bila seseorang sudah memiliki masalah pembuluh darah maka olahraga di luar batas fisik bisa saja memicu serangan jantung . Hanya saja yang jadi masalah masyarakat awam sering kali tidak tahu apakah dirinya termasuk yang berisiko melakukan olahraga intensitas tinggi. Alasannya karena jarang atau bahkan tak pernah cek kesehatan menyeluruh.

"Kalau usia sudah 40 terus ada faktor risiko ya memang harusnya rutin medical check up dan olahraga yang dianjurkan dokter," kata dr Dede pada detikcom, Selasa (18/2/2020). Olahraga apa saja yang dianjurkan? Berikut contohnya: 1. Gowes sepeda Bersepeda adalah olahraga yang sehat, rendah risiko dan dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang dari segala usia, dari anak hingga dewasa. Bersepeda ringan secara rutin dapat memperkuat otot jantung, menurunkan denyut nadi dan mengurangi kadar lemak dalam darah. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan orang yang bersepeda secara teratur akan terlindungi dari bahaya serangan jantung. 2. Renang Berenang adalah olahraga low-impact yang menggerakan seluruh tubuh secara koheren. Berenang melibatkan hampir setiap otot dalam tubuh sehingga mampu membantu melancarkan sirkulasi darah dan memperkuat jantung. 3. Joging Joging atau lari-lari pelan mampu melatih ritme denyut jantung. Intensitas joging bisa diatur tergantung dari kondisi fisik seseorang. Simak Video " Mengenal CrossFit, Olahraga yang Digemari Ashraf Sinclair "

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A post shared by Ashraf Sinclair Official (@ashrafsinclair) on Feb 13, 2020 at 5:57am PST

AKURAT.CO, CrossFit adalah salah satu brand olahraga multinasional dengan fokus Fitnes yang saat ini sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Salah satu pendiri sebuah klub CrossFit di Indonesia adalah Ashraf Sinclair. Tak hanya di Indonesia, CrossFit juga telah ada di lebih dari 150 negara di berbagai penjuru dunia.

Dilansir dari berbagai sumber oleh AKURAT.CO, ini 7 fakta menarik tentang brand olahraga CrossFit

1. Hadir sejak 1996

CrossFit telah hadir sejak tahun 1996 yang diprakarsai oleh pasangan suami istri, Greg Glassman dan Lauren Jenai. Baru pada tahun 2000, CrossFit Inc. didirikan oleh keduanya. Pertama kali dibentuk, CrossFit didirikan di sebuah gym di Santa Cruz, California dan gym afiliasi pertamanya berada di Seattle, Washington, Amerika Serikat.

2. Berawal dari melatih polisi

Ketika telah terkatung-katung dalam mengembangkan satu-satunya olahraga yang dicintainya, fitness, pada tahun 1995, Glassman mendapat sebuah panggilan untuk melatih olahraga terutama fitness di kepolisian Santa Cruz, AS. Dengan membuka sebuah pusat kebugaran dengan nama Spa Fitness, Glassman memutuskan untuk menamakan berbagai gerakan fitnesnya dengan nama CrossFit.

3. Sempat akan kehilangan 50 persen saham

Pertama kali melayangkan perceraian pada tahun 2009, Lauren akhirnya berhasil membawa perceraiannya ke pengadilan tahun 2012. Seiring dengan perceraiannya, CrossFit juga mengalami ancaman keretakan perusahaan karena 50 persen saham CrossFit yang dimiliki Lauren, istri dari Greg, akan dijual pada perusahaan ventura Anthos Capital. Namun, setelah bertarung selama 2 tahun, Greg berhasil memenangkan kepemilikan CrossFit dan menguasai seluruh saham CrossFit pada tahun 2014.

4. Fitness dengan intensitas tinggi secara konstan

Kegiatan CrossFit memiliki tujuan utama untuk memindahkan beban seberat mungkin dengan jarak sejauh mungkin sehingga penggunanya menjadi ideal untuk memaksimalkan jumlah latihan dalam waktu singkat. Beberapa gerakan utama CrossFit adalah Power Clean, Burpees, Snatch, dan Thruster. Selain itu, Greg juga menemukan WOD (Workout Of the Day), sebuah rangkaian latihan yang harus dilakukan dalam sehari.

5. Kontroversi jurnal kesehatan

Dikutip dari New York Times, kritik akan keamanan dari CrossFit telah mencuat sejak publikasinya pertama kali di awal tahun 2000an. Bahkan, pada tahun 2019 lalu, salah satu jurnal kesehatan, Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, melaporkan bahwa partisipan yang mengikuti CrossFit cenderung mendapat cedera dan mencari perawatan medis daripada berbagai olahraga angkat berat tradisional lainnya. Namun, jurnal lainnya dari Journal of Sports Rehabilitation mengungkapkan bahwa intensitas cedera yang dialami oleh partisipan CrossFit sama dengan berbagai olaharaga lainnya.

6. Populer di kalangan artis dan militer

Olahraga fitness CrossFit telah populer tidak hanya di kalangan olahragawan tetapi juga beberapa lembaga pemerintah. Beberapa lembaga yang menggunakannya adalah Canadian Forces dan Royal Danish Life Guards. Bahkan, CrossFit juga digunakan oleh Matt Damon untuk berlatih dalam rangka menyiapkan salah satu film populernya, Invictus, yang mengharuskannya menjadi seorang pemain Rugby.

7. Valuasi capai Rp54 T

Hingga kini, CrossFit telah memiliki 10 juta anggota dan lebih dari 15 ribu gym afiliasi di lebih dari 150 negara di seluruh dunia. Tak hanya di dunia fitness, CrossFit telah menjelma menjadi sebuah brand dengan berbagai bidang seperti CrossFit Games, sebuah acara olahraga yang disponsori Reebok dan disiarkan oleh Walt Disney. Maka tak heran pada 2015 lalu, Forbes mengungkapkan bahwa CrossFit memiliki valuasi hingga USD 4 miliar atau sekitar Rp54 triliun.

Dimulai hanya dari sebuah pusat kebugaran mini, CrossFit mampu menjadi salah satu brand fitness populer di dunia. []

Aktif Olahraga, Ashraf Sinclair Kantongi Sertifikat Pelatih Crossfit

Ashraf Sinclair dikenal sangat gemar berolahraga. Bahkan menurut pelatih sekaligus sahabatnya, almarhum diketahui juga mengantongi sertifikat sebagai pelatih crossfit .

Jakarta, - Meninggalnya suami artis Bunga Citra Lestari, Ashraf Sinclair sudah barang tentu mengejutkan banyak orang. Rasa tak percaya orang membuncah manakala mengetahui pria keturunan Malaysia itu diketahui penggemar olahraga, salah satunya melalui program Crossfit.

Dalam akun Instagramnya, Ashraf beberapa kali mengunggah kegiatannya berolahraga.

Dia juga sempat mengunggah foto nge-gym di salah satu pusat kebugaran. 

Ia juga dikenal pebisnis unggul, dengan salah satu bisnisnya adalah sanggar kebugaran (gym) bernama CrossFit Equator.

CrossFit adalah program kebugaran bermerk yang dibuat oleh Greg Glassman dan Lauren Jenai pada tahun 2000 silam.

Telah terkenal ke seantero negara, CrossFit dipromosikan menjadi latihan fisik dan olahraga fitness kompetitif.

Selain gemar olahraga kebugaran CrossFit, pria asal Malaysia ini kerap mengunggah foto saat sedang bermain golf. Ia pun memamerkan kelihaiannya bermain golf dalam beberapa video saat di lapangan.

Tak hanya itu, Ashraf Sinclair juga sempat mengunggah foto saat dia melakukan olahraga menyelam dan juga berenang. 

Namun siapa yang menyangka, pria yang terkenal dengan pola hidup sehatnya itu justru begitu cepat dipanggil Allah SWT. 

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CrossFit's cult-like following can feel a little, um, weird sometimes. It's strange for people to be so in love with something that most people avoid at all costs -- exercise. Especially intense, usually painful exercise. But once you're on the inside, like yours truly, you'll understand why people spend their afternoons running around with sandbags on their shoulders or do burpees for a mile for fun.

Whether you have some fitness experience under your belt or you're a total beginner to working out, CrossFit can, no doubt, feel intimidating. That's why we've put together this guide to starting CrossFit, with everything you need to know about choosing the right gym, what to look for in a coach and how to make the programming work for you.

Read more: The activity tracker that CrossFitters love

1. Read up on the basics

Before starting CrossFit, it's helpful to study up on the lingo. When you're new to CrossFit, the terms and abbreviations may seem like an entirely different language -- when I first started CrossFit back in 2013, I was confused for weeks (and that's totally normal, as it takes time to memorize everything).

Here are a few common terms you'll likely see and hear the first time you set foot in a CrossFit gym:

WOD: Workout of the Day.

Workout of the Day. AMRAP: As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible. Used when the workout is a circuit, and you're supposed to do as many rounds as you can within the given time cap.

As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible. Used when the workout is a circuit, and you're supposed to do as many rounds as you can within the given time cap. EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute. Used for interval-style training.

Every Minute On the Minute. Used for interval-style training. Box: Another term for gym. When people say, "I'll see you at the box," they mean the CrossFit gym.

Another term for gym. When people say, "I'll see you at the box," they mean the CrossFit gym. GPP: General Physical Preparedness, or the term CrossFitters use for overall fitness.

General Physical Preparedness, or the term CrossFitters use for overall fitness. Metcon: An abbreviation for "metabolic conditioning," a type of training that improves endurance.

An abbreviation for "metabolic conditioning," a type of training that improves endurance. The whiteboard: Where CrossFit gyms write the WOD and athletes' scores.

You may also find it helpful to read about the methodology behind CrossFit and why CrossFitters do the types of workouts they do. You can find a massive library of information, as well as helpful video tutorials on common CrossFit movements, on the CrossFit website.

Screenshot from

2. Don't let the stereotypes keep you from trying

Many people feel intimidated by CrossFit because they've only seen CrossFit Games athletes on ESPN throwing 300 pounds overhead and flipping massive tires. They haven't seen the grandmas and grandpas, moms and moms-to-be, college students and young professionals who also do CrossFit.

"Most of our members are just your everyday people who value their fitness," Davin Arkangel, head CrossFit coach and owner at CrossFit Camarillo tells CNET. "We have members of all ages, all professions, all backgrounds, and they just have one thing in common: They know they need physical movement to stay healthy."

The majority of people who do CrossFit do not look or perform like the Games athletes. Those athletes are the elite few, and it took years of training four to six hours a day to get to that level. The rest of the CrossFit world consists of your average fitness enthusiast who works out for an hour and then gets on with the rest of their day.

If you've researched CrossFit before, you've probably seen something like the video above -- impressive, but not at all what you should expect from the average CrossFit gym.

3. Visit a couple of CrossFit gyms in your area

Don't just settle on the first CrossFit gym you visit, even if it's the closest to your home or work. Try out a few in your area, and while searching for the right CrossFit gym for you, look for a few key elements:

Quality of coaching: Arkangel tells CNET this is the most important factor of any CrossFit gym. Your coach should be paying you attention, actively correcting your form, answering questions and offering modifications to movements when you need them.

Arkangel tells CNET this is the most important factor of any CrossFit gym. Your coach should be paying you attention, actively correcting your form, answering questions and offering modifications to movements when you need them. Safety: "Your coach's top priority should be safety, always," Arkangel says. Your coach might tell you to take weight off of your barbell if they notice that it's too heavy for you and is hurting your technique. Don't take this as an insult; view it as a positive that your coach is worried about your health and longevity.

"Your coach's top priority should be safety, always," Arkangel says. Your coach might tell you to take weight off of your barbell if they notice that it's too heavy for you and is hurting your technique. Don't take this as an insult; view it as a positive that your coach is worried about your health and longevity. Culture: Everyone wants something different out of a CrossFit gym -- be on the lookout for a culture that sits well with you. If you're not competitive and just want a good workout, you might not enjoy a gym that has a high percentage of advanced, competitive athletes. Likewise, if you are competitive, you might not feel at home in a class full of seniors who are just there to stay functional.

Everyone wants something different out of a CrossFit gym -- be on the lookout for a culture that sits well with you. If you're not competitive and just want a good workout, you might not enjoy a gym that has a high percentage of advanced, competitive athletes. Likewise, if you are competitive, you might not feel at home in a class full of seniors who are just there to stay functional. Schedule: Obviously, you want to find a CrossFit gym that has a schedule with classes you can regularly attend

Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

Other factors, such as the cleanliness of the facility and condition of the equipment, also matter, but not as much -- most CrossFitters would tell you they'd rather work out in a dusty garage with great people than work out at the shiniest gym with an uninviting culture.

As Arkangel puts it, "A CrossFit gym isn't the place to look for shiny objects." It's the place to find an inviting, supportive community and great coaching.

Use the CrossFit affiliate finder to find an official CrossFit box near you, or simply search "CrossFit [your city]".

4. Go through an initial fitness assessment

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Before starting CrossFit classes, you should take a fitness assessment with a CrossFit coach. Many CrossFit workouts include movements that require large range of motion, ballistic or explosive movement patterns and body positions that may be new to you. Your coach will want to see how you squat, deadlift and press overhead, as well as get a sense of where your cardiovascular endurance level is at.

This information helps your coach help you. It allows them to modify workouts for you when needed and keep a close eye out when you're practicing movements you struggle with. The initial fitness assessment also helps you decide if CrossFit is the right fitness program for you, and it gives you a chance to talk to the coach about the community and culture at the gym.

5. Sign up for a trial

Most CrossFit gyms offer a few free classes, an entire free week or a month-long membership for a reduced price.

"Absolutely take advantage of your free classes," Arkangel says. "That's how you get to know a gym, the members and the coaches." Your free or discounted trial is your chance to test out a gym and determine whether or not it's the right gym for you.

To that end, "Don't let one bad experience at one gym ruin it for you completely," Arkangel says. "Not every gym has the same culture. They're not all going to be a good fit, but don't let that deter you from trying other boxes."

During your trial, keep an eye out for things that'll make or break the experience for you. Like mentioned above, pay close attention to quality of coaching, culture and safety.

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6. Take it slow

When you're new to CrossFit, it's best to fight the temptation to dial up the intensity. People who do CrossFit are, for the most part, competitive in nature. It's part of why they're there: The competitive edge of an intense group class helps them dig deep and push their bodies to the limit.

If you're even the slightest bit competitive, you may feel the urge to keep up with longtime box-goers. Fight the urge, because as a beginner at any fitness regimen, doing too much too soon can result in injuries -- or, at the very least, intense soreness that puts you out of the gym for days.

"The important thing is to make sure you understand the stimulus of the workout," Arkangel says. "Your gym isn't going to program five sprint workouts in a row, and that's for a reason, so you shouldn't be sprinting through your workout every day." If you are, you're likely missing the point of the workout and putting unnecessary stress on your body.

Read more: How to tell you need a rest day (and when to keep going)

Part of taking it slow is using modifications for tough movements, like the above pull-up progressions.

7. Customize your experience

You don't have to do every CrossFit workout as it's written on the whiteboard. The entire experience is completely customizable because you can scale any CrossFit workout to meet your current fitness abilities and support your goals, as well as account for injuries or soreness.

If you're injured, make sure to tell your coach and ask for a modification. You may need to lower the weight or completely change the movement. Likewise, ask for modifications if you're pregnant or have any condition that precludes you from particular movements.

You don't have to reserve modifications for injury, though: You can modify even if you're just tired or really sore. Pushing through pain and fatigue doesn't always pay off, so listen to your body when it's telling you to chill out.

And if you have specific goals, you can modify the daily exercises for those, too. I often modify CrossFit workouts when I'm in a training cycle for a half-marathon because I want my workouts to support my goal of improving endurance and getting faster. If the day's workout calls for a one-rep max squat, I might do three sets of 10 squats instead, because that better supports my current goal.

Read more: Workout recovery: Why it's so important

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8. Get the right gear and shoes

You'll quickly learn that you need a specific type of shoes for CrossFit workouts. Cross-trainers should be versatile and durable -- they need to support multiple movement patterns and endure box jumps, burpees, running, weightlifting and, when you get to that point, rope climbs. So a good pair of cross-training shoes should be your first CrossFit gear investment.

Next up, you should have sweat-wicking workout clothes that stay put. The last thing you want is to be shimmying into your shorts every time you come up from a squat. And you'll work up a sweat like no other in an un-air-conditioned CrossFit gym on a warm day, so make sure you know how to properly wash activewear and extend the life of your precious gym clothes.

Finally, it may be worth investing in some compression gear for any problem areas you have. If you have bad knees, wearing knee sleeves during squats and lunges may help with stabilization. You can find compression sleeves for pretty much any body part, including calves, arms, elbows and even your core. Wrist wraps, like these from Rogue Fitness, work well for overhead movements.

Read more: The 7 best fitness subscription boxes in 2020 for every workout style


9. Log your progress

Much of the excitement in CrossFit comes from making fitness progress. You can log whatever is important to you, but you should definitely keep track of a few key metrics, including:

Your one-rep max for the big lifts: Squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench press, clean and jerk, snatch and overhead squat

Your mile run time and 400-meter run time

How many pull-ups you can do

How many push-ups you can do

It's also fun to keep track of when you get your "firsts." In CrossFit, a handful of movements are more coveted than the rest and warrant celebration when achieved. Those are pull-ups, toes-to-bar, muscle-ups, handstand push-ups and rope climbs -- keep track so you can see how far you've come later on.

You can use pen and paper to log your achievements, but you can also use apps like Beyond the Whiteboard, WodLog, WODbook or myWOD. Your new gym may use Wodify and offer it for free to members, so check with your coach about that.

Read more: How to create an exercise routine you'll actually stick to

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

It hasn’t been the ideal 2020 CrossFit Games season for the reigning second “Fittest Woman on Earth” Kristin Holte. The season started on a positive note as she repeated as the Norwegian national champion, finishing third overall for the second-straight season in the CrossFit Games Worldwide Open to secure her 2020 Games invitation. After an impressive second-place finish at the Filthy 150 in November, Holte had surgery on her wrist in January.

Justin LoFranco was able to sit down and interview Holte in Gol this past weekend at the Norwegian CrossFit Championship. Here are a few highlights from that interview:

On Norway hosting a Sanctional: “I think it’s really awesome. I’m a proud Norwegian, so I just think it’s cool to have it up in the mountains so you can see typical Norway with the snow, our very good weather and they get to run outside. I think it’s really cool to show people how Norway is. It’s very beautiful.”

On how her life has changed since her runner-up finish at the 2019 Games: “Not much to be honest. Early on my goal was to be on the podium and to win the CrossFit Games. Yes, I still want to be on top but as I’ve gotten older I’ve seen that I just love training. I love the everyday struggle, the hard work, going to the gym, workout, having fun with my friends. Going to the Games and performing there is a bonus.”

On her recovery from her surgery: “It’s been five weeks now. It’s going really well. The recovery is going as planned. In a couple of weeks, I should be able to do most of the movements again. It should be fine this season.”

The full interview includes how Norwegians change when they are active, the epic running event at the Norwegian CrossFit Championship and her schedule for the rest of the season.

Subscribe to the Morning Chalk Up YouTube Channel to get alerts on exclusive content and interviews.

Tickets for the 2020 CrossFit Games went on sale today for the public. The Games will take place at the Alliant Energy Center on July 29-Aug. 2 in Madison, Wisconsin.

There are two types of ticket packages on sale on Ticketmaster for the Games.

The Festival Only Package is $99 and provides access to all five days of the Games. That access is for all competition events, with the exception of individual and team events inside the Coliseum.

and provides access to all five days of the Games. That access is for all competition events, with the exception of individual and team events inside the Coliseum. The Festival + Coliseum Packages range from $225 to $550 and provide access to all five days of the Games including a reserved seat inside the Coliseum.

The CrossFit Games website has further information on ticket packages, Coliseum seating chart, venue layout, kids tickets, campground information and VIP packages.

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