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JIKA Perang Dunia III Terjadi, Inilah 10 Negara Paling Aman Jadi Tempat Tinggal

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Tagar #WWIII dan kata kunci World War 3 menjadi trending di jagat Twitter Indonesia. Perang dunia ketiga ramai dibicarakan warganet tak lama setelah Mayor Jenderal Qasem Soleimani, yang merupakan perwira militer senior Iran , dilaporkan tewas dalam serangan udara Amerika Serikat . Sejauh ini #WWIII telah dicuitkan sebanyak 495 ribu kali, sementara kata kunci 'World War 3' telah dicuitkan sebanyak 2,06 juta. Alih-alih serius membicarakan perang, warganet justru bersenda gurau dengan isu perang ini. [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter] Beberapa warganet juga menyalahkan pemerintah AS yang 'membunuh' Soleimani. Bahkan PM Boris Johnson juga masuk dalam kicauan kocak warganet. [Gambas:Twitter]

Warganet juga ada yang membagikan cuitan lawas Presiden Donald Trump pada 2011 yang mengatakan agar Barack Obama akan berperang dengan Iran agar bisa terpilih kembali. Akun @adeyinks 11 bahkan menuding Trump memantik perang dengan Iran untuk menghentikan pemakzulan Trump. [Gambas:Video CNN] [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter] Akun @Qwarmie_ bahkan mengatakan penggemar klub bola Manchester United, Chelse, Mancherster City dan Barcelona akan bergembira dengan adanya Perang Dunia Ketiga. Pasalnya Perang Dunia Ketiga akan mencegah Liverpool untuk menjuarai kompetisi Premier League. [Gambas:Twitter] Banyak dari warganet yang justru mencuitkan hal-hal lucu apabila dirinya terkena wajib militer. [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter] [Gambas:Twitter]

Indeks Harga Saham gabungan (IHSG) mengawali perdagangan terakhir di pekan ini, Jumat (3/1/2020), di zona hijau.Pada pembukaan perdagangan, IHSG menguat 0,36% ke level 6.306,19. Pada penutupan perdagangan, apresiasi indeks saham acuan di Indonesia tersebut telah bertambah lebar menjadi 0,64% ke level 6.323,47.Dengan apresiasi pada hari ini, maka IHSG resmi memutus rantai pelemahan yang sudah terjadi selama dua hari beruntun.Walaupun IHSG menguat, patut dicatat bahwa perdagangan di pasar saham tanah air pada hari ini berlangsung dengan sangat sepi. Melansir data RTI, volume transaksi pada hari ini hanyalah sebanyak 8,04 miliar unit saham.Padahal menurut data dari Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), rata-rata volume transaksi harian di sepanjang tahun 2019 mencapai 14,54 miliar unit saham.Secara nilainya, jumlah dana yang berputar di pasar saham Indonesia pada hari ini hanyalah Rp 5,74 triliun, jauh di bawah rata-rata nilai transaksi harian di sepanjang tahun 2019 yang mencapai Rp 9,11 triliun.Saham-saham yang berkontribusi signifikan dalam mendongkrak kinerja IHSG pada hari ini di antaranya: PT Bank Central Asia Tbk/BBCA (+1,64%), PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk/TLKM (+1,79%), PT HM Sampoerna Tbk/HMSP (+2,39%), PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk/CPIN (+4,94%), dan PT Astra International Tbk/ASII (+1,09%).Kinerja IHSG pada hari ini berbanding terbalik dengan mayoritas bursa saham utama kawasan Asia yang justru bergerak di zona merah: indeks Shanghai turun 0,05%, indeks Hang Seng melemah 0,32%, dan indeks Straits Times terkoreksi 0,5%. Untuk diketahui, perdagangan di bursa saham Jepang diliburkan pada hari ini.Bursa saham Benua Kuning melemah selepas pasar saham AS alias Wall Street mencetak rekor pada perdagangan kemarin, Kamis (2/1/2019). Pada penutupan perdagangan kemarin, indeks Dow Jones naik 1,16%, indeks S&P 500 menguat 0,84%, dan indeks Nasdaq Composite terapresiasi 1,33%. Ketiga indeks saham acuan di AS tersebut ditutup di level tertinggi sepanjang masa.Wall Street masih menunjukkan performa yang kuat pasca sudah meroket di tahun 2019. Di sepanjang tahun lalu, indeks Dow Jones naik 22,3%, indeks S&P 500 menguat 28,9%, dan indeks Nasdaq Composite terapresiasi lebih dari 35%.Tingginya ekspektasi bahwa AS dan China akan segera meneken kesepakatan dagang tahap satu menjadi faktor yang memantik aksi beli di bursa saham AS. Menjelang tahun baru kemarin, Presiden AS Donald Trump mengungkapkan bahwa kesepakatan dagang tahap satu dengan China akan diteken di Gedung Putih pada tanggal 15 Januari.Hal tersebut diumumkan oleh Trump melalui akun Twitter pribadinya, @realDonaldTrump. Menurut Trump, pejabat tingkat tinggi dari China akan menghadiri penandatanganan kesepakatan dagang tahap satu. Kemudian, Trump juga mengungkapkan bahwa nantinya dirinya akan bertandang ke Beijing guna memulai negosiasi terkait kesepakatan dagang tahap dua.

Seperti yang diketahui, sebelumnya AS dan China mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah berhasil mencapai kesepakatan dagang tahap satu. Dengan adanya kesepakatan dagang tahap satu tersebut, Trump membatalkan rencana untuk mengenakan bea masuk tambahan terhadap produk impor asal China pada tanggal 15 Desember. Untuk diketahui, nilai produk impor asal China yang akan terdampak oleh kebijakan ini sejatinya mencapai US$ 160 miliar.Tak sampai di situ, Trump mengatakan bahwa bea masuk sebesar 15% terhadap produk impor asal China senilai US$ 120 miliar nantinya akan dipangkas menjadi 7,5% saja sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan dagang tahap satu. Di sisi lain, China membatalkan rencana untuk mengenakan bea masuk balasan yang disiapkan guna membalas bea masuk dari AS pada tanggal 15 Desember.Masih sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan dagang tahap satu, China akan meningkatkan pembelian produk agrikultur asal AS secara signifikan. Trump menyebut bahwa China akan segera memulai pembelian produk agrikultur asal AS yang jika ditotal akan mencapai US$ 50 miliar.Lebih lanjut, kesepakatan dagang tahap satu AS-China juga mengatur mengenai komplain dari AS terkait pencurian hak kekayaan intelektual dan transfer teknologi secara paksa yang sering dialami oleh perusahaan-perusahaan asal Negeri Paman Sam.Jika kesepakatan dagang tahap satu benar diteken nantinya, laju perekonomian AS dan China di tahun-tahun mendatang bisa terus dipertahankan di level yang relatif tinggi.Mengingat posisi AS dan China sebagai dua negara dengan nilai perekonomian terbesar di planet bumi, tentu prospek ditekennya kesepakatan dagang yang semakin nyata menjadi kabar yang baik bagi perekonomian dunia.

Mendadak kata kunci Wold War 3 trending topic Twitter pada Jumat 3/12/2020).

Tak diketahui pasti apa yang menyebabkan hal tersebut.

Namun ada dugaan munculnya kata World War 3 kemungkinan terkait serangan militer AS di Bandara Baghdaf, Irak.

Serangan rudal itu menewaskan jenderal top yang merupakan komandan pasukan Quds.

Merunut sejarahnya, perang dunia (world war) I dan II memang mengerikan.

Perang tersebut melibatkan beberapa negara terutama di Eropa.

Perang dunia I melibatkan blok sekutu dan blok sentral.

TIMESBALI, JAKARTA – Tagar World War 3 tiba tiba menjadi trending topics di twitter, Jumat (3/1/2020). Selain itu, tagar WWIII juga menjadi trending teratas.

Ini setelah Kepala Pasukan elite Quds (Quds Force) Iran, Jenderal Qassem Soleimani tewas akibat serangan udara yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat. Qassem adalah pemimpin Quds Force yang merupakan pasukan khusus dari Revolutionary Guards, salah satu pasukan bersenjata Iran.

Seperti dilansir dari suara, frasa World War 3 mencapai dua juta cuitan, sementara WWIII lebih dari 200 ribu. Trending lain yaitu Iran juga memuncaki daftar topik paling banyak dibicarakan di Twitter seluruh dunia.

Soleimani tewas setelah tiga buah roket menghantam Bandara Internasional Baghdad. Kondisi ini memunculkan sebutan perang dunia ketiga karena kondisi yang makin memanas antara Amerika Serikat dan Iran.

Dikutip dari suara yang melansir dari The Times of Israel, Amerika memandang Soleimani adalah musuh yang mematikan sekaligus tokoh paling populer di Iran. Dia juga dianggap sebagai tokoh utama dibalik tersebarnya pengaruh Iran.

"Bagi Syiah Timur Tengah, dia adalah James Bond, Erwin Rommel dan Lady Gaga digabung menjadi satu," tulis mantan analis CIA, Kenneth Pollack, dalam profil untuk 100 orang paling berpengaruh di  Time  pada 2017 lalu.

Dalam peristiwa serangan udara ini, tak hanya Soleimani yang tewas, namun komandan milisi Irak Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis juga ikut terbunuh.

"AS dan Israel adalah musuh yang bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan mujahidin Abu Mahdi al Muhandis dan Qassem Soleimani," kata juru bicara kelompok payung Pasukan Mobilisasi Populer, Ahmed al Assadi seperti dikutip dari  Reuters .

Sementara itu, Amerika Serikat melalui Pentagon mengklaim bahwa serangan itu untuk menghalangi rencana serangan yang akan dilakukan Iran.  (*) Baca Berita Peristiwa dan Politik terbaru di Indonesia dan luar negeri lainnya hanya di TIMES Indonesia .

A famous quote from Albert Einstein says, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones,” dating back to the 1940s when the first nuclear weapons were being developed. Although the famed physicist didn’t actually develop the atomic bomb, he was well aware of how nuclear weapons could affect the world.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump’s vow to hit Iran and make it ‘pay a very big price’ comes after the fiasco of the attack on 6,000 demonstrators at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. In an equally brutal retaliation, Trump ordered an airstrike that killed top Iranian general Qassim Suleimani in Baghdad. If not anything, the counter-strike is an unveiled threat to unleash America’s most potent weapons of mass destruction onto the Middle Eastern country and has erupted scares of World War III across the globe.

SEE ALSO: US Airstrike Kills Top Iranian Commander, Twitter Reacts With World War 3 Jokes

Considering how close Iran is to developing its own weapon of mass destruction, it won’t even take an educated guess to predict that the next World War, if it does happen between these two countries, will be fought with nuclear weapons. Reportedly, most U.S. weapons are 10 to 50 times stronger than the bombs that brought Hiroshima to a standstill. So, you can just imagine how such a strategic nuclear war would impact the Earth, posing an existential threat to humanity regardless of the scale of its severity.

Take, for example, a relatively new research that models the indirect effects of nuclear detonations on the environment and climate in case of a limited regional nuclear war between India and Pakistan. The combines arsenals of both the nations equal to more than 220 nuclear warheads. Such an event will cause fires to ignite over a large area which would inject large volumes of soot and debris into the stratosphere. This would thus block out the sun and cause a significant drop in average surface temperature and precipitation across the globe, with effects that could last for more than a decade.

SEE ALSO: Researchers Say A Nuclear War Between India And Pakistan Might Kill 125 Million People

According to this particularly convincing report, a bomb can now be manufactured which will be 2,500 times as powerful as the one that destroyed Hiroshima. Such a bomb, if exploded near the ground or under water, could send radioactive particles into the upper air. They would sink gradually and reach the surface of the earth in the form of deadly dust or rain. It was this dust which infected the Japanese fishermen and their catch of fish. No one knows how widely such lethal radioactive particles might be diffused, but the best authorities are unanimous in saying that a war with H-bombs might possibly put an end to the human race.

The culture of war mongering that’s especially endorsed by major world leaders like Trump off late is scary. One just cannot overlook their attitude on the idea of a nuclear war as a dramatic rhetoric of global humanitarian disaster because this a more plausible scenario now than ever, given the time we stand in. Nuclear war is also a war on the environment and its indirect repercussions are to be borne by the generations to come and also the geological space around us. It’s about time authorities realize the gravity of the situation and put our planet before any international conflict.

SEE ALSO: Climate Change Models Have Been Kicking Ass Since The 1970s

'WORLD War 3' has been trending on Twitter after the shock US assassination of Iran's top general Qasem Soleimani this morning in Baghdad.

Experts and leaders across the world have been left stunned and uncertain of the future in the wake of Trump's shock execution.

10 Google Trends recorded ‘Iran’ as the second-most searched term in the United States, with more than 500,000 searches for the topic Credit: epa

10 Protesters burn US and UK flags in Iran Credit: Reuters

People are expressing serious concern around the world that the move will cause the outbreak of World War III as Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei promised 'harsh vengeance', 'jihad' and 'crushing revenge' as news of the assassination broke.

Searches for ‘World War 3’ also spiked on Google within hours of the airstrike in Iraq overnight.

Google Trends recorded ‘Iran’ as the second most searched term in the United States, with more than 500,000 searches for the topic.

This week, Mr Trump blamed Iran for a protest in Iraq which saw demonstrators break into the US embassy in Baghdad and torched the place.


In a tweet, Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khomeinei said the ‘criminals’ responsible had ‘his [Soleimani] and other martyrs’ blood on their evil hands’. He added: ‘God willing, his work and his path will not be stopped.’

The dramatic attack came months of tensions between the US and Iran in which Tehran shot down an American military surveillance drone and seized oil tankers.

Experts told the BBC's Today programme that the Iranian reaction has been "extraordinary" and there are high-level talks of "very severe revenge" with "consequences unknown".

Other experts called the assassination 'a powerful political weapon' against the US but all agree that escalation and retaliation is to be expected.

Trump himself tweeted a picture of an American flag after the attack was announced, and then tweeted "Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!" at 12.45pm today.

10 Trump is gloating on twitter after the attack

Previous US administrations have considered assassinating Soleimani before but decided that the fallout was too great a risk.

There is speculation on Twitter that the attack could have been a political move by Trump to distract from his impeachment.

Many of the comments and tweets are mocking the idea that there will be another world war, but there is underlying grave concern at the ramifications of the attack.

10 There has been a mix of anger and praise for the move on Twitter

10 Others have mocked the president

10 10 10 Credit: Twitter

10 Huge protests with mourners dressed in black have begun in Iran following the news Credit: AP:Associated Press

With Iran proving an alarming threat on the world stage, which countries are considered the most dangerous of all?

Medical and travel security services company International SOS has revealed the top riskiest countries in the world for this year.

Although Iran itself is not high on the list, many of the dangerous countries are in the Middle East, as well as Africa.

International SOS looks at both medical risk and security risk for travel.

“The travel security risk rating evaluates the threat posed to travellers and international assignees by political violence (including terrorism, insurgency, politically motivated unrest and war), social unrest (including sectarian, communal and ethnic violence) as well as violent and petty crime,” explained the company.

“Other factors, such as the robustness of the transport infrastructure, the state of industrial relations, the effectiveness of the security and emergency services and the country’s susceptibility to natural disasters are also considered where they are of sufficient magnitude to impact the overall risk environment for travellers.

As for medical risk: “International SOS assigns travel medical risk ratings by assessing a range of health risks and mitigating factors, including but not limited to: infectious disease burden, environmental factors, medical evacuation data, road trauma data, standard of emergency medical services, outpatient and inpatient medical care, access to quality pharmaceutical supplies, and cultural, language or administrative barriers.”

The following countries are the riskiest destinations for 2020 with a “very high” travel medical risk.

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When something terrible happens in current affairs, people often take to social media to despair.

And, in the Internet age of memes and viral content, for some people that includes sharing jokes online.

That’s what happened today when Iran’s most powerful military commander, General Qasem Soleimani, was killed by a US military airstrike, drastically escalating tensions between Iran and America.

After the news broke, jokes about the risk of not only impending war, but World War Three , came in thick and fast.

However, others have called out these jokes, saying that the history of US warfare in the Middle East and the potential devastation is no laughing matter.

This has ignited a debate about whether comedy about such topics is off-limits, with some people defending the right to make jokes.

During the Sixties, the world came close to all-out nuclear war as the US and Soviet Union tussled over ultimate supremacy both on the ground and in space. These tensions reached their peak in October 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, after Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to fulfil Fidel Castro’s request to place nuclear missiles in Cuba. Leading up to the incident, both the US and the USSR continued to develop their nuclear weapons, becoming locked in a dangerous arms race, to create the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

A letter from Harold Macmillan to John F. Kennedy reveals the former Prime Minister’s worries over the escalation. Dated August 3, 1962, it reads: “Dear my friend, I am increasingly concerned about the immense diffusion of so-called tactical nuclear weapons in NATO Europe. “According to my information there are now many thousands of these weapons, and their total capacity amounts to scores of megatons. “If they were used in action, the scale of destruction would be comparable to that from a strategic strike.

Harold Macmillan sent hte letter to John F Kennedy

The Soviet Union fulfilled Fidel Castro's request

We must demonstrate our will to use strategic nuclear strength harold Macmillan

“The idea that the armies in Europe could fight a tactical battle with nuclear weapons of this destructive power seems to me to be wholly unrealistic. “Conditions in the battle area would be such that anything like a war of movement would be virtually impracticable.” Mr Macmillan then went on to make a chilling suggestion. He added: “Moreover, once these weapons were engaged on this scale, escalation would almost inevitably follow and the strategic strength on either side would begin to be deployed. “I believe that we must take a fresh look at this dangerous situation. JUST IN: President's claim US will ‘take initiative’ in nuclear war escalation revealed

Harold Macmillan was close with JFK

“It seems to me that there would be great advantage if we could work towards the concept of a tactical nuclear command directly under Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SAUCER). “It would mean that, instead of preparing to fight a tactical battle with nuclear weapons, we were aiming to make such discriminatory use of those weapons as might be necessary to demonstrate our will to use our strategic nuclear strength if fighting continued." Mr Macmillan then asked whether JFK could keep their conversations private. He continued: “I am convinced that on this point the current NATO strategy is misconceived and I believe that, in the months ahead, we shall try to get it modified along the general lines which I have indicated. DON'T MISS

World War 3: The single ‘greatest threat to democracy’ [REVEALED]

WW3 preparation: Where billionaires are building underground bunkers [PICTURES]

China left scrambling over Taiwan independence: 'We will go to war!' [EXPLAINED]

Location of Soviet ballistic missiles

The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted 13 days

“it would be helpful to me if I could have your thoughts on this and I should be greatly relieved if I could feel that we could move forward together, as soon as circumstances allow. “I have given you this frank indication on this problem – much as you did the other day in your message to me of July 27 on nuclear tests. “The delicacy of this question, especially with the Germans and French, makes it important that we should keep this matter between ourselves until we have jointly decided what course to pursue.” But, on October 16, tensions skyrocketed after Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to fulfil Fidel Castro’s request to place nuclear missiles on the Caribbean island of Cuba.

WW3 flashpoints


Most people consider a new year to be a new start for them. I mean, technically it is another day in the finite journey that is our lives. But if the thought gives someone any semblance of solace and ability to cope with the endless cycle of lunacy surrounding us then who are we to complain? So, you could imagine their surprise when they woke up to see World War 3 trending. And if you're wondering how did that come to be, well, Donald Trump had something to do with it.

So, here's how things went down. According to Express, The US compound in Baghdad was attacked by around 6000 demonstrators who were angry about the deaths of militia members in US air strikes. This was followed by a threat to Iran from US President Donald Trump saying that Iran will "pay a very big price" for the attack on the US embassy along with an airstrike that has apparently killed top Iranian General Qassim Suleimani in Baghdad.

According to the New York Times, the Pentagon stated that,

"General Suleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Suleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world."

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And how has the internet reacted to it? Well, with hilarious World War 3 related memes and jokes:

“stop making jokes about world war 3, this is serious”

me: — Brenna (@HumanBrennapede) January 3, 2020

People: Trump why did you start World War 3?

Trump: — Prison Mikey (@PrisonMike30) January 3, 2020

Australia is still burning

And now world war 3 is trending

2020 is telling everyone to hold its beer — BossLogic (@Bosslogic) January 3, 2020

Last days of 2019:

Well, that was fucking heinous. Glad this year is over.

2 days into 2020:

Australia is on fire, Trump starts World War 3. — 🔥 Fiona Adorno💧 (@FionaAdorno) January 3, 2020

Me laughing at all the World War 3 jokes and memes then realizing it could actually happen — ً (@babygirlxsinner) January 3, 2020

Me: 2020 is going to be my year

World war 3: — 🛸 (@Iovelydevil) January 3, 2020

*7 minutes after getting kidnapped during world war 3*

me: — kingslayer (@knicksreek) January 3, 2020

my mom taking my pic before i get deployed for world war 3 — hayley 👺 (@troncxt) January 3, 2020

2020 is gonna *Sees world war 3

be the best year trending 2 days

ever! Into 2020* — Nico Hischier and Gio Urshela SZN (@Gio_Nico_SZN) January 3, 2020

Me during the psych evaluation so there’s no way they draft me for World War 3 — LIL UZI SQUIRT (@Fonzo_Ball) January 3, 2020

me during world war 3 when i get taken as prisoner and i have to entertain the enemy to stay alive — 🐸 (@clownery_only) January 3, 2020

Me playing dead after the first shot fired in world war 3 — Anthony (@jamaican_best) January 3, 2020

How I’m gonna be like when they put me in the front lines in World War 3 — Kevin ✊🏾 (@KD_TooLit) January 3, 2020

When it’s finally my turn to drive the tank in world war 3 — 🅢🅗🅞🅡🅣🅨 (@Cloutboishortty) January 3, 2020

Everyone on twitter laughing at the world war 3 memes like — Karol (@malphhas) January 3, 2020

Me and the guys linking up in jail after refusing the draft for world war 3 — Mia ✨ (@oluwafarmer) January 3, 2020

Me out there on the World War 3 battle grounds once my gun runs out of ammo — Kelso (@TheKellyMoore) January 3, 2020

So, Happy New Year, folks!

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