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Heboh Promo Black Friday, Bagaimana Sejarahnya? Halaman all - Pesta belanja online Black Friday akan jatuh pada Jumat, 29 November 2019 besok. Sejumlah e-commerce di Indonesia ramai-ramai memberikan promo dan diskon bagi pelanggannya. E-commerce yang turut berpartisipasi di Black Friday di antaranya Lazada dengan diskon hingga 70 persen, Shopee diskon hingga Rp500 ribu, Bukalapak diskon 99 persen hingga Blibli diskon Rp100 ribu untuk pembelian ponsel. Berikut adalah daftar promo Black Friday sejumlah e-commerce di Indonesia. Zalora Ada promo menarik dari Zalora yaitu diskon hingga 70 persen plus 20 persen ekstra, yang bisa diperoleh minimal pembelanjaan Rp349 ribu untuk semua pelanggan dan tanpa minimum untuk pelanggan baru. Pelanggan bisa menggunakan kode voucher YOURTREATS untuk memperoleh diskon. Adapun diskon "Speed Deals" hingga 70 persen khusus pukul 14.00-17.00 WIB. Untuk informasi lebih detail mengenai promo Black Friday Zalora, bisa dicek melalui tautan berikut: ZALORA Shopee Shopee menggelar promo bank dan kredir online selama Black Friday, yaitu diskon hingga Rp500 ribu. Promo dari BCA diskon kredit sebesar Rp120 ribu dengan kode promo BCA12BDAY untuk minimal transaksi Rp2 juta. Diskon kredit BNI Rp100 ribu dengan kode promo BNIK12BDAY untuk minimal transaksi Rp1,5 juta atau diskon debit Rp50 ribu dengan kode promo BNIDBT12BDAY untuk minimal transaksi Rp1 juta. Selanjutnya, diskon kredit Bank Mandiri Rp120 ribu dengan kode MANDIRI12, untuk minimal transaksi Rp2 juta. Untuk informasi lebih detail terkait daftar bank dan promonya, bisa dicek melalui tautan berikut: SHOPEE. Bukalapak Ada promo diskon hingga 99 persen untuk Black Friday. Selain itu, Bukalapak juga menawarkan promo SUPER CUAN akhir tahun cashback 3 x Rp100 ribu dengan kode voucher SUPERCUAN . Promo ini berlaku hingga 18 Desember 2019. Promo Pesta Gajian khusus bagi pengguna DANA yaitu beli voucher seharga Rp1 untuk diskon hingga Rp100 ribu. Untuk informasi lebih detail terkait promo Balck Friday Bukalapak, bisa dicek melalui tautan berikut: BUKALAPAK. Blibli Blibli memberikan diskon berupa potongan harga langsung hingga Rp100 ribu setiap pembelian ponsel Samsung dengan kode voucher SYOK11-HAPE. Selain itu, untuk setiap pembelian ponsel Samsung, ada promo gratis pengiriman, cicilan 0 persen hingga 24 bulan tanpa kartu kredit. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut terkait promo Black Friday Blibli, bisa dicek melalui tautan berikut: BLIBLI. Sejarah Black Friday Dilansir dari laman Black Friday Global , pada awalnya, Black Friday adalah peristiwa satu hari di Amerika Serikat. Namun, selama beberapa tahun terakhir, acara ini telah berkembang menjadi maraton belanja yang berlangsung selama beberapa hari. Kadang-kadang dapat dimulai pada hari Kamis dan berlanjut sampai akhir minggu, atau bahkan bulan. Dalam upaya untuk menarik perhatian konsumen, beberapa toko memulai apa yang disebut presales pada hari Senin. Namun, di sebagian besar negara, puncak minat pembeli turun pada hari yang sama. Di Indonesia, data Google Trends untuk 19-25 November 2018 menunjukkan bahwa dua pertiga dari semua pertanyaan yang terkait dengan penjualan Black Friday dicatat pada hari Jumat sebesar 39,7 persen. Namun demikian, minat pelanggan mulai tumbuh pada hari Rabu dan memudar pada hari Minggu. Kecenderungan ini menjadi ciri khas tidak hanya Indonesia tetapi juga negara lain. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Black-Friday.Global pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan bahwa 36 persen orang Indonesia yang disurvei mengetahui keberlangsungan Black Friday. Namun, tidak semua dari mereka dapat mengingat tanggal yang tepat, yang dapat menjelaskan peningkatan minat secara bertahap dalam acara ini bahkan beberapa minggu sebelum acara tersebut berlangsung. Data Black-Friday.Global internal untuk 2018 di Indonesia menunjukkan peningkatan penjualan 68 persen dibandingkan dengan hari biasa. Angka tinggi seperti itu tidak biasa. Misalnya, di Singapura peningkatannya adalah 511 persen, di Inggris - lebih dari 1,708 persen, dan di Jerman - lebih dari 2,418 persen. Menurut survei, di antara warga Indonesia yang akan mengambil bagian dalam kegilaan Black Friday, 36 persen sudah tahu apa yang harus dibeli. Adapun jumlah barang yang dibeli, orang Indonesia akan membeli rata-rata 3 produk. Statistik tahun lalu menunjukkan bahwa kategori produk paling populer di antara pembeli Black Friday di Indonesia adalah sepatu, pakaian, elektronik, kosmetik dan parfum, serta travel. – Pesta belanja Black Friday jatuh pada hari ini, Jumat, 29 November 2019.

Sejumlah e-commerce  di Indonesia turut meramaikan dengan memberikan promo dan diskon bagi pelanggannya.

Di banyak negara,  Black Friday , ditunggu-tunggu dan selalu diwarnai antrean panjang.

Bagaimana sebenarnya kisah di balik  Black Friday ?

Melansir dari Telegraph, Black Friday awalnya sebetulnya berkaitan dengan krisis keuangan, bukan kegiatan belanja.

Kala itu, Jumat, 24 September 1869, dua pemodal Wall Street, Jim Fisk dan Jay Gould Bersama-sama memborong emas di AS dengan harapan harga mengalami kenaikan.

Selanjutnya, dijual untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar.

Atas tindakan kedua pengusaha tersebut, harga emas AS jatuh dan membuat banyak orang di Wall Street bangkrut.

Beberapa tahun setelahnya, hari setelah Thanksgiving dikaitkan dengan Black Friday.

Thanksgiving merupakan perayaan tersendiri di AS dan ditetapkan sebagai hari libur.

Warga menggunakan hari tersebut serta hari sesudahnya sekaligus sebagai hari untuk membeli barang-barang terkait kebutuhan Natal.

Saat itu, toko-toko di AS mencatat bahwa keuangan mereka yang awalnya memburuk mulai membaik sepanjang tahun.

Sehari setelah Thanksgiving, mereka menjual barang dagangan dengan harga diskon.

Istilah Black Friday muncul pertama kali dari petugas polisi di Philadelphia.

Ia menghubungkan istilah tersebut setelah munculnya kerumunan besar orang-orang pasca Thanksgiving tahun 1950-an.

Kekacauan pun terjadi, di antaranya kemacetan lalu lintas dan banyaknya aksi pengutilan.

Hal ini membuat petugas polisi sibuk. Mereka tak bisa mengambil cuti kerja dan harus bekerja shift untuk mengendalikan kekacauan karena  Black Friday .

Penyebutan fenomena ini menjadi Black Friday muncul di kalangan para petugas polisi.

Saat istilah itu menyebar ke seluruh Philadelphia, para pedagang kurang sepakat dengan penyebutan Black Friday yang mereka anggap berkonotasi negatif.

Mereka kemudian berusaha mengubahnya menjadi istilah Jumat Besar atau Big Friday , namun tak berhasil.

Black Friday lantas mulai dikenal di media cetak setelah iklan yang diterbitkan majalah The American Philatelist tahun 1966.

Akhir 1980-an, istilah tersebut semakin dikenal di kalangan pengecer yang kemudian mengaitkannya dengan penjualan pasca-Thanksgiving.

Saat ini Black Friday menjadi momen belanja terbesar di AS setiap tahun.

Toko-toko memotong harga untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan keuntungan.

Black Friday turut menyebar ke berbagai negara, termasuk di Indonesia.

Di Amerika Serikat, biasanya ritel-ritel akan dipadati pembeli saat  Black Friday .

Namun, di Indonesia, Black Friday dikaitkan dengan diskon belanja yang diberikan oleh toko-toko online meskipun beberapa toko offline ada pula yang ikut meramaikan momen ini.

Doorbusters Busted: Shoppers Rethink Black Friday

Enlarge this image toggle caption Charlie Riedel/AP Charlie Riedel/AP

Black Friday isn't what it used to be. Just ask Chris Ott.

He married into a family that never missed the occasion. And let's just say, he really got into it.

After Thanksgiving dinner, they'd peruse Black Friday ads, developing a "really fun strategic plan — pick the store that we were going to wait outside of, we would divide and conquer," says Ott, 42, a cybersecurity engineer and youth pastor in the Denver area.

"It was so extreme for us that we'd be on vacation with family in Florida over Thanksgiving and we would wait outside the Best Buy in Orlando to see what we could get there," he adds with a laugh.

But lately, this family tradition has fizzled out. Stores kept opening earlier, cutting into Thanksgiving dinner. The Internet made it easy to price-check deals that started to seem less worthwhile. Online shopping became convenient.

Last year, "we decided we'd rather just put up Christmas decorations, and didn't even go," Ott says.

It's not just Ott. This year, only 36% of people said they planned to do most of their holiday shopping on Black Friday — down from 51% just three years ago, according to a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

PwC survey, Holiday Outlook 2019

"Black Friday is still a very major event, both for retailers and for shopping. But historically, it's been the major event and now it's just a part of the overall season," says Steve Barr, who leads PwC's consumer markets practice.

Stores have "permanently conditioned" shoppers to expect big discounts on days other than Black Friday, Barr says. Retailers have made up additional shopping holidays like Cyber Monday and Prime Day. They've moved doorbusters back to Thursday and even Wednesday. This year, many started holiday sales in October.

To be clear, Black Friday is still the busiest shopping day of the year. "Our data shows that there's still a massive spike on Black Friday," says Brian Field of ShopperTrak, which tracks in-store foot traffic.

Of course, not everyone who visits a store actually buys something. Still, compared with the rest of the year, Field says, Black Friday also does better at attracting shoppers to stores.


But for the past two years, the number of people joining the tradition has inched lower. And some experts say, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

"It's a minor decline," Field says. "And it's probably more than made up for with the shopping that's happening online."

In fact, this year PwC found — for the first time — the majority of people planned to do their holiday shopping online instead of in stores.

PwC survey, Holiday Outlook 2019

Besides, stores have tried for years to make doorbusters a more pleasant experience, to tame the stampedes and the fights over toys and TVs. In the most infamous 2008 incident, some 2,000 riled-up shoppers literally burst through the doors of a Walmart in New York state, trampling a store worker to death.

And if you think about it, the doorbuster culture has stores fighting over shoppers who are mainly there because stuff is cheap — many of whom might not return until the following holiday season, says Peter Fader, professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Now, Fader says, more and more companies are realizing the real value is in loyal shoppers who are there all year, rather than fair-weather shoppers from one weekend in November.

"There's always the chance that we could turn that ugly duckling into a beautiful swan, but it's not that common," he says. "And you'd start to say, 'Whoa, wait a minute, why are we paying people double overtime to be here, to serve these not-so-great customers?' "

The biggest shopping day of the year is here. Even though the build up to Black Friday starts earlier and earlier every year, there's nothing like the day itself, when the best sales and deals are finally unveiled.

Of course, all those sales are hard to sort through, and not everything is worth the time (or money). That's why we've created this guide to the must-shop deals of the day, broken out by category, with brands and retailers listed alphabetically, so you can easily find what you're looking for.

We'll be covering all the sales and deals throughout the weekend and into Cyber Monday, so check back for updates. To stay up to date throughout the season, sign up for our twice-weekly email newsletter here.

Major retailers

Fashion and beauty

Adidas : Discounts are available across popular styles, including $20 off the brand's signature Stan Smith Shoes .

Discounts are available across popular styles, including . Alala : Save on activewear with 25% off sitewide using code BLACKOUT.

Save on activewear with using code BLACKOUT. Alexis Bittar : The online jewelry retailer is giving shoppers 25% off sitewide with the code GIVETHANKS until Dec. 3.

: The online jewelry retailer is giving shoppers with the code GIVETHANKS until Dec. 3. Alo Yoga : Take up to 70% off select sale items and 30% off full price items , with special deals dropping every day through Cyber Monday.

Take up to and , with special deals dropping every day through Cyber Monday. American Apparel : This deal isn't half bad. Everything is 50% off at American Apparel with promo code 50ALL.

This deal isn't half bad. at American Apparel with promo code 50ALL. Ann Taylor : Take 50% off sitewide with code BLACKFRIDAY.

Take with code BLACKFRIDAY. Avenue : Take 50% off all the plus size fashions , including tons of stylish holiday party-ready outfits.

Take , including tons of stylish holiday party-ready outfits. Baggu: Get 15% off sitewide from adorable reusable bag brand Baggu. You can also get 25% off orders of more than $50 and 30% off orders of $100 or more through December 3. And there's free shipping for orders over $30. : The always colorful retailer is offering 30% off its entire site with the code THIRTYOFF through Dec. 2. Consider this the perfect time to snag one of its adorable planners or array of gifts under $25.

The always colorful retailer is offering with the code through Dec. 2. Consider this the perfect time to snag one of its adorable planners or array of gifts under $25. Bare Necessities : For all your lingerie, shapewear, and underwear needs, Bare Necessities is offering 25% off sitewide , plus free 2-day shipping.

For all your lingerie, shapewear, and underwear needs, Bare Necessities is offering , plus free 2-day shipping. BaubleBar : Amp up your holiday party outfits with a few new statement pieces from BaubleBar. Take 25% off full-price items using promo code FESTIVE25 .

Amp up your holiday party outfits with a few new statement pieces from BaubleBar. Take . Betsey Johnson : Get 35% off your entire order at Betsey Johnson, a brand that specializes in holiday-appropriate sparkly shoes and accessories, through Dec. 1.

Get at Betsey Johnson, a brand that specializes in holiday-appropriate sparkly shoes and accessories, through Dec. 1. Billabong : Hundreds of new markdowns are an extra 60% off right now.

Hundreds of new right now. bkr : Take 25% off everything from bkr. Use promo code BLACKFRIDAY2019 to score the discount, plus a mini lip balm trio with every order.

Take from bkr. Use promo code BLACKFRIDAY2019 to score the discount, plus a mini lip balm trio with every order. Bloomingdales : The more you buy from Bloomingdales, the more you'll save. Take 15% off purchases of $100 to $249 , 20% off $250 to $399, and 25% off orders of $400 or more on labeled items.

The more you buy from Bloomingdales, the more you'll save. Take , 20% off $250 to $399, and 25% off orders of $400 or more on labeled items. Bobbi Brown : Looks like a stunning deal on makeup from Bobbi Brown with 25% off all orders for Black Friday.

Looks like a stunning deal on makeup from Bobbi Brown with for Black Friday. Boden : Use code H7N3 for 30% off (plus free shipping and returns) at this family-friendly clothing brand.

Use (plus free shipping and returns) at this family-friendly clothing brand. Body Shop Online : Body Shop's online store is offering 40% off sitewide, 50% off seasonals, 25% off gifts and $5 shower gels until Dec. 4.

Body Shop's online store is offering 40% off sitewide, 50% off seasonals, 25% off gifts and $5 shower gels until Dec. 4. Bombas : Take 20% off sitewide with code HOLIDAY20 to save on a pair (or two) of these socks.

Take to save on a pair (or two) of these socks. Bonobos: The men's clothing brand is offering 30% off sitewide with code BFWEEK, so there's no better time to snag a pair of the brand's beloved chinos.

Boohoo : The extra-sparkly women's clothing and accessories brand Boohoo has everything you could need to dress up for a holiday party. The brand is offering 60% off everything on its website.

The extra-sparkly women's clothing and accessories brand Boohoo has everything you could need to dress up for a holiday party. The brand is offering on its website. Botkier : Shoes and accessories, 30% off $150+ and 40% off $250+ , no code needed.

Shoes and accessories, and , no code needed. Calpak : Take 15% off some of the most stunning luggage and travel accessories we've ever laid eyes on.

Take and travel accessories we've ever laid eyes on. Carbon38 : Use code THANKS30 for 30% off the site's Give Thanks Edit, which includes bestsellers like the glossy, perfect for every occasion Takara Leggings.

Use the site's Give Thanks Edit, which includes bestsellers like the glossy, perfect for every occasion Takara Leggings. Carhartt : Carhartt's workwear is durable, yet on-trend. And for Black Friday, you can save 25% on gear , including Full Swing, gloves, footwear, bags, socks, and more.

Carhartt's workwear is durable, yet on-trend. And for Black Friday, you can , including Full Swing, gloves, footwear, bags, socks, and more. Champion : From gym class to streetwear, comfy, cool tees, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and more are discounted for the brand's Pre-Black Friday Sale. Take 10% off orders of $100 or more , 15% off $150 and 20% of $200 or more.

From gym class to streetwear, comfy, cool tees, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and more are discounted for the brand's Pre-Black Friday Sale. Take , 15% off $150 and 20% of $200 or more. Charles & Keith: Select styles from Charles & Keith are up to 50% off, plus a bunch of holiday-ready, full-price items are 20% off.

Draper James : The Southern-inspired fashion brand founded by Reese Witherspoon is offering 25% off sitewide , including sale items.

The Southern-inspired fashion brand founded by Reese Witherspoon is offering , including sale items. Dyson : You can get the coveted Supersonic Hair Dryer, plus two gifts of your choice — ranging from a stand to a chic carrying case — for just $399.99 . At Nordstrom, you can get the red gift edition of the Supersonic Hair Dryer with its own presentation case — a $459 value — for just $399 , plus free shipping .

You can get the coveted Supersonic Hair Dryer, plus two gifts of your choice — ranging from a stand to a chic carrying case — for . At Nordstrom, you can get the red gift edition of the Supersonic Hair Dryer with its own presentation case — , plus free shipping eBags : Save up to 70% on high-quality luggage and travel accessories. Use code EXTRA for an additional 50% off sitewide, though exclusions apply.

Save up to and travel accessories. Use sitewide, though exclusions apply. Eileen Fisher : Through Dec. 2, over 500 already marked-down styles are an extra 20% off .

Through Dec. 2, over . Express : Everything is 50% off for Black Friday, plus free shipping, through Dec. 2.

Everything is for Black Friday, plus free shipping, through Dec. 2. Fanatics : Use promo code TURKEY to show your team spirit and get 65% off .

Use promo code TURKEY to show your team spirit and . Foreo : Get up to 40% off some of sleekest skincare tools and devices we've ever seen. We're looking specifically at the Luna line, a collection of silicone electric facial cleansing devices that work to exfoliate, cleanse and lift your skin.

Get up to and devices we've ever seen. We're looking specifically at the Luna line, a collection of silicone electric facial cleansing devices that work to exfoliate, cleanse and lift your skin. Forever 21 : Forever 21's Black Friday deal won't last forever. Right now, take 30% off everything on their site with promo code GIVETHX.

Forever 21's Black Friday deal won't last forever. Right now, take on their site with promo code GIVETHX. Fossil : Use code INTHEBAG to take advantage of Black Friday savings through Dec. 1, with some products offered at 50% off their original price.

Use to take advantage of Black Friday savings through Dec. 1, with some products offered at 50% off their original price. Franco Sarto : Through Dec. 2, the Italian-inspired leather shoe brand is offering 40% off sitewide with code FRANCOHOLIDAY40 , which means many of their surprisingly affordable ankle booties are now less than $100 . The brand also offers a wide selection of wide calf boots.

Through Dec. 2, the Italian-inspired leather shoe brand is offering , which means many of their surprisingly affordable . The brand also offers a wide selection of wide calf boots. Frank and Oak: Code BF30 gets you 30% off everything (except gift cards and outerwear) through Dec. 3. Best of all, for every order placed before Cyber Monday, the clothing brand will be planting a tree in the Amazon in partnership with One Tree Planted.

Madewell : Take 30% off your purchase using the code GIFTWELL through Dec. 1.

Take using the code GIFTWELL through Dec. 1. Marc Jacobs : Marc Jacobs is taking 40% off all Marc-downs and 50% off select handbag s. Plus, sweatshirts are going for just $95.

Marc Jacobs is taking s. Plus, sweatshirts are going for just $95. Mejuri : Mejuri usually doesn't do sales, but the cult-favorite jewelry retailer is offering savings for Black Friday this year with 10% off one item, 15% off two, and 20% off three —no promo code required.

Mejuri usually doesn't do sales, but the cult-favorite jewelry retailer is offering savings for Black Friday this year with —no promo code required. Mr Porter : Save on the most coveted fashions for guys with 30% off through Cyber Monday . Nearly 1,000 styles are marked down, and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

Save on the most coveted fashions for guys with . Nearly 1,000 styles are marked down, and the discount will be automatically applied at checkout. MZ Wallace : Use code GIFTJOY for a free Small Metro Pouch (a $45 value) with any purchase of $250 or more.

Use (a $45 value) with any purchase of $250 or more. Naadam : Use code BF30 for 30% off some of the softest (and sustainable) cashmere on the market.

Use code some of the softest (and sustainable) cashmere on the market. Nike : Take an extra 25% off sale styles with code SEASONMVP.

Take an with code SEASONMVP. Nisolo : Now through mid-December, Nisolo is offering various discounts with the code GOODTIDINGS , including 20% off bestselling styles.

Now through mid-December, Nisolo is offering various discounts with the , including 20% off bestselling styles. Nordstrom Rack : Discounts on brands like Nike, TUMI, Frye, and more throughout the weekend, with new flash sales cropping up each day.

Discounts on brands like Nike, TUMI, Frye, and more throughout the weekend, with new flash sales cropping up each day. Outdoor Voices : The internet-favorite workout brand is taking 25% off select legging styles with code LEGGINGS25.

The internet-favorite workout brand is taking Paravel: Take 25% off everything from this travel brand, excluding travel kits, with promo code DOMINOFRIDAY.

State Cashmere : Get 25% off your entire order of cashmere goodies with the code 2019THX25 .

your entire order of cashmere goodies with the . Steve Madden : Step into 20% off at Steve Madden—reward members get an even larger discount (and it's free to sign up)—with code THANKFUL.

Step into at Steve Madden—reward members get an even larger discount (and it's free to sign up)—with code THANKFUL. Stuart Weitzman : Save up to 60% on the classy footwear from Stuart Weitzman with code SWTHANKFUL.

Save up to from Stuart Weitzman with code SWTHANKFUL. Sweaty Betty : One of our favorite brands of high-quality activewear is offering 30% off with promo code CHEERS .

One of our favorite brands of high-quality activewear is offering . Tarte Cosmetics : Use code VIP25 and snag 25% off palettes, skincare sets, brushes and much more.

Use palettes, skincare sets, brushes and much more. Thakoon : Get 25% off everything from chunky sweaters to chic dresses through Dec.1.

Get from chunky sweaters to chic dresses through Dec.1. : Tie up a deal on a new tie for a guy in your life with 45% off $150+, 35% off $100+ and 25% off $50+, using promo code DEALWEEK.

Tie up a deal on a new tie for a guy in your life with 45% off $150+, 35% off $100+ and 25% off $50+, using promo code DEALWEEK. Toms : Use code THANKFUL for 30% off any item through Dec. 2.

Use through Dec. 2. Topshop : Snag up to 50% off select styles and enjoy free shipping (worldwide).

Snag up to and enjoy free shipping (worldwide). Tory Burch: Take 30% off purchases of $250 or more with promo code THANKS at the brand's Holiday Event.

Ugg : If your closet is lacking in cozy footwear, head over to the Ugg Closet, which has opened up to reveal deals on some of the brand's classic boots , sneakers, flats and slippers.

If your closet is lacking in cozy footwear, head over to the Ugg Closet, which has opened up to , sneakers, flats and slippers. Untuckit : 25% off sitewide through Dec. 1, and combined savings of up of up to 50%.

through Dec. 1, and combined savings of up of up to 50%. Urban Outfitters : Buy one, get one 50% off sitewide . The discount is taken at checkout on the lower priced item.

. The discount is taken at checkout on the lower priced item. Vince Camuto : The ultra-chic shoe and accessory brand is offering 40% off its entire site through Dec. 3 , with various styles of booties now less than $150.

The ultra-chic shoe and accessory brand is offering , with various styles of booties now less than $150. Vincero Watches : Take 15% off all orders and 20% off orders of $200 or more. There's no better time (or place) to stock up on a luxurious yet affordable watch for any person in your life.

Take and 20% off orders of $200 or more. There's no better time (or place) to stock up on a luxurious yet affordable watch for any person in your life. Vineyard Vines : Take 25% off purchases of $100+ when you use promo code GIFTS19.

Take when you use promo code GIFTS19. White and Warren : Get cozy this Black Friday with 25% off sitewide until Dec. 2.

: Get cozy this Black Friday with until Dec. 2. 7 For All Mankind: You won't want to miss out on up to 60% off the beloved denim brand at Nordstrom.

Tech, gaming and toys

Amazon devices : Alexa-enabled devices are seeing huge discounts.

Alexa-enabled devices are seeing huge discounts. Beats by Dre : Snag over-ear noise canceling Studio3 headphones for just $279.95 , down from $349.95.

Snag over-ear noise canceling , down from $349.95. Bose : Make no mistake we're big fans of Bose, both for the quality of the brand's products and an incredibly balanced soundstage. Save on the QuietComfort 35 IIs, SoundLink Micro and the line of Home Speakers.

Make no mistake we're big fans of Bose, both for the quality of the brand's products and an incredibly balanced soundstage. and the line of Home Speakers. Case-Mate : Score 40% off wildly vibrant and fun cases for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy phones. Plus save on power banks, Apple Watch bands and screen protectors.

Score for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy phones. Plus save on power banks, Apple Watch bands and screen protectors. CASETiFY: Use code FILLMYBAG for 15% off one item, 25% off two or 30% off three items.

Eargo : Get the EargoNeo for $500 off on Amazon.

Get the on Amazon. Google : Save $200 on the Pixel 4 and 4 XL across all colors.

Save across all colors. HP : This Black Friday, get up to 65% off select doorbusters , 5% off select PCs over $999 with code HOLIDAYPC and 10% off select PCs $1,399 or more with code HOLIDAYPC10.

This Black Friday, get up to , 5% off select PCs over $999 with code HOLIDAYPC and 10% off select PCs $1,399 or more with code HOLIDAYPC10. Insignia : Get a 32-inch Fire TV Edition HD TV for just $99.99 on Amazon.

Get a for just $99.99 on Amazon. Lenovo: Save up to $2,420 on doorbusters at Lenovo, through Nov. 30.

LEGO : Get four full days of 30% off selected sets , perfect for holiday gifting.

Get four full days of , perfect for holiday gifting. Motorola : While the new RAZR isn't on sale, Motorola is marking down the Moto Z3, G6, G6 Play, Z4, Motorola One and many other phones.

While the new RAZR isn't on sale, Motorola is marking down the Moto Z3, G6, G6 Play, Z4, Motorola One and many other phones. Olloclip : Get 60% off on almost every product sitewide.

Get on almost every product sitewide. OSMO : Save up to 30% off STEM and play infused sets that pair with tablets like the Apple iPad or Amazon's Fire tablets.

Save up to that pair with tablets like the Apple iPad or Amazon's Fire tablets. Plugable: Take an extra $9 off the brand's USB 2.0 Digital Microscope, perfect for students or anyone interested in the microscopic world.

Home and health

23andMe : Take $100 off 23andMe's best-selling Health + Ancestry Service .

Take . Ancestry® : Get 50% off the AncestryDNA® kit and subscription service.

and subscription service. BarkBox : Start wagging that tail. Your first BarkBox is just $5 for Bark, sorry, Black Friday with any multi-month subscription.

Start wagging that tail. Your for Bark, sorry, Black Friday with any multi-month subscription. Bear Mattress : Take 25% off your purchase and receive two free Cloud Pillows with the code GIFT through Dec. 2.

: Take 25% off your purchase and receive with the code GIFT through Dec. 2. Birch : Use code BF200 for $200 off a new Birch mattress , a brand loved for its use of natural and organic materials.

Use , a brand loved for its use of natural and organic materials. Birch Lane : The furniture and decor brand is hosting a blowout sale for Black Friday, with discounts of up to 80% off . You'll save on everything from coffee tables to ottomans and even sofas and sectionals.

The furniture and decor brand is hosting a blowout sale for Black Friday, with discounts of . You'll save on everything from coffee tables to ottomans and even sofas and sectionals. Boll & Branch : Upgrade your bedding, bathroom basics and even loungewear with 25% off orders of $150 or more .

Upgrade your bedding, bathroom basics and even loungewear with . Brooklinen: One of the Internet's favorite bedding brands, Brooklinen is offering 20% off sitewide.

Casper : One of our top bed-in-a-box mattress brands is offering 10% off any mattress order until Dec. 2.

One of our top bed-in-a-box mattress brands is offering until Dec. 2. Cocoon by Sealy : Not only will you get 25% off your purchase of any Chill Mattress , you'll also receive a free DreamFit Sheet Set and two DreamFit Pillows.

Not only will you get , you'll also receive a free DreamFit Sheet Set and two DreamFit Pillows. Crane & Canopy : Take 20% off everything from bedding, to bath linens, to decor with promo code BESTDAY. It's all on sale at Crane & Canopy's biggest sale of the year.

Take from bedding, to bath linens, to decor with promo code BESTDAY. It's all on sale at Crane & Canopy's biggest sale of the year. Cricut : Black Friday sales from this DIY crafts brand include lower prices on the Cricut Explore Air 2, EasyPress2, EasyPress Mini and more.

Black Friday sales from this DIY crafts brand include lower prices on the Cricut Explore Air 2, EasyPress2, EasyPress Mini and more. Dyson : Up to 50% off select bestsellers on Amazon, including the popular stick vacuum.

on Amazon, including the popular stick vacuum. GE Lighting : Get 30% off all C by GE products at Best Buy this Black Friday. That includes smart bulbs, smart switches and much more.

Get this Black Friday. That includes smart bulbs, smart switches and much more. Hayneedle: Top-rated bar stools are up to 60% off, gardening and decor are up to 50% off and Christmas trees are seriously discounted. Plus, get free shipping for all orders over $49.

Helix : Use the code BF100 for $100 off any mattress purchase and two free Dream Pillows.

Use the any mattress purchase and two free Dream Pillows. Hydro Flask : You don't need to be a VSCO girl to use one of the best water bottles on the market. At Nordstrom, a 32-ounce wide mouth Hydro Flask is 25% off in black or white.

You don't need to be a VSCO girl to use one of the best water bottles on the market. At Nordstrom, a in black or white. Joss & Main : Take 70% off rugs, 65% off beds and headboards, and up to 60% off big-ticket items like sofas.

Take 70% off rugs, 65% off beds and headboards, and up to 60% off big-ticket items like sofas. Le Creuset : No black here; it's Colorful Friday at Le Creuset. Save on iconic cookware in bright and neutral hues.

No black here; it's Colorful Friday at Le Creuset. in bright and neutral hues. Lovesac : Are you sitting down? Because the deals at Lovesac might knock you off your feet. Save up to 35% on Sactionals , 30% off Sacs, and 35% off Holiday Sac Bundles.

Are you sitting down? Because the deals at Lovesac might knock you off your feet. Save up to , 30% off Sacs, and 35% off Holiday Sac Bundles. Lowe's : Hundreds of Black Friday deals , from appliances to tools and smart home and bath.

, from appliances to tools and smart home and bath. Mattress Firm : Now through Nov. 29, snag a king mattress for the price of a queen, and a queen mattress for the price of a twin, with savings of up to $600 .

Now through Nov. 29, snag a king mattress for the price of a queen, and a queen mattress for the price of a twin, with . Nectar : Take $100 off any mattress purchase and receive two free Memory Foam Pillows.

Take and receive two free Memory Foam Pillows. Petco : Don't forget about your four-legged friends on Black Friday. Petco is offering 10% off when you buy online or pickup in store, plus a $10 eGift card on purchases of $60+ . Not to mention, you'll get 40% off your order if you opt for Repeat Delivery.

Don't forget about your four-legged friends on Black Friday. Petco is offering 10% off when you buy online or pickup in store, plus a . Not to mention, you'll get 40% off your order if you opt for Repeat Delivery. Pier 1 : Deck your halls for the holidays with 25% off sitewide at Pier 1. Just use promo code BLACKFRIDAY to save on everything from seasonal decor to everyday furniture and home accents.

Deck your halls for the holidays with at Pier 1. Just use promo code BLACKFRIDAY to save on everything from seasonal decor to everyday furniture and home accents. Primary Goods: Take $10 off any purchase of $99 or more with code DREAM10. Spend up to $449, and the more you spend the more you'll save with Primary Goods' tiered discount codes.

Note: The prices above reflect the retailer's listed price at the time of publication.

This story was written in collaboration with Forbes Finds . Forbes Finds covers products we think you’ll love. Featured products are independently selected and linked to for your convenience. If you buy something using a link on this page, Forbes and the author may receive a small share of that sale.

Kohl’s big Black Friday 2019 sale has started and the best deals can stand toe-to-toe with the biggest stores (and often beat them with Kohl's Cash). So here my top picks from the headline deals you need to know about as well as the doorbusters Kohl's is rolling out right now.

Kohl's has some of the best Black Friday 2019 deals MIKE MOZART

Amazon Black Friday 2019: Here Are The Best Deals

Forbes Gordon Kelly

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019: Best Console Deals

Warning: stock levels are low on most of these deals, but they should return for Black Friday itself

Kohl's Black Friday Xbox deals have already begun Kohl's

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019: Best TV Deals

Warning: stock levels on TVs are also fluctuating with several deals coming in and out of stock.

11/28 STAR DEAL, INCREASED KOHL'S CASH - LG 55-Inch 4K HDR Smart LED TV with AI ThinQ (55UM7300PUA) - $399.99 (save $130 + $120 Kohl's Cash) - shop deal now

STAR DEAL - LG 55-Inch 4K HDR Smart OLED TV with AI ThinQ (55C9PUA) - $1,499.99 (save $1,000) + $300 Kohl’s Cash - shop deal now (ensure Kohl's Cash is offered, it comes and goes with this deal)

LG 43-Inch 4K HDR Smart LED TV with AI ThinQ (43UM7300PUA) - $319.99 (save $80) + $60 Kohl’s Cash - shop deal now (as above)

Kohl's Black Friday TV sales are among the best deals you'll find this year. Kohl's

Walmart Black Friday 2019: Here Are The Best Deals [Updated]

Forbes Gordon Kelly

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019: Best Smart Home Deals

Kohl's Black Friday smart home sales, including Amazon Alexa devices, is one of the biggest ... [+] available Kohl's

Apple Black Friday 2019: AirPods Pro, iPad, iPhone, New MacBook Pro Deals [Updated]

Forbes Gordon Kelly

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019: Best Headphones / Speaker Deals

STAR DEAL - Powerbeats3 Wireless Earphones - $139.99 (save $60) + $30 Kohl's Cash - shop deal now (11/28 out of stock)

Beats Pill+ Wireless Bluetooth Speaker $127.99 (save $90) - shop deal now

Beats Studio Wireless - $279.99 (save $70) + $75 Kohl’s Cash - product link

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019: Best Other Deals

11/28 INCREASED KOHL'S CASH - Canon EOS Rebel T6 DSLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm + EF 75-300mm Lenses - 18-Megapixel Sensor - $449.99 (save $300) + $135 Kohl's Cash - shop deal now

DJI Spark Mini Drone - $299.99 (save $50 + $60 Kohl's Cash) - shop deal now (11/28 out of stock)

Kohl's Black Friday Canon deal is one of the best Black Friday camera deals Kohl's

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019 Doorbusters

These doorbuster deals are expected to go live at midnight. Some will even go live before that. Kohl's has the first

Once again Kohl’s is really standing out from its rivals thanks to Kohl’s Cash. As such it is likely to have the top Xbox One X, Nintendo Switch, PS4 Slim, Google Nest and Beats Black Friday deals this year. Kohl’s will also beat Amazon’s best deals on its own products when Kohl’s Cash is involved.

The only disappointing omissions the lack of a PS4 Pro deal (perhaps it will come for Cyber Monday) and any further TV offers, though this shows Kohl’s current live sales are the real deal right now.

Costco Black Friday 2019: The Best New Live Deals

Forbes Gordon Kelly

Kohl’s Black Friday 2019 Shipping

Kohl's Black Friday deals are some of the best, but its $50 minimum spend for free delivery is the worst shipping policy of any store. That said, almost all the top deals will require you to spend over $50. Black Friday 2019 shipping policies can be found for Amazon (here), Best Buy (here), Target (here) and Walmart (here).

To track my daily Black Friday guides, leaks and recommendations hit the Follow button on my author page.

Follow Gordon on Facebook

More of my Black Friday Guides on Forbes

Apple Black Friday 2019: AirPods Pro, iPad, iPhone, New MacBook Pro Deals [Updated]

Amazon Black Friday 2019: Here Are The Best Deals [Updated]

Walmart Black Friday 2019: Here Are The Best Deals [Updated]

Our Black Friday live blog will help you find the best deals, and point out some ethical and sustainable ways to mitigate the environmental impact



Will Black Friday become a thing of the past?

It depends on who you ask as the unofficial kickoff to the end-of-year shopping frenzy begins in earnest Friday. A new USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll looking at how people plan to shop this holiday season revealed a startling insight: most Americans will only buy this weekend if they can grab a sure-fire deal, with millennials preferring Cyber Monday over Black Friday. We spoke with current and former retail store employees and the consensus is this: you can still score doorbuster deals without the chaos of the holiday crowds.

Prefer to listen? Check out the 5 things podcast below and subscribe for free on Apple Podcasts:

Prefer the in-person Black Friday experience? We have some pointers

If you prefer to visit the stores, you can start by uncovering the right products at the best price on your smartphone or tablet. A handful of shopping apps are designed to sniff out great deals by alerting you to a fire sale on something you’ve had your eye on. Once you've done your homework, get an action plan together. Some retailers are offering limited freebies likecoupon giveaways and free items after mail-in rebate which are expected to go fast. But before you make a major holiday purchase, it's important to ask these four questions. If you don't, you may find yourself making a budget-busting mistake.

Thanksgiving, phase 2: The leftovers

It's time to reheat the Thanksgiving leftovers. Our friends at Grateful have a fool-proof cheat sheet to reheating your favorite dishes so they're as good as the first time around. (Rolls can go in your slow cooker. Who knew?) Grateful also has recipes for new meals made with leftovers, as well as tips on storing leftovers so they don't tragically end up in the trash.

Skip the shopping and hit the theaters ... or couch

One of the biggest holidays of the year deserves good TV and movies to go along with your leftovers. If you're hitting your local theater, "Knives Out" or "Queen & Slim" are good bets of having audiences talking for days. Or you can always catch up on the "Frozen 2" hype and its mad science trivia that's made us scratch our heads. But what if you want to stay inside? That's fine, too. There are plenty of quintessential holiday options available on various streaming platforms.

Travel woes possible: Winter storm isn't over yet

A strong winter storm weakened and moved to the northeast on Thursday. At the same time, a second storm pounded Northern California setting up the likelihood of heavy snow spreading across the northern tier of the country as travelers head home at the end of the weekend."A major winter storm will continue to produce heavy mountain snow and high winds across much of the Western United States through Thanksgiving Day before tracking over the Rockies on Friday," the National Weather Service said. Forecasters warned of the possibility of end-of-holiday travel delays from wet or snow-covered roads and flight delays because of low pressure moving into the East.

Black Friday is finally here and these are our favorite deal picks. (Photo: Reviewed)

— Recommendations are independently chosen by Reviewed’s editors. Purchases you make through our links may earn us a commission.

Alright folks, it's finally here: Black Friday. Are you ready? Here at Reviewed, we sure are and have spent the entire year testing and reviewing the hottest products, so you know exactly what's worth spending your hard-earned cash on. And what better way to spend it than getting the biggest savings possible?

To help you find the biggest savings and sales on Black Friday, we've been scouring the internet to find the best products at their lowest prices. So be sure to bookmark us and check back often because we'll be updating this page with new deals and price updates throughout the big shopping holiday—and you don't want to miss a good deal.

Our Favorite Deals Right Now

Tech Deals

Laptop and Tablet Deals

TV and Entertainment Deals

Kitchen and Cooking Deals

Appliance and Cleaning Deals

Home and Outdoor Deals

Lifestyle Deals

Beauty and Fashion Deals

Smart Home Deals

Parenting, Toys, and Game Deals

The product experts at Reviewed have all your shopping needs covered. Follow Reviewed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest deals, reviews, and more.

Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

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Black Friday is officially here.

Many retailers kicked off their big sales on Thanksgiving, and more are rolling out specials Friday, including stores that traditionally keep their doors closed such as Costco, Sam's Club and Apple.

Kohl's and J.C. Penney opened Thanksgiving afternoon and will stay open until late Friday. Other stores, including Best Buy and Target, will close for a few hours before opening Friday morning.

Though stores are likely to be busy, Black Friday probably won't be the busiest shopping day of the year.

Since 2014, Super Saturday, the last Saturday before Christmas, has been the busiest and is expected to maintain that status, according to RetailNext, which analyzes traffic and other metrics at brick and mortar stores.

Black Friday tips, freebies and more:We've got USA TODAY strategies for shopping smart during the holidays

Toys R Us comeback:New company's first toy store open and 10 more locations planned

Black Friday hours

Some retailers have announced only opening times, and hours of doorbuster sales vary. Check with your closest location to confirm hours. In most cases, store names below link to retailers' websites.

Academy Sports + Outdoors: Open 6 a.m.

A.C. Moore: Open 6 a.m., doorbusters until 11 a.m. Friday.

Apple: Most stores open at 8 a.m., special hours are listed at

Bass Pro Shops: Open 5 a.m., doorbusters available until 11 a.m.

Barnes & Noble: Varies; check store locator at

Bealls: Open 6 a.m.

Bealls Florida: 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Bealls Outlet: 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Bed Bath & Beyond: Open 6 a.m., special coupon available through noon.

Belk: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Best Buy: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Big Lots: Open 6 a.m.

BJ's Wholesale Club: Open 7 a.m.

Bloomingdale's: Open 7 a.m.

Boscov’s: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Burlington: Open at 7 a.m.

buybuy Baby: Open at 8 a.m.

Cabela’s: Open 5 a.m., doorbusters available until 11 a.m.

Conn's HomePlus: 8 a.m. to midnight.

Costco: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Crate & Barrel: Varies, most have extended hours.

CVS: Regular hours.

Dick's Sporting Goods:5 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Dillard's: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

DSW: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Dunham’s Sports: Doorbuster sale starts at 3 p.m. Thanksgiving and goes until 6 p.m.

Five Below: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Fleet Farm: Open 6 a.m.

Fry's Electronics: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

GameStop: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Gordman's: Open 6 a.m.

Guitar Center: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Half Price Books: Open 9 a.m.

Harbor Freight: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Hobby Lobby: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Home Depot: Open 6 a.m.

HomeGoods: Open 7 a.m.

J.C. Penney: Open 2 p.m. Thanksgiving through 10 p.m. Friday.

Joann Stores: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Kmart: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Kohl’s: Open 5 p.m. Thanksgiving through midnight Friday, doorbusters available until 1 p.m.

Lord & Taylor: Open 10 a.m.

Lowe's: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Macy’s: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., doorbusters available until 1 p.m.

Marshalls: Open 7 a.m.

Meijer: Most locations are open 24 hours, and the sale goes from 6 a.m. Thanksgiving through Friday.

Menards: Open 6 a.m., doorbusters until noon.

Michaels: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Modell’s Sporting Goods: Varies. Many stores open 7 a.m.

Neiman Marcus: Open 8 a.m.

Nordstrom: Hours vary. Search department store and Nordstrom Rack outlet stores' hours on

Office Depot and OfficeMax: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Old Navy: Hours vary by location, but many stores are staying open from 3 p.m. Thanksgiving until 11 p.m. Friday. Search for your closest store's hours at

Old Time Pottery: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Peebles: Open 6 a.m.

Petco: Hours vary.

PetSmart: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Pet Supermarket: Open 9 a.m., regular hours

Ross: Open 7 a.m., closing times vary.

Sam's Club: Open 7 a.m.

Saks Fifth Avenue: Hours vary; find a list at and check the store locator.

Sears: 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Shoe Carnival: Open 6 a.m.

Sierra Trading Post: Open 7 a.m.

Stage Stores: Open 6 a.m.

Staples: Open 7 a.m.

Stein Mart: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., coupon on store ad until 1 p.m.

Target: Open 7 a.m.

T.J. Maxx: Open 7 a.m.

Tractor Supply Co.: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Ulta Beauty: 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Walgreens: Regular hours.

Walmart: Most stores open 24 hours.

World Market: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Follow USA TODAY reporter Kelly Tyko on Twitter: @KellyTyko

Consumer groups say the discount day and its cyber Monday counterpart are largely about creating an artificial sense of urgency among shoppers

As black Friday sales sweep across Australia, consumers have been warned to be wary of fake discounts, scams and dodgy overseas sellers – all of which rise during the sale frenzy.

The US-inspired shopping day has established a firm foothold in the local market, across online and traditional retail. But Choice and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission have warned Australians that sales are a prime time for exploitation and illegal conditions such as “no refunds”.

Jonathan Brown from Choice said consumers should remember that black Friday is just branding.

“Whether it’s click frenzy, black Friday or cyber Monday, the sales tricks used to get us to part with our money are really just a twist on classic sales techniques,” he told Guardian Australia. “It’s all about creating an inflated or artificial sense of urgency so you rush into spending decisions.

Buy Nowt protest urges Yorkshire shoppers to ignore Black Friday Read more

“It’s worth remembering that often sale items are products that have been collecting dust in warehouses. These sales are really about getting dud models or stock out of retailers’ inventories.”

The sense of “impulsive purchasing” can also make consumers more susceptible to sales tricks.

Delia Rickard, the deputy chair of the ACCC, said the regulator had seen a huge explosion in online shopping scams this year.

“We’ve had around 8,000 reported incidents this year, and $4m reported loss,” she said. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Most people don’t report.”

Black Friday purchases from Australian retailers are subject to the same consumer law as on any other day. .

“By branding these sales as something special or once-off some retailers may try to suggest your consumer rights are voided as a result,” Brown said. “ ‘No refund on sales’ stipulations are illegal in Australia. We suggest brushing up on your consumer rights before key sales periods and complain to the ACCC if you see particularly egregious practices.”

Buying from overseas could provide less protection.

Black Friday UK: just one in 20 discounts are genuine, research finds Read more

“If you’re accessing black Friday deals from overseas jurisdictions you may find it difficult to assert your rights if the company has no Australian base,” Brown said.

Choice have put out a guide to black Friday and consumer rights.

“If it’s too good to be true, avoid it,” Rickard said. “My personal rule is to use sites you understand and trust. If you are going anywhere else, don’t spend more than you can afford.

“Look at the payment mechanism. If they ask for payment in a cyber currency, Western Union, money transfers, those sorts of things, even gift cards happens these days. That is also going to be a tip off.”

The ACCC and Choice also warned that some products being shipped in from overseas could have safety concerns, due to Australia’s “incredibly weak” product safety laws.

“Choice particularly warns against buying children’s toys, electronic accessories and cosmetics from overseas retailers,” Brown said. “If you order products from overseas, you risk having a ticking time bomb in your home.”

Brown said local sellers could not be relied on to be safe either – Australian retailers have experienced a tripling of product recalls in the past 20 years.

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