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Poirier Lebih Mengerikan Dibanding Khabib

Akurasi serangan Khabib Nurmagomedov unggul tipis atas Dustin Poirier. (Michael Reaves/Getty Images /AFP) Akurasi serangan Khabib Nurmagomedov unggul tipis atas Dustin Poirier. (Michael Reaves/Getty Images /AFP)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --memiliki statistik yang lebih mengerikan dibandingkan denganjelang pertarungandi The Arena, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, Sabtu (7/9) waktu setempat atau Minggu (8/9) dini hari WIB.Duel Khabib vs Poirier akan menentukan juara sesungguhnya untuk kelas ringan UFC. Khabib merupakan juara bertahan yang sebelumnya dihukum Komite Atletik Nevada dan UFC, sedangkan Poirier juara interim di kelas tersebut.Khabib yang merupakan petarung asal Rusia memiliki rekor 27 kemenangan tanpa terkalahkan, dengan 11 di antaranya kemenangan di UFC.Sedangkan Poirier, punya rapor 25 kemenangan dan 5 kali kalah, dengan 17 kemenangan serta 4 kekalahan di UFC.Dikutip dari Forbes , Poirier memiliki statistik yang lebih baik ketimbang Khabib, sekalipun The Eagle punya rapor belum terkalahkan.Poirier mencetak angka 0,77 dalam setiap 15 menit aksinya. Sedangkan Khabib hanya mencatatkan 0,22 dalam setiap 15 menit.Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan Khabib dalam bertarung juga lebih lama daripada Poirier. Khabib membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 13 menit 56 detik untuk menyudahi pertarungan. Sementara Poirier bertarung lebih cepat dengan rata-rata hanya butuh waktu 9 menit 44 detik.Keunggulan lain dari Poirier atas Khabib adalah jumlah pukulan yang dilepaskan dalam satu menit. Petarung berjuluk The Diamond itu sanggup melepaskan 5,96 pukulan signifikan dalam satu menit. Khabib sedikit di bawah Poirier dengan 4,29 pukulan per menit.Meski demikian, Khabib bukan berarti kalah segala-galanya dibanding Poirier. Selain rapor tidak terkalahkan, Khabib punya akurasi serangan yang lebih baik dibanding Poirier.Catatan akurasi Khabib unggul tipis atas Poirier, dengan 49,7 untuk Khabib berbanding 49,1 atas petarung asal Amerika Serikat itu.

Khabib mengalahkan McGregor di ronde empat UFC 229. (REUTERS/Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports) Khabib mengalahkan McGregor di ronde empat UFC 229. (REUTERS/Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Pihak UFC menjadikan video cuplikan kerusuhan229melawansebagai bahan promosi jelang Khabib menghadapi Dustin Poirier.Pertarungan UFC 242 antaraakan digelar di Pulau Yas Abu Dhabi pada Sabtu (7/9) malam waktu setempat.Dipercaya demi mendongkrak jumlah penonton, UFC justru menjadikan video kerusuhan usai Khabib vs McGregor disebagai promosi.Padahal, insiden tersebut dinilai sebagai preseden terburuk di ajang UFC. Buntut dari kerusuhan itu pun hukuman bagi Khabib dan McGregor oleh Komite Atletik Nevada (NSAC) yang menaungi ajang kompetisi bela diri.Khabib pernah dihukum larangan bertanding selama sembilan bulan per Oktober 2018 dan denda US$500 ribu. Sementara McGregor hanya mendapat sanksi enam bulan dan denda US$50 ribu.Kerusuhan pecah usai Khabib melawan McGregor pada ronde empat di T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, pada 6 Oktober 2018. Setelah mengalahkan McGregor melalui kuncian, Khabib langsung menaiki pagar oktagon dan melompat ke luar untuk menyerang rekan petarung Irlandia tersebut, Dillon Danis.Khabib merasa perlu menghajar Danis karena telah menghina ayah dan agamanya saat pertarungan dengan McGregor berlangsung.Sejumlah video tentang kerusuhan usai UFC 229 itu pun banyak beredar di media sosial. Namun, kualitas dan sudut pandang video-video tersebut pun tak begitu baik karena kebanyakan merupakan hasil rekaman video amatir.Belakangan, UFC merilis video perkelahian tersebut yang dinilai lebih detail dan eksklusif. Bahkan seperti dilansir dari BJPENN ekspresi McGregor dan Khabib terlihat jelas ketika kerusuhan berlangsung.Ekspresi tersebut termasuk ketika Khabib tampak menggila dan langsung diamankan sejumlah petugas keamanan. Video tersebut diyakini berasal dari kamera pihak UFC yang sengaja disimpan dan baru disebarluaskan untuk promosi Khabib vs Poirier."Rekaman ketika Khabib melompat [dari oktagon] ke kerumunan dari angle samping tak pernah ada yang menayangkan sebelumnya. Itu pasti diambil dari salah satu kamera khusus UFC yang merekam pertarungan tersebut," tulis salah satu pengamat MMA dari Reddit, dikutip dari BJPENN Jelang laga Khabib vs Poirier, UFC dikabarkan mulai membuka peluang rematch Khabib vs McGregor. Namun, Khabib masih enggan menerima tawaran tersebut.

Conor McGregor jadi lawan terakhir Khabib Nurmagomedov di UFC. (REUTERS/Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports) Conor McGregor jadi lawan terakhir Khabib Nurmagomedov di UFC. (REUTERS/Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Jadwal pertarunganpadadi Stadion The Arena, Abu Dhabi, akan berlangsung pada Minggu (8/9) dini hari WIB.Hampir satu tahun usai mengalahkan Conor McGregor, Khabib kembali naik oktagon dengan melawan Poirier. Pertarungan di Abu Dhabi merupakan unifikasi gelar juara dunia kelas ringan UFC.Khabib vs Poirier termasuk pertarungan main card yang melibatkan lima pertarungan, termasuk Edson Barboza vs Paul Felder dan Islam Makhachev vs Davi Ramos, Curtis Blaydes vs Shamil Abdurakhimov dan Mairbek Taisumov vs Carlos Diego Ferreira.Jadwal main card yang melibatkan Khabib vs Poirier sebagai pertarungan terakhir akan dimulai pukul 01.00 WIB pada Minggu (8/9) dini hari.Pertarungan melawan Poirier merupakan aksi ke-12 Khabib di ajang UFC. Petarung asal Rusia itu selalu meraih kemenangan di 11 pertarungan sebelumnya di UFC.Jelang pertarungan melawan Poirier, Khabib mengaku tidak pernah merasakan sambutan luar biasa dari penggemar seperti di Abu Dhabi. Kondisi itu membuat petarung 30 tahun itu semakin bersemangat jelang menghadapi Poirier."Ketika saya bertarung dalam 11 pertarungan sebelumnya, saya tidak pernah merasa dukungan segila ini dari fan di arena. Namun saat ini, saya merasakan banyak sekali orang yang mendukung saya. Saya sangat antusias tentang pertarungan ini karena saya ingin merasakan dapat banyak dukungan," ujar Khabib dikutip dari The National.Poirier sendiri menjadi juara dunia kelas ringan UFC interim setelah berhasil mengalahkan Max Holloway pada 13 April 2019.Minggu 8 September 2019 / Mulai pukul 01.00 WIB

Khabib Nurmagomedov dan Dustin Poirier akan bertarung pada UFC 242 di Abu Dhabi untuk menentukan 'Raja Kelas Ringan' UFC yang sesungguhnya. Dua petarung beda gaya akan bertemu dan pertarungan akan berlangsung panas.

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Petarung seni bela diri campuran ( MMA ) asal Rusia, Khabib Nurmagomedov ,mengungkapkan tak ingin aktif bertarung sampai usia 40 tahun. Pria kelahiran Sildi, Dagestan, pada 20 September 1988 tersebut bakal berusia 31 pada tahun ini. Ia terjun ke dunia MMA profesional sejak 2008. "Saya tidak mau mengakhiri karier saya sekarang, tapi saya tahu saya bukan lagi petarung yang muda. Saya tidak banyak memiliki pertarungan lagi mendatang, karena saya tidak akan bertarung sampai usia 40. Sebelum membuat keputusan [pensiun], saya akan berbicara kepada ayah, pelatih, saudara-saudara, manajer, dan orang terdekat lainnya," kata Khabib seperti yang dikutip dari Sport 24 . "Saya tidak akan membuat keputusan ini sendirian. Saat ini, saya fokus pada pertarungan berikutnya," katanya menambahkan. Khabib mencatat rekor 27 kali menang tanpa sekalipun kalah. (REUTERS/Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports) Sejak 2008, Khabib telah mencatat rekor pertarungan 27 kali menang tanpa kalah. Setelah mengalahkan petarung Irlandia Conor McGregor dengan cekikan dari belakang dalam UFC 220 di Las Vegas pada6 Oktober 2018, Khabib bakal kembali ke ring oktagon untuk melawan petarung Amerika Serikat, Dustin Porier dalam UFC 242. Pertarungan tersebut bakal berlangsung di Abu Dhabi pada 7 September 2019. Sebelumnya, pelatih Khabib Nurmagomedov, Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, mengutarakan juara kelas ringan UFC itu semakin kuat dalam melakukan serangan dan akan mempersiapkan kejutan untuk Dustin Poirier pada ronde kedua atau ketiga. Abdulmanap yang merupakan ayah Khabib mengatakan sang anak akan menggunakan cara bertarung yang berbeda ketika menghadapi Poirier. "Khabib bertambah kuat menguasai teknik penyerangan. Kami sudah menyiapkan kejutan untuk Dustin Poirier. Kita akan menyaksikannya di pertengahan atau awal ronde kedua atau ronde ketiga," ucap Abdulmanap beberapa waktu lalu. [Gambas:Video CNN] (map)

Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC

Both Khabib Nurmagomedov and Donald Poirier have made weight and the championship fight is on at UFC 242.

After defeating Conor McGregor in the biggest UFC fight of all time, Khabib Nurmagomedov is now a bonafide superstar in his own right and is hoping to add to that perfect undefeated record of his. His opponent? Interim Lightweight champ Dustin Poirier, a well-rounded competitor fresh off a brilliant win over Max Holloway in a five round war back at UFC 236.

Can Khabib make it to 28-0?

This is actually a more compelling match-up than you might think. Let's break it all down.

But first...

Start time

So this is a weird one. Most UFC cards kick off on a Saturday night, with the main card starting at 10 p.m. But with UFC 242 it's different, the UFC is in Abu Dhabi. That makes for a fairly skewed timing situation.

The event kicks off Saturday, Sept. 7, but the fights will kick off earlier than usual.

United States

The Main Card starts at 2 p.m. (ET)

The Prelims start at 12 p.m. (ET)

The Early Prelims start at 10 a.m. (ET)

United Kingdom

The Main Card starts at 7 p.m. (GMT)

The Prelims start at 5 p.m. (GMT)

The Early Prelims start at 3 p.m. (GMT)


(Please note in Australia UFC 242 starts on Sunday, Sept. 8.)

The Main Card starts at 4 a.m. (AEST)

The Prelims start at 2 a.m. (AEST)

The Early Prelims start at 12 a.m. (AEST)

For those in other regions, the UFC has a very handy time checker here.

Who's fighting

This is a fairly top heavy card. The main event is super strong and the undercard is packed with a number of fairly important fights for the Lightweight division as a whole. Here's who is fighting...

Main card

Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Dustin Poirer

Edson Barboza vs. Paul Felder

Islam Makhachev vs. Davi Ramos

Curtis Blaydes vs. Shamil Abdurakhimov

Mairbek Taisumov vs. Diego Ferreira


Andrea Lee vs. Joanne Calderwood

Zubaira Tukhugov vs. Lerone Murphy

Liana Jojua vs. Sarah Moras

Ottman Azaitar vs. Teemu Packalen

Early Prelims

Belal Muhammad vs. Takashi Sato

Nordine Taleb vs. Muslim Salikhov

Omari Akhmedov vs. Zak Cummings

Don Madge vs. Fares Ziam

How to watch

This year the UFC entered a new partnership with ESPN. That's great news for the UFC and the expansion of the sport of MMA, bad news for consumer choice. If you live in the US especially.

In the US

In the US, you can only watch UFC 242 on PPV through ESPN+.

If you already have an ESPN+ subscription you can buy the event for $60.

In the UK

MMA fans in the UK can watch UFC 242 exclusively through BT Sport.

In Australia

More options if you live in Australia. You can watch UFC 242 through Main Event on Foxtel. You can also watch on the UFC website or using its app. You can even order using your PlayStation 4 or using the UFC app on your Xbox One.

Is it worth watching?

Abso-frickin-lutely. And don't let anyone tell you any different.

Sure, Nurmagomedov is a destroyer and unbeaten during a historic UFC run, but he is beatable. A beaten down, exhausted Conor McGregor was able to take a round from him in their fight last year, and while McGregor beat Poirier during his Featherweight run, Poirier is one of the most improved fighters the UFC has ever seen.

Poirier himself just beat Holloway, one of the pound-for-pound best fighters on the planet. Poirier has power, good defensive wrestling and slick boxing. He's also overcome obstacles in his career and developed an iron will in the process. That's what it takes to beat Khabib, who notoriously breaks people psychologically and physically by wrestling the strength out of opponents during gruelling early rounds.

Poirier might be able to push past that. Make no mistake: He is a live underdog in this fight and has a strong chance to dethrone the champ.

You don't want to miss this fight.

Live: UFC 242 ceremonial weigh-in video for ‘Khabib vs Poirier’ in Abu Dhabi

With the UFC 242 early and official weigh ins already in the books (full results here), the promotion will send all 26 fighters back onstage for the ceremonial festivities at 10 a.m. ET in advance of tomorrow night’s pay-per-view (PPV) event on ESPN+ from Abu Dhabi (sign up here). The main event between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Dustin Poirier will unify the lightweight titles and you can preview their cold open right here. For the entire UFC 242 fight card and line up click here.

The awesome Khabib Nurmagomedov is back in the Octagon this weekend on a stacked UFC 242 card coming all the way from Abu Dhabi. Saturday, September 7 is the date for your diary as some of the fiercest MMA fighters around head to The Arena on Yas Island. And to make sure you're well prepared to watch all the action, ESPN+ has already officially opened PPV sales.

Following his big-profile (and even bigger money) win against Conor McGregor almost a year ago, it's no surprise that the world of MMA can't wait to see what Khabib will do next. He remains undefeated over the course of 27 professional bouts and you can just ask McGregor how hard it will be for anybody to step up and make it through an unrelenting Khabib mauling to take the gold.

But the Eagle will have to defend his UFC Lightweight Championship against Dustin 'The Diamond' Poirier (the interim champ), who should deliver a genuine challenge to Khabib. He's not in the current top 10 pound-for-pound UFC rankings without good cause, and he overcame Max Holloway in the Fight of the Night back at UFC 236 in April. It will be an upset if Poirier can pull it off, but only a fool would completely disregard the Louisiana-born Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt.

In a card filled with thirteen fights in total, there's heavyweight interest with Curtis Blaydes taking on Russian veteran Shamil Abdurakhimov, while the pick of the women's division fights is Scotland's Joanne Calderwood taking on fellow flyweight up against Andrea Lee.

Tempted? You should be! And you can get ahead of the game now - read on to discover how to order the ESPN+'s UFC PPV now and get yourself a UFC 242 live stream - the only thing you'll have to remember is to tune in earlier than usual as this one get's going at 2pm ET / 11am PT.

How to watch UFC online in the US exclusively on ESPN

Since January 2019, ESPN+ has held the exclusive rights to show every single UFC event in the US - and of course that includes UFC 242.

How much that costs depends on whether or not you already subscribe to the service. If you don't, then the best way to go is with a UFC Bundle, costing you $79.99. That won't just buy you the UFC 242 PPV, but you’ll get a year-long subscription to ESPN+ (that would normally cost $50 alone).

For those that already have an ESPN+ subscription, you can still buy access to UFC 242 for $59.99.

And don't worry if you want to grab the PPV but are going to be outside the US when it's on. Just scroll down the page a little to discover how to use a VPN to watch a UFC 242 live stream from abroad.

See where ESPN+ ranks on our guide to the best sports streaming sites

Live stream UFC from anywhere in the world

Worry not if you're a huge UFC fan but aren't in the US to watch that ESPN+ coverage this weekend. If you've got your subscription sorted but then find the coverage is geo-blocked, you can try using a VPN to change your IP address to a US server and watch as if you were back at home.

While I don’t believe there is much reason to get excited about the preliminary contests, the main card doesn’t feature a single fight that deserves criticism for being on the main card of a PPV. No, none of the contests outside of the main event have a can’t-miss feel to them like Donald Cerrone and Tony Ferguson did a few months back. But if we’re being honest, those types of contests – one that creates a bigger stir than a typical main or co-main event – only comes around every now-and-again, maybe once a year. The fighters in the first three main card contests have a combined 34-9 record in the confines of the UFC, none of them owning more than two losses. I’d be lying if I claimed all those victories came over quality UFC competition, but they’ve all proven they deserve their spots on the card in what should prove to be competitive contests.

Islam Makhachev (17-1) vs. Davi Ramos (10-2), Lightweight

Makhachev’s recent trajectory has been questionable at best as it feels the UFC has been lobbing softballs at him, his most recent contest coming against a debuting Armen Tsarukyan. Tsarukyan proved to be game, but why was Makhachev facing a debuting fighter when he was riding a four-fight win streak? Nonetheless, Makhachev appears to be back on track as Ramos is riding a nice win streak of his own in which his plentiful physical skills have been prominently on display. The only thing missing in Ramos’ streak: quality names, as his quality of opposition has been worse than Makhachev.

Ramos’ talent has never been questioned. Holding grappling titles in both Grapplers Quest and ADCC, Ramos was already considered a top-flight grappler when he made his UFC debut in 2017. He’s utilized those skills to secure three consecutive RNC victories in a row at one point, utilizing his cat-like quickness to get the back. His striking was used too, displaying explosive power in his fists that wasn’t a given to analysts when his MMA career began in earnest. Ramos still has a long way to go if he hopes to become a technically sound boxer – something that would appear to be doubtful – but he’s nonetheless dangerous. One big negative though has been his propensity to look for a highlight reel KO, often forgetting to utilize his world class BJJ chops.

Ramos isn’t the only powerful puncher who has forsaken their strength. Makhachev’s lone loss came when he forgot what he was best at too, resulting in a KO at the hands of Adriano Martins. Khabib’s teammate has since repented of that misdeed, emphasizing his overwhelming wrestling all the way to his current five-fight win streak. That hardly means Makhachev is a boring fighter as he fancies looking for finishes, willing to give up an advantageous position for a potential submission. This led to several entertaining scrambles against Tsarukyan. Is he willing to play that type of game with a grappler like Ramos? Hard to say. His best option could be to bang it out on the feet if he can’t avoid that tendency.

Makhachev represents a BIG step up in competition for Ramos, his best win likely coming against Nick Hein. I’m not saying Ramos can’t compete with the likes of Makhachev. I’m saying a steadier climb might have been a wiser approach with him rather than a series of middling opponents before throwing him in far deeper waters. Ramos appears to be durable enough to convince me he can avoid being finished, though I wouldn’t rule out a late stoppage as Ramos has faded late in contests that have gone the distance. Makhachev via decision

Curtis Blaydes (11-2, 1 NC) vs. Shamil Abdurakhimov (20-4), Heavyweight

If it wasn’t for Francis Ngannou, Blaydes would be all the rage for the future of the heavyweight division. It isn’t just because Ngannou tends to knock silly every single one of his opponents – whereas Blaydes path to victory is more methodical -- but because both of Blaydes’ two career losses came at the hands of the massive Cameroonian. It isn’t like Blaydes has been running roughshod over nobodies either, as Mark Hunt and Alistair Overeem count as two of the former junior college wrestling champion’s victims.

What makes Blaydes so dangerous is his combination of athleticism and wrestling technique. Normally an athlete of his size and caliber is gobbled up by more lucrative sports such as football or basketball. Somehow, Blaydes slipped through the cracks and MMA fans are the benefactors. It took him some time to adjust his style to MMA – see his painful performance against Daniel Omielanczuk – but there hasn’t been an opponent who has been able to stay upright if Blaydes doesn’t want them too since that learning experience. Don’t sell his GnP short either as his combination of punches and elbows made a bloody mess of what used to be Overeem’s face.

Those who remember Abdurakhimov’s UFC debut against Timothy Johnson are probably writing off the 38-year old Russian given Johnson used his mass to ground Abdurakhimov and pound him out. While I’m not saying that outcome is an impossibility, it would be foolish to believe that version of Abdurakhimov is the same one that will be stepping in with Blaydes. His continually improving boxing is highlighted by Abdurakhimov’s impressive footwork and combinations, allowing him to outmaneuver his opponent around the cage while hitting the occasional well-timed takedown. Blaydes’ standup has progressed nicely, but he’s not on the same level of Abdurakhimov.

Even though Abdurakhimov does a much better job of moving around the cage than when he first entered the UFC – giving his opposition minimal opportunities to score takedowns – Blaydes isn’t Timothy Johnson. He’s far more athletic and explosive, which will make it more difficult for Abdurakhimov will have a difficult time avoiding Blaydes’ pressure. Blaydes’ chin isn’t impenetrable as Ngannou has proven, making the idea of Abdurakhimov scoring a KO not nearly as silly as it might have seen just a short time ago. Nonetheless, the first instinct is likely the right one for this contest: expect Blaydes to drag Abdurakhimov to the mat and maul him until the referee steps in to stop the massacre. Blaydes via TKO of RD3.

Mairbek Taisumov (27-5) vs. Diego Ferreira (15-2), Lightweight

It’s plausible the one thing that has been holding back Taisumov from being a household name in the MMA community is his VISA problems as the Chechan has yet to fight in the USA under the UFC banner. It has limited the quality of competition, though that issue hasn’t been able to hide Taisumov’s skillful standup as five of the six wins in his current win streak have come via KO/TKO. Taisumov doesn’t typically push a hard pace, usually jumping in and out of the pocket in hopes of inducing a situation where he can counter. It can result in a slow-paced, dull contest like he had in his most recent showing against Des Green, but that’s only if his opponent doesn’t give him anything to work with.

That shouldn’t be an issue with Ferreira. The wildly aggressive Brazilian was the first person in years to extort an entertaining contest out of Rustam Khabilov, being the first to beat him in several years in the process. Whether it’s coming forward with reckless punches, leaping in for a takedown attempt, or fishing for a submission on the ground, Ferreira tends to go full bore. His wrestling leaves a lot to be desired, but he’s dangerous on the mat if he can succeed in forcing the fight to the mat. Due to his inability to do so on his terms, most of his fights have turned into a slugfest where he’s been able to get away with his lack of technique thanks to his power, athleticism, and overwhelming aggression.

Though Ferreira has faced far better competition than Taisumov, that competition has also exposed some of his issues that Taisumov’s haven’t revealed about him yet. While Ferreira has been able to style on some good athletes in Khabilov and Olivier Aubin-Mercier, both of them are also tentative strikers. Taisumov may be patient, but he isn’t tentative. He doesn’t need to be told twice to attack when given the opportunity. It’s plausible Ferreira could overwhelm Taisumov if the fight hits the mat – he did that to Khabilov -- but Taisumov has been able to stifle better wrestlers than Ferreira. Ferreira is fairly durable, but I still see the likelihood of Taisumov finding a way to finish him off being pretty high. Taisumov via TKO of RD1

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