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Welcome April! Inilah 10 Karakteristik Bagi Kamu yang Lahir di Bulan April

Orang yang lahir di bulan April memiliki zodiak Aries atau Taurus.

Mereka yang merayakan ulang tahun pada 1-19 April berzodiak Aries, sementara yang lahir antara 20-30 April adalah seorang Taurus.

Berikut ini fakta menarik karakteristik orang yang lahir di bulan April yang telah dirangkum dari pada Senin (1/4/2019).

Orang yang lahir pada bulan April dikenal memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi dan suka usil terhadap orang-orang di sekitarnya.

Mereka ingin tahu semua yang terjadi dan tak akan berhenti jika belum merasa puas.

Bahkan jika orang yang bersangkutan berusaha menhindar, mereka selalu punya cara unik tersendiri. – Peruntungan 1 April semoga bukan jebakan ‘April Mop’. Awal April justru harus menjadi semangat baru memulai perjalanan kehidupan selama 30 hari ke depan. Tetap berpikiran positif dan berusaha menjalankan tugas sebaik-baiknya agar sepanjang April tetap berlangsung bahagia dan beruntung.

Memasuki April, peruntungan sejumlah zodiak tetap bergerak. Bahkan ada yang mengalami kemunduran. Namun, Ada beberapa zodiak yang justru memimpin dalam peruntungan. Seperti dilansir dari Bustle, Minggu (31/3), peruntungan 12 zodiak pun berbeda di bulan ini.

Ilustrasi ramalan zodiak. (Kokoh Praba Wardani/

April memberi bulan baru yang segar untuk membantu bergerak ke fase selanjutnya dalam perasaan dan hubungan asmara. Sebuah fase mencari yang terbaik. Beruntung dalam hal kecantikan atau kesehatan.

April adalah waktunya ulang tahun bagi Taurus. Musim ulang tahun membuat Taurus saatnya untuk mengutamakan kesehatan spiritual dan emosional. Cobalah untuk berlibur atau traveling.  Pastikan Taurus memiliki energi atau semangat melewatinya.

Gemini sedang menjalankan misi bulan ini dan tak ada yang bisa menghalangi jalannya. Meskipun ada banyak hal yang dapat dicapai sendiri, tentu Gemini masih akan mendapatkan bantuan dari komunitas dan lingkungan. Cobalah atur waktu untuk tetap beristirahat.

Bintang Cancer sedang naik daun bulan ini, yaitu karirnya sedang bersinar. Selamat! Jika ada sesuatu yang besar yang ingin dikejar, inilah saatnya untuk mulai menjalankan rencana. Pastikan bahwa Cancer berada di tengah orang yang tepat karena mereka dapat membuka pintu.

Saatnya untuk mulai mencari cara untuk bisa mendapatkan beberapa pengalaman baru dalam setiap petualangan. Tetaplah bersikap terbuka untuk siap mengubah cara berpikir. Utamakan kewajiban dan nomor duakan sesuatu yang tak perlu.

Dalam fase mencintai, mungkin saja bulan ini Virgo bisa bertemu seseorang yang bisa menjadi pengisi di hati. Meskipun semuanya bergantung pada keputusan Virgo, namun ini saatnya untuk mengukir narasi baru ketika ada cinta datang dalam hidupmu. Virgo layak mendapatkan kebahagiaan.

Kemitraan dan kolaborasi adalah yang utama bulan ini. Libra menemukan kesuksesan bulan ini, baik di sisi asmara maupun profesional. Namun, sebagian besar kesuksesan terletak pada kemampuan Libra untuk melihat diri sendiri layak dan mampu melakukannya. Saatnya untuk menaklukkan ketakutan dan lecutkan semangat.

Bulan ini adalah waktu untuk kembali ke jalur yang sesuai. Pertimbangkan cara-cara positif untuk tetap mengikuti semuanya sesuai alur. Hubungan dengan rekan kerja, pasangan, dan teman semakin membaik.

Cinta dan romansa ada di list bulan ini. Maka Sagitarius tak hanya lebih menyenangkan dan lebih genit bulan ini, tetapi juga bisa tampak bahagia di depan orang lain. Tak ada yang lebih seksi dari Sagitarius untuk bersenang-senang. Fokuslah pada kebahagiaan.

Rumah adalah tempat yang paling nyaman bulan ini. Adalah saat yang tepat jika bulan ini ingin pindah rumah. Atau sekadar mendekorasi ulang ruang tamu juga bisa menghadirkan suasana yang menyenangkan untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga.

Pikiran dan ide akan membara bulan ini. Akan ada peluang baru. Aquarius sudah merencanakan atau mengerjakan sesuatu di bulan ini. Maka itu semua akan berhasil sesuai rencana.

Pisces akan mendapat tawaran pekerjaan baru atau peluang keuangan. Upaya kesuksesan finansial bisa menjadi milik Pisces.

Editor : Nurul Adriyana Salbiah Reporter : Marieska Harya Virdhani Copy Editor : Fersita Felicia Facette - Welcome April, girls ! Mengawali bulan April 2019 , enggak jarang kita mencari tahu berbagai prediksi lewat ramalan berdasarkan zodiak , ya. Mulai dari prediksi keuangan, percintaan bahkan kesehatan, he-he. Walaupun enggak selalu tepat 100%, berbagai ramalan berdasarkan zodiak membantu memberikan prediksi kepada kita agar kita lebih hati-hati dan waspada. Nah..kali ini, cari tahu warna keberuntungan di bulan April 2019 berdasarakan zodiak , yuk! Soalnya bulan yang baru pasti membawa berbagai keberuntungan baru buat kita. Salah satunya lewat warna , girls . Yup! warna enggak hanya memanjakan mata tapi juga dipercaya membawa keberuntungan bagi kita yang menggunakan warna tersebut. Ini dia warna keberuntungan di bulan April 2019 berdasarkan zodiak ! Baca Juga : 4 OOTD Simpel Aurora Ribero dengan Outfit Putih. Manis & Cute! ARIES : warna cokelat dan hijau  emerald

TAURUS : warna hijau mint dan merah marun GEMINI : warna kuning dan karamel

CANCER : warna oranye LEO : warna abu-abu muda dan emas

VIRGO : warna merah bata   Baca Juga : Prediksi Kesehatan Zodiak April 2019. Ada yang Sehat & Bahagia, Banyak yang Butuh Liburan! LIBRA : warna krem dan putih SCORPIO : warna hitam dan warna kuning madu

SAGITTARIUS : warna biru elektrik dan hijau   Baca Juga : Toast Box Jakarta: Tempat Nongkrong Asyik Buat Pencinta Kopi Nanyang & Roti Panggang Khas Singapura!

CAPRICORN : warna kuning lemon dan abu-abu tua AQUARIUS : warna  biru navy PISCES : warna ungu dan fuschia

Snow joke about it! See what I did there? We could see a few flurries this morning and again on Tuesday morning. This is not out of the ordinary in April. In fact, we average nearly an inch of snow for the month of April and the latest snow on record in the QC is April 30th, 1994 when we got 0.2". So we aren't out of the woods just yet in terms of snow, but we are on the way to warmer and wetter things! By the end of this month, the length of day will be nearly 14 hours and our average highs will be close to 70°!

[Update 1] Welcome to April fools 2019, get ready for 48 hours of trusting nothing you see online

It’s become an annual tradition online to prank users of the internet each April 1st. Some of these pranks are funny, most are not. Microsoft has actually banned their staff from releasing any April fools pranks this year. That won’t stop the rest of the internet, so strap in, and good luck not getting pranked.We will create a summary of what we find for either your enjoyment or protection.


Snake on Google Maps

For a limited time only Google has brought the classic 80s game Snake to Google Maps on Android and iOS. Following an update sometime today you’ll be able to play Snake for one week.

Pop into the menu, select play Snake and choose from several maps including Cairo, London, San Francisco, São Paulo, Sydney and Tokyo. From there drive your train across the city picking up passengers and growing your train.Let us know if you see the update on your device.

Google Tulip

Ok, I’m filing this is in the less funny category. The team from Google Norway’s April Fools day entry is an interface between Google Assistant and well a tulip. If you ask me it’s things like this that lead Microsoft to ban April Fools day. Anyway, here it is.

You can “try this yourself” by saying Ok Google “Talk to tulip translator”.

Screen Cleaner in Google Files

The team behind Google Files have made their entry in to April Fools day 2019 with a service I don’t think we’ll see…. an in built screen cleaner to clean your physical screen. The team have at-least included a screen animation in the Files app, go to clean and tap ‘Screen Cleaner’.

There’s not a lot to say here, funny or not… you be the judge.

Gboard – type by spoon

Google Japan returns this April Fools with their language inspired ‘jokes’. Typing by bending a spoon, I have no more words for this one….


Welcome to April

by Ryan Stinnett

TODAY/TOMORROW: After the cold start to the day, our Monday will feature a mainly sunny sky with highs in the 60s. A weak disturbance will work across the state tonight and a few showers are certainly possible, but nothing too heavy or widespread and it exits quickly. Tuesday will feature a mainly sunny sky and highs in the 60s.

REST OF WORK WEEK: The weather will be dry through Thursday and highs will be back in the 70s Wednesday through Friday. Moisture levels rise late in the week, and scattered showers are back in the forecast late Thursday night and into Friday.

Have a great day!


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A cold start to April Welcome to April! Bundle up, it feels like -11 this morning. The high is 3 C. CityNews meteorologist Natasha Ramsahai has the forecast. Advertisement

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Happy Monday,

Today, Japan unveils a new imperial era name, the Vietnamese woman accused of killing Kim Jong Nam escapes the death penalty, the fallout from Brunei’s Syariah law continues and Singapore debates hate speech.

(April Fools' Day disclaimer: There are no April Fools' Day jokes in this newsletter. Promise.)


Japan’s Heisei (achieving peace) era comes to an end on the first of May, the day Crown Prince Naruhito succeeds his father Emperor Akihito as the country’s 126th monarch. Today, the name of the new imperial era was unveiled. It will be called “Reiwa” - a term taken from classic Japanese literature that loosely translates into auspicious harmony. The name was revealed when Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga help up a framed white placard during a ceremony televised nationwide.

Why it matters: This isn’t just any ordinary naming exercise. As Japan Correspondent Walter Sim notes, the imperial era is often used to bookmark a particular period in time, reflecting the zeitgeist and overall mood of the population.

Origins: The name Reiwa is derived from a passage in the eighth century poetry anthology Manyoshu (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves). The passage relates to the scent of plum blossoms in the breeze (How very Japanese):

“On a moonlit night in early spring; the air is fresh and the breeze is calm; plum blossoms are blooming like a beautiful woman applying powder in front of a mirror; the fragrance of orchids are like that of robes scented with incense.”

Go deeper: Japan picks Reiwa to succeed Heisei as new imperial era from May 1

Background: How the era name is chosen and what is the significance of gengo names

An aside: Reiwa burger: Tokyo chef whips up $1,200 monster for new emperor Naruhito


Doan Thi Huong, 30, the Vietnamese woman accused of murdering the estranged half-brother of North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, escaped the death penalty in a plea deal that saw prosecutors offering a charge of causing hurt instead of murder. Huong pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years and four months in jail. Counting time served and a possible discount for good behaviour, she could be released in May.

The big picture: Two women were caught on camera killing Kim Jong Nam in broad daylight in an airport. Both later said they thought they were in a reality TV show. One had charges dropped in part because her country’s strong relationship with Malaysia. The other had a request for the same deal rejected, only to be then offered a deal that would see her released 1.5 months later than her co-accused. Few things in this saga make any sense. A surreal, unbelievable crime has just been given a surreal, unbelievable ending.

Go deeper:

Vietnamese woman escapes gallows, to be freed in May after jail for lesser charge

Vietnam stepmum of accused Kim Jong Nam assassin 'happy' over new sentence


Brunei is defending its new Islamic laws even as a growing chorus of critics condemned the practice. The Brunei government had initially kept silent after saying last week it would implement the law that would allow death by stoning for adultery and homosexuality but said yesterday that the law aims to “educate, respect and protect the legitimate rights of all individuals, society or nationality of any faiths and race”. The UN has decried the “cruel and inhuman” laws adding its voice to those of a long list of politicians and celebrities - including George Clooney and Elton John - who have condemned the practice and called for a boycott of hotels owned by the sultanate.

The big picture: Until a few years ago and the first attempt to implement strict Syariah law, the Brunei royal family did not really strike anyone as religious hardliners. Hence, it remains a big unanswered question why the sultan is currently pushing an agenda too extreme even for its Muslim-majority neighbours, Malaysia and Indonesia. Even if there is an expectation that the more controversial provisions of the law will never take place, it is unclear why the palace would even want it on the books.

Full story: UN slams 'inhuman' Brunei law on stoning for adultery, gay sex


Lawmakers in Singapore are today debating how to regulate hate speech, while noting that tech companies like Facebook and Google have shown that they are not able to do so effectively. The debate is meant to help determine how laws on hate speech should be framed and applied here.

The big picture: In the wake of the New Zealand terror attack that was streamed online for 17 minutes and evidence that fake news can have a significant impact on an election, there has been a growing appetite around the world for more state regulation of tech giants. Australia, India and Indonesia have also all of late sought to rein in the tech companies that now play an outsized role in information distribution. The pressure has gotten strong enough that Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has himself called for regulations governing hateful and violent content, election integrity, privacy and data portability.

Full story: Hate speech 'disengages morality'; leads to social divides and increases prejudice, says Singapore Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam


We thought we would bring you a different type of Thai election story today, after the deluge of stories about political manoeuvring and confusion. Meet Ms Tanwarin Sukkhapisit, a 45-year-old filmmaker, who - barring some unforeseen development - will become the country’s first transgender member of parliament. Though chatter has focused on how she will add colour to Thai politics, she told Indochina Bureau Chief Tan Hui Yee that she is dead serious about her legislative work. She is eyeing a post of Culture Minister.

Watch the video and read the whole interview: I am intelligent, capable, and a katoey: Thailand's first transgender MP


Malaysia plans to develop what it bills as the "world's largest" ship-to-ship transfer hub in the waters of Johor Baru port.

Thirty people have gone missing while battling a forest fire in south-west China's Sichuan province, local authorities said today. They have been unaccounted for since Sunday afternoon after a sudden change in wind direction caused an outburst of the blaze, according to the authorities in Sichuan's Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.

Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn issued a rare rebuke of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra about a week after an inconclusive national election, making it more likely that a pro-military party would form a government.

A comedian with a popular anti-corruption message but no political experience took the lead in the first round of Ukraine's presidential election on Sunday, early exit polls showed. Volodymyr Zelenskiy, 41, who plays a fictional president in a TV show, had consistently led opinion polls in a three-horse race against incumbent Petro Poroshenko and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow,


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Can’t stop thinking about Elizabeth Holmes after watching HBO’s riveting documentary “The Inventor,” which exposed the Theranos scammer? Worry not, because come April, Hulu will be adding a slew of new titles to its slate, including “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” from the same director, Alex Gibney, and it’s sure to contain more enthralling insight into the cutthroat world of Palo Alto’s tech world.

However, if you’re looking for something lighter to binge as you welcome spring this coming month, Hulu is sure to have something that fits the bill. By April 10, you’ll be able to follow the ladies of Scarlet Magazine in the Season 3 premiere of “The Bold Type” or dance along to the upbeat soundtrack of “Happy Feet,” which becomes available on April 1. Other notable titles include the critically acclaimed film “A Quiet Place,” directed by John Krasinski, and the Season 2 premiere of “Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger.”

As always, Hulu subscribers will also be able to enjoy originals from the streaming service. Horror anthology series “Into The Dark: I’m Just F*cking With You,” which will be released on April 1, follows a brother and sister who are subjected to frightening practical jokes while staying at a secluded motel. And “Ramy,” which will debut on April 19, is centered around a first-generation Egyptian-American man as he navigates his Muslim identity in a politically divided New Jersey neighborhood.

Related Cillian Murphy in Talks to Join John Krasinski's 'A Quiet Place' Sequel John Krasinski Was Originally Against Doing 'A Quiet Place'

Log into your Hulu account or grab a 7-day free trial through right now to start watching.

April 1

1492: Conquest of Paradise

The Addams Family

Addams Family Values

Akeelah and the Bee

Alone (Complete Season 5)

America’s Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story

Ancient Aliens (Complete Seasons 1, 2, 3, 13)

An Everlasting Piece

Another 48 Hrs. (With STARZ Add-On)

At Close Range


Barton Fink

Bend It like Beckham (With STARZ Add-On)


Beethoven’s 2nd

Beethoven’s 3rd

Behind Bars: Rookie Year (Complete Season 1)

Beverly Hills Cop II

Big Fat Liar


Blown Away

Born Behind Bars (Complete Season 1)


The Cable Guy

Case 39

Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (With STARZ Add-On)

The Cider House Rules STARZ

The Clearing

Cold Mountain

Curious George: Follow that Monkey

Cults and Extreme Belief (Complete Season 1)


The Dark Mile

Days of Thunder

Diamonds are Forever

Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (With STARZ Add-On)

Die Another Day

Dr. Dolittle: Tail to the Chief

Drillbit (With STARZ Add-On)


Eastern Promises

Escape from L.A.

Everything Must Go

The Falcon and the Snowman

Forces of Nature (With STARZ Add-On)


Fried Green Tomatoes (With STARZ Add-On)

Funny About Love

Funny Cow

Gloves Off


Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Happy Feet

Hollywood Homicide

Hot Shots! Part Deux

I Think I Love My Wife

In A World

Intervention (Complete Season 20)

Into The Dark: I’m Just F*cking With You (Episode 7 Premiere) Hulu Original Series

The Jerk

Jersey Girl

Kill the Irishman

Law of the Lawless

Liberty Stands Still

License to Drive

Like Mike

Little Monsters

Little Women: LA (Complete Season 4)

Live and Let Die

The Living Daylights

The Man with the Golden Gun

The Minus Man

Mountain Men (Complete Season 1)

Never Say Never Again


One Million American Dreams (2018)



Playing By Heart

Practical Magic

Primal Fear

Project Nim

Promise Land (With STARZ Add-On)

Racing with the Moon

Rain Man (With STARZ Add-On)

Raising Tourettes (Complete Season 1)

The Real Housewives of Potomac (Complete Season 3)

Scary Movie 2

The Seven Year Itch

Sex Drive

The Shining

Six Degrees of Separation

Soul Plane (With STARZ Add-On)

The Spy who Loved Me

Stories we Tell

Sunshine Cleaning

The Time Traveler’s Wife

The Truman Show (With STARZ Add-On)



Uninvited Guest

Up in Smoke

Up in the Air

The Wedding Singer (With STARZ Add-On)

Tron Legacy (With STARZ Add-On)

The X-Files: I Want to Believe (With STARZ Add-On)

White Noise

The World is not Enough

You Only Live Twice

One-Punch Man (Special)

April 2

A Quiet Place

Air Strike


Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger (Season 2 Premiere) Air StrikeWeightlessMarvel’s Cloak & Dagger (Season 2 Premiere)

April 7

The Chi (Season 2 Premiere, With SHOWTIME Add-On)

Rick Steves’ Europe (Complete Season 10)

April 8

Finding Your Feet

Paranormal Activity 2

White Boy (With STARZ Add-On)

April 9

April 10

Chio’s School Road (Season 1, DUBBED)

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord (Season 1, DUBBED)

April 11

The Last Ship (Complete Season 5)


April 12

Fletch (With STARZ Add-On)

Fletch Lives (With STARZ Add-On)

Harlem Nights (With STARZ Add-On)


Red Dawn (With STARZ Add-On)

April 13

The Equalizer 2 (With STARZ Add-On)

April 14 Game of Thrones (Season 8 Premiere, with HBO Add-On)

Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine

April 15

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? (Complete Season 3)

Ayesha’s Home Kitchen (Complete Seasons 1 & 2)

Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics (Complete Seasons 11-13)

Dr. Pimple Popper (Complete Season 1)

Fixer Upper (Complete Season 5)

How the Earth Works (Complete Season 1)

The Last Alaskans (Complete Seasons 2 & 3)

Obsession: Dark Desires (Complete Season 2)

Pamela Smart: An American Murder Mystery (Complete Season 1)

Treehouse Masters (Complete Seasons 8-10)

Unearthed (Complete Seasons 2 & 3)

What on Earth (Complete Seasons 2 & 3)

Yukon Men (Complete Season 6)

Enchanted April

Master of Disguise

We Are Columbine

Bless This Mess (Series Premiere)

April 17


Soul Surfer (With STARZ Add-On)

April 18

I Am The Night (Complete Season 1)

The Quake

April 19

Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who! (With STARZ Add-On)

The Jewel of the Nile (With STARZ Add-On)

Osmosis Jones (With STARZ Add-On)

Ramy (Complete Season 1 Premiere) Hulu Original Series

Romancing the Stone (With STARZ Add-On)

Wild Bill (With STARZ Add-On)

April 21

Book Club

Noma My Perfect Storm

April 22

Just Go With It (With STARZ Add-On)

The Posh Frock Ship (Complete Season 1)

The Next Three Days

The Sisters Brothers

April 23

Overloard (Episodes 1-13, DUBBED)


Beast of the Water


April 24

Don’t Go

April 26

Babylon A.D. (With STARZ Add-On)

April 27

Welcome to the Rileys

White Boy Rick (With STARZ Add-On)

April 28

Attack on Titan (Season 3, Part 2 Premiere)

April 29

Fairy Tail (Season 9, Episodes 291-303, DUBBED)

Waiting for Superman

April 30

Hunting Evil

The Lone Ranger (With STARZ Add-On)

Vikings (Complete Season 5B)

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