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Jalur SNMPTN Sepi Peminat, Pengisian Data PDSS Masih Minim

loading... JAKARTA - Pendaftaran Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2019 sepi peminat. Meski Pengisian Pangkalan Data Sekolah dan Siswa (PDSS) tinggal lima hari lagi, masih banyak sekolah yang belum melakukan pengisian. Berdasarkan data Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (LTMPT), hingga 18 Januari masih banyak sekolah yang belum mengisi data PDSS. Padahal, PDSS adalah sistem informasi penyimpanan data nilai rapor siswa dalam rangka pendaftaran SNMPTN. Dari sekolah yang terdaftar di PDSS sebanyak 27.057, yang sudah mengisi data sebanyak 13.662. Sedangkan yang belum mengisi data sebanyak 13.395 sekolah. "Jumlah sekolah yang sudah finalisasi sebanyak 1.327 sekolah dan jumlah siswa yang sudah melakukan verifikasi sebanyak 50.978 siswa," kata Kepala LTMPT Ravik Karsidi kemarin. Rektor Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta ini mengimbau kepada sekolah dan siswa yang belum melakukan pengisian data dan verifikasi diharap segera melakukan pengisian sebagaimana diatur dalam mekanisme SNMPTN 2019. Hal ini memperhatikan jadwal pengisian PDSS yang sudah mepet dan mendekati penutupan pada 25 Januari nanti. Ravik pun menekankan kepada para siswa agar memperhatikan tahapan berikutnya yaitu pendaftaran SNMPTN 2019 yang telah dijadwalkan pada 4-14 Februari. Adapun pemeringkatan peserta SNMPTN 2019 akan dilakukan oleh sistem LTMPT. Dia menerangkan, pada tahap pendaftaran ini siswa dapat memilih paling banyak dua program studi dalam satu PTN atau masing-masing satu prodi dari dua PTN. Daftar program studi dan daya tampung pada SNMPTN tahun 2019 dapat dilihat pada laman selama periode pendaftaran. "Perlu diingatkan juga kepada para peserta SNMPTN yang memilih program studi bidang Seni dan Olahraga diwajibkan mengunggah portofolio," katanya. Masyarakat juga perlu mengetahui bahwa untuk mengikuti SNMPTN tidak dipungut biaya apa pun. Biaya penyelenggaraan SNMPTN 2019 sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh pemerintah. Ada pun pengumuman SNMPTN akan dilakukan pada 23 Maret. Bagi siswa pendaftar yang sudah diterima melalui jalur SNMPTN tidak diperbolehkan mendaftar Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN) 2019. "Kepada para siswa calon peserta agar membaca secara cermat semua informasi dan tata cara pendaftaran SNMPTN pada laman atau," ujarnya. Menurut Ravik, adanya LTMPT juga menandai era baru seleksi calon mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN). Seperti setiap peserta tes dapat mengikuti tes maksimal dua kali, hasil ujian tulis berbasis komputer (UTBK) diserahkan ke peserta secara individu 10 hari setelah pelaksanaan tes dan juga UTBK dapat dilaksanakan di 74 lokasi pusat layanan UTBK PTN sebanyak 10 kali layanan tes. "Keuntungan bagi masyarakat dengan adanya LTMPT ialah ujian berbasis komputer dapat mengurangi kesalahan pengisian identitas, kode soal, dan pengisian lembar jawab," katanya. Dia menekankan kepada setiap siswa dan sekolah memperhatikan waktu pelaksanaan SNMPTN dan SBMPTN. Ketua Majelis Rektor Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Indonesia (MRPTNI) Kadarsyah Suryadi menjelaskan, lembaga penyelenggara tes masuk perguruan tinggi bagi calon mahasiswa baru bertujuan untuk melaksanakan tes yang kredibel, adil, transparan, fleksibel, efisien, dan akuntabel. Selain itu, juga membantu perguruan tinggi memperoleh calon mahasiswa yang diprediksi mampu menyelesaikan studi di perguruan tinggi berdasarkan hasil UTBK dan atau kriteria lain yang ditetapkan bersama oleh PTN melalui jalur SBMPTN. "Model dan proses seleksi yang dikembangkan LTMPT mengacu pada prinsip adil, transparan,fleksibel, efisien, akuntabel, serta sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi di era digital," terangnya. (nag) -  Universitas Diponegoro ( Undip ) melakukan sosialisasi Seleksi Masuk Peguruan Tinggi Negeri ( SNMPTN ) di SMA Negeri 1 Pemalang dan SMA Negeri 1 Brebes Wilayah Cabang Dinas Pendidikan XI dan XII, Kamis (17/1/2019).

Hadir dalam sosialisasi Ketua LP2MP Undip Prof. Edy Rianto beserta jajaran dan sejumlah lebih dari 200 Kepala Sekolah SMA negeri dan swasta, Guru, dan Tenaga Kependidikan di lingkungan Cabang DInas Pendidikan Wilayah XII.

Pada Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah XI dan XII Pemalang, Tegal, Pekalongan, dan Brebes sendiri prospek lulusan SMA memang telah didesain untuk masuk atau melanjutkan di PTN.

Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan lulusan SMK juga akan melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang kuliah selain melanjutkan bekerja sesuai kejuruan masing- masing.

Baca juga: Rencana Jalur Masuk Politeknik lewat SBMPTN

Dalam paparannya Prof. Edy Rianto mengatakan tahun ini seleksi masuk PTN diselenggarakan institusi bernama LTMPT atau Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi yang merupakan lembaga nirlaba penyelenggara tes masuk PTN bagi calon mahasiswa baru.

Lebih lanjut Prof. Edy menjelaskan dalam SBMPTN tahun ini hanya ada satu metode tes yaitu ujian tulis berbasis komputer (UTBK) dengan dua materi tes yaitu tes materi skolastik dan tes kompetensi akademik.

Selanjutnya, Prof. Edy menghimbau pihak sekolah segera mengisi data pangkal sekolah atau PDSS sampai batas waktu yaitu 24 Januari 2019 agar pihak universitas dapat memverifikasi data masuk.

“Pembekalan kepada para anak didik oleh sekolah saya rasa amat diperlukan dan penting, agar siswa tidak salah memilih program studi,” tutur Prof. Edy.

Prof. Edy menambahkan pola seleksi masuk PTN khususnya Undip tetap dilaksanakan melalui 3 jalur yaitu SNMPTN, SBMPTN, dan Ujian Mandiri. Adapun daya tampung SNMPTN minimal 20%, SBMPTN 40%, dan Seleksi Mandiri 30% dari kuota daya tampung tiap prodi PTN.

Precision Drilling Corp (PDS) are in trader’s focus this week as the Schaff Trend Cycle indicator has trending higher consistently over the past week. Investors will be watching to see if the price level breaches the overbought signal at 75, which would suggest the strong likelihood of a near-term pullback.

Introduced in 2008 by Douglas Schaff, the conecpt of the Schaff Trend Cycle (STC) is to identify peaks and lows and predict reversals by running through a cycle oscillator, creating an effective indicator for entry and exit signals, when used in conjuction with additional signals. The STC combines an exponential moving average with slow stochastics to display a signal line that oscillates between two levels on a scale of 0 to 100.

As earnings season kicks into high gear, investors may be analyzing the numbers and trying to decide what to do next. Investors may be choosing to buy companies that have a proven track record of solid earnings growth. Other investors may be looking to spot the diamonds in the rough that haven’t necessarily broken out yet. It may be wise to research companies that continually string together superior quarters. One great quarter or one horrible quarter may not provide enough information to justify either a buy or a sell. Many investors will look deeper into the numbers for companies that produce much wider surprise factors than expected. This may occur on either end of the dial with a beat or a miss. Earnings reports also have the ability to cause severe stock price fluctuations. Some traders will look to catch some profits while others may stay on the bench until the dust has cleared.

Looking at shares from some additional technical standpoints, Precision Drilling Corp (PDS) presently has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of 36.97. Typically, the CCI oscillates above and below a zero line. Normal oscillations tend to stay in the range of -100 to +100. A CCI reading of +100 may represent overbought conditions, while readings near -100 may indicate oversold territory. Although the CCI indicator was developed for commodities, it has become a popular tool for equity evaluation as well.

We can also do some further technical analysis on the stock. At the time of writing, the 14-day ADX for Precision Drilling Corp (PDS) is 26.83. Many technical chart analysts believe that an ADX value over 25 would suggest a strong trend. A reading under 20 would indicate no trend, and a reading from 20-25 would suggest that there is no clear trend signal. The ADX is typically plotted along with two other directional movement indicator lines, the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI). Some analysts believe that the ADX is one of the best trend strength indicators available.

Interested investors may be watching the Williams Percent Range or Williams %R. Williams %R is a popular technical indicator created by Larry Williams to help identify overbought and oversold situations. Investors will commonly use Williams %R in conjunction with other trend indicators to help spot possible stock turning points. Precision Drilling Corp (PDS)’s Williams Percent Range or 14 day Williams %R currently sits at -29.58. In general, if the indicator goes above -20, the stock may be considered overbought. Alternately, if the indicator goes below -80, this may point to the stock being oversold.

Tracking other technical indicators, the 14-day RSI is presently standing at 55.70, the 7-day sits at 59.77, and the 3-day is resting at 51.20 for Precision Drilling Corp (PDS). The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an often employed momentum oscillator that is used to measure the speed and change of stock price movements. When charted, the RSI can serve as a visual means to monitor historical and current strength or weakness in a certain market. This measurement is based on closing prices over a specific period of time. As a momentum oscillator, the RSI operates in a set range. This range falls on a scale between 0 and 100. If the RSI is closer to 100, this may indicate a period of stronger momentum. On the flip side, an RSI near 0 may signal weaker momentum. The RSI was originally created by J. Welles Wilder which was introduced in his 1978 book “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems”.

For further review, we can take a look at another popular technical indicator. In terms of moving averages, the 200-day is currently at 3.10, the 50-day is 2.16, and the 7-day is resting at 2.19. Moving averages are a popular trading tool among investors. Moving averages can be used to help filter out the day to day noise created by other factors. MA’s may be used to identify uptrends or downtrends, and they can be a prominent indicator for detecting a shift in momentum for a particular stock. Many traders will use moving averages for different periods of time in conjunction with other indicators to help gauge future stock price action.

With the stock market still reaching new heights, investors may be wondering how long the good times will keep rolling. It may be tempting to sell some winners to lock in profits at these levels. Of course, nobody can predict how long the market run will continue, but having a plan in place for the possibility of a downturn might be well worth it. Investors may want to regularly check the balance of the portfolio. There might be a few names in the portfolio that have recently taken off to the upside. This may disturb the equilibrium of the portfolio. Investors may need to be prepared to shuffle some profits into other sectors in order to stay in balance. Being able to ride out unexpected spikes or dips may involve keeping a regular watch on economic data and the overall stability of global markets. Investors who are able to avoid panic selling may be able to more efficiently analyze the data necessary to make informed decisions. Having a cool and collected approach may end up being one of the most important traits that the average investor could develop. Finding the proper methods to stay patient when the markets are in a frenzy might just help the investor ride out extended periods of flux and uncertainty.

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