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9/11 anniversary: Philippe Petit, man who walked high-wire between Twin Towers, reflects on how the terror attacks changed his view of the buildings

EERIE footage posted online claims to show several ghosts of 9/11 victims at Ground Zero.

Tuesday marks 17 years since Islamic extremists flew planes into New York’s Twin Towers, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and Pennsylvania, killing almost 3,000 people in what was the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Since the September 11 attacks, millions of people have visited Ground Zero to pay their respects to those who lost their lives. But some believe they have chillingly captured the victims’ ghosts on film. One clip posted online claims to show semi-transparent images floating amid the rubble as crews tackled the debris in the aftermath. It's claimed one of these was a large, white presence who would rise up from behind the rubble, then float softly away.

PA TERROR: The Twin Towers were bought down by two planes in 2001

First responders on the scene have also documented paranormal activity at the site. An officer of the NYPD, Sergeant Frank Marra, reported he saw the ghost of an African American woman who was dressed in the white uniform of a WWII Red Cross worker. At first, he’d thought the woman who carried a tray of sandwiches was a volunteer but then he noticed that she disappeared when approached. He saw the ghost several times while he was on duty there and detailed the sightings in his book, Hallowed Ground. And Joe Lani, a NYPD officer for 20 years, was also a witness to many inexplicable happenings following 9/11.

Youtube EERY: One Ground Zero visitor believes this is a ghost of a fireman

Getty ICONIC: The rubble after the Twin Towers came down on September 11

Youtube CAPTURED? One Youtube user claims this 'ethereal being' floats in the sky above the debris

He told US media he was driving to the landfill site where debris was dumped when he saw a man walking around the debris field in the middle of the night. He pulled up to investigate, but the spectre vanished before his eyes. Joe said: “I knew what I was looking at. It was a victim of 9/11, and it was a spirit of a male.” Psychic Marie St Claire said she was forced to end a vision of the towers early because it was so horrific. She wrote on her blog Underworld Tales: “I connected to the scene at the World Trade Center. I immediately saw myself looking into the cabin of an airliner. The passengers who faced me were drenched in an odd white light. Everything seemed white.

"Expressionless, they stared at me as if stunned. Next various scenes of chaos filled my vision in rapid succession as if the entire tragedy was being played before my eyes in mere seconds. I saw the towers, smoke, fire, people running, rescuers and police moving to and fro, and then scenes of people jumping from the towers. “The vision was unbearable. Overwhelming. Intense horror and despair filled me. I couldn’t look any more so I snapped out it. My answer is yes…I had a strong sense that there are many spirits that aren’t at rest where the Twin Towers once stood, which isn’t surprising. In places where there has been excruciating anguish and trauma, there’s always a great deal of paranormal activity. We can only pray that these many souls come to terms with the tragedy and eventually find their way home.” In 2016, a clip taken from a documentary on the September 11 terror atrocities claimed to show a mysterious object floating away from Ground Zero. Eagle-eyed uploader rhysmon wrote: "I recently saw this documentary on 9/11 and noticed these very peculiar, moving, ethereal, whisp like lights floating above the wreckage of the Twin Towers. "Thought it was very strange and couldn't decide if it was a play of light or something more spiritual."

Getty PARANORMAL: Several emergency responders claimed to see ghosts in the rubble

Youtube SPOOKY: Some believe the light at the top of this tribute is an angel

“It was traumatic” Psychic Many others have had odd paranormal experiences associated with the 9/11 tragedy. Back where the Twin Towers once stood, a sparkling new tower was built called the “Freedom Tower” or officially, the One World Trade Center. The Freedom Tower, which is the tallest building in the United States, opened on November 3, 2014. The September 11 Museum, and two fountain pool memorials with engravings of the victims’ names were erected in the World Trade Center Complex to honour the victims. Ever since, people have reported hearing a mysterious hum or moan come from the area as if thousands of souls are calling. Whether there’s a physical reason for the heart-wrenching sound or if spirits are reaching out, no one knows.

Perhaps it hails from the Freedom Tower whom some swear is haunted. Several clips online claim if you’re on floors 93 to 99 between midnight and 3am there is a horrific apparition of a ghost plane crashing into the building. Before the Freedom Tower was built, the Millennium Hilton Hotel overlooked the ground zero site. Many hotel visitors reported ghostly activity. One visitor swore that he felt like a crowd of people were in his room, and he couldn’t sleep there. Other guests complained to the staff that they had nightmares of 9/11 victims pressing against the windows. Due to all of the complaints, the staff avoided renting rooms that had a view of Ground Zero.

PA REMEMBERED: This memorial lies at Ground Zero in New York

9/11 Survivors: where are they now? Here are some of the survivors from the attacks on the World Trade Center twin towers which took place on September 11th 2001 in New York City. 1 / 11 AFP/Getty Images Edward Fine covers his mouth as he walks through the debris after the collapse of one of the towers

Philippe Petit’s legacy will forever be linked to the Twin Towers; the buildings the aerialist walked a high-wire between.

Seventeen years on from the terrorist attack that led to the destruction of the towers, Petit has spoken about his daredevil stunt in relation to the catastrophic event.

Over the course of several months in 1974, Petit – who was the subject of the documentary Man on Wire – became obsessed with the Twin Towers and their architecture, hoping to learn everything about them.

“I would call them ‘my towers’ because I was – day and night – learning from them and getting information and blueprints and articles to get to know the towers,” he told Inside Edition.

“After all those years and months of studying them for my illegal walk, of course they were ‘my towers’ and that’s how my friends would refer to them.”

Petit successfully got a wire between the structures on the 7 August that year and walked between them eight times. Despite police officers calling for him to get down, he only stopped when it started to rain.

Looking back now, Petit and his co-conspirators no longer call them “my towers”.

FBI release unseen image of Pentagon on 9/11 19 show all FBI release unseen image of Pentagon on 9/11 1/19 FBI 2/19 FBI 3/19 FBI 4/19 FBI 5/19 FBI 6/19 FBI 7/19 FBI 8/19 FBI 9/19 FBI 10/19 FBI 11/19 FBI 12/19 FBI 13/19 FBI 14/19 FBI 15/19 FBI 16/19 FBI 17/19 FBI 18/19 FBI 19/19 FBI 1/19 FBI 2/19 FBI 3/19 FBI 4/19 FBI 5/19 FBI 6/19 FBI 7/19 FBI 8/19 FBI 9/19 FBI 10/19 FBI 11/19 FBI 12/19 FBI 13/19 FBI 14/19 FBI 15/19 FBI 16/19 FBI 17/19 FBI 18/19 FBI 19/19 FBI

On the 11 September 2001, the high-wire artist was sitting in his New York apartment, unaware of what was going on as he did not have a television. Only when a friend called to say “Philippe, your towers are being destroyed!” did he go outside to look at the destruction.

“I looked at the sky because I knew there was a plane involved and it was a magnificent day and I knew — my intuition was this is not an airplane accident — it was something else,” he said. “So I ran to my friends at the top of the hill and I sat in front of the television like millions of other people and I saw my towers being attacked and destroyed and taking with them thousands of lives.

“So [I decided] from that day I will stop saying ‘my towers’ — I will say ‘our towers.’”

Petit adds that he’s often asked how he felt watching the towers collapse: “How can I answer that question when on the other side of that event you have thousands of lives that were lost? You cannot compare losing a marvel of architecture and losing human lives.”

More than 1,100 of the 2,700-plus victims are yet to be identified – and researchers at a New York lab are working tirelessly to bring peace to the victims’ families. On this day in 2001, the skyline of New York City changed forever when the North and South towers of the World Trade Center collapsed after being hit by two planes hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists in what is the biggest attack on American soil. Almost two decades later, the US is still in shock and scientists have not given up hope on identifying all of the victims who lost their lives that day. The scientists examine bone fragment found in the wreckage of the Twin Towers by grinding it to a fine dust and then mixing it with two chemical products that can expose and then extract DNA.

Experts have been doing this day-in day-out for 17 years – but it can be a frustrating experience. Mark Desire, assistant director of forensic biology at the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in New York, said: “The bone is the hardest biological material to work with. “And, on top of that, when they’re exposed to things that were present at Ground Zero, fire, mould, bacteria, sunlight, jet fuel, diesel fuel, all these destroy DNA. “So you could physically have a sample with very very small amounts of DNA there.”

9/11 anniversary: 1,100 victims of World Trade Center attack still not identified

Some 22,000 pieces of human remains were found in the wreckage of the Twin Towers and all of them have been tested 10 to 15 times already. The researchers often go several years without being able to identify a new victim, but the team refuse to give up until the remaining 1,111 victims are accounted for. Mr Desire told AFP: “These are all the same protocol that we had in 2001, but we were able to improve the process for each of the steps, out of necessity.” The last person to be identified came in July this year – a year after the last person was named.

Some 22,000 pieces of human remains were found in the wreckage of the Twin Towers

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