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Smoke from wildfires is polluting parts of the West

Aug. 7, 2018 — Trying to tackle climate change by replacing forests with crops for bioenergy power stations that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) could instead increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, scientists ... read more — Trying to tackle climate change by replacing forests with crops for bioenergy power stations that capture carbon dioxide (CO2) could instead increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, scientists ...

Aug. 7, 2018 — The Longhouse, a prototype 'mass timber' building designed by students, demonstrates that even huge buildings can be built primarily with ... read more — The Longhouse, a prototype 'mass timber' building designed by students, demonstrates that even huge buildings can be built primarily with ...

Aug. 7, 2018 — Scientists replicate landmark study to determine changes in coral sea temperature tolerance over time. In the three species of Hawaiian corals retested, bleaching occurred later, with higher ... read more — Scientists replicate landmark study to determine changes in coral sea temperature tolerance over time. In the three species of Hawaiian corals retested, bleaching occurred later, with higher ...

Aug. 7, 2018 — New research shows that changes in the heat flow of the northern Pacific Ocean may have a larger effect on the Arctic climate than previously ... read more — New research shows that changes in the heat flow of the northern Pacific Ocean may have a larger effect on the Arctic climate than previously ...

Aug. 7, 2018 — The chemical composition of gases emitted from volcanoes -- which are used to monitor changes in volcanic activity -- can change depending on the size of gas bubbles rising to the surface, and relate ... read more — The chemical composition of gases emitted from volcanoes -- which are used to monitor changes in volcanic activity -- can change depending on the size of gas bubbles rising to the surface, and relate ...

Aug. 6, 2018 — Children and adolescents are more vulnerable to climate-related disasters because of their anatomic, cognitive, immunologic, and psychologic differences compared to adults. Researchers set out some ... read more — Children and adolescents are more vulnerable to climate-related disasters because of their anatomic, cognitive, immunologic, and psychologic differences compared to adults. Researchers set out some ...

Aug. 6, 2018 — A new study shows that small birds migrating from Scandinavia to Africa in the autumn occasionally fly as high as 4,000 meters above sea level -- probably adjusting their flight to take advantage of ... read more — A new study shows that small birds migrating from Scandinavia to Africa in the autumn occasionally fly as high as 4,000 meters above sea level -- probably adjusting their flight to take advantage of ...

Aug. 3, 2018 — Researchers looking for general patterns in the way tropical trees capture nutrients were surprised to find that every species has its own way of getting the nutrients it needs. The concept of ... read more — Researchers looking for general patterns in the way tropical trees capture nutrients were surprised to find that every species has its own way of getting the nutrients it needs. The concept of ...

Aug. 3, 2018 — Researchers have found that people exposed to air pollution levels well within UK guidelines have changes in the structure of the heart, similar to those seen in the early stages of heart ... read more — Researchers have found that people exposed to air pollution levels well within UK guidelines have changes in the structure of the heart, similar to those seen in the early stages of heart ...

Aug. 2, 2018 — Improving forecasting for a host of severe weather events may be possible thanks to a more comprehensive method for measuring the Earth's boundary layer ... read more — Improving forecasting for a host of severe weather events may be possible thanks to a more comprehensive method for measuring the Earth's boundary layer ...

Aug. 2, 2018 — Mangroves are tropical forests that thrive in salt water and found in a variety of coastal settings worldwide. Mangroves store greater amounts of carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem, which ... read more — Mangroves are tropical forests that thrive in salt water and found in a variety of coastal settings worldwide. Mangroves store greater amounts of carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem, which ...

Aug. 1, 2018 — Scientists have pioneered an innovative new method to incorporate ecological processes to allow 'green' water treatment ... read more — Scientists have pioneered an innovative new method to incorporate ecological processes to allow 'green' water treatment ...

July 31, 2018 — Seagrass meadows could play a limited, localized role in alleviating ocean acidification in coastal ecosystems, according to new ... read more — Seagrass meadows could play a limited, localized role in alleviating ocean acidification in coastal ecosystems, according to new ...

July 31, 2018 — Birds create songs by moving muscles in their vocal organs to vibrate air passing through their tissues, and new research shows that these muscles act in concert to create sound. Scientists describe ... read more — Birds create songs by moving muscles in their vocal organs to vibrate air passing through their tissues, and new research shows that these muscles act in concert to create sound. Scientists describe ...

July 31, 2018 — Scientists look to platinum for clues to stay ahead of future high magnitude volcanic related climate ... read more — Scientists look to platinum for clues to stay ahead of future high magnitude volcanic related climate ...

July 30, 2018 — The oceans lock away atmospheric carbon dioxide, but a 'leak' in the Southern Ocean brings the greenhouse gas back into the atmosphere. An international research team looked at minute ... read more — The oceans lock away atmospheric carbon dioxide, but a 'leak' in the Southern Ocean brings the greenhouse gas back into the atmosphere. An international research team looked at minute ...

July 30, 2018 — Large increase in sudden downpours in the last 50 years, with the amount of water falling in hourly rain storms (for example thunderstorms) increasing at a rate 2 to 3 times higher than ... read more — Large increase in sudden downpours in the last 50 years, with the amount of water falling in hourly rain storms (for example thunderstorms) increasing at a rate 2 to 3 times higher than ...

July 28, 2018 — Scientists have developed new scientific tests to better understand the effects of pollution on wildlife ... read more — Scientists have developed new scientific tests to better understand the effects of pollution on wildlife ...

July 28, 2018 — Chemical engineers are using the summer staple in testing methods to improve efficiency of diesel ... read more — Chemical engineers are using the summer staple in testing methods to improve efficiency of diesel ...

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impact risk if chronic exposure

The air is moderately polluted. Greater than the maximum limit established for one year by WHO. A long-term exposure constitutes a health risk.

(CNN) The deadly wildfires are not only destroying homes and burning everything in their path -- but they're also causing poor air quality.

On Tuesday, a thick haze blanketed parts of the Northwest, including Seattle, as fires across the border in Canada burned. Things were looking a little better Wednesday, as cleaner air began pushing onshore, according to the National Weather Service in Seattle, which said the state had the worst air quality in the country.

Smoky haze obscures the Space Needle and downtown Seattle on August 14.

The smoke that is blanketing Washington, Oregon and California is smoke coming from the wildfires burning in British Columbia, according to the National Weather Service Seattle.

Air quality advisories were in effect for portions of Washington and Oregon, according to the weather service.

The air quality was considered unhealthy in western parts of Washington.

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London: Current Air Quality Health Index Calculated at 11:00 pm EDT Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + Low Risk

(1 - 3) Moderate Risk

(4 - 6) High Risk

(7 - 10) Very High Risk

Forecast for London Forecast Air Quality Health Index maximums for London

Issued at: 5:00 pm EDT August 15, 2018 Forecast Air Quality Health Index maximums for London Period Forecast Maximum (Issued at 5:00 pm EDT August 15, 2018) Wednesday Night 4 - Moderate Risk Thursday 4 - Moderate Risk

Health Message for London Current Air Quality Health Index: 3

Calculated at 11:00 pm EDT Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Risk: Low At-Risk Population: Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.

Find out if you are at risk General Population: Ideal air quality for outdoor activities.

See the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Air Quality Health Messages.

Note: AQHI readings on this web page are based on automatically polled data and have not undergone final verification.

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