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In her own words: Why Nisha Ayub calls herself a trans activist

Trans advocate Nisha Ayub attends a press conference in Putrajaya August 10, 2018. — Picture by Azinuddin Ghazali

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 11 — Responding to critics over her joint press conference with Islamic Religious Affairs Minister Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa yesterday, transgender activist Nisha Ayub said she would never “throw anyone under the bus”.

Speaking to Malay Mail after receiving backlash on social media from those within the LGBT community and those against them, Nisha explained why she called herself a transgender activist instead of an LGBT activist.

“If I were to say I am an LGBT activist, it means I am representing everyone and I think that isn’t right because I have no right to talk about or represent the other communities. I think they have the right to represent themselves and speak about their issues.

“If you recall, we (the transgender community) were fighting endlessly when we don’t want to be included or identified as part men having sex with men (MSM) group.

“As much as we are fighting for our own identity that we are not men, the other groups have their own identities too. That’s my point, if you look at my Facebook posts, it was always about the transgender community,” Nisha said.

She also pointed out that she is not as familiar with the issues faced by the LGBT community as a whole, and is better versed on issues facing the transgender community in Malaysia specifically.

Yesterday, there were news reports highlighting the fact that Nisha did not identify herself as an LGBT activist, which triggered a backlash on Twitter with some users accusing Nisha of throwing the rest of the LGBT community “under the bus”.

A tearful Nisha told Malay Mail she apologised if she had offended anyone, but it was never her intention to hurt or discriminate against others because her entire life has been a struggle against discrimination.

She reminded the public that yesterday’s meeting with Mujahid was to focus more on the issues facing the transgender community, and not the LGBT community as a whole, nor was it to focus on the fact that her photograph was taken down from the George Town Festival.

“Just before Datuk Mujahid called an end to the press conference, I also mentioned that others from the LGBT community should approach him to have an engagement with the minister.

“For the LGBT community, I’m the last person to practise discrimination because I’ve been through it... I’m sorry,” she said as her voice began to crack over the phone.

“I’m trying to do my best and I don’t want to discriminate against anyone. If they feel I did something wrong, it wasn’t my intention for the community. I’m sorry.”

Trans advocate Nisha Ayub attends a press conference in Putrajaya August 10, 2018. — Picture by Azinuddin Ghazali

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 11 — Transgender activist Nisha Ayub plans to lodge a police report against those who have issued her death threats on social media.

She received multiple death threats over her photograph which was featured at the George Town Festival but subsequently taken down.

“I was advised by Kak Siti (Kassim) to make a report. But there’ve been so many I don’t know how to pinpoint. What I did when I received Facebook notifications, I just delete them. I didn’t even want to look at it.

“The only thing I read is the one that people send to my Messenger and after reading it, I block the number,” Nisha told Malay Mail.

To make things worse, Nisha said the attacks against her have increased following her press conference with Minister in Prime Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa yesterday.

She said even Mujahid has come under attack by those against the LGBT community.

“I should make a police report. To be honest, after the meeting with Datuk Mujahid I think there are more people hating me. I think they even hate Mujahid ... It’s getting worse and I think I’m going to make a report later on.

“I’m going to ask the police to help keep my family and me safe,” said Nisha, who says she now fears for her safety. She complained that among the more distasteful messages she has received was a picture of a pig being photoshopped onto her face.

During the joint press conference yesterday, Nisha also admitted that she was unaware that her photograph was going to be featured at the festival.

Despite all the problems the photograph has caused her, Nisha maintained that she felt honoured by the photographer for featuring her in his exhibition.

She said she agreed for the photograph to be taken down as she feared provoking extremists and more attacks against the LGBT community.

“Maybe I am slightly more protected in Kuala Lumpur. But what about the rest of the community in the country? If the photograph wasn’t taken down they could be targeted. I don’t want them to go through that,” said Nisha.

Use the ‘star’ logo at your own risk, MCA warned

PUTRAJAYA : Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa hari ini meminta masyarakat agar tidak merumuskan pertemuannya dengan wakil komuniti transgender Nisha Ayub semalam adalah isyarat beliau bersetuju dan mengiyakan perjuangan dan perbuatan golongan Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transeksual (LGBT). Katanya, pertemuan di Kompleks Islam Malaysia di sini semalam adalah atas permintaan aktivis transgender itu dan beliau menerima kehadiran Nisha bagi menyelami serta memahami isu berkaitan transgender, khususnya peranan institusi agama dalam menangani permasalahan berkenaan. "Pertemuan itu lebih kepada perbincangan bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah diskriminasi terhadap golongan mak nyah serta bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi mereka termasuk penghayatan soal-soal agama dan beribadat secara khusus. "Pada pertemuan semalam juga tiada langsung isu berkaitan hak sama rata melibatkan perkahwinan sama jantina dibangkitkan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini. Mujahid berkata Nisha sendiri menegaskan dirinya bukan ikon komuniti LGBT sebaliknya hanya seorang aktivis yang memperjuangkan nasib golongan mak nyah yang sering disisihkan selain memberi galakan agar mereka meninggalkan 'industri seks'. Malah kata Mujahid, aktivis itu juga memaklumkan tidak kisah gambarnya yang dipaparkan pada satu pameran fotografi di Georgetown, Pulau Pinang diturunkan selain mengakui tidak dimaklumkan mengenai penggunaan gambar tersebut. Mengulas lanjut, Mujahid berkata pihaknya tidak boleh mengamalkan sikap pilih kasih dalam menjalankan kerja-kerja dakwah seperti mana Islam tidak menggalakkan umatnya menyakiti manusia yang lain. Beliau berkata perkara paling utama perlu dilakukan ialah menghapuskan budaya benci dan diskriminasi kepada komuniti tersebut terutamanya di tempat kerja serta di tempat-tempat awam. Hak mereka sebagai rakyat Malaysia tidak boleh dinafikan, katanya. - BERNAMA

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