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Kini, Turis Indonesia Bebas Visa 30 Hari ke India

JAKARTA, - Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi memberlakukan kebijakan bebas visa hingga 30 hari untuk turis Indonesia .

Hal tersebut disampaikan saat pertemuan pertemuan diaspora India di Jakarta Convention Center, Rabu (30/5/2018).

"Kami akan memberikan bebas biaya visa bagi warga Indonesia untuk perjalanan hingga 30 hari," kata Modi, di tengah riuh tepuk tangan.

Ia juga mengundang diaspora India untuk pulang ke negara asal mereka menyaksikan "New India".

"Bukan hanya sekedar sebutan baru untuk bangsa kita tetapi juga ada konsep yang berbeda dalam persahabatan baru India-Indonesia," tuturnya saat pidato acara.

Ia mengundang masyarakat Indonesia untuk datang menyaksikan berbagai kebudayaan di India.

Fabian Januarius Kuwado Presiden Joko Widodo dan Perdana Menteri India Shri Narendra Modi berfoto bersama di dalam Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta, Rabu (30/5/2018). Ia punya harapan besar untuk India di 2022 nanti. Konsep tersebut ia beri nama "New India", yang akan dihadiahkan pada masyarakatnya di ulang tahun India ke 75.

"Kami telah selangkah lebih maju dalam kemudahan melakukan bisnis. Fokus kami adalah 'Kemudahan Hidup'. Proses kami transparan dan peka," kata Modi.

Dalam dua setengah tahun terakhir, lebih dari 9.000 startup telah terdaftar di India. Ia mengklaim India sebagai ekosistem start-up terbesar kedua di dunia.

"Dan ini terjadi... hukumnya sama, petugasnya sama, kantornya sama, meja dan kursi sama, hanya pemerintah yang berubah dan selanjutnya, negara berubah," pungkasnya.

Perdana Menteri Narendra Modi, tiba di Jakarta Selasa (29/5/2018) malam pada kunjungan resmi pertamanya ke Indonesia.

Sebelumnya telah bertemu dengan Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta.

What has gone wrong?

Visa users are experiencing widespread problems with card payments. The problems appear to mainly be with chip and pin transactions. ATM transactions are not affected, so you can still take cash out. Mastercard and American Express are not affected.

Visa outage: payment chaos after card network crashes – live updates Read more

Difficulties with payment do not indicate that you have been robbed or your card has been hacked.

The problems appear to have begun shortly after 2.30pm on Friday.

What is causing the problem?

Visa says it is investigating and will update people as soon as possible. An Asda spokesman suggested the problem was with the authorisation that is supposed to be sent to a chip and pin machine when you make a transaction. “When you try and pay something, it sends a message to Visa and then Visa have to send a message back to the chip and pin machine to say this is OK and then the banks are in between at some point. The message that is coming back to the chip and pin, that is where the fault is,” he said.

Where are people being affected?

Across the UK and Europe – although the problems do not appear to be consistent. Many companies in the UK have reported problems, including Sainsbury’s, rail operator GWR and pub chain Wetherspoons.

How long will the problem last?

Visa said it was working to resolve the issue “as quickly as possible” but did not say how long that would take. Shortly before 6pm on Friday HSBC’s UK Twitter account said “there are still intermittent issues but services are slowly recovering”.

What effect is the payment failure having?

Many Visa users are complaining of difficulties as a result of the outage, reporting they have been stranded while travelling, are unable to pay for groceries, or are facing large queues at cash machines. But there were no early reports of panic, or evidence that the wider card payment system was under threat.


Business owners and shoppers out in Broomhill in west Sheffield seemed intensely relaxed about the Visa machine difficulties.

“I usually just pay by cash anyway,” said Mandy Stevens, as she came out of Morrisons with her shopping. The store had problems taking card payments all afternoon, with customers going outside and waiting patiently to take money out of a cash point, before returning.

Stevens, who runs the SM Hair hairdressers across the road, said the first thing she knew of the troubles had been when a client asked if her machine was working because he had read the news. Her salon’s machine was working fine on Friday. “Maybe it’s just certain types of machines or certain places that are having trouble,” she said.

Most businesses on Broomhill’s high street reported having some problems taking card payments on Friday afternoon. Richard Stacey from the Record Collector record shop said it had been a quiet day anyway, so the difficulties had not damaged business.

A barista at Costa Coffee said he had heard that nearby cash machines were running out of money, which could cause difficulties if the problems persisted. “We’ll see what tomorrow brings”, he said. Remo Sineone, who runs Remo’s, a cafe and deli, said he had been having particular trouble taking contactless payments on Friday afternoon. “Short term, I can’t really see it being much of a problem to be honest,” he said.

Image caption A Sainsbury's store in Vauxhall, London, is not taking card payments

Visa says its service is "close to normal" again following a system failure which left customers across Europe unable to make some purchases.

The company apologised and said it had no reason to believe the hardware failure was down to "any unauthorised access or malicious event".

Its statement came five hours after it had initially acknowledged the problem.

Shoppers had reported being stuck in queues as Visa transactions were unable to be processed.

Payment processing through Visa's systems accounts for £1 in £3 of all UK spending, the company said.

Jay Curtis, from Swansea, had two cards declined in B&Q when he tried to pay for £240 worth of goods.

"My card just wouldn't go through," the 32-year-old told the BBC.

"I didn't have cash on me so I had to drive all the way home."

Labour MP Angela Rayner seems to be among those affected, tweeting that she had to leave her local petrol station without paying.

Elle Gibbs-Murray, from Bridgend, said she was stuck in traffic on the Severn Bridge for 45 minutes as drivers were unable to pay the toll by card.

Image caption Adam is one of many unable to use their Visa payment card

Adam, from Manchester, is a on a canal boat holiday with his girlfriend, Rach, and he was unable to use his card.

The 26-year-old said: "We have spent all day boating to moor up at a riverside pub in Kidlington for a birthday meal only to find the visa payments are not working. Having only £20 between us we have had to opt for a birthday drink instead.

"[There is] no cash point for miles around and no car as we are on the canal boat."

In Berlin's Alexanderplatz, customers at Primark complained of having to queue for 20 minutes to pay and staff there could not explain the reasons why transactions were failing.

Image copyright Deborah Elder Image caption Deborah says she was embarrassed she couldn't pay for her meal

Deborah Elder, from Glasgow, was unable to pay her restaurant bill while she was waiting at Frankfurt airport to fly back to Toulouse.

She said: "I was so embarrassed. I gave the waiter the 14 euros I had left.

"I'm worried I won't be able to get home when I land in Toulouse as I have no cash for a taxi."

Supermarket Tesco said chip and pin payments were not affected, but contactless payments were.

Sainsbury's also said it had experienced problems.

Skip Twitter post by @talktoBOI We are aware some customers are experiencing Visa debit card issues. This is impacting multiple banks across Europe. We will update when we know more. Cash withdrawals can be made at any BOI ATM. — Bank of Ireland (@talktoBOI) June 1, 2018 Report

Consumer advocacy group Which? advised people to keep evidence of extra expenses incurred in order to claim them back in the future.

"Visa and the banks need to ensure no-one is left out of pocket due to this outage," said Alex Neill, Which? managing director of home products and services.

A Visa spokesman said the system failure had "impacted customers across Europe" and the company apologised for falling "well short" of its reliability goal.

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