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I was ‘blacklisted’ like Sarah Sanders: Antonio Sabato Jr.

(CNN) Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. called California's Rep. Maxine Waters "the hustler of hate" and called for her imprisonment.

"Maxine Waters, I call her the hustler of hate," Sabato, an actor and California congressional candidate best known for his roles on "General Hospital" and "Melrose Place" and for speaking at the 2016 Republican National Convention, said in an interview Monday with CNN's Chris Cuomo on "Cuomo Prime Time."

"Promoting hate and division and actually attacking the administration or anybody who's involved with this administration. That's unheard-of. She should be put behind bars and throw away the key," Sabato said.

Sabato's remarks came in response to comments from Waters on Saturday encouraging supporters to publicly confront members of President Donald Trump's Cabinet and "tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

Sabato went on to accuse the California Democrat of corruption.

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Actor and GOP congressional candidate Antonio Sabato Jr. says he, too, has been “blacklisted” just like White Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for speaking in support of President Trump.

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“I’ve been blacklisted since day one, since I promoted this president, since I was for Donald Trump,” Sabato Jr. told FOX Business’ Cheryl Casone.

Sabato Jr., along with fellow actor Scott Baio, spoke in support of Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Republican candidate is running for a congressional seat in Ventura County, California, and is urging voters to stand up against an opposing party that is trying to control the narrative.

“[Democrats] are focusing on hate instead of what I am trying to focus on, which is peace and harmony,” Sabato Jr. said.


Trump administration officials have seen a growing trend of public harassment by some on the political left. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen was shouted at while dining in a public restaurant and on Friday, Sanders was refused service at a Red Hen restaurant in Virginia.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has publicly called on protestors to harass Trump cabinet members over the administration’s policies.

“Look at her community, look at her constituents, they are dying on the streets of her neighborhoods and she lives in Beverly Hills making millions of dollars,” he said.

Antonio Sabato Jr. To Cuomo On Immigration: ‘I Know You’re Trying To Be A Smart A**’

2:52 AM 06/26/2018 Julia Nista | General Assignment Reporter

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California congressional candidate Antonio Sabato Jr. went all-in on CNN host Chris Cuomo, calling him a “smart a**” for his deflecting comments on immigration during an interview Monday.


Cuomo and Sabato Jr. battled over a hypothetical scenario in which they discussed someone climbing through a window, and then adding the possibility of getting chased by an axe — all part of an analogy for illegal immigration.

Sabato Jr. insisted that immigration into the United States while not following legal processes “is still illegal.”

“I think if you cross the border like I repeated myself already, if you cross the border illegally there’s a price you’ve got to pay. I think if you do it legally through the door, come in legally, then we are — we are allowing you to be an American citizen at some point. Just do it legally, that’s all I’m saying,” Sabato Jr. said.

Then he turned the tables on Cuomo.

“What do you do with the kids, separate them from the parents or keep them together?” Cuomo asked.

“I would never — don’t ask me that question. I have kids of my own. I know you’re trying to be a smart a**,” Sabato Jr. retorted. He added, “That’s CNN talking.”

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California congressional candidate Antonio Sabato Jr. strongly asserted that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) should be arrested following her comments about harassing Trump administration officials. He called for her arrest on Monday during a CNN appearance with Chris Cuomo.


“Yeah. Maxine Waters, I call her the hustler of hate, promoting hate and division, and actually attacking the administration or anybody who is involved with this administration,” Sabato Jr. said. “That’s unheard of. She should be put behind bars and thrown away the key.”

(RELATED: Antonio Sabato Jr. To Cuomo On Immigration: ‘I Know You’re Trying To Be A Smart A**’)

“Hold on. You think Maxine waters should be arrested?” asked Cuomo.

“Yeah. She should definitely be arrested,” Sabato Jr. responded.

Sabato Jr. elaborated, saying that Waters should be put behind bars due to “all the crime in her neighborhood” and added that she “makes millions of dollars, lives in Beverly Hills. Her constituents are dying on the street, homeless all over the place, and she’s walking away, like saying everything is okay, our neighbors are fine.”

“Why don’t you go live in your neighborhood and live and surround yourself with your community and help them physically, be there, surround yourself like I’m doing in Ventura County for 15 years. That’s what people in Congress should be like, should be involved with the community 100 percent,” Sabato Jr. said.

The congressional candidate added, “Where is she making all this money? It’s corruption to the max.”

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