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Father’s Day 2018: When is Father’s Day in the UK and US? Are they on the same date?

This year, Father’s Day is celebrated in the UK on Sunday, June 17, which is the same date as in the US. Dads may not always be as open with their emotions as mums but they still like to get a special thank you of some kind to know they are loved. If you are feeling a little stuck for inspiration, use our handy guide below to make the father figure in your life feel proud. Father’s Day gifts For tech lovers - Amazon Echo Dot Add an Alexa to your household with an Amazon Echo Dot smart speaker, priced £39.99 including free delivery, from Amazon. The voice-activated device can play music, news and control smart home devices.

Food connoisseurs - charcuterie hamper If your dad’s favourite time of the day is mealtime, why not order The Meat Lovers Charcuterie Box, priced at £48.95, from This carnivore’s dream is brimmed full of mouth-watering meaty delights including wild boar salami, paprika-rubbed mangalitza and South Downs Bresaola. Petrol heads - car driving experience Maybe your dad fancies himself as the ultimate Lewis Hamilton or just wants to get behind the wheel of a Ferrari? Opt for a rally driving experience where he can learn cool tricks including how to skid control and cut corners. Try or - prices start from around £30.

Getty Father’s Day 2018: Why not book a driving experience for your dad

On a budget? Booze is a guaranteed winner for most dads - and it also makes a great option if you are on the run. Try buying something you know your dad likes but would not normally get for himself. So if he is a lager man - upgrade to a premium pack of pale ales or upgrade on a pricier bottle of plonk than his normal one. Need some more inspiration? READ ON: Father’s Day gifts: The best presents to wow your dad this weekend Father’s Day messages Saying I love you doesn’t come naturally to everyone but we’ve rounded up a great selection of soppy, funny and nostalgic messages to make dad go all fuzzy inside. For nostalgic dads - ideas from Hallmark “Dad, you’re in all my favourite memories.” “Thank you for being there every day with just the love and guidance I’ve needed.” “You’re my one and only dad, and I’ll always have a special place in my heart for you.”

Getty Father’s Day 2018: Best gifts, messages and quotes to say you care

Funny messages “Dad, you’ve always been like a father to me.” My Father had a profound influence on me, he was a lunatic.” Spike Milligan “To be a successful father, there’s one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don’t look at it for the first two years.” Ernest Hemingway “You can tell what was the best year of your father’s life because he seems to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.” Jerry Seinfeld

Getty Father’s Day 2018: Spike Milligan has a light-hearted approach to fatherhood at times

Mums have already enjoyed Mother’s Day in 2018 - and now is the time for dads everywhere to take the spotlight. But like Mothering Sunday, the date of Father’s Day changes slightly every year, meaning it can be hard to remember. Different countries and cultures also mark the occasion at various times of the year. When is Father’s Day in the UK and US? Are they on the same date? Every year, Father’s Day is marked on the third Sunday of June in both the UK and the US, making the date Sunday, June 17 this year.

Thailand celebrates Father’s Day on December 5, the official birthday of the country’s king, while in Australia and New Zealand, it is the first Sunday of September. Germany chooses Ascension Day, also known as Holy Thursday, marking the ascension of Jesus into heaven on the fortieth day of Easter. In South Korea the date is May 8 while in Italy, the festival is marked on Saint Joseph’s Day, which is March 19. How did Father’s Day start? Several theories abound as to the origin of Father’s Day, with the first known observations dating back to the Middle Ages.

Father's Day: A historical look at dads over the last 122 years Fri, June 16, 2017 To celebrate Father's Day, this charming gallery of images from the Francis Frith Collection take a historical look at dads over the last 122 years. Play slideshow Francis Frith Collection/Cover I 1 of 9 Celebrate Father's Day with these charming vintage photographs

Then, Catholic Europe marked Father’s Day on St Joseph’s Day in recognition of the figure married to Mary, Jesus’ mother, and became his legal paternal guardian. Some Catholic or Christian countries, including Spain, continue to adopt this date today in recognition. Father’s Day was later taken to the Americas by the Spanish and Portuguese, but the tradition did not become prominent in the US outside of religious circles until the 20th century. Thanks can be given to social activist Anna Jarvis, who successfully campaigned for an annual Mother’s day holiday to be held following the death of her mother in 1905.

Getty Father’s Day 2018: When is Father’s Day in the UK and US? Are they on the same date?

Jarvis held a memorial for mother and all mothers at Andrew Methodist Episcopal Church in West Virginia, on May 10, 1908, and her influence saw people across the country adopting the day as an annual celebration enabling Father’s Day to follow suit. But another theory says Father’s Day was born out of the tragic Monongah mining disaster. The disaster was the US’s worst mining disaster in history, killing 362 men, 210 of whom were fathers. One daughter who lost her dad, Grace Golden Clayton, suggested a memorial day for the dead to her local Methodist pastor and the first Father’s Day took place on July 5, 1908. The event was largely confined to the region but two years later, the daughter of a Civil War veteran raised the idea of an annual celebration after hearing a sermon about Mother’s Day.

Getty Father’s Day 2018: It is customary to give dads a card or gift on the date

Getty Father’s Day 2018: Nepal citizens pay tribute to deceased fathers on their national day

is a celebration honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood and the influence of dads all over the globe.According to historians, Sonora Smart Dodd came up with the idea of honouring and celebrating her father when she was listening to a sermon in the church on Mother’s Day in 1909. Hence, the first Father’s Day celebration took place in Washington on June 19, 1910.In most parts of the world, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. This year we’re celebrating the bond between dads and us on 17th of June.Your dad works day and night for you, gives you all that you want and makes sure you grow up to be the best version of yourself. This father’s day make sure you wish your dad and make his day! Dad, here’s honouring you!It goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway - I have loved you, love you and will always love you! Happy Father’s Day, dad!Thank you for multiple things you do for us, usually taken for granted. The roof over my head or the food you place on the table - we’re grateful for it all. We love and respect you, dad!Wonder how you come to know of all my struggles and come out with wonderful strategies for beating them. In deep gratitude, Happy Father’s Day, Pop!You are someone who always provides a helping hand to me even if I don’t need any help. You are the sweetest and loveliest dad and fortunately, you are my dad!Thanks for believing in me when I did not trust myself and for motivating me when I was down. You’re been my pillar of strength and support, undoubtedly! Happy father’s day"I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's equal, and I never loved any other man as much." - Hedy Lamarr"The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature." - Antoine-François Prévost"Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song." - Pam Brown“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me” - Jim Valvano“Dad, I may not be the best, but I come to believe that I got it in me to be somebody in this world. And it’s not because I’m so different from you either. It’s because I’m the same. I mean, I can be just as hard-headed, and just as tough. I only hope I can be as good a man as you” – Jake GyllenhaalDad, thanks for always helping me financially so I can focus on being the independent woman I am. I don’t mean to brag but always remember, without me, today would just be another day (you’re welcome) Happy father’s day!God gave me the greatest gift ever, God gave me a best friend in the form of my dad. You surely are one in a million! Happy father’s day, dad, I love you!My dad takes pride in me when I succeed, and has faith in me when it seems that all hope has been lost. No matter how tall I become, you’re always someone I’ll look up to!On Father’s Day, I can’t help reflecting on all the lessons you’ve taught me over the years. Although we may separate due to time and distance, the man you are and the person you’ve made me will never diminish. I hope you have a wonderful day, Dad.I kept wondering how to express my feelings in words. I was wishing I could come up with just the right things to tell you how much I appreciate you for all you’ve done. Here’s what I came up with: I love you with all my heart and soul, Dad.Also read : Father’s Day 2018: 10 Amazing Gift Ideas for your Dad

Is there anything that can be said about dads that hasn't been said in the 108 years since 1910, when the first Father's Day was celebrated in Washington state? Or even in the 46 years since 1972, when the occasion became a nationally recognized holiday?

Yes. In fact, here are five important things that researchers have discovered about fatherhood in just the past year:

Dads are more engaged with their kids.

Just this month, it was reported that today's fathers are more involved in their children's lives than in the past. Dr. Kevin Shafer, a sociology professor at Brigham Young University who co-authored the study with sociologists from Ball State University, said: "We found that today’s dads spend more time, provide more care, and are more loving toward their kids than ever before."

And even dads who don't spend adequate time with their kids are showing a desire to do better. A Pew Research study last fall reported that although U.S. fathers are spending more time caring for their children than they did a half century ago, 63 percent still say they spend too little time with their kids.

A wide body of research going back decades confirms the importance of a father's presence in the life of his children, of course. But a more recent study, which came out last Father's Day, suggests that a father's increased involvement in childhood caregiving is linked to a decrease in childhood obesity.

Not surprisingly, research this past year also continues to confirm the negative effect of absentee fathers. A Penn State study in December demonstrated that a father's rejection can contribute to a child's increased social anxiety and loneliness, while a Princeton study last summer revealed that the absence of a father can have negative impacts on his children extending all the way down to the cellular level.

Dads are getting older.

The endearing term "dear old Dad" is not that far off the mark, if a recent study is any indication. A Stanford University Medical Center study last August found that the average age of newborns' fathers has increased by 3.5 years over the past four decades.

From the same study, it was reported that "the portion of newborns' fathers who are 40 or older doubled from 4.1% to 8.9%" over the study period, while "the proportion of dads who were 50 or older rose from half a percent to nearly one in every 100."

Dad's mental health matters – and it impacts his kids.

A number of studies released over the past year reveal the link between a father's mental health and the well-being of his children.

For example, a University of Southern California study last September added new insight to the issue of postpartum depression in males, a phenomenon that has gotten increased attention in recent years. The research showed a link between testosterone and postpartum depression in men, which manifests itself in the form of greater depression, more stress, more dissatisfaction and greater aggression.

A related Lund University study suggests that postpartum depression in men is more difficult to diagnose because of limitations in screening and because many men do not seek help.

Meanwhile, a University College London study last November revealed that teenagers whose fathers exhibit depression are more likely to become depressed themselves. In addition, a study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine this spring revealed that stress in a father's life can impact the brain development of his offspring.

A dad's treatment of his daughter impacts how she views men.

We have known this for years, of course, based on a wealth of solid research. However, a study last November from the University of Utah drives the point home once again. The research revealed that women who grew up without a caring father are conditioned to see more sexual intent in other men.

Danielle J. DelPriore, the study's lead author, said: "This research underscores an important psychological change – perceiving greater sexual interest among men – that could increase a woman's likelihood of engaging in unrestricted or risky sexual behavior in response to growing up with a disengaged father."

The university released a related study last year showing a link between a father's involvement and risky sexual behavior on the part of his daughters.

Dads like it when their babies look like them.

Finally, a fascinating study from Binghamton University, part of the State University of New York, released in March reveals that dads like it when there is a clear resemblance between them and their offspring.

According to Science News: "Data from the first two waves of the study indicated that infants who looked like their father at birth were healthier one year later, suggesting that father-child resemblance induces a father to spend more time engaged in positive parenting, as these fathers spent an average of 2.5 more days per month with their babies than fathers who didn't resemble their offspring."

So, despite some of the cultural stereotypes depicting fathers as clueless couch sitters, science confirms what anyone with a good dad intuitively knows – fathers matter in ways big and small, helping us to grow into the men and women we’re meant to be.

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