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DHS Official Had Animal Carcass Burned & Decapitated On Porch

SINGAPORE: A 58-year-old woman was decapitated after an industrial accident on Monday (Jun 25) afternoon at 8A Admiralty Street.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said on Tuesday in response to queries from Channel NewsAsia that the victim was one of two workers operating a material hoist, which was used to move items between the mezzanine level and the kitchen level below it.


"They were within the hoist when it descended abruptly, causing the workers to fall. One of the workers was caught between the hoist and its landing at the mezzanine level as she fell," MOM said.

The woman was later pronounced dead by paramedics from the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

Police said they are investigating the case.

The woman was working for catering company Thyme Food & Services, according to MOM. It added that it has stopped the use of the material hoist and is currently investigating the incident.


SINGAPORE: A 58-year-old woman was decapitated after an industrial accident on Monday (Jun 25) afternoon at 8A Admiralty Street.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said on Tuesday in response to queries from Channel NewsAsia that the victim was one of two workers operating a material hoist, which was used to move items between the mezzanine level and the kitchen level below it.


"They were within the hoist when it descended abruptly, causing the workers to fall. One of the workers was caught between the hoist and its landing at the mezzanine level as she fell," MOM said.

The woman was later pronounced dead by paramedics from the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

Police said they are investigating the case.

The woman was working for catering company Thyme Food & Services, according to MOM. It added that it has stopped the use of the material hoist and is currently investigating the incident.


A Homeland Security vehicle is parked outside a federal government building in San Diego, Calif., September 24, 2013. (Mike Blake/Reuters)

A decapitated and burned animal carcass was recently discovered on the front porch of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official’s Washington, D.C. home, ABC Radio reported Monday.

The incident came amid an increase in threats against DHS employees, with some two dozen reported in the past few days. DHS sent a letter Saturday to all employees apprising them of the “heightened threat,” which appears to have been exacerbated by a broader national backlash against the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration-enforcement policy.

“This assessment is based on specific and credible threats that have been levied against certain DHS employees and a sharp increase in the overall number of general threats against DHS employees,” Claire Grady, acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security, wrote to employees on Saturday in a letter obtained by ABC.

Roughly 2,300 children had been separated from their parents since the Trump administration announced in May that it would prosecute everyone who crossed the border illegally. President Trump ostensibly ended family separations via executive order Wednesday and more than 500 children have reportedly been reunited with their parents since.

The controversial policy prompted widespread protests and the public harassment of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, who was heckled by members of the Democratic Socialists of America while eating at a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C. last week. Protesters then gathered around Nielsen’s home on Friday and chanted “shame” while playing audio of crying children at a holding facility. On Saturday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders described being refused service at a Virginia restaurant.

In addition to the public displays of opposition against administration officials, which were endorsed Saturday by Representative Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), ICE agents have had their personal information leaked online in response to the Trump administration’s enforcement approach. WikiLeaks published information associated with more than 9,000 such employees Thursday, saying the leaks were aimed at “increasing accountability.”

NOW WATCH: ‘5 Times Maxine Waters Was Awful’


The woman had been trying to help with something when the accident at Thyme Food and Services located in Food Xchange @ Admiralty occurred.

A woman, 58, was killed in an industrial accident at a food caterer in Admiralty yesterday.

The New Paper understands she was decapitated after she got stuck between a platform and a faulty cargo hoist that she was checking.

The incident occurred at Thyme Food and Services located in Food Xchange @ Admiralty, an industrial facility for food manufacturers.

Thyme said the cargo hoist is used to transport goods inside its unit on the seventh-storey roof.

A police spokesman told TNP they were alerted shortly after 4pm and are investigating the unnatural death.

A Singapore Civil Defence Force spokesman said the woman was pronounced dead by paramedics at the scene.

One of Thyme's directors, Mr Lawrence Hee, 44, told reporters at the scene that the employee's work involved bookkeeping and procurement.

"She was someone with a strong sense of responsibility. She would watch your back and go beyond her normal duties," he added.

She started working for Thyme about two years ago after being made redundant by Mr Hee's wellness company where she worked for seven years.

He said her work was confined to an office area within the unit, away from the kitchen where the hoist was located.

"She shouldn't be anywhere near the hoist, but she went to help with something when the accident happened."

She was married with children and grandchildren, said Mr Hee, as his eyes welled up.

"I will need to face the family and offer them whatever support they need."

The body was taken away in a police van at around 8.30pm.

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