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Why Google Is Celebrating S.P.L. Sorensen With an Interactive Doodle

Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen, the trailblazing chemist who introduced the pH scale to the world, is celebrated in a Google Doodle.

The Danish scientist introduced the scale as a method for testing the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, which still has a wide range of real-world uses to this day.

Here, we look at five things you need to know about the scientist.

Google Doodles

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He almost didn’t study chemistry

The son of a farmer, Sørensen was born in Havrebjerg in 1868 and began his studies at the University of Copenhagen at the age of 18.

However, rather than chemistry, the young scientist initially had ambitions to forge his career in the field of medicine.

Under the tutelage of the influential chemist SM Jørgensen, he decided to turn his ambitions to chemistry.

He didn’t spend his whole life in the laboratory

Like most students, Sørensen sought employment to make ends meet as he was working towards his degree.

While studying for his doctorate, he also acted as assistant in chemistry at the laboratory of the Danish Polytechnic Institute and assisted in a geological survey of Denmark.

However, in a slightly more unusual step, he also managed to find work as a consultant at the royal naval dockyard.

Today's Google Doodle pays tribute to pH scale creator SPL Sørensen (Google)

He ran probably the best laboratory in the world

Sørensen served as the director of the chemical department at the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen from 1901 to 1938.

The laboratory was opened by Carlsberg brewery founder JC Jacobsen in 1875 with the aim of furthering biochemical knowledge, especially in the field of brewing.

Although many will be thankful to the brewery for its work in the 19th Century isolating the yeast now used to brew lager, Sørensen made an arguably more important discovery while working there.

He devised the pH scale

Sørensen’s most notable achievement was his introduction of the pH scale, which is used to this day to describe the acidity or alkalinity of a substance or solution.

The scientist developed the scale during 1909, developing two methods for measuring acidity of substances.

Measurements of pH are now important in a variety of fields, including medicine, water treatment and chemistry.

He had a lot of help from his wife

Throughout his working life, Sørensen was assisted in his studies by his second wife, Margrethe Høyrup Sørensen, herself a scientist.

Working at the Carlsberg Laboratory, the pair studied lipoproteins and researched the complexes of carbon monoxide and haemoglobin.

In 1917, the husband and wife became the first people to successfully crystallise egg whites during an experiment at the lab.

VIVA  – Google Doodle hari ini menampilkan ahli kimia asal Denmark, Soren Peder Lauritz Sorensen. Ia dikenal sebagai peneliti yang memperkenalkan skala pH, metode menguji keasaman atau alkalinitas pada suatu zat kepada dunia.

Sorensen lahir di Denmark pada 9 Januari 1868, dan merupakan putra dari seorang petani. Berikut ini fakta mengenai Sorensen, seperti dilansir situs Independent , Selasa 29 Mei 2018: Hampir Jadi Dokter

Ia melanjutkan pendidikannya di Universitas Copenhagen. Awalnya, Sorensen ingin berkarir di bidang kedokteran. Menjadi murid ahli kimia terkenal saat itu, SM Jorgensen lah yang membuat Sorensen berubah pikiran dan mengubah karirnya ke bidang kimia.

Pernah Jadi Konsultan Selama bersekolah, Sorensen berusaha memenuhi kebutuhannya dengan mencari uang tambahan dari bekerja. Saat menempuh gelar doktornya, ia pernah bekerja sebagai asisten bidang kimia di Laboratorium Institut Politeknik Denmark, dan juga menjadi asisten untuk survei geologi. Laboratorium Pembuatan Bir

Sorensen juga pernah menjadi Direktur Departemen Kimia di Laboratorium Carlsberg selama 27 tahun. Laboratorium ini dimiliki seorang pendiri pembuatan bir Carlsberg, JC Jacobsen. Skala pH Pekerjaan paling terkemuka milik Sorensen adalah penemuannya pada skala pH. Ia mengembangkan skala pH ini pada tahun 1909. Skala ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan tingkat keasaman dan alkalinitas yang ada di suatu zat. Dibantu Sang Istri Sorensen menikah untuk kedua kalinya dengan seorang peneliti bernama Margrethe Hoyrup Sorensen. Mereka berdua bekerja di Laboratorium Carlsberg. Pasangan tersebut meneliti lipoprotein, karbon monoksida serta hemoglobin. Pada 1917, mereka menjadi orang pertama yang berhasil menngkristalkan putih telur selama penelitian.

Google (googl) is celebrating a little-known but hugely influential scientist with the Google Doodle today.

The Danish scientist S.P.L. (Soren Peder Lauritz) Sorensen is the man who invented the pH scale (remember those pink and blue strips from your high school chemistry class?)

S.P. L. Sorensen developed the method of measuring acidity and alkalinity in 1909 while studying the effect of ion concentration on proteins. Today the method is hugely important for daily necessities like clean water and medicine.

Credit: Google

Sorensen was born in Havrebjerg, Denmark 1868. He studied at the University of Copenhagen with the intention of studying medicine, but went on to have a career as a scientist. Sorensen was the head of the prestigious Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen for 37 years, where he worked alongside his second wife, Margrethe Høyrup Sørensen. He worked in the lab until the year before his death at age 71.

With the interactive feature of today’s Google Doodle, you can learn where common foods fall on the scale.

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