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Tomi Lahren Has Drinks Thrown At Her In Restaurant Attack

Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren was doused with water by a woman while she was having brunch with her mother in a Minneapolis restaurant on Sunday.

Video footage of the incident shows an unidentified woman flinging a cup of water at Lahren and her mother as they were leaving the rooftop of UNION Restaurant in downtown Minneapolis.

The clip appears to have been recorded on Snapchat. It includes the captions ‘Lol’ as well as an emoji showing hysterical laughing.

The caption on the bottom of the screen reads: ‘Throws a drink on Tomi Lahren hahahaha.’

Beneath that caption reads: ‘Thanks for the screenshots I did it lol.’

Another video shows Lahren confronting the woman and the group she was with at the restaurant.

With her mother, Trudy, standing beside her, Lahren gets into a heated exchange with the woman.

Video footage of the incident shows an unidentified woman flinging a cup of water at Lahren and her mother as they were leaving the rooftop of UNION Restaurant in downtown Minneapolis

The caption on the bottom of the screen reads: ‘Throws a drink on Tomi Lahren hahahaha.’ Beneath that caption reads: ‘Thanks for the screenshots I did it lol.’

She even attempted to grab the empty glass from the woman's hand, according to PEOPLE.

Lahren's mother also became involved in the verbal confrontation.

Then another man approached Tomi Lahren and started cursing at her.

The man yelled: ‘F*** that b***h!’, ‘F*** that h**!,’ ‘Racist-a** b***h!.’

‘Why you even out here?’ the man asked.

Lahren and her mother then walked out of the restaurant while escorted by a bouncer.

Another video shows Lahren confronting the woman and the group she was with at the restaurant

She even attempted to grab the empty glass from the woman's hand, according to PEOPLE

A witness who was at the restaurant said that 'literally the entire restaurant started cheering' when the woman hurled the water at Lahren

he bouncer seen in the video, Jeremy Jackson (right), said Lahren claimed that the group seated at the table was 'scowling at her' as she was on her way out of the restaurant

A witness, Devan Madison, told The Blast that his friend was serving Lahren and her mother at the restaurant.

'My friend told me she [Tomi] was extremely rude and had a big attitude,' Madison said.

A woman sitting at Madison's table then threw the cup of water at Lahren.

Madison said that 'literally the entire restaurant started cheering.'

The bouncer seen in the video, Jeremy Jackson, said Lahren claimed that the group seated at the table was 'scowling at her' as she was on her way out of the restaurant.

As Lahren walked by their table, she said: 'Just another day in the life.'

That's when the unidentified woman flung the water at her.

As video of the incident went viral on Tuesday, Lahren addressed the matter, saying on Twitter that she would discuss it further during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox & Friends.

‘I appreciate the words of support - even from those who normally dislike me,’ Lahren tweeted on Tuesday.

‘Free speech is a gift - no need to resort to that kind of attack. I’ll discuss the restaurant incident on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning.’

As video of the incident went viral on Tuesday, Lahren addressed the matter, saying on Twitter that she would discuss it further during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox & Friends

Lahren received support from unlikely quarters, including from Kathy Griffin, the comedian known for her liberal views

Lahren received support from unlikely quarters, including from Kathy Griffin, the comedian known for her liberal views.

'I couldn’t disagree more with Tomi Lahren, but I don’t think it’s cool to resort to physical actions to make your point,' Griffin tweeted.

'The first amendment is a beautiful thing - use it.'

Lahren is a conservative commentator on the Fox News Channel. She is known for making provocative statements and generating controversy.

She first shot to fame in 2015, when she hosted a show on the far-right One America News Network.

Lahren is a conservative commentator on the Fox News Channel. She is known for making provocative statements and generating controversy

In January, after President Donald Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and a number of African nations as ‘s***hole countries,’ Lahren defended him, tweeting: ‘If they aren’t s***hole countries, why don’t their citizens stay there? Let’s be honest. Call it like it is’

After a devout Muslim fatally shot five U.S. servicemen in Tennessee, Lahren blasted then-President Barack Obama for having a ‘friendly-to-jihadist mentality.’

The clip of Lahren’s commentary went viral.

She has also blasted Beyonce as ‘police-hating’ and former quarterback Colin Kaepernick as ‘America-hating’ over their protests of police shootings of black men.

In February, she referred to Democratic Representative Joe Kennedy III as a ‘little limp d**k’ and a ‘nasty little ginger.’

In January, after President Donald Trump referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and a number of African nations as ‘s***hole countries,’ Lahren defended him, tweeting: ‘If they aren’t s***hole countries, why don’t their citizens stay there? Let’s be honest. Call it like it is.’

President Trump has tweeted in support of Fox News pundit Tomi Lahren morning after she had a drink thrown in her face during a brunch altercation on Sunday.

Lahren, whose conservative views and outspoken demeanor consistently rattle her critics, was with her mother at the UNION restaurant in Minneapolis when another diner tossed a glass of water on her as she walked past her table.

Witnesses said Lahren had been behaving badly towards staff and that the restaurant 'cheered' when she was doused.

Footage of the attack circulated on Snapchat and Lahren, 25, was outraged.

To back her up, the president tweeted on Wednesday morning: 'Everybody is with Tomi Lahren, a truly outstanding and respected young woman!'

Lahren responded to his message of support by tweeting back a US flag.

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On Wednesday morning, President Trump tweeted in support of Fox News pundit Tomi Lahren after watching her on Fox and Friends talking about having a drink thrown in her face during a brunch in Minneapolis on Sunday

Earlier, she appeared on Fox And Friends to discuss what she referred to in an earlier tweet as 'the incident'.

'I was actually with both my parents and we were enjoying brunch after I did a show the night before and unfortunately there was a group of people probably around my age that thought it would be funny to throw water at me and then start chanting profanity and, again, not something that I'm not used to, but [it was] really disheartening,' she said.

Lahren said both she and her mother got 'wet' and described the ordeal as 'embarrassing'.

'This something that was embarrassing, at the end of the day I'm a person too, but I'm tough, my family is tough, we can handle it.

'I think that those that threw profanity and water and were applauding and laughing about it, wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame by making a video of me.

Tomi Lahren, 23, went on Fox and Friends on Wednesday to say that while she had recovered after the incident thanks to her 'thick skin', she felt 'embarrassed' for her attackers who she believes are after their '15 minutes of fame'

'Looking back, those are the people that will be embarrassed by the action. Their parents raised them better, furthermore, you don't have to like me but you don't have the right to throw things at me.

'Is it at that the point that you can't disagree with somebody, civilly? It's really disheartening.'

She added that it the 'silver lining' to the incident was finding unlikely support from critics who ordinarily 'detest' her, including the notoriously anti-Trump comedian Kathy Griffin who tweeted in her defense after footage of the attack surfaced.

Lahren was on her way out of UNION restaurant with her mother and father when someone tossed a drink at her. Footage of it was later uploaded proudly by Jasmine Kohler, a Snapchat user, who claimed it was her who'd done the water tossing

Lahren (left) carried on walking out of the restaurant while her mother Trudy (right) turned to face the group

Afterwards, Lahren went back to the group's table to confront them. That is when she was labeled a 'racist piece of s***' and a 'sexist piece of f****** human garbage'. She is pictured speaking to a bouncer Jeremy Jackson. He said Lahren complained to him that the group was 'scowling' at her before they threw the water

The woman shown in green told Lahren she was a 'racist piece of s***'. She argued with the Fox pundit and her mother Trudy (seen standing behind her daughter) before declaring: 'You're done!'

'Hey, that's the silver lining in the whole thing, there are people that normally detest me and they're coming to my defense at least on this incidents, so maybe moving forward who thought it was fun to throw party, maybe that they'll see that that's not the cool thing to do.

'If Kathy griffin is sticking up for you or defending you, hey, I will take it.'

Griffin, who was condemned on both sides of the aisle for appearing in a poor-taste photoshoot holding up a fake severed head with a mask to make it look like the president, tweeted on Tuesday night: 'I couldn't disagree more with Tomi Lahren but I don't think it's cool to resort to physical actions to make your point.

Lahren was with her mother Trudy (above in a previous photograph) and father Kevin at the time

Lahren (above in March) is a regular Fox News pundit and has a large social media following

'The first amendment is a beautiful thing - use it.'

The video was shared on Snapchat by user Jasmine Kohler who saw nothing wrong with the attack and captioned her footage: 'Throws a drink at Tomi Lahren hahahah.

'Thanks for the screenshots. I did it.'

Lahren, according to witnesses, had been 'scowling' at the group before she made her exit.

The exact chain of events is unclear but it appears as though she was on her way out, without having spoken to anyone in the group, when the water was thrown.

Unlikely support came from Kathy Griffin who tweeted this after seeing the video

Lahren was grateful for Griffin's words and said that it served as a 'silver lining' to the incident

On Wednesday, obtained a second video which purported to show the conversation which took place afterwards.

In it, a woman who belonged the group of Lahren's critics can be heard harassing her and labeling her a 'racist piece of s***'.

Someone in Lahren's group, likely her mother, hits back: 'Who do you think you are.'

The woman continued: 'What do I think I am? I am someone who has worked my entire life, I work with immigrants every single day of my life and I love, I love those people.

'Those people have worked their entire lives and they have earned their place here in America.'

Earlier, she fumed: 'I don't care what you have to say. You are a f****** racist piece of s**t.

'Sexist f****** piece of human garbage. You say all these awful things about immigrants, people of color.

'You can leave, you can leave. You're done.'

These days, politics are a topic to be avoided in any sort of conversation. While you can argue that it has always been a dividing subject, Donald Trump's election has brought out pure ugliness from both sides of the American political spectrum. One of the most well-known political commentators has to be Tomi Lahren. Aside from Kanye West's love of Candace Owens, Lahren has stirred up the most drama throughout Trump's political campaign, alienating a large crowd by way of her questionable comments on her television platform. Now acting as a contributor for Fox News, Lahren is still public enemy number 1 to a lot of people who have been offended by her remarks.

As likely one of the most hated people in the world, Tomi Lahren cannot go anywhere without having at least some shade thrown her way. The general public often does not agree with what she has to say and they make sure to voice it. Out at a Minneapolis restaurant, Tomi was the victim of a drink-throwing incident. As she walked out of the establishment, a group threw a drink at her and verbally attacked her with, "Fuck that b-tch," "fuck this h-e" and "racist ass b-tch" being spewed her way. TMZ managed to catch video of the incident and they are reporting that some of the water got onto Lahren's mother as well.

Tomi Lahren was escorted out of the restaurant by staff after the incident. Regardless of if you love her or hate her, there has to be a more mature way of handling this situation. Watch the video below.

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