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Sarawak Report

There await plenty more episodes to watch around the demise of UMNO's power couple. A thousand cover-ups to be unravelled and billions of dollars to be unearthed - handbags, diamonds, will all come tumbling out. But, the danger is now over - Najib is gone.....

The Sarawak Report and Medium are now accessible again after being barred by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission for more than two years.

In July 2015, the MCMC blocked access to the Sarawak Report on grounds that it undermines the stability of the nation.

MCMC said the website was blocked under Section 211 and 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 following complaints that it was posting unsubstantiated information.

The complaints were regarding its coverage surrounding embattled sovereign investment fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MBD), with MCMC adding that the website would remain blocked until the special task force on 1MBD completed its investigations.

The Sarawak Report then started uploading its content to publishing platform Medium, resulting in the latter also being blocked by the MCMC in January 2016.

Though MCMC made announcements on its Facebook page when blocking these sites, no announcement has been made on why the sites have been unblocked. We have reached out to MCMC for comments.

Malaysians can expect many more months of further revelations and further detail around these matters. Unblocked tonight for the first time in over two years Sarawak Report will join Malaysia's burgeoning free media in covering some of them....

Whistleblower website Sarawak Report and blog host are now accessible in Malaysia again after being blocked for more than two years.

Sarawak Report played a pivotal role in exposing the 1MDB saga, beginning in 2014 with a series of articles exposing businessperson Jho Low's lavish parties with US celebrities...

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