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Mother’s Day: Five inappropriate cards you should probably avoid

A surefire way to ensure you and mom can never make eye contact again.

Image Credits: Pixabay

The big one is here and it’s time to treat your moms to what they deserve. However, Mother’s Day may have snuck up on a few of us this year.

All across South Africa, forgetful sons and daughters (it’ll mainly be the sons) are realising they’ve failed to remember one of the most important dates on the calendar. Queue the last-minute dash to the mall and eleventh-hour attempts to salvage something.

However, it could be worse. You could have sent your mom a selection of one of these bad boys. We’ve scoured the web to find some of the most inappropriate Mother’s Day cards you could ever wish to see.

Our plea is simple: If you are going to pick up a card today, make sure you don’t just pick any old shit up. You could end up giving your mom the fright of her life, or even ensure that the pair of you can never make eye contact again.

Be careful out there, everyone.

Inappropriate Mother’s Day Cards:

First off, we start with the facts of life. There’s only one way we all enter this world and it’s all thanks to the moms who “never stop pushing”, even from minute one:

In fact, you can never really thank your mom enough for carrying you around for nine months and suffering excruciating pain so you could experience life. Why not give your mother the apology she’s been waiting for?

Perhaps if you’re more tech-savvy than others, you’ll have the option of sending an e-card. Nothing says “I love you” like an e-mail, right? Well these things are also a hotbed for inappropriateness, as you can see here:

If you’re a young ‘un, you also have the option of warning your mom about the future. Being early twenties sucks for everyone, hey?

Then there’s the creepy. The plain old creepy that has no place in civilised society.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. If you’re children bring you one of these today, you have the right to disown them.

Mothers are God’s most precious gift to mankind. They are originators as well as protectors of life. Nothing is more cozy than the warmth of a mother’s hug and no one is a better life coach than her.We never realise the sacrifices our parents made while taking care of us, it is only when we have kids that we realise the difficult times our parents went through while bringing us up. Most of us take our mothers for granted and forget how many efforts she puts in to make us a better person each day. Mother’s Day is not just a single day when you should make her feel special but it is a day to remind you about that person in your life who has been selflessly taking care of you without expecting anything in return.So, thistake a pledge to take care of her and make her feel special every day of her life because she truly deserves it.

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