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Dr M: JASA, JKKKP, PEMANDU, MPN, SPAD akan dibubarkan

PUTRAJAYA: The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) will be abolished, with its duties now being carried out by the Transport Ministry.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that institutions set up by the previous administration will also be reviewed.

"Most of these institutions are not actually part of the government, and are supposed to advise the government. All these (institutions) will be disbanded," said Dr Mahathir after chairing the first Cabinet meeting at Perdana Putra here on Wednesday (May 23).

"We are studying which one we will have to scrap, which one we will continue, which one we will defer to a later date," he said.

Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini mengumumkan pembubaran lima agensi dan jawatankuasa kerajaan - Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN), Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung Persekutuan (JKKKP), Unit Pengurusan Prestasi dan Pelaksanaan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (PEMANDU), Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA) dan Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD).

Beliau membuat pengumuman itu semasa sidang akhbar mesyuarat pertama Kabinet yang baru hari ini, di Bangunan Perdana Putra, Putrajaya.

Dalam kes JKKKP yang dilantik oleh kerajaan persekutuan, perdana menteri berkata jawatankuasa berkenaan menjadi terlalu berunsur politk sedangkan peranannya dapat dilaksanakan oleh pegawai kerajaan lain.

Begitu juga, katanya, MPN yang peranannya untuk menyediakan maklumat akademik kepada kerajaan beralih menjadi badan politik yang digunakan untuk menyokong kerajaan BN.

"Sama ada ia akan dibawa semula dalam bentuk yang berbeza tidak pasti," katanya.

Mengenai SPAD, Mahathir berkata, peranannya akan dikembalikan kepada Kementerian Pengangkutan.

Kerajaan juga, menurut beliau, akan mengkaji membubarkan agensi penasihat lain yang dibentuk di bawah kerajaan BN sebelum ini.

Mengenai proses penamatan penjawat awam lantikan kontrak yang berkaitan politik akan diteruskan namun menurut perdana menteri, kerajaan akan mengambil kira golongan yang berpendapatan rendah.

Mengenai perkara berasingan, Mahathir berkata kerajaan juga akan mengkaji semula projek yang dimulakan semasa pentadbiran beka perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Ini termasuk projek projek Projek Laluan Kereta Api Pantai Timur (ECRL), Kereta Api Berkelajuan Tinggi Kuala Lumpur-Singapura (HSR) dan Bandar Malaysia.

SPAD is currently under the purview of the Prime Minister’s Department.

PUTRAJAYA: Transport Minister Anthony Loke will propose to the Cabinet that the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) be placed under his ministry to prevent the overlapping of tasks.

SPAD is currently under the Prime Minister’s Department.

Loke, who reported for duty as the new transport minister yesterday, said he was also determined to change the negative public perception towards the Road Transport Department (JPJ), which had been associated with the practice of “lesen kopi”, or getting a driver’s licence through corrupt means.

This would be done by inculcating a culture of high integrity, he said when addressing ministry staff here.

“When it comes to integrity, I want to make sure that all staff express it through action to ensure its effectiveness. I want the negative perception to be eliminated in government agencies, especially the JPJ,” he said.

“As a new minister, I’m open minded (and) I will learn. I also need the support of civil servants… many things need to implemented,” he said.

He also reminded ministry staff to always prioritise serving the people, not giving him special treatment as a minister.

“No need to treat me like a minister because I work for the people,” he said.

Government will also dissolve Jasa, SPAD, National Council of Professors.


PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today announced that the salaries of ministers would be reduced by 10%.

“Salaries of ministers are actually lower than some high ranking civil servants,” he said after chairing the first Cabinet meeting here today.

He also said Putrajaya would dissolve the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), the Special Affairs Department (Jasa) and the National Council of Professors.

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