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Bawa narkoba 3,2 kilogram dalam ransel dan magic com dari Malaysia, Ahmadi ditangkap

Since Prime Minister Mahathir’s announcement that certain government agencies will be dissolved, some confusion has gone up regarding MaGIC’s status.

Some reports indicate that Mahathir confirmed that MaGIC will be shut down, while others claim that his response came from a misheard question.

To allay these confusions, we reached out to MaGIC for a statement.

According to MaGIC, the Prime Minister is still reviewing all government agencies, and the final decision will be made once this review is concluded.

Meanwhile, it’s business as usual for MaGIC until they receive confirmation.

Their full statement can be read below:

“This morning the Prime Minister said that the review of all government agencies is still underway. He mentioned that final decisions would be made once this review was concluded and that some but not all of the agencies under review will be disbanded. We are watching the situation closely and waiting for further updates. In the meantime its business as usual for us at MaGIC as we continue our work to create a vibrant, open and collaborative entrepreneurship ecosystem in Malaysia that helps to nurture and inspire entrepreneurial talent as well as helping enable corporates to better connect and innovate with the startup community around them.”

In an announcement today, Mahathir confirmed that certain government agencies will be scrapped. This includes Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) and the Special Affairs Department (JASA) and Federal Village Development and Security Committee (JKKP)

The dissolved agencies will be absorbed by relevant ministries, and any assets or manpower will be redeployed where they are needed. - Penyelundupan narkoba jenis sabu dari Malaysia digagalkan petugas Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) Provinsi Jawa Timur. Satu orang ditangkap, berasal Madura.

Ahmadi alias Madi bin Bunadin (35), warga Dusun Panjelin, Sokobanah Daya, Kabupaten Sampang, Madura, Jawa Timur. Dari tangannya, BNN mengamankan barang bukti sabu sebanyak delapan bungkus beratnya sekitar 3,2 kilogram.

Brigjen Bambang Budi Santoso Kepala BNN Provinsi Jawa Timur menjelaskan, tersangka ditangkap petugas BNN pada Kamis (3/5) di Jalan Kedung Cowek, Kecamatan Kenjeran. Tepatnya di dekat pos polisi pintu masuk jembatan Tol Suramadu.

Saat itu, tersangka baru saja menerima paketan barang berupa sabu dari Malaysia yang langsung dibawanya ke Indonesia menggunakan jalur laut dan tiba di Jakarta .

Setelah itu, barang haram itu dibawa menggunakan transportasi darat bus menuju ke Madura. Namun, sesaat mau masuk di pintu Tol Jembatan Suramadu, tepatnya depan kantor polisi, bus dinaiki tersangka dihentikan petugas BNN.

"Dari Johor mereka menggunakan kapal sampai ke Riau, dilanjut lagi hingga ke Jakarta. Dari Jakarta menggunakan bus melalui jalur darat dan barang diterima oleh tersangka yang akan dilanjutkan ke Madura melalui Jembatan Suramadu," kata Bambang, Kamis (24/5).

Saat berada di pintu masuk Tol Jembatan Suramadu, lanjut Bambang, petugas menghentikan bus yang dinaiki tersangka setelah mendapatkan informasi sebelumnya.

Hasilnya, petugas menemukan narkoba jenis sabu tersimpan di dalam tas ransel 1,7 kilogram dan 1,5 kilogram disembunyikan dalam magic com. "Jadi totalnya 3,2 kilogram," urai dia.

Pada petugas, tersangka Ahmadi mengaku membawa narkoba dari Malaysia atas perintah temannya. Dia dijanjikan komisi jika berhasil membawa tas ransel dan magic com ke tangan pemesan.

"Saya hanya disuruh untuk membawa saja. Kalau sampai di Madura nantinya berhasil, akan mendapat komisi Rp 5 juta," aku tersangka.

Hasil tangkapan narkoba itu kini langsung dimusnahkan petugas BNN, karena berkas perkaranya sudah dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan Negeri Surabaya . [lia]

MaGIC Roundtable: Have you tried buying goods from a social enterprise?

1. Several mega projects by the Barisan Nasional government will be reviewed to cut costs, including Bandar Malaysia, Tun Razak Exchange and the Pan Borneo Highway.

2. Lower pay cheques for all ministers.

3. Proposed pay rise of civil servants from July 1 by the previous Barisan Nasional government could be reviewed.

4. Government agencies such as National Professors Council (MPN), Special Affairs Department (Jasa), the Residents’ Representatives Committee (JPP), the Malaysian External Intelligence Organisation (MEIO), the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), National Innovation Agency and the Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC) will be abolished.

5. SPAD to be absorbed under Transport Ministry.

6. SPAD chairman Tan Sri Isa Samad told to resign within a week.

7. Government to re-engage essential employees and those of lower pay.

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