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Why Adam Warlock Was Cut from Avengers: Infinity War Explained

Jakarta - Adam Warlock dipastikan belum diperkenalkan di 'Avengers: Infinity War'. Ini alasannya. Warlock merupakan makhluk kosmik yang diciptakan secara artifisial. Debutnya terjadi sejak 50 tahun lalu dalam komik. Adam Warlock adalah penjaga Soul Gem atau Soul Stone di Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ia juga diceritakan memimpin Avengers bertarung dengan Thanos. Thanos di Avengers: Infinity War Foto: Marvel Studios Tapi penulis naskah Infinity War, Christopher Markus menganggap kehadiran Warlock belum waktunya. Sebab kehadiran tiga puluhan superhero di dalamnya dirasa sudah begitu penuh sesak. "Kami tidak memperkenalkan Adam Warlock, karena ini adalah backbend besar dan praktis harus membuat film Adam Warlock untuk memperkenalkannya. Dia tidak bisa berjalan di layar begitu saja. Kami sudah memiliki banyak karakter! Dan kemudian ada orang lain yang tidak bisa kami gunakan. Seperti, Silver Surfer akan berguna, tetapi kami tidak bisa menyentuhnya. Saat ini," tuturnya seperti dilansir screenrant. Sebenarnya ada sedikit kisah dalam film 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' yang mengisahkan tentang sosok Adam. Di post credit, Ayesha, bangsa Sovereign memperkenalkan makhluk ciptaannya yang disebut dengan nama Adam.

Avengers: Infinity War screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have explained that including Adam Warlock in the movie would been “a massive backbend,” requiring a whole other movie just to introduce the character first. There has long been speculation about the character making an appearance in Avengers: Infinity War, given his strong connections to the Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet. However, last summer Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn confirmed that Adam Warlock was not a part of Infinity War, while cryptically adding that “he will have a future in the MCU.”

Adam Warlock is an artificially created cosmic being, designed to be the perfect human, who made his Marvel Comics debut more than fifty years ago. In the comics, Adam Warlock is the guardian of the Soul Gem (known as the Soul Stone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe), and has also wielded the Infinity Gauntlet. He notably led the fight against Thanos in The Infinity Gauntlet, the comic book upon which Infinity War is based.

While Adam Warlock might seem like the perfect fit for Infinity War, Markus explained to ET Online that the movie is already so packed with superheroes that there was no way to do the character justice:

“We didn’t introduce Adam Warlock, because it’s a massive backbend and you practically have to make an Adam Warlock movie to introduce him. He just can’t walk onscreen. So, there was a brief moment where we were like, Ehhh…, and then we were like– [He points to the movie’s poster.] We have that many characters already! And then there were others we couldn’t use. Like, Silver Surfer would have been useful, but we can’t touch him. Currently.”

In the same interview Markus and McFeely also revealed that, at one point, Infinity War‘s script included a giant snake.

Is there anything from your initial brainstorming or from those first drafts that got cut along the way that you wish would have made it in? Markus: I will tell you something that you will go, “Oh, I’m really glad that’s not in there.” Tell me. Markus: A giant f**king snake. Just huuuge! McFeely: Oh, we had a big snake. [Laughs] That’s right. Is that true? McFeely: Yeah, we had a big snake in there. Markus: We were sort of running on empty and we were like, “Snake? Big snake? Let’s try big snake.” And then everyone went insane.

While fans of Adam Warlock may be disappointed that he’s not a part of Infinity War (or next year’s sequel, Avengers 4), the screenwriters’ explanation makes a lot of sense. Adam Warlock is an important character with a great deal of history in the comics, and trying to find space to introduce him in a movie that’s already bursting at the seams with superheroes would have been nearly impossible. However, given Gunn’s statement that the character has a future in the MCU, don’t be surprised if he plays a key role in one of Marvel’s Phase 4 movies. Possibly alongside a giant snake.

Source: ET Online

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In just one day, fans will finally get to see Avengers: Infinity War on the big screen, which includes practically every major character from the MCU, and, according to the writers, it almost introduced a very important character. Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely revealed in a new interview that they almost introduced Adam Warlock, who is a pivotal character in the Infinity War comics, but they decided not to do so, for one big reason. Here's what Christopher Markus had to say below, when asked what comic book characters they had considered introducing in Infinity War but decided not to do so.

"We didn't introduce Adam Warlock, because it's a massive backbend and you practically have to make an Adam Warlock movie to introduce him. He just can't walk onscreen. So, there was a brief moment where we were like, Ehhh..., and then we were like- (He points to the movie's poster). We have that many characters already! And then there were others we couldn't use. Like, Silver Surfer would have been useful, but we can't touch him. Currently."

While McFeely wouldn't elaborate, he added that there are, "certainly a handful of pretty crazy things that we put in for several drafts and took out." Markus did say there is one specific thing that was in earlier drafts and he's glad they took out, which is, "a giant f---ing snake!" Unfortunately, he wouldn't elaborate or give any context as to why there was, "a giant f---ing snake." Markus and McFeely had previously written all three of the Captain America movies, but Markus added that putting Cap into an ensemble has proven to be quite tricky.

"When you can dedicate the whole movie to him, his sort of single-mindedness becomes the whole point of the movie. He is the dead center of everything and he's going forward and people are trying to turn him, and he doesn't turn. When he's not the dead center of the movie, when he's in an ensemble, it's harder to throw just a little to him. Because you think, 'Oh, he's not reacting. Why isn't he reacting?' Because he's f**king Captain America. He doesn't react. He punches you. So, he was a little hard to calibrate in a way that I didn't expect. I thought he'd be the easiest one, because we were like, 'Ah, we know him.'"

Markus and McFeely also confirmed that they broke the story for both Avengers: Infinity War and the still-untitled Avengers 4 together, and that they had two different "boards" for each movie, adding that they wrote them, "one after the other." McFeely elaborated that they wrote the "rough draft of one, wrote the rough draft of two, finished one, finished two and then I think turned them in on a Friday and the following Friday." As for Adam Warlock, his presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was first revealed in one of the five post-credit scenes for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but there has been no confirmation as to when we might fully see him on the big screen. Head over to Entertainment Tonight for their full interview with Avengers: Infinity War writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.

In case you had forgotten, there are 76 characters jam-packed into the upcoming Marvel Studios movie, Avengers: Infinity War. But there’s one familiar Marvel Comics character that you were never going to see in Infinity War: Adam Warlock.

An Adam Warlock appearance was never in the cards for screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, despite the pivotal role the cosmic character plays in the Infinity Gauntlet comics. And knowing how many characters Markus and McFeely had to give screentime, that’s no surprise. But what is surprising is that the duo almost introduced a giant snake instead.

In the comics, Adam Warlock is an artificially created cosmic being who is designed to be the perfect human. Charged with guarding the Soul Gem (or Soul Stone, if you want to get MCU technical about it), Adam Warlock leads the fight against Thanos in the Infinity Gauntlet comic book crossover event — the basis for the Infinity War movie.

In an interview with ET Online, Markus and McFeely explained that including Adam Warlock in the movie would been “a massive backbend” in order to introduce this pivotal character that no one had ever heard of before. Markus said:

“We didn’t introduce Adam Warlock, because it’s a massive backbend and you practically have to make an Adam Warlock movie to introduce him. He just can’t walk onscreen. So, there was a brief moment where we were like, Ehhh…, and then we were like– [He points to the movie’s poster.] We have that many characters already! And then there were others we couldn’t use. Like, Silver Surfer would have been useful, but we can’t touch him. Currently.”

At 2 hours and 40 minutes, Avengers: Infinity War is already pushing the limits of how many characters and storylines audiences can handle. Add one more in there, and they’ll just go insane. Though I hear that “insane” is what the entire plot of Infinity War feels like — in a good way.

But hey, why not add to the insanity with a giant snake? That is apparently a very real idea that Markus and McFeely had when they ran into writer’s block. “We were sort of running on empty and we were like, ‘Snake? Big snake? Let’s try big snake.’ And then everyone went insane,” Markus said.

Ultimately, the giant snake was cut (sorry to all you reptile fans), though Adam Warlock could see a future in the MCU. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has previously teased that Adam Warlock “will have a future in the MCU,” and an intriguing post-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 may have just hinted at his introduction. Unfortunately, the giant snake probably has less of a bright future.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018.

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