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Ep37 - Yexian proposed to Yunxian by gifting her a white bird but Yunxian feigned ignorance of his intentions, and purposely set the bird free. Yexian was upset after another failed attempt in convincing Yunxian to marry him, so he banished her to do hard labor along with the other men. Ep38 - The weather was severely cold and all the Wala guards retreated for warmth, giving Qizhen and his gang an easy escape. But they are surrounded by a pack of wolves. Qizhen led his gang fend off the wolves. (PG-些许暴力画面)第37集-也先借汉诗“贽白雁为礼”(下一句是“以求好合”)向允贤求婚,允贤却假装不明白其中内涵。向允却故意把白雁给放了。也先反复想允贤确认心意,允贤却说自己不会卖主求荣嫁给仇敌,这一番话激怒了也先。也先将允贤送去淘金河和战俘们一起做苦力。第38集-草原上大雪封门,瓦剌士兵都不在了,大家冒雪逃跑,却遇到了狼群的围堵,祈镇指挥大家奋力反抗,终于击退了狼群。

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Maren Morris is excited about her "genre-less" new album.

The 'Seeing Blind' hitmaker is starting work on her second LP and loves all the "creative freedom" she gets with her new music.

She said: "I'm about to record my second album, that's a really exciting and stressful time because it's a big deal and he [her husband Ryan] keeps me straight and we're just so happy to be married now and we've got our dogs waiting at home for us, so it's a good life ... I think that's the direction that music is turning now, it's very genre-less, it's boundless. I feel so excited to be able to do what I do but also on the side get to have these amazing realms of creative freedom in other genres, too."

And the 28-year-old singer promises her new album will be "much more positive" and will also feature love songs about her husband.

She added to Fox News: "I think [it's] much more positive. Not that 'Hero' was a negative album, but I was going through a break-up at the time so that's kind of where my headspace was when I put it out. This one, you know, I fell in love during all the writing processes of this record. So a lot more love songs ... it's more grown up and yeah, I've just been putting in fake track lists in my head of all the songs that I've written and it's so exciting because it's like switching things around and there's so many different facets of the sound so it's country, it's R&B, but you know it's just a couple years later in my life than the last one."

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