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Salman Khan Dihukum 5 Tahun Penjara Terkait Kasus Pembunuhan Satwa Langka : Okezone Celebrity

NEW DELHI - Status bad boy tampaknya masih tersemat dalam sosok Salman Khan . Di tengah kesibukannya syuting dan promosi film terbarunya, Salman harus menghadapi fakta bahwa dirinya telah dinyatakan bersalah dan dihukum 5 tahun penjara.

Baca Juga: Nyanyikan Lagu untuk Katrina Kaif, Salman Khan Jadi Sorotan

Pada Kamis (5/4/2018), kepolisian India menahan Salman setelah pengadilan India menyatakan sang aktor bersalah dalam kasus perburuan satwa liar, antelope. Salman dan sejumlah rekannya dituduh telah membunuh satwa langka tersebut dalam perburuan pada 1 Oktober 1998 silam.

Salman dijatuhi hukuman berdasar pasal 51 Undang-Undang Perlindungan Satwa Liar. Sementara rekan-rekannya yang lain menghadapi tuntutan pasal 51 dan 149 berdasar KUHP India. Maksimal hukuman berdasar pasal 51 tersebut adalah 6 tahun.

Dua dekade silam, Salman berburu di daerah desa Kankani, Jodhpur bersama Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam dan Tabu. Dalam perburuan tersebut, Salman dituduh telah membunuh dua antelope yang kala itu berada dalam status satwa langka.

Kuasa hukum Salman berniat mengajukan masa percobaan atas hukuman yang dijatuhkan pada aktor 52 tahun itu. Apalagi kuasa hukum Salman melihat adanya celah dalam putusan yang dibuat hakim.

Menurut HM Saraswat, kuasa hukum Salman, pengadilan gagal menunjukkan bukti kuat yang menunjukkan bintang Tiger Zinda Hai itu membunuh dua antelope. Lebih jauh, Saraswat menuduh pengadilan merekayasa bukti.

"Jaksa gagal membuktikan tuduhan atas terdakwa dan telah merusak dan merekayasa bukti serta dokumen dan juga menggunakan saksi palsu untuk membuktikan kasus ini," ujar Saraswati seperti dilansir Times of India .

Ia melanjutkan, "Mereka gagal membuktikan jika kedua antelope itu dibunuh dengan senjata api. Oleh karena itu penyelidikan semacam ini tidak dapat dipercaya."

Baca Juga: Gengsi, Katrina Kaif Tolak Sebut Salman Khan Sebagai Mentor

Sebelumnya, Salman mengaku jika dirinya dijebak. Mantan Katrina Kaif ini mengklaim jika kedua antelope itu meninggal karena sebab wajar, bukan karena dibunuh olehnya menggunakan senjata api seperti dituduhkan padanya.

(CNN) Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been sentenced to serve five years in prison after being convicted of illegal poaching in a decades-old case, prosecutors said Thursday.

Bhawani Singh, a public prosecutor working on the case, told reporters outside the court that Khan can appeal the decision to a higher court. If Khan's appeal is accepted, he could be granted bail or have his sentence suspended.

Khan, one of India's most recognizable and bankable actors, was found guilty of killing two blackbucks, a type of antelope found in the country, while working on a film in the northwestern Indian state of Rajasthan in the 1998. He was also fined 10,000 Indian rupees ($150).

Prosecutors alleged the 52-year-old shot the two blackbucks while out driving with some of his co-stars.

Khan pleaded not guilty and has long maintained his innocence as the case has languished in legal limbo over the years. Khan's lawyers said he was carrying an air gun, which cannot be used for hunting an antelope.

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Salman Khan Dibui Lima Tahun atas Kasus Perburuan Ilegal

Resty Armenia , CNN Indonesia | Kamis, 05/04/2018 19:45 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Bintang Bollywood Salman Khan dijatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara setelah dinyatakan bersalah atas kasus perburuan ilegal yang dilakukannya satu dekade lalu. Melansir CNN , pada Kamis (5/4), Jaksa Penuntut Umum Bhawani Singh mengungkap kepada para jurnalis yang berada di luar pengadilan bahwa Salman bisa mengajukan banding ke pengadilan tinggi. Jika pengajuan banding itu diterima, maka sang aktor bisa diberi jaminan atau hukumannya ditangguhkan. Salman, salah satu aktor paling terkenal di India, dinyatakan bersalah karena membunuh antelop India (blackbuck) saat menggarap sebuah film di Rajasthan, India pada 1998 silam. Dia juga didenda 10 ribu rupee (sekitar Rp2,1 juta) kala itu.

Para jaksa menduga aktor yang kini berusia 52 tahun itu menembak dua ekor antelop India saat keluar mengendarai mobil bersama rekan-rekannya sepuluh tahun lalu. Salman membantah dirinya bersalah dan bisa terbebas dari hukuman selama bertahun-tahun karena kasusnya mulai dilupakan. Pengacara Salman mengatakan kliennya hanya menenteng senapan angin ( air gun ), yang mana tidak bisa digunakan untuk berburu antelop. Aktor lain, Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu dan Neelam Khotari juga dijatuhi hukuman atas tuduhan persekongkolan kriminal, namun dibebaskan.

[Gambas:Instagram] Salman memang dikenal sebagai cowok bandel di kalangan industri Bollywood karena telah beberapa kali berurusan dengan hukum. Pada 2015, dia dinyatakan bersalah atas kasus tabrak lari yang mematikan dan dijatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara. Pengadilan tinggi kemudian menghapus hukuman karena bukti-bukti yang ditunjukkan dinilai kurang cukup. Putra dari penulis skrip kawakan Salim Khan ini debut di dunia perfilman India pada 1988. sejak itu, kariernya terus menanjak. Kini, Salman merupakan salah satu pesohor paling bersinar di India. Ke manapun dia melangkah ke tempat publik, maka di situ ada kerumuman orang yang ingin sekedar melihat wajahnya atau bahkan bersalaman atau berfoto bersama.

Salman memiliki lebih dari 32 juta pengikut di Twitter dan 15,3 juta pengikut di Instagram. Ia duduk di peringkat 71 di daftar selebriti dengan bayaran paling mahal di dunia versi Forbes, dan peringkat 9 di daftar aktor dengan bayaran paling tinggi dengan estimasi penghasilan US$37 juta (Rp509,4 miliar) pada 2017. Rekannya, Shah Rukh Khan, berada di posisi ke-8 di daftar itu, satu-satunya aktor India yang berpenghasilan lebih banyak dari Salman.

Actor says he will appeal against sentence after being convicted of poaching blackbucks in 1998

The Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been sentenced to five years in jail for poaching a protected species of Indian antelope, in the latest twist to an off-screen life almost as dramatic as the epics he has starred in.

A court in Rajasthan state on Thursday found Khan, one of the world’s best-paid actors, guilty of illegally hunting the two blackbucks from his car window while filming in Jodhpur in 1998.

Public prosecutors alleged that Khan, 52, and four other actors in the car with him fled the scene when they were spotted, leaving the animals’ carcasses behind.

The other actors, among them Saif Ali Khan and Sonali Bendre, were acquitted by the court in Jodhpur for lack of evidence.

India’s wildlife protection act bans the hunting of all but a few species of wild animals without a special permit.

As well as the five-year sentence the court also fined Khan 10,000 rupees (£109). His lawyers said they would appeal against the decision. and an urgent bail hearing had been scheduled for 10.30am on Friday.

Khan was taken to Jodhpur central jail after visiting a local hospital for a medical examination.

ANI (@ANI) Rajasthan: #SalmanKhan in Jodhpur Central Jail premises. #BlackBuckPoachingCase

Hundreds of police had surrounded the courtroom in Jodhpur to keep back fans of the actor, known for his bad-boy image and macho film roles.

Khan has long maintained that he was framed by forest officials “for publicity” and that the blackbucks could have died from natural causes such as overeating.

Khan’s lawyer Anand Desai said in a statement he was surprised by the judgment as the facts of the case mirrored those the Rajasthan high court had relied on to suspend his client’s conviction for the same crime in 2007.

He also questioned why the other accused has been let free, which he said implied “that Salman was out hunting alone in the middle of the night in a remote area outside Jodhpur”.

At the time of the poaching, blackbucks were regarded as a vulnerable animal, but have since been reclassified as a species of “least concern”, though they remain protected by Indian wildlife regulations.

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Salman Khan with Kareena Kapoor in the 2011 film Bodyguard. Photograph: PR Image

Khan has a history of brushes with the law. In 2015, he was acquitted of killing a homeless man in a hit-and-run incident in 2002, a decision now being challenged in the supreme court.

His fellow Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai, a former girlfriend, accused Khan of verbal and physical abuse in a 2002 interview – allegations Khan has denied.

Khan was first arrested in the poaching case in October 1998 after reports emerged that he had hunted the two antelopeand at least three other gazelles.

Eight years later, he was convicted of killing the blackbucks and sentenced to five years in prison, a decision he appealed to the Rajasthan high court, which suspended the sentence in August 2007 after the actor had spent two short stints in jail.

The charges were revised and laid again the following year, and have hung over Khan for the past decade, preventing him from obtaining a UK visa in 2013 until the Rajasthan government asked the court to give him leeway to travel.

In 2016, he was acquitted of separate poaching charges relating to the gazelles.

The allegations of poaching against the actor were first made by a member of the Bishnoi community in Rajasthan, a sect that considers blackbucks to be a reincarnation of their 15th-century guru.

Poonamchand Bishnoi reportedly told the court he had heard gunshots and saw headlights the night of the poaching and wrote down the registration number of the hunter’s car as it sped away.

Members of the sect who were gathered outside the court cheered as the verdict was read and Khan was led into a police vehicle.

Cases in India’s overburdened legal system can take years to be processed but the lingering poaching charges have failed to dampen the often obsessive devotion Khan commands from his fans.

“Khan’s bad-boy image has sustained him from the beginning of his career,” said Anna MM Vetticad, an Indian film industry journalist and author.

“The frequent reports of drunken misbehaviour in public, indiscipline at work and girlfriend abuse, along with the hit-and-run and poaching cases that finally landed him in court, have contributed greatly to fan enthusiasm for him.”

His mostly male followers see something of their own struggles in those of the man they call “Salman-bhai”, or Salman-brother, she added. “To them, [he] is a golden-hearted man-child whose charitable trust is reason enough to forgive him for what they consider mere human failings.”

He earned $37m (£26m) last year, according to Forbes, making him India’s second-highest paid entertainer after Shah Rukh Khan.

His latest film, Tiger Zinda Hai, about a soldier who goes into Iraq to rescue hostages from Islamic State, collected about $85m worldwide.

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