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Salman Khan Dibui Lima Tahun atas Kasus Perburuan Ilegal

NEW DELHI - Status bad boy tampaknya masih tersemat dalam sosok Salman Khan . Di tengah kesibukannya syuting dan promosi film terbarunya, Salman harus menghadapi fakta bahwa dirinya telah dinyatakan bersalah dan dihukum 5 tahun penjara.

Baca Juga: Nyanyikan Lagu untuk Katrina Kaif, Salman Khan Jadi Sorotan

Pada Kamis (5/4/2018), kepolisian India menahan Salman setelah pengadilan India menyatakan sang aktor bersalah dalam kasus perburuan satwa liar, antelope. Salman dan sejumlah rekannya dituduh telah membunuh satwa langka tersebut dalam perburuan pada 1 Oktober 1998 silam.

Salman dijatuhi hukuman berdasar pasal 51 Undang-Undang Perlindungan Satwa Liar. Sementara rekan-rekannya yang lain menghadapi tuntutan pasal 51 dan 149 berdasar KUHP India. Maksimal hukuman berdasar pasal 51 tersebut adalah 6 tahun.

Dua dekade silam, Salman berburu di daerah desa Kankani, Jodhpur bersama Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam dan Tabu. Dalam perburuan tersebut, Salman dituduh telah membunuh dua antelope yang kala itu berada dalam status satwa langka.

Kuasa hukum Salman berniat mengajukan masa percobaan atas hukuman yang dijatuhkan pada aktor 52 tahun itu. Apalagi kuasa hukum Salman melihat adanya celah dalam putusan yang dibuat hakim.

Menurut HM Saraswat, kuasa hukum Salman, pengadilan gagal menunjukkan bukti kuat yang menunjukkan bintang Tiger Zinda Hai itu membunuh dua antelope. Lebih jauh, Saraswat menuduh pengadilan merekayasa bukti.

"Jaksa gagal membuktikan tuduhan atas terdakwa dan telah merusak dan merekayasa bukti serta dokumen dan juga menggunakan saksi palsu untuk membuktikan kasus ini," ujar Saraswati seperti dilansir Times of India .

Ia melanjutkan, "Mereka gagal membuktikan jika kedua antelope itu dibunuh dengan senjata api. Oleh karena itu penyelidikan semacam ini tidak dapat dipercaya."

Baca Juga: Gengsi, Katrina Kaif Tolak Sebut Salman Khan Sebagai Mentor

Sebelumnya, Salman mengaku jika dirinya dijebak. Mantan Katrina Kaif ini mengklaim jika kedua antelope itu meninggal karena sebab wajar, bukan karena dibunuh olehnya menggunakan senjata api seperti dituduhkan padanya.

(CNN) Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been sentenced to serve five years in prison after being convicted of illegal poaching in a decades-old case, prosecutors said Thursday.

Bhawani Singh, a public prosecutor working on the case, told reporters outside the court that Khan can appeal the decision to a higher court. If Khan's appeal is accepted, he could be granted bail or have his sentence suspended.

Khan, one of India's most recognizable and bankable actors, was found guilty of killing two blackbucks, a type of antelope found in the country, while working on a film in the northwestern Indian state of Rajasthan in the 1998. He was also fined 10,000 Indian rupees ($150).

Prosecutors alleged the 52-year-old shot the two blackbucks while out driving with some of his co-stars.

Khan pleaded not guilty and has long maintained his innocence as the case has languished in legal limbo over the years. Khan's lawyers said he was carrying an air gun, which cannot be used for hunting an antelope.

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Salman Khan Dibui Lima Tahun atas Kasus Perburuan Ilegal

Resty Armenia , CNN Indonesia | Kamis, 05/04/2018 19:45 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Bintang Bollywood Salman Khan dijatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara setelah dinyatakan bersalah atas kasus perburuan ilegal yang dilakukannya satu dekade lalu. Melansir CNN , pada Kamis (5/4), Jaksa Penuntut Umum Bhawani Singh mengungkap kepada para jurnalis yang berada di luar pengadilan bahwa Salman bisa mengajukan banding ke pengadilan tinggi. Jika pengajuan banding itu diterima, maka sang aktor bisa diberi jaminan atau hukumannya ditangguhkan. Salman, salah satu aktor paling terkenal di India, dinyatakan bersalah karena membunuh antelop India (blackbuck) saat menggarap sebuah film di Rajasthan, India pada 1998 silam. Dia juga didenda 10 ribu rupee (sekitar Rp2,1 juta) kala itu.

Para jaksa menduga aktor yang kini berusia 52 tahun itu menembak dua ekor antelop India saat keluar mengendarai mobil bersama rekan-rekannya sepuluh tahun lalu. Salman membantah dirinya bersalah dan bisa terbebas dari hukuman selama bertahun-tahun karena kasusnya mulai dilupakan. Pengacara Salman mengatakan kliennya hanya menenteng senapan angin ( air gun ), yang mana tidak bisa digunakan untuk berburu antelop. Aktor lain, Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu dan Neelam Khotari juga dijatuhi hukuman atas tuduhan persekongkolan kriminal, namun dibebaskan.

[Gambas:Instagram] Salman memang dikenal sebagai cowok bandel di kalangan industri Bollywood karena telah beberapa kali berurusan dengan hukum. Pada 2015, dia dinyatakan bersalah atas kasus tabrak lari yang mematikan dan dijatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara. Pengadilan tinggi kemudian menghapus hukuman karena bukti-bukti yang ditunjukkan dinilai kurang cukup. Putra dari penulis skrip kawakan Salim Khan ini debut di dunia perfilman India pada 1988. sejak itu, kariernya terus menanjak. Kini, Salman merupakan salah satu pesohor paling bersinar di India. Ke manapun dia melangkah ke tempat publik, maka di situ ada kerumuman orang yang ingin sekedar melihat wajahnya atau bahkan bersalaman atau berfoto bersama.

Salman memiliki lebih dari 32 juta pengikut di Twitter dan 15,3 juta pengikut di Instagram. Ia duduk di peringkat 71 di daftar selebriti dengan bayaran paling mahal di dunia versi Forbes, dan peringkat 9 di daftar aktor dengan bayaran paling tinggi dengan estimasi penghasilan US$37 juta (Rp509,4 miliar) pada 2017. Rekannya, Shah Rukh Khan, berada di posisi ke-8 di daftar itu, satu-satunya aktor India yang berpenghasilan lebih banyak dari Salman.

Bollywood star Salman Khan was on Thursday sentenced to five years in prison after Dabangg actor was convicted of killing two blackbucks in Rajasthan. Khan has been asked to pay a fine of Rs 10,000 in the 19-year-old case. However, Khan's co-stars Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam who were also accused have been acquitted.

In 1998, while filming for Sooraj Barjatya's Hum Saath Saath Hain, Salman Khan along with his co-actors Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam were charged with poaching blackbucks near Kankani village in Jodhpur. Blackbucks or the Indian antelope is a kind of endangered species that's protected under the Wildlife Protection Act.

According to reports, Salman Khan and his co-stars went for an alleged hunting session during the shooting of the film and killed two blackbucks. The Bishnoi community, angered by this occurrence filed a complaint against the stars. Khan was also charged for keeping an arm under an expired arms licence but was later acquitted by a trial court.

Khan was also accused of allegedly killing two chinkaras or Indian gazelle in Bhawad and another in Mathania, both in Rajasthan, He was later acquitted by the Rajasthan High Court in 2016 for the poaching of chinkaras.

Last week, final arguments from both the parties were presented. Here are the LIVE updates of the verdict.

7:07pm: The actor has also been assigned inmate number 106 at the Jodhpur Central Jail.

#SalmanKhan has been given number 106 & is lodged in Ward number 2. He was made to undergo medical test & has no medical issues. He hasn't made any demands. We'll give him jail uniform tomorrow. Multiple-layer security has been put up for his ward: Vikram Singh, Jodhpur DIG(Jail) - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

7:05pm: Salman Khan allotted barrack number 2, which is also known as Derh Barrack.

5:38pm: Visuals from Jodhpur jail premises.

5:33pm: Salman Khan's lawyers issue a statement, say that the judgment implies that Khan was out hunting alone in the middle of the night at a remote area in Jodhpur.

Official statement by Salman Khan's lawyers: - Komal Nahta (@KomalNahta) April 5, 2018

4:35pm: "We are happy for us but we are disappointed for #SalmanKhan. Justice has not been given properly in this case. I am feeling bad for him," says Samir Soni, actor and husband of actress Neelam.

We are happy for us but we are disappointed for #SalmanKhan. Justice has not been given properly in this case. I am feeling bad for him: Samir Soni, actor and husband of actress Neelam - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

4:03pm: Actor Arjun Rampal too said he was disappointed with the verdict. He says that the sentence is too harsh and that his heart goes out to Salman Khan and his family.

The law takes its course. Can't argue it. But at this point in time I just feel helpless and my heart goes out to @BeingSalmanKhan and his family. Reason, cause the last thing @BeingSalmanKhan is, is a criminal.I feel this is too harsh. I do hope he gets the relief he deserves. - arjun rampal (@rampalarjun) April 5, 2018

3:57pm: Filmmaker Subhash Ghai expressed his disappointement on the verdict. "I am extremely shocked to hear Salman Khan being convicted by session court but also having full trust in indian judiciary which has many other doors to appeal for final justice whatsoever. Since He is most loved person by industry N people for his human reasons too,"he tweeted.

I am extremely shocked to hear @BeingSalmanKhan being convicted by session court but also having full trust in indian judiciary which has many other doors to appeal for final justice whatsoever. Since He is most loved person by industry N people for his human reasons too. - Subhash Ghai (@SubhashGhai1) April 5, 2018

3:40pm: Hearing in the bail application to take place tomorrow in Jodhpur Session Court.

3:38pm: "I feel bad. He should be given relief. He has done a lot of humanitarian work," says Jaya Bachchan, Rajya Sabha MP.

I feel bad. He should be given relief. He has done a lot of humanitarian work: Jaya Bachchan, Rajya Sabha MP on - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

3:37pm: Members of the Bishnoi community celebrate outside the court.

Rajasthan: Members of Bishnoi community celebrate outside Jodhpur Court after the Court pronounced 5-year-imprisonment to Salman Khan in - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

3:10pm: The actor will have to spend the night at Jodhpur prison.

3:04pm: Salman Khan's lawyers have moved a bail application in the session court.

2:54pm: The actor will first undergo a medical examination and then to the jail.

Rajasthan: Salman Khan being brought out of Jodhpur Court. He has been awarded 5-year-imprisonment in #BlackBuckPoachingCase. - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

2:50pm: Salman Khan has been taken into custody.

2:29pm: While Khan's legal team is back to work, the Bishnoi community and supporters celebrate the sentencing, as mentioned in a report by News18.

2:19pm: Khan could appeal in the Rajasthan High Court against this verdict.

2:16pm: The actor will be taken straight to Jodhpur Central Jail.

2:11pm: Salman Khan has been sentenced to five years in jail and a penalty of Rs 10,000.

Actor Salman Khan sent to jail for 5 years in #BlackBuckPoachingCase, a penalty of Rs 10,000 also levied on him. - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

1:42pm: As Salman Khan awaits the verdict, Bollywood too stands to lose over Rs 1000 crore. The actor is currently working on four movies - Race 3, Bharat, Dabangg 3 and Kick 2.

12:58pm: "We'll analyse the judgement. We want an immediate appeal to be filed against those who have been acquitted and we also demand maximum punishment for Salman Khan," says Rampal Bhawad, State President of Bishnoi Tigers Vanya Evam Paryavaran Sanstha.

We'll analyse the judgement. We want an immediate appeal to be filed against those who have been acquitted and we also demand maximum punishment for Salman Khan: Rampal Bhawad, State President, Bishnoi Tigers Vanya Evam Paryavaran Sanstha - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

12:53pm: The public prosecutor said that the arguments over the quantum of sentence is over. Judge Dev Kumar Khatri would pronounce the sentence today itself after lunch. Meanwhile, the other accused have left the premises of Jodhpur court.

12:48pm: "The sentence has not been pronounced as of now," Bhawani Singh, Public Prosecutor says.

The sentence has not been pronounced as of now: Bhawani Singh, Public Prosecutor on Salman Khan - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

12:46pm: The quantam has not been announced. According to News18, when lawyers showed the victory sign, reporters believed it to be two years.

12:28pm: Salman Khan sentenced to two years in prison. He is likely to get bail on Thursday itself. He also also been fined Rs 50,000.

12:11pm: Dushyant Singh, a local who was also accused with the actors has been acquitted.

12:10pm: The post-mortem report along with witness accounts nailed the actor, a report in The Indian Express mentions.

Also read: Salman Khan-linked stocks fall after court convicts actor

12:07pm: The actor will be taken to Jodhpur Central Jail that also currently houses Asaram Bapu, Malkhan Singh Vishnoi and Shambhu Lal Regar.

12:05pm: Salman Khan, who has been convicted under Section 51 of the Wildlife Protection Act could be sentenced to maximum six years in prison. If he is sentenced for three years, the star could appeal for bail.

12:03pm: Bishnoi Sabha to appeal against the acquittal of Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam.

11:59am: Salman Khan's counsels are praying for probation.

Argument on quantum of punishment is on. Salman Khan's counsels are praying for probation: NS Solanki, lawyer of Dushyant Singh who was co-accused in blackbuck poaching case - ANI (@ANI) April 5, 2018

11:50am: Quantum of the sentence will be announced shortly.

11:45am: The court found sufficient evidence against Salman Khan. Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam were given the benefit of doubt.

11:40am: Salman Khan has been convicted of killing the blackbucks, but the rest of the accused have been acquitted.

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