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‘Dukun’ Is Finally Coming To Cinemas After A 12-Year Ban

Images: Astro Shaw

Thriller fans, rejoice! It has finally been confirmed that 'Dukun' will be making its way to the silver screens after being banned for more than a decade.The controversial movie directed by Dain Said, is an adaptation of real life events surrounding a Malaysian politician, the late Datuk Mazlan Idris, and alleged witch doctor Mona Fandey.The high-profile case garnered nationwide attention back in 1993 due to its gory nature and the influential people involved.Although decades have passed, the story is still remembered up until today.Mona Fandey was later found guilty of murdering the politician and was suspected of practising black magic. She was executed in November 2001.The movie was mysteriously leaked on the internet earlier this year in February, so it’s a surprise that 'Dukun' will finally be getting its time on the silver the star and plays the lead of the movie, a female bomoh namedplays politicianOther local actors and actresses who will also appear in this horror-thriller are, andUmie Aida couldn’t be more elated following the news and told Harian Metro that the 12-year wait was worth it despite the fact that she has come to terms with the fact that the movie may never be screened in cinemas.“I was informed that the movie will be shown in theatres last week. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it espescially after the film was banned in December 2006,” she told the Malay daily.Rojak Daily did a quick check on the movie showtimes to see if 'Dukun' is really coming to cinemas and according to our findings, you can watch it as soon asWe know a lot of you (including us) are looking forward to watching this movie, but just a head’s up: a lot of scenes have been cut out so the one showing in cinemas will be different than the one previously leaked online.'Dukun' premieres in a cinema near you this

After more than a decade on the shelf, Malaysian horror film Dukun – from award-winning director Dain Said – will finally see release on Apr 5, 2018. Production company Astro Shaw announced the movie’s official screening date via Instagram on Apr 1.

Dukun is the story of an investigation into the death of a politician at the hands of a bomoh (or shaman), played by actress Datin Paduka Umie Aida.

The movie’s screenplay by Huzir Sulaiman is believed to be loosely based on the sensational real-life case of Mona Fandey, a singer-turned-witch doctor convicted for the 1993 murder of politico Mazlan Idris. She was executed on Nov 2, 2001 at age 45.

Astro Shaw completed the film in 2007 but never released it. No official statement was ever given for the delay. Dukun also stars Faizal Hussein, Bront Palarae, Namron and Elyana.

Announcement of the film’s release also answered questions about the “girl in red kebaya” video clip, which has been gone viral on local social media since last week. One user posted footage of a ghostly figure in a red dress walking alone on a road at night.

The clip may have been a promotional tool by Astro Shaw to hype the release of Dukun. Prior to yesterday’s announcement, a teaser image with the tagline “Perempuan Kebaya Merah” and “Akhirnya Kita Bertemu” (Finally, we meet) was also shared on its Instagram page.

The woman in the red kebaya is, of course, actress Umie Aida in her character’s clothes as shown on the movie’s poster.

Dukun Millennial INGAT!! Di dunia ini kita tidak pernah sendirian.... Follow -Ternyata pria yang ingin menciderai Prabowo Subianto, dengan cara santet hingga Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra itu lumpuh dan stroke, seorang paranormal di wilayah Kediri, Jawa Timur.

Dari hasil penelusuran Senin, 2 April 2018, pria berjuluk Harimau Jawa itu ternyata bernama Ario Candra Ari Wibowo.

Di Facebook pribadinya, Ario tak banyak membeberkan jati dirinya. Sejak bergabung di Facebook pada 2016 dengan nama akun ario.c.wibowo.3.

Selain itu, Ario baru memasang enam foto, yaitu dua foto bergambar matahari, dua foto dia bersama seorang wanita, satu foto tulisan sansekerta dan satu foto Ario saat bertelanjang dada di sebuah gunung.

VIVA berusaha berkomunikasi dengan Ario alias Harimau Jawa tentang video pernyataan akan menyantet Prabowo. Hanya saja, belum ada tanggapan apapun dari Ario.

Untuk diketahui, Harimau Jawa ini bikin heboh jagat maya karena tiba-tiba menyatakan sakit hati pada Prabowo terkait pidato tentang ramalan Indonesia bubar tahun 2030.

Pria berambut panjang itu berjanji akan menyerang Prabowo dengan ilmu santet. Dia akan membuat Prabowo lumpuh dan stroke hingga masuk rumah sakit. Serangan itu akan dilancarkan paling lama hingga tahun 2030.

Pernyataan mau menyantet Prabowo itu dilontarkan Harimau Jawa, melalui sebuah rekaman video yang disebar di berbagai media sosial.

“Nda sampe 2030 Anda sendiri yang akan hancur, dan Saya yang akan menghancurkan Anda. Tahun 2030 maksimal, sampeyan tak bikin lumpuh. Ingat, kelumpuhan sampeyan, sakitnya sampeyan itu saya pelakunya.

Pak Prabowo Subianto, sampeyan ingat-ingat. Yang menjadikan Anda itu lumpuh stroke, itu saya. Karena saya akan bekerjasama dengan alam, bekerjasama dengan kekuatan nusantara untuk memberikan sampeyan karma,

Ingat prabowo Subianto, Anda sudah menyakiti pahlawan yang sudah meninggal. Anda menyakiti pejuang nusantara. Anda menyebarkan tahun 2030 Indonesia hancur.” (kk/ viva )

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