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April Fool's Day 2018: We round up all the deliberate 'fake news' from around the world

In an era of fake news, we should probably all be reading things with a more sceptical eye.

That is especially true on 1 April, when newspapers, companies and social media comics try to trick us all with jokes and pranks.

Here are some of the best prank stories that we spotted throughout the morning.

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Did you fall for these April Fools' Day pranks popping up all over the internet? CNN's Natalie Allen and George Howell take a look at some of the highlights.

Happy April Fools’ Day, one and all.

If you’ve received any messages with dramatic announcements, spotted news that’s a little too good to be true, or even read about a new skincare trend that doesn’t sound quite right, today’s the day to be suspicious.

But don’t feel too bad if you’ve fallen for anyone’s nonsense. Each year brands, publications, and people get sneakier and increasingly wily in an attempt to make us all look like idiots.

As with last year, a bunch even sent out their pranks in the week running up to the big day, ignoring the rules (you can only do an April Fools’ Day joke on April Fools’ Day, up until noon) in an attempt to get the better of us.

Below are this year’s most groan-worthy stunts, so you can know which inventions and events are entirely fabricated. Stay woke.



Heinz launches chocolate mayonnaise

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The key to a decent food prank is to make it *almost* believable. If Heinz had gone too ridiculous and announced mayo flavoured with matcha, they wouldn’t have had a chance.

Chocolate mayo, however, was realistic enough that we received multiple emails reacting in genuine horror. Guys, it’s not a real thing.

‘It’s hard to improve on perfection, but we think we might have done it,’ said a Heinz spokesperson. ‘Mayonnaise? Seriously good! Chocolate? Really good! Chocolate Mayonnaise? Scrumptious perfection!

‘We have noticed the trend for using mayonnaise in place of eggs and oil in chocolate cakes, brownies and tarts closely over the last few years, and creating Heinz [Seriously] Good Chocolate Mayonnaise seemed like the logical focus for the culinary creators of our [Seriously] Good range.

‘Using only the best ingredients and free-range eggs, it takes chocolate mayonnaise cakes to the next level, producing a rich, smooth, deliciously moist – and of course extra-chocolatey – Easter treat.’

See? Almost convincing.

Please don’t try putting chocolate in mayonnaise. It sounds rank.

Rude Health launches mushroom milk

(Picture: Rude Health)

Again, so believable that a bunch of nut milk enthusiasts genuinely asked us where they could buy the stuff.

They quickly caught on when they read the stockists: ‘Waitwhoooas, Shroombury’s, Psycho-deli, Highroads.’

No, pals, the next big dairy replacement is not mushroom soup or natural psychedelics. Sorry.

Tibits’ vegan gym

Okay, we like this one.

A gym exclusively for vegans, with equipment made of cauliflower, aubergine, and melons? Genius.

Anyone who was fooled into mentioning ‘Veggie Gym’ (the secret codeword, natch), at either Tibits London restaurant will get a free smoothie, though, so you won’t feel too silly.

Coca-Cola now comes in charcoal, avocado, and sourdough flavours

Nice try, Coca-Cola, but you probably would have announced these trendy new options when you launched the almost as weird peach and mango Coke.



Firebox rebrands as Bore Fix

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‘After six months of development and tireless creative workshops, we feel we’ve created a new brand identity that reflects our ‘Not for Everyone’ attitude and captures the very essence of what we’re all about; Bore Fix,’ announced Firebox. Sorry. Bore Fix.

‘The in-house creative team spent six months on the project to research and gain insights, having complete freedom to come up with a solution.

‘I mean you don’t see the likes of Apple or Nike just changing their brand name overnight, so we knew this had to be a really thorough and considered process.’

Sounds legit.

Kit-Kat Soap

Have a break, have a relaxing soak in bits of biscuit and chocolate.

Bonus points to Kit-Kat for the excellent promotional video in which we’re told the soap, in all its varieties, can be eaten as well as being used for cleaning purposes.

Don’t feel too sad if you now have your heart set on replacing your toiletries with chocolate. There’s nothing to stop you from rubbing a Kit-Kat all over your body in the shower if you really want to.

Poundland debuts pet fashion range

Bumbags for cats? We kind of wish this could be real. Our cats would be stylin’.

Instant Pot Noodle delivery

(Picture: Pot Noodle)

While I truly wished that Pot Noodle’s campaign telling us ‘You can make Italian’ was a massive prank all along (it’s offensive to both pasta and Italy, and I am tired of seeing the advert on the way to work every morning), instead Pot Noodle went for a slightly more absurd prank: The launch of Pot NOWdle, a speedy delivery service that delivers noodles in under two minutes.

That’s right, no more waiting for the kettle to boil or having to strain your wrist pouring water into a pot. You could just push a button on your phone and get a hot Pot Noodle driven to your door.


Honestly, anyone lazy enough to actually want this to be a thing deserves to believe PotNOWdle is a reality. I hope they’re still waiting for their noodles to arrive.

Barry M’s colour-changing foundation

(Picture: Barry M)

A mood ring for your face? We’re into it.

No need for passive aggression when your face turns purple the minute you’re p*ssed off.

SodaStream’s SodaSoak lets you carbonate your bathwater

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Again, we quite like the sound of this. It’s basically an extremely budget hot tub.

Recreate the effect by getting an extremely fizzy bath bomb.

Argos launches fragrances that smells just like the catalogue

Argos told us they planned to launch a USB-powered scent diffuser to take people back to the heady aroma of an Argos catalogue.

Their ‘expert’, Avril Imbecile (great name), said: ‘It was difficult at first, as unlike lavender or bergamot, the catalogue doesn’t produce an essential oil.

‘To access the essence of the iconic catalogue, I sank deep into the recesses of my childhood: the joy of my mother bringing the catalogue home; the potent magic of its vast pagination; the tears as my siblings snatched it from me to circle their Christmas presents.’

McDonald’s adds personalised Big Macs to the menu

The MyBigMac allows people to personalise their Big Mac with selfies, images, and emoji, all printed on the bun with sesame seeds.

Considering the rise of selficcinos, this really isn’t that farfetched.

MORE: When does April Fools’ Day end? Don’t become the fool yourself!

MORE: The best April Fools’ Day pranks for parents

MORE: Imagine biting into what you thought was a white chocolate bunny to discover it’s butter

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The author, holding an April Fools’ Day prank mailed to her by T-Mobile. Photo by Gene Park/The Washington Post

April Fools’ Day is on a Sunday and on Easter this year, which isn’t the best scenario for all the thirsty brands looking to get their pranks into the weekday news cycle. Based on my email inbox, many of the brands have settled on the same workaround: Just start their jokes early.

As of the Wednesday before April Fools’, brands had already launched a fake beer line, a study pillow and a salon that makes you look like your dog. April Fools’ Day can be clever on the Internet — but it has also, increasingly, become a day where your social media feeds are flooded with on-brand corporate pranks, pleading for your retweets. A few brands are trying to grow their power by collaborating, which is worrying.

Here’s our list of all the 2018 April Fools’ Day online pranks, which we’ll update throughout the day. As we update, newer entries will be added to the top of each category.

Tech company pranks

Fake cryptocurrencies

Houzz isn’t launching a cryptocurrency called “HouzzCoinzz”

Sam’s Club isn’t launching a cryptocurrency called “bulkcoin”

Hpnotiq, the liquor company, isn’t launching a cryptocurrency called Hpno-Currency

Pet-themed pranks

Fake news

A Kraken hasn’t been spotted on the Thames river in London (this is a brand prank from Kraken rum)

Viral pranks on kids

This kid got an “apple” phone for Easter

Grapes covered in chocolate egg wrappers :(

Brussels sprout truffles

These kids went on an Easter egg hunt with no eggs to find

Miscellaneous brand pranks

Brands collaborating

Cup Noodles and Zenni Optical aren’t coming out with glasses that don’t get steamed up when you eat hot soup

Lexus and 23andme aren’t partnering to match you to a car using your genes

This pizza-flavored protein bar is fake

Sodastream and Bed Bath and Beyond aren’t teaming up to make “SodaSoak,” a weird bubble bath

The Energizer Bunny isn’t the new creative director of “Peeps.” Come on.

This post, originally published at 6:49 AM on April 1, has been updated and will continue to update through the day.

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