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UK officials seek warrant to enter Cambridge Analytica HQ

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It's a sensational story containing allegations of sleaze, psychological manipulation and data misuse that has provoked an internationally furious response.

Tech giant Facebook and data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica are at the centre of a dispute over the harvesting and use of personal data - and whether it was used to influence the outcome of the US 2016 presidential election or the UK Brexit referendum.

Both firms deny any wrongdoing.

How has Cambridge Analytica been accused of sleazy tactics?

Channel 4 News sent an undercover reporter to meet executives from data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.

The firm had been credited with helping Donald Trump to presidential victory.

The reporter posed as a Sri Lankan businessman wanting to influence a local election.

Cambridge Analytica boss Alexander Nix was apparently filmed giving examples of how his firm could discredit political rivals by arranging various smear campaigns, including setting up encounters with prostitutes and staging situations in which apparent bribery could be caught on camera.

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Alexander Nix, CEO, Cambridge Analytica: "These sort of tactics are very effective"

The firm denies all the claims and says the documentary was "edited and scripted to grossly represent the nature of those conversations". It claims the conversations were led by the reporters.

"I must emphatically state that Cambridge Analytica does not condone or engage in entrapment, bribes or so-called 'honeytraps', and nor does it use untrue material for any purpose," said Mr Nix.

What was Facebook's role?

In 2014 a quiz on Facebook invited users to find out their personality type.

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It was developed by University of Cambridge academic Aleksandr Kogan (the university has no connections with Cambridge Analytica).

As was common with apps and games at that time, it was designed to harvest not only the user data of the person taking part in the quiz, but also the data of their friends.

Facebook has since changed the amount of data developers can scrape in this way.

Christopher Wylie, who worked with Cambridge Analytica, alleges that because 270,000 people took the quiz, the data of some 50 million users, mainly in the US, was harvested without their explicit consent via their friend networks.

Mr Wylie claims the data was sold to Cambridge Analytica, which then used it to psychologically profile people and deliver pro-Trump material to them.

Cambridge Analytica denies any of it was used as part of the services it provided to the Trump campaign.

Is this against Facebook's terms?

The data was gathered using Facebook's infrastructure at that time, and many other developers had taken advantage of it - but the data was not authorised for them to share with others.

The other key point is that even the people directly taking part in the personality quiz would have had no idea that they were potentially sharing their data with Donald Trump's election campaign.

Facebook say when they learned their rules had been breached, they removed the app and demanded assurances that the information had been deleted.

Cambridge Analytica claims that it never used the data, and deleted it when Facebook told it to.

Both Facebook and the UK Information Commissioner want to find out whether it was properly destroyed, as Mr Wylie claims it was not.

What has the official response been?

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption There are calls for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to testify before Congress

US senators have called on Mark Zuckerberg to testify before Congress about how Facebook will protect users.

The head of the European Parliament said it would investigate to see if the data was misused.

A spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said she was "very concerned" about the revelations.

How can you protect your data?

There are a few things to be aware of if you want to restrict who has access to your data.

Keep an eye on apps, especially those which require you to log in using your Facebook account - they often have a very wide range of permissions and many are specifically designed to pick up your data

Use an ad blocker to limit advertising

Look at your Facebook security settings and make sure you are aware of what is enabled. Check the individual app settings to see whether you have given them permission to view your friends as well as yourself.

You can download a copy of the data Facebook holds on you, although it is not comprehensive. There is a download button at the bottom of the General Account Settings tab. However bear in mind that your data may be less secure sitting on your laptop than it is on Facebook's servers, if your device is hacked.

You can of course, simply leave Facebook, but the campaign group Privacy International warns that privacy concerns extend beyond the social network.

"The current focus is on protecting your data being exploited by third parties, but your data is being exploited all the time," said a spokeswoman.

"Many apps on your phone will have permission to access location data, your entire phone book and so on. It is just the tip of the iceberg."

Downing Street has expressed its concern about the Facebook data breach involving the analytics company that worked with Donald Trump’s campaign team and that affected tens of millions of people.

No 10 weighed in on the row as almost $20bn (£14bn) was wiped off the social network company’s market cap in the first few minutes of trading on the Nasdaq stock exchange, where Facebook opened down more than 3%. By midday, the company’s share price losses had multiplied to more than $40bn, making the day its worst in more than five years.

Theresa May’s spokesman said she backed an investigation by the information commissioner, which was prompted by a whistleblower who told the Observer how Cambridge Analytica had harvested millions of Facebook profiles to influence voters through “psychographic” targeting.

Play Video 3:41 Everything you need to know about the Cambridge Analytica exposé – video explainer

The European parliament president, Antonio Tajani, said on Monday that the institution would investigate fully. Tajani urged the social media company to take more responsibility, saying on Twitter that “allegations of misuse of Facebook user data is an unacceptable violation of our citizens’ privacy rights”.

In the US, a state attorney general has called for investigations, greater accountability and regulation, while the head of the parliamentary committee in the UK investigating fake news accused Cambridge Analytica and Facebook of misleading MPs, with the secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport warning of an end to the “wild west” of technology firms.

Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach Read more

“The allegations are clearly very concerning. It’s essential people can have confidence that their personal data can be protected and used in an appropriate way,” May’s spokesman said.

“So it is absolutely right the information commissioner is investigating this matter and we expect Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and all the organisations involved to cooperate fully.”

In a statement Facebook said: “We have hired a digital forensics firm, Stroz Friedberg, to conduct a comprehensive audit of Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica has agreed to comply and afford the firm complete access to their servers and systems. We remain committed to vigorously enforcing our policies to protect people’s information.”

Cambridge Analytica said: “In 2014 we received Facebook data and derivatives of Facebook data from another company, GSR, that we engaged in good faith to legally supply data for research. After it subsequently became known that GSR had broken its contract with Cambridge Analytica because it had not adhered to data protection regulation, Cambridge Analytica deleted all the Facebook data and derivatives, in cooperation with Facebook.

The culture secretary, Matt Hancock, told the House of Commons that the revelations were “clearly very worrying” and the government was considering additional powers that the commissioner had proposed, including powers to impose further criminal sanctions and to compel testimony from individuals. Hancock said he was shocked at the speed at which Facebook had barred the whistleblower, Chris Wylie, from its platforms, including WhatsApp.

“I thought it was outrageous,” he said. “Facebook have some serious questions to answer here, and they will tell their side of the story. And to answer it by blocking an account, when we know in this house they do not act fast enough to block other accounts of obviously outrageous behaviour, I’ll tell you what, it shows that when they need to they can block things incredibly quickly and they will need to do a lot more that.”

However, Hancock said he had not seen any evidence that the activities had had an effect on the outcome of any election or referendum.

Labour’s Stephen Kinnock said that if Cambridge Analytica were proved to have been “in flagrant breach of our electoral rules, that would place a pretty huge question mark over the referendum result”.

Damian Collins MP, who chairs the digital, culture, media and sport select committee, said he would call the heads of both companies, Mark Zuckerberg and Alexander Nix, to give further testimony.

“We need to hear from people who can speak about Facebook from a position of authority that requires them to know the truth,” Collins said. “Someone has to take responsibility for this. It’s time for Mark Zuckerberg to stop hiding behind his Facebook page.”

Collins suggested the powers of the information commissioner should be beefed up to add the legal ability to force companies to provide information.

Downing Street said it would consider any formal requests to give new powers to the commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, but added her powers had only recently been reviewed.

“I haven’t seen any formal requests. The information commissioner does have significant powers, which have been enhanced in recent times, but if any formal requests were made to us I’m sure we’d consider it,” the spokesman said.

Hancock told Collins’s committee last week that following Brexit he would like to review legislation governing social media. On Monday the minister expanded on his words, telling the Telegraph that “he wild west for tech companies is over”.

Last month both Facebook representatives and Nix had told the parliamentary inquiry into fake news that the company did not have or use private Facebook data, or any data from Global Science Research (GSR). But in its statement on Friday night, explaining why it had suspended Cambridge Analytica and Wylie, Facebook said it had known in 2015 that profiles were passed to Nix’s company.

Profile Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica Show Hide Name Alexander James Ashburner Nix Age 42 Education Eton, then Manchester University where he studied History of Art Career Nix worked as a financial analyst in Mexico and the UK before joining SCL, a strategic communications firm in 2003. From 2007 he took over the company’s elections division, and claims to have worked on more than 40 campaignsglobally. Many of SCL’s projects are secret so that may be a low estimate. He set up Cambridge Analytica to work in America, with investment from US hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer. He has been both hailed as a visionary -- featuring on Wired’s list of “25 Geniuses who are creating the future of business” -- and derided as a snake oil salesman. Controversies Cambridge Analytica has come under scrutiny for its role in elections on both sides of the Atlantic, working on Brexit and Donald Trump’s election team. It is a key subject in two inquiries in the UK - by the Electoral Commission, into the firm’s possible role in the EU referendum and the Information Commissioner’s Office, into data analytics for political purposes - and one in the US, as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump-Russia collusion. The Observer revealed this week that the company had harvested millions of Facebook profiles of US voters, in one of the tech giant’s biggest ever data breaches, and used them to build a powerful software program to predict and influence choices at the ballot box. Emma Graham-Harrison Photograph: The Washington Post

“In 2015 we learned that a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge named Dr Aleksandr Kogan lied to us and violated our ‘platform policies’ by passing data from an app that was using Facebook login to SCL/Cambridge Analytica,” the statement said.

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica face mounting pressure over data scandal Read more

Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign paid Cambridge Analytica more than $6.2m, according to US federal election commission records but is has denied using any Facebook data in the campaign.

In a now-deleted series of tweets, Facebook’s chief security officer, Alex Stamos, argued that the friend list data that Cambridge Analytica had acquired was obtained through an API, a feature that allows programs to interface with Facebook, that was well documented “in our terms of service, platform documentation, the privacy settings and the screen used to login to apps”.

On Saturday evening, however, he deleted his tweets, saying: “I should have done a better job weighing in. There are a lot of big problems that the big tech companies need to be better at fixing,. We have collectively been too optimistic about what we build and our impact on the world. Believe it or not, a lot of the people at these companies, from the interns to the CEOs, agree.”

The information commissioner is seeking an urgent court warrant to enter the London headquarters of the elections consultancy Cambridge Analytica after the firm was caught in an undercover sting boasting about entrapping politicians, using honey traps and running fake news campaigns.

Elizabeth Denham said she had also demanded that Facebook halt a data audit of Cambridge Analytica, saying it could prejudice her investigation.

Cybersecurity consultants from Stroz Friedberg, who had been engaged by Facebook to do the audit, were at CA’s office in London on Monday evening when the ICO asked them to leave so the authorities could pursue their own investigation.

An ICO spokesman said the commission had issued a demand to access CA’s records and data.

“Cambridge Analytica has not responded to the commissioner by the deadline provided; therefore, the information commissioner is seeking a warrant to obtain information and access to systems and evidence related to her investigation,” the spokesman said.

Facebook had agreed to stop its search of Cambridge Analytica’s premises at the commissioner’s request, the spokesman said.

“Such a search would potentially compromise a regulatory investigation.”

The culture select committee chair, Damian Collins, said it was extraordinary that Facebook’s investigators had been in the CA office and questioned their motives.

“We were told this last night and I don’t think the information commissioner was aware of that at that time,” he told the BBC. “This is a matter for the authorities. Facebook sent in data analysts and lawyers who they appointed, what they intended to do there, who knows?

“The concern would have been, were they removing information or evidence which could have been vital to the investigation? It’s right they stood down but it’s astonishing they were there in the first place.”

The Channel 4 News investigation, broadcast on Monday, comes two days after the Observer reported Cambridge Analytica had gained unauthorised access to tens of millions of Facebook profiles in one of the social media company’s biggest data breaches.

Quick guide How the story unfolded Show Hide In December 2016, while researching the US presidential election, Carole Cadwalladr came across data analytics company Cambridge Analytica, whose secretive manner and chequered track record belied its bland, academic-sounding name.

Her initial investigations uncovered the role of American billionaire Robert Mercer in the US election campaign: his strategic “war” on mainstream media and his political campaign funding, some apparently linked to Brexit.

She found the first indications that Cambridge Analytica might have used data processing methods that breached the Data Protection Act. That article prompted Britain’s Electoral Commission and the Information Commissioner’s Office to launch investigations whose remits include Cambridge Analytica’s use of data and its possible links to the Brexit referendum. These investigations are still continuing, as is a wider ICO inquiry into the use of data in politics.

While chasing the details and ramifications of complex manipulation of both data and funding law, Cadwalladr came under increasing attacks, both online and professionally, from key players.

The Leave.EU campaign tweeted a doctored video that showed her being violently assaulted, and the Russian embassy wrote to the Observer to complain that her reporting was a “textbook example of bad journalism”.

But the growing profile of her reports also gave whistleblowers confidence that they could trust her to not only understand their stories, but retell them clearly for a wide audience.

Her network of sources and contacts grew to include not only former employees who regretted their work but academics, lawyers and others concerned about the impact on democracy of tactics employed by Cambridge Analytica and associates.

Cambridge Analytica is now the subject of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s probing of the company’s role in Donald Trump’s presidential election campaign. Investigations in the UK also remain live.

On Monday, Cambridge Analytica’s chief executive, Alexander Nix, said the media attacks were because of his firm’s role in the successful presidential election campaign of Donald Trump.

Nix, one of the CA executives targeted by the undercover Channel 4 reporters, suggested he could use women to entrap politicians on behalf of their rivals.

“Deep digging is interesting, but you know equally effective can be just to go and speak to the incumbents and to offer them a deal that’s too good to be true, and make sure that that’s video recorded. You know, these sorts of tactics are very effective, instantly having video evidence of corruption, putting it on the internet, these sorts of things,” he was recorded saying.

Play Video 1:53 Cambridge Analytica caught in undercover sting boasting about entrapping politicians - video

Nix said they could “send some girls around to the candidate’s house”, adding that Ukrainian girls “are very beautiful, I find that works very well”, Channel 4 reported.

Nix told BBC’s Newsnight the sting was “a coordinated attack by the media that’s been going on for very, very many months”. He added, however, that he had a “huge amount of regrets about the fact that we, maybe, undertook this meeting and spoke with a certain amount of hyperbole about some of the things that we do”.

Profile Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica Show Hide Name Alexander James Ashburner Nix Age 42 Education Eton, then Manchester University where he studied History of Art Career Nix worked as a financial analyst in Mexico and the UK before joining SCL, a strategic communications firm in 2003. From 2007 he took over the company’s elections division, and claims to have worked on more than 40 campaignsglobally. Many of SCL’s projects are secret so that may be a low estimate. He set up Cambridge Analytica to work in America, with investment from US hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer. He has been both hailed as a visionary -- featuring on Wired’s list of “25 Geniuses who are creating the future of business” -- and derided as a snake oil salesman. Controversies Cambridge Analytica has come under scrutiny for its role in elections on both sides of the Atlantic, working on Brexit and Donald Trump’s election team. It is a key subject in two inquiries in the UK - by the Electoral Commission, into the firm’s possible role in the EU referendum and the Information Commissioner’s Office, into data analytics for political purposes - and one in the US, as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump-Russia collusion. The Observer revealed this week that the company had harvested millions of Facebook profiles of US voters, in one of the tech giant’s biggest ever data breaches, and used them to build a powerful software program to predict and influence choices at the ballot box. Emma Graham-Harrison Photograph: The Washington Post

Collins said on Tuesday that MPs would examine whether they felt Nix had misled parliament when he answered their questions during the committee’s investigation into fake news.

How to protect your Facebook privacy – or delete yourself completely Read more

“On the face of it, it looks like Mr Nix misled parliament. We want to be absolutely certain what he meant,” he said.

“Certainly, what he told us in front of the select committee is not at all consistent with the evidence we now have from these various investigations,” he told the BBC.

“At the heart of this is the ethics of how Facebook data is acquired. There will be many users, who use it every day, who might be alarmed that a company that engages in the kind of discussions Channel 4 revealed last night could be accessing and using their data without their knowledge.”

Collins said he would be writing to Facebook’s founder and chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, on Tuesday asking him to answer questions in parliament. “The time has come now for the person who founded this company, this public figure, to speak in public and answer questions about it.”

It is easy to be misled into believing that the Cambridge Analytica story is about rogue data miners taking advantage of an innocent Facebook. Facebook’s decision to suspend Cambridge Analytica’s access, the use of terms like “data breach”, and a good deal of coverage in the media seems to follow these lines. That, however, misses the key point. This is not a data breach by any means – and nor is it something that could not have been predicted or could easily have been avoided. This is, in many ways, Cambridge Analytica using Facebook exactly as the social media platform was designed to be used. This is how Facebook works.

Three key parts of Facebook’s model come into play: gathering data from people in order to profile them, both en masse and individually, designing systems that allow that data to be used to target people for advertising and content, then allowing third parties (generally advertisers) to use the data and those targeting systems for their own purposes. The power of these systems is often underestimated, but Facebook themselves know it, and have tested it in a number of ways.

They have demonstrated, through their “emotional contagion” experiment in 2014, that they can make people happier or sadder, simply by manipulating the order things appear in people’s timelines. They have demonstrated that they can make people more likely to vote, testing it in the 2010 US congressional elections. They can profile people based on the most mundane of information – the sheer scale of Facebook’s user-base and the amount of information given to them means that “big data” analysis can make connections that might seem bizarre, revealing insights into intelligence, politics, ethnicity and religion without people actually discussing any of those things directly.

They allow advertisements to be targeted to particular “racial affinity” groups – or tailored according to “racial affinity”. Not actual race, because that might conflict with various laws, but the race that your profile suggests you have the most “affinity” towards. Racial profiling without the name.

Cambridge Analytica : Chris Wylie tells Channel 4 News data for 50 million Facebook profiles was obtained

This all seems relatively harmless when it is just restricted to advertising for products – it might be a bit creepy to find carefully targeted advertisements for holidays in places you like or musicians you admire – but a few changes in parameters for targeting change things completely. The benefits of this profiling for electoral purposes are huge. Profiling the electorate has long been a part of political campaigning, but this makes it much more detailed, much more surreptitious, and much more effective.

Parties can target and influence voters directly; make their own supporters happier and opponents’ supporters sadder; make their own more likely to vote. They can spread stories tailored to individuals’ views, focussing on the aspects of a campaign that they know the individual cares about – both positively and negatively. When you add “fake news” to this, the situation becomes even worse.

That is the real point here. When thought about in terms of profiling and micro-targeting advertising for products, this just sounds efficient and appropriate, and harmless. It is a tiny shift, however to take this into politics – and a shift that groups like Cambridge Analytica found easy to do. All they did was understand how Facebook works, and use it. On a big scale, and in a big way, but this is how Facebook works. Profiling, targeting, persuasive manipulation are the tools of the advertiser on steroids, provably effective and available to those with the money and intent to use them. Unless Facebook changes its entire business model, it will be used in ways that interfere with our lives – and in particular that interferes with our politics.

What is more, it is only going to get more effective. Facebook is gathering more data all the time – including through its associated operations in Instagram, WhatsApp and more. Its analyses are being refined and becoming more effective all the time – and more people like Cambridge Analytica are becoming aware of the possibilities and how they might be used.

How it might be stopped, or at least slowed down, is another matter. This is all based on the fundamental operations of Facebook, so while we rely on Facebook, it is hard to see a way out. By choosing to let ourselves become dependent, we have built this trap for ourselves. Until we find our way out of Facebook, more of this is inevitable.

Paul Bernal is Senior Lecturer in IT, IP and Media Law, UEA Law School

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