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Stephon Clark's grandmother says 'they didn't have to kill him like that'

(CNN) The grandmother of Stephon Clark, the young black man shot and killed by Sacramento Police last week, pleaded Monday in a passionate speech for justice for her grandson.

"They didn't have to kill him like that. They didn't have to shoot him that many times," Sequita Thompson said through tears.

"Why didn't you just shoot him in the arm, shoot him in the leg, send the dogs, send a Taser. Why? Why? Y'all didn't have to do that," she added.

The tearful plea came as part of a press conference with Benjamin Crump, an attorney representing the Clark family. Crump said the family is preparing for an independent autopsy of Clark's body.

"We will stand up for Stephon, we will speak for Stephon, we will fight for Stephon, until we get justice for Stephon," Crump said.

"I want justice for my baby. I want justice for Stephon Clark. Please, give us justice," Thompson said.

The press conference came a week after Clark, 22, was shot and killed in his grandmother's Sacramento backyard by officers who believed he was pointing a gun at them, according to police. No weapon was found at the scene. The only item discovered was a cell phone, police said.

Crump was retained by Clark's family late last week. He has previously represented the families of other African-Americans fatally shot by police, including Michael Brown and Tamir Rice , as well as Trayvon Martin, a Florida teenager killed by George Zimmerman.

Crump said Clark's death fits a pattern in America of police shootings of unarmed black and brown people.

"No family should have to endure this pain and suffering as they try to seek answers for an execution of their loved one who is only holding a cell phone," he said.

'Great mistrust'

On Sunday, Crump told CNN that police showed no "humanity" toward Clark after he had been shot.

"While he laid down on that ground dying, they waited six minutes. And then they go over to him after that and they put him in handcuffs," Crump said.

Crump also noted that shortly after that, police muted their body cameras

"Why didn't you try to help him?" the attorney asked.

Speaking on Sunday, Crump said Clark's death should not be "swept under the rug." Crump also called for accountability from both sides, and said he will be exploring "every legal remedy possible" in search of justice.

Stephon Clark with his two sons.

Sacramento Police released body camera video of the incident that also showed that the officers did not immediately provide Clark with lifesaving efforts, instead waiting until other units arrived at the scene.

"There's great mistrust" between communities of color and police, Crump said.

"The only way we can bridge this divide of mistrust is to have transparency and accountability," he said.

Two officers -- one of them black -- have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of a use of force investigation.

Body camera video captured the shooting

The shooting happened on March 18 after 9 p.m., when Sacramento officers responded to a report that a man had broken car windows and was hiding in a backyard. They pursued a man who hopped a fence and was in a backyard.

The shooting was captured by the two officers' body cameras and a police helicopter; that footage was released on Wednesday in an effort to be transparent.

The body camera videos show the brief encounter between police and Clark, lasting less than a minute.

Police said the officers entered the front yard and saw the suspect along the side of the home. The man "turned and advanced toward the officers while holding an object" extended in front of him, according to the police account.

"Show me your hands!" one of the officers yelled. "Gun, gun, gun."

Seconds later, officers opened fire as they took cover near a wall.

As more police arrived at the scene, someone is heard asking, "What did he have on him?"

An officer responded "... something in his hands. It looked like a gun from our perspective."

Clark's family has disputed the police account.

"This was an unnecessary killing of an unarmed black man yet again," Crump told CNN. "What we saw in that video was not reasonable well-trained officers."

Sequita Thompson recounts the horror of seeing her grandson, Stephon Clark, shot by police.

Police said they found at least three vehicles with damage they believe Clark caused, as well as an adjacent residence with a shattered sliding glass door. Deputies in the helicopter witnessed him shatter the door, police said.

Stevante Clark told HLN his brother "wasn't a thief."

The Rev. Al Sharpton , the prominent political activist, has pledged his support for Clark's family and said he would be in California to help them fight for justice, according to a statement from his organization.

CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correctly describe Benjamin Crump's past clients. An earlier version of this story also said Trayvon Martin was slain by police. He was killed by George Zimmerman.

(CNN) About seven minutes after Sacramento police fatally shot an unarmed black man in his grandmother's backyard last week, officers were instructed to mute their body cameras.

The Sacramento Police Department on Wednesday released two body camera videos, the 911 call, the helicopter footage and radio traffic from the shooting.

In both videos, an officer can be heard saying, "Hey, mute." Directly after, the video goes silent and officers talk among themselves.

'It builds suspicion'

The shooting has sparked nationwide outrage , with the muting of the body cameras raising questions about the officers' actions. CNN has called and emailed the police department, but has not heard back.

Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn told CNN affiliate KCRA that the action has added to the tension after the shooting.

"Muting is one of those things that we have to take a look at," Hahn said. "Any time there is muting on this camera, it builds suspicion -- as it has in this case. And that is not healthy for us in our relationship with our community."

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Although the Sacramento Police Department's 2016 body camera policy designates when to activate body cameras, it does not specifically mention when to activate or deactivate sound or audio recordings. Sacramento police, Hahn said, implemented body cameras last year.

When can officers deactivate body cameras?

The department policy includes 16 instances when a body camera is required to be activated, including vehicle stops and sobriety tests as well as foot and vehicle pursuits.

It says employees can deactivate their cameras in some instances, but that's based on their discretion. These instances may occur when officers are having tactical or confidential conversations, when officers are trying to conserve battery life or if a witness or victim refuses to give a statement on camera, according to the policy.

Some situations are also based on the officer's judgment, like if a recording would interfere with the officer's ability to investigate or if recording would be inappropriate based on the victim or witness' physical condition and emotional state.

However, it's unclear whether deactivating a body camera or muting are different things.

"I think it's a policy we should look at very carefully and perhaps change entirely," Mayor Darrell Steinberg said during a news conference Friday.

Expert: Muting can be justified at times

Peter Bibring, director of police practices with ACLU Southern California, said he's never heard of a department where an officer muted video.

"Just because an officer thinks this shouldn't be released," that's not a discussion officers should be having, he said. "Officers should not be having personal conversations during the course of an investigation. And that's certainly not what was going on here."

Seth W. Stoughton, assistant professor of law at the University of South Carolina School of Law, has done research, presentations and led training on body cameras for the past two years. He said he'd be surprised if muting cameras was illegal, but said he understands why officers would mute their video.

"They were in a situation where they didn't want a word to be scrutinized," he said.

The inclination among officers, Stoughton said, is not to record footage of an officer unwinding moments after a shooting because officers may not phrase things in the right way.

However, he said, muting hurts public trust and diminishes police accountability.

"I think that muting the microphone is wrong," Stoughton said. "By not capturing that information, they may be undermining the investigation."

A different perspective

When officers mute body cameras, Stoughton said, the public looks at it from a different perspective.

"From a public trust perspective, it may have been better to not have a body camera at all than to have it and turn it off halfway through," he said.

Body cameras provide information that the public wouldn't otherwise have, but "it's not perfect information," Stoughton said.

There is no statewide body camera policy in California, so body camera policies differ from agency to agency, said Jeff Noble, a police practice consultant and a former deputy police chief in Irvine, California.

"The cameras served the goal that we put body cameras out for, they were on and activated during the chase and during the shooting," Noble said.

Police said that the officers ordered the man to stop and show his hands, but that he ran toward the back of the home. They chased him to the backyard, where, authorities say, he turned and advanced toward the officers "while holding an object which was extended in front of him."

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