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Infinity War’s Thanos proves CGI supervillains are a terrible idea

Avengers: Infinity War has already broken advance ticket sales records on Fandango becoming the best-selling superhero movie ever — and it only took six hours. Tickets went on sale at 6AM PST/9AM EST today.

At this point in time, Avengers: Infinity War is outstripping the first day 24-hour ticket sales of both Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Fandango’s previous superhero first day advance-ticket seller, and Black Panther.

Back in January when we noticed that Black Panther was beating Captain America: Civil War as the highest Marvel pre-seller in 24 hours, we were cautioned by analysts about making lofty box office opening projections given the anomaly that the Ryan Coogler-directed was. No one believed a deeper universe character such as Black Panther would overindex to such great heights. But indeed, Black Panther beat the 3-day opening of Civil War, $202M to $179.1M.

In a Fandango survey of more than 1,000 moviegoers who snapped up Infinity War tickets this morning:

–97% can’t wait to see how dozens of heroes work together in the same film

–94% are excited to see different franchise characters (Guardians, Avengers, etc.) meeting one another for the first time.

–92% see “Infinity War” as the culmination of all of the MCU films before it.

–87% have seen all of the MCU movies.

–71% saw Black Panther on the big screen.

–60% claim Black Panther made them even more excited to see Avengers: Infinity War.

With every Fandango VIP purchase of Infinity War tickets, Fandango FanShop is offering a complimentary poster from the film sketched by artist Kaz Oomori, while supplies last (one example of image above).

The final Infinity War trailer presents a terrifying, monumental threat to earth. Armies clash. Dead bodies are strewn about the screen. Music blares. Impressive percussion stirs up emotions. Lightning cracks. And at the center of it all is… Thanos! The terrifying universe-destroyer! Who, unfortunately, looks like a bald purple plastic mannequin with weird grooves in his chin to make up for the fact that he can’t grow a beard.

There’s no kind way to put it: Thanos isn’t impressive; he’s ridiculous. A villain named after death should look frightening, maybe with some sort of visual reference to death. Instead, Thanos comes across as an over-inflated cousin of Grimace from McDonald’s marketing. Except Grimace is actually kind of scary.

What went wrong at Disney’s special effects shop? It’s no particular mystery. The superhero craze has been facilitated by the amazing advances in computer graphics. CGI makes it possible to show Reed Richards’ body stretching like taffy or to portray Dr. Strange blasting mystic bolts of eldritch energy. Superfeats can be portrayed on film in ways they never could be before. In 1978, Superman posters promised “You’ll believe a man can fly.” Now, cinema can make you believe that a raccoon can shoot blaster guns and that Thomas the Tank Engine can grow to terrifying life-size. Anything is possible.

But to be more precise, anything is possible as long as that “anything” has slick, clean lines. This works pretty well for heroes. It makes sense for Iron Man’s high-tech billionaire-funded suit to be all hard edges and shiny surfaces. Even the monstrous Hulk works okay in CGI; the clarity of his features makes them more expressive and sympathetic, which is good since viewers are supposed to sympathize with him. CGI makes him look slightly unreal, and therefore less frightening than he could be. But that’s fine, since he’s not supposed to be frightening. He’s one of the good guys.

But villains are a problem. Superhero antagonists are meant to be terrifying, not generic or distractingly goofy. The slick definition of CGI makes Ultron look like a toy, not a threat. The CGI alien invaders in The Avengers are so blandly drawn that it’s difficult to even remember what they look like five minutes after they’re offscreen. That’s not even getting into the out-and-out disasters, like Doomsday from Batman v Superman, where the effort to render crusty, rocky horror in CGI makes it look like Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel is engaged in a life-and-death struggle with a poorly rendered cartoon. Or Ares in the final Wonder Woman battle, where a personal, face-to-face confrontation between enemies suddenly became a glossy, weightless video game cutscene.

Traditionally, the most visually impressive villain designs have involved more scrappy, traditional methods: makeup, prosthetics, costumes, and a healthy dose of ingenuity. The orcs and monsters in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy would have been a lot less impressive if WETA had tried to construct them all digitally. The original Star Wars trilogy’s Jabba the Hutt is so marvelously, viscerally disgusting because of the genius of the film’s puppeteers — a genius brought painfully home when George Lucas inserted an ill-conceived, rubbery CGI Jabba into later editions of the films. One of the scariest villains of the last 50 years, Darth Vader, is just a man in a mask.

Sometimes the best villains are often just talented actors being villainous, without any digital aid at all. For Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin or Heath Ledger as the Joker, special effects are superfluous. Michael Keaton just being Michael Keaton in Spider-Man: Homecoming was considerably scarier than Michael Keaton swooping around in his Vulture costume because the visibly human version of the character was so much more nuanced, personal, and specific. It’s no accident that the most visually successful superhero villain of the last few years is Hela from Thor: Ragnarok — a character where the CGI add-ons were all external and didn’t interfere with the core design, which was basically just “Cate Blanchett in goth makeup.” Hela’s menacing, flamboyant CGI horns are an undeniably inspired flourish, but they’re just a flourish. The Ragnarok effects team used CGI to push a solid design into glorious over-the-top camp, rather than relying on the computers to bring across the entire weight of Hela’s menace.

The problem with CGI villains isn’t that CGI is bad in itself. Used on characters that are meant to look disturbingly unreal, like the shape-changing T-1000 in Terminator 2, it’s an effective way of conveying an uncanny-valley alienness. The problem is that superhero filmmakers too often use CGI as a shortcut for monster design. CGI offers a lot of advantages and flexibility, and it’s an obvious go-to in creating characters like Thanos, who’s never really drawn as fitting into normal human dimensions. But CGI villains date poorly and rapidly. As the state of the art keeps getting pushed forward, last year’s CGI characters look steadily worse by comparison. Darth Vader in Star Wars is still chilling and intimidating 40 years after he first hit the screen. Justice League came out last year, and its villain, Steppenwolf, already looks cheaply rendered.

Computers are great tools, but they’re no substitute for the physicality of a human face and human expression. They’re also no substitute for imagination, inspiration, and a willingness to reassess when your cosmic purple threat looks like the love child of Vin Diesel and a prune. The real struggle in superhero films isn’t for world dominance, but to determine which will dominate the future, CGI or the accessible emotions of a visible human actor. In Infinity War, as far as Thanos is concerned, CGI won — and it looks like the audience lost.

We’re just a few weeks away from the release of Avengers: Infinity War — its release date was recently bumped up a week to April 27th — and now, Marvel has released new trailer to stir up some more excitement for the upcoming superhero showdown.

Infinity War promises to be one of the biggest films Marvel has ever made, combining almost every single superhero from across the 18-film franchise that began 10 years ago with the release of Iron Man in 2008. As the star-studded trailer shows, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man, Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther, Chris Evans’ Captain America, Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man, the rest of the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and pretty much every other ancillary character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe are back.

All these highly paid actors will be joining forces against the villainous Thanos (Josh Brolin), the big bad that Marvel has been teasing in post-credit stingers since the first Avengers film was released six years ago. Thanos is trying to gather the six Infinity Stones, the MacGuffin items of power from across the various Marvel films. And judging by the trailer, it’ll be an uphill battle to stop him.

JAKARTA - Menjelang perilisannya, Marvel Studios kembali merilis trailer terbaru dari Avengers: Infinity War. Dalam trailer keduanya ini, Marvel sedikit demi sedikit mulai memperlihatkan ketegangan yang akan disuguhkan kepada para penonton pada 27 April 2018.

Trailer dibuka dengan gaya pengambilan gambar Black Panther. Teknik memutar kamera yang digunakan oleh Ryan Coogler tersebut nampaknya akan menjadi sebuah tren baru dari Marvel.

Pesan utama dari trailer ini tentu adalah kedatangan Thanos (Josh Brolin) ke Bumi. Para Avengers di Bumi sontak kaget ketika Gamora (Zoe Saldana) menjelaskan asal-usul Thanos.

(Baca Juga: Hobi Traveling, Tatjana Saphira Tak Takut Kulitnya Menghitam )

(Baca Juga: Galaknya Melody Bakal Bikin Kangen Personel JKT48 )

Selain memamerkan armor-armor terbaru dari pasukan Avengers, trailer kedua ini juga memperlihatkan sekilas flashback dari masa lalu Thanos. Ada satu adegan di mana Thanos terlihat masih muda dan menggandeng tangan Gamora kecil.

Sementara itu pasukan Guardians sibuk mempersiapkan strategi untuk menghadapi Thanos. Peter Quill/ Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) menolak mentah-mentah rencana perang yang diberikan oleh Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.).

“Semua rencana itu payah, lebih baik dengarkan saja rencana dariku. Sepertinya rencana ini akan lebih baik,” kata Quill di depan Tony, Parker, dan Drax.

Peperangan sendiri dipastikan akan terhadi di Wakanda. Captain America (Chris Evans) dan Black Widow (Scarlett Johanson) terlihat datang menghadap Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman). Pertemuan ini dipastikan akan memberikan perisai baru untuk Captain America.

Trailer sendiri ditutup dengan pertemuan canggung antara Spider-Man (Tom Holland) dengan Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). Perkenalan mereka terasa sedikit aneh dan lucu karena gaya Peter Parker sebagai anak muda nyeleneh.

Sampai sejauh ini, Marvel masih sukses menyembunyikan di mana Infinity Stone terakhir berada. Dalam beberapa adegan, termasuk saat Captain America menahan tinju dari Thanos, Infinity Gloves masih berisi dua batu berwarna ungu dan biru. Marvel sebelumnya menampilkan adegan saat Thanos mengambil batu kuning dari kepala Vision (Paul Bettany).

Jawaban dari semua pertanyaan dan rasa penasaran para penggemar baru akan terjawab pada tanggal 27 April nanti. Sebelum menyaksikan filmnya, tonton terlebih dahulu video trailer terbaru.

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