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‘Datin’ who abused teen maid gets eight years’ jail in revised sentence

TRIBUNBATAM.ID, SHAH ALAM - Datin Rozita Mohamad Ali (44), bangsawan kaya Malaysia ini akhirnya harus menjalani hidupnya di balik jeruji besi untuk masa yang panjang.

Pengadilan Tinggi Shah Alam Malaysia, Kamis (29/3/2018), akhirnya memvonisnya 8 tahun penjara karena terbukti melakukan penganiayaan berat terhadap Suyanti Sutrisno (19), pembantu asal Indonesia.

Pada 15 Maret lalu, Pengadilan Sekyen (Pengadilan Negeri) Petaling Jaya hanya memberikan bon 5 tahun dan denda 20 ribu ringgit.

Bon dalam hukum Indonesia sama dengan hukuman percobaan. Terdakwa dibebaskan tapi akan dihukum sesuai tuntutan jika mengulangi perbuatan dalam masa bon.

Baca: Datin Rozita yang Aniaya TKI Akhirnya Dipenjara 8 Tahun Oleh Pengadilan Tinggi Malaysia

Vonis berkeadilan ini tak lepas dari serbuan netizen Malaysia yang ikut kencang menmyuarakan keadilan bagi Suyanti.

Bahkan, puluhan ribu rakyat Malaysia membuat petisi di situs, menuntut vonis yang adil.

Berikut sejumlah fakta yang dihimpun TRIBUNBATAM.ID dari sejumllah media Malaysia sejak awal kasus itu muncul.

Kasus peganiayaan ini sebenarnya terjadi pada 21 Juni 2016 lalu di sebuah rumah, Jalan PJU 7/30, Mutiara Damansara, kota pinggiran Kuala Lumpur.

Datin Rozita Mohamad Ali (44), bangsawan kaya Malaysia ini akhirnya harus menjalani hidupnya di balik jeruji besi untuk masa yang panjang.

Pengadilan Tinggi Shah Alam, Malaysia, akhirnya menjatuhkan vonis 8 tahun penjara bagi Datin Rozita yang menganiaya TKI.

‘Datin’ who abused teen maid gets eight years’ jail in revised sentence

Datin Rozita Mohamad Ali (centre) is escorted by police at the Shah Alam High Court on March 29, 2018. ― Picture by Yusof Mat Isa SHAH ALAM, March 29 ― The High Court here sentenced Rozita Mohamad Ali today to eight years in prison for abusing her Indonesian maid two years ago.

The ruling was a revision of an earlier Sessions Court decision in which Rozita ― previously dubbed a “Datin” in media reports ― was released on a good behaviour bond for five years with surety of RM20,000 for causing grievous hurt to Suyanti Sutrinso, who was only 19 at the time, and which led to a public uproar.

“I view the court bond as issued incorrectly and it does not fit the offence,” Judicial Commissioner Datuk Seri Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah said in his ruling.

Tun Abdul Majid also noted that Suyanti’s decision to withdraw her police complaint should not have been taken into consideration by the Sessions Court when deciding on Rozita’s sentence.

“Once a police report has been lodged, regardless whether the report has been withdrawn, it is no longer considered her case but a case by the state.

“Then it is up to the attorney-general to pursue the case against the alleged perpetrators if there is sufficient evidence,” he said.

Lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla speaks to journalists outside the courtroom of the Shah Alam High Court on March 29, 2018. ― Picture by Yusof Mat IsaLawyer Hanif Khatri Abdulla who represented Rozita said he had been ordered to file an appeal and pleaded for a stay of execution.

The court rejected the stay plea pending the appeal.

Rozita, who dressed all in black today, including her sequinned and beaded headscarf, was immediately escorted by police officers out of the courtroom and towards the courthouse lock-up.

She was seen making an effort to cover her face from public view throughout the court proceedings earlier, either with a pair of sunglasses or lifting up the ends of her tudung.

Though she had briefly shown her face while she in the dock, she moved immediately to wrap her black tudung tightly around her face when escorted out of the courtroom, leaving only her forehead and part of her trimmed eyebrows visible where the cloth had slid down.

During hearing earlier today, the head of the Selangor prosecution team Muhamad Iskandar Ahmad told the court that the case has affected the bilateral ties between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Rozita's case drew public interest after a video of the victim, who was seriously injured and lying near a drain, was shared on social media.

She pleaded guilty on March 15 to abusing Suyanti with a kitchen knife, a steel mop, a clothes hanger and an umbrella in December 2016.

* Editor’s note: Malay Mail is removing mention of Rozita as a “Datin” as it is unclear if she is one. The police have since confirmed that they had never identified her as one.

Datin Rozita Mohamad Ali (centre) is escorted by police at the Shah Alam High Court on March 29, 2018. ― Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

SHAH ALAM, March 29 ― The High Court here sentenced Rozita Mohamad Ali today to eight years in prison for abusing her Indonesian maid two years ago.

The ruling was a revision of an earlier Sessions Court decision in which Rozita ― previously dubbed a “Datin” in media reports ― was released on a good behaviour bond for five years with surety of RM20,000 for causing grievous hurt to Suyanti Sutrinso, who was only 19 at the time, and which led to a public uproar.

“I view the court bond as issued incorrectly and it does not fit the offence,” Judicial Commissioner Datuk Seri Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah said in his ruling.

Tun Abdul Majid also noted that Suyanti’s decision to withdraw her police complaint should not have been taken into consideration by the Sessions Court when deciding on Rozita’s sentence.

“Once a police report has been lodged, regardless whether the report has been withdrawn, it is no longer considered her case but a case by the state.

“Then it is up to the attorney-general to pursue the case against the alleged perpetrators if there is sufficient evidence,” he said.

Lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla speaks to journalists outside the courtroom of the Shah Alam High Court on March 29, 2018. ― Picture by Yusof Mat Isa More

Lawyer Hanif Khatri Abdulla who represented Rozita said he had been ordered to file an appeal and pleaded for a stay of execution.

The court rejected the stay plea pending the appeal.

Rozita, who dressed all in black today, including her sequinned and beaded headscarf, was immediately escorted by police officers out of the courtroom and towards the courthouse lock-up.

She was seen making an effort to cover her face from public view throughout the court proceedings earlier, either with a pair of sunglasses or lifting up the ends of her tudung.

Though she had briefly shown her face while she in the dock, she moved immediately to wrap her black tudung tightly around her face when escorted out of the courtroom, leaving only her forehead and part of her trimmed eyebrows visible where the cloth had slid down.

During hearing earlier today, the head of the Selangor prosecution team Muhamad Iskandar Ahmad told the court that the case has affected the bilateral ties between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Rozita's case drew public interest after a video of the victim, who was seriously injured and lying near a drain, was shared on social media.

She pleaded guilty on March 15 to abusing Suyanti with a kitchen knife, a steel mop, a clothes hanger and an umbrella in December 2016.

* Editor’s note: Malay Mail is removing mention of Rozita as a “Datin” as it is unclear if she is one. The police have since confirmed that they had never identified her as one.

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