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Current Local Time in Doncaster, England, United Kingdom

Country: United Kingdom

Constituent Country: England (ENG)

Lat/Long: 51°30'N / 0°08'W

Currency: Pound Sterling (GBP)

Languages: English

Dial Codes: +44 - See how to dial

Country: United Kingdom

Constituent Country: England (ENG)

Lat/Long: 53°31'N / 1°08'W

Currency: Pound Sterling (GBP)

Languages: English

Dial Codes: +44 - See how to dial

Country: United Kingdom

Constituent Country: England (ENG)

Lat/Long: 52°57'N / 1°09'W

Currency: Pound Sterling (GBP)

Languages: English

Dial Codes: +44 - See how to dial

It’s now British Summer Time (Picture:

Last night saw the clocks forward, which meant one hour less in bed for those of us in the UK.

The annual time change means that we can enjoy brighter evenings as we enter the summer months.

Most smartphones and digital devices will automatically update, but you’ll need to remember to change your watches and any clocks that may require a manual update.

The clocks won’t be changing again until Sunday 28 October when the time goes back one hour for the winter.

(Photo – Ben Birchall/PA Wire)

When do the clocks go forward?

The clocks went forward at 1am this morning (Sunday 25th March) which saw the time jump ahead to 2am.

Why have the clocks gone forward?

One of the main people who originally pushed for the clock changes was William Willett who suggested daylight savings time to avoid time being wasted in the mornings, he came up with the idea of British Summer Time back in 1907.



He spent much of his life arguing that people should get out of bed an hour earlier in the spring to make the most of the brighter mornings.

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Willet died just before it was brought in in 1916 when the Summer Time Act of 1916 was passed by Parliament.

Even though British Summer Time started in during the First World War, the clock change as we know it now started in the 1940s.

The idea of moving clocks forward became a more worldwide event in the 1970s to save on energy by giving people longer natural light in the evenings.

MORE: 10 new movies to watch on Netflix this April

MORE: When does summer start?

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