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Senate approves plan to end shutdown, reopen government

Story highlights The Senate needs 60 votes to pass a resolution to fund the government

Republicans are hopeful they can get Democrats to vote for the bill

Washington (CNN) The Senate voted Monday to end the government shutdown, extending funding for three weeks, following a deal being reached between Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell regarding assurances related to immigration.

The bill now goes to the House, which is expected to pass it as early as Monday, and then on to President Donald Trump for his signature.

"We will vote today to reopen the government," Schumer said earlier on the Senate floor, saying he and Senate McConnell had reached an "arrangement."

The movement comes thanks in part to commitments from McConnell and other Republicans in bipartisan meetings, according to four Democratic sources.

The Senate passed the procedural vote earlier allowing the bill to advance 81-18.

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CLOSE A U.S. government shutdown enters its third day after Senate negotiators fail to reach an agreement to restore federal spending authority. Newslook

The Statue of Liberty is pictured from Liberty State Park on Jan. 21, 2018 in Jersey City, New Jersey. The iconic landmark was closed yesterday as part of the US government shutdown now entering its second full day after coming into effect at midnight on Friday after senators failed to pass a new federal spending bill. (Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — The Statue of Liberty reopened on Monday, but dozens of other National Park sites across the country remained at least partially shuttered and thousands of government workers were furloughed as the federal government shutdown entered its third day.

“The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island have re-opened,” read an announcement on Lady Liberty’s website early Monday. “The governor of New York and federal officials have come to an agreement for NY to fully fund employees and the cost of operations during the government shutdown.”

The iconic statue had been closed over the weekend, turning away an average of 10,000 visitors per day, according to New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s office.

The state said it would fully fund National Park Service personnel and operations at the cost of $65,000 per day to keep the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island open during the shutdown.

In Washington, national monuments and museums remained open. But most federal agencies were operating with only “essential” employees, meaning a number of services have been halted least temporarily.

The mail is still being delivered, and military and homeland security operations remain up and running.

The Smithsonian Institution’s museums and the National Zoo remain open to visitors, although it’s unclear for how long. The Smithsonian said that while it had enough money to keep the museum open on Monday, further guidance would be forthcoming if the shutdown drags on.

The IRS, which furloughed more than half of its employees, said it would be unable to issue tax refunds or perform audits and other functions while the shutdown is in effect. The reduced workforce comes just as tax season is about to open, raising the possibility that refund checks could be delayed and that taxpayers with questions about their returns could not reach the IRS.

NASA said all of its public activities and events have been canceled until further notice.

Some government agencies have even stopped tweeting during the shutdown.

NOTICE: This social media account will not be actively managed during the lapse in federal funding. We will not be able to respond or update until after funding is enacted. — ICE (@ICEgov) January 22, 2018

“NOTICE: This social media account will not be actively managed during the lapse in federal funding,” read a message on the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Twitter account. “We will not be able to respond or update until after funding is enacted

Across the country, the shutdown impacted a number of activities.

The aerospace manufacturer SpaceX said Sunday it will be unable to test fire its three-core Falcon Heavy rocket at Kennedy Space Center in Florida because of the government shutdown, further delaying checkout operations ahead of the rocket's demonstration flight.

"Due to the shutdown removing key members of the civilian workforce, the 45th Space Wing will not be able to support commercial static fires taking place on KSC," the manufacturer said, further noting that launch operations at the space center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station are also on hold until the shutdown is resolved.

A third of the 417 national park sites across the country are closed, including places such as Ford’s Theatre in Washington, presidential homes and other historic and cultural sites primarily made up of buildings that can be locked, according to the National Parks Conservation Association, an advocacy group.


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More than 21,000 Park Service employees are being furloughed during these park closures, the group said. Thousands more contract employees and small business owners also are affected.

Other park sites will remain partly open, and what is accessible to the public will differ from park to park. That leaves a 3,298 “essential staff” to manage 80 million acres of national park lands, the parks association said.

The Grand Canyon in Arizona remained open, but the National Park Service posted a message to the website warning potential visitors not to rely on the webpage for planning purposes.

"Because of the federal government shutdown, this website is not being updated and may not reflect current conditions," the website said.

Tourists ready to experience the vast swamps of the Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida were met with a disappointing notice taped Sunday to all doors of the welcome center.

“Due to the lapse in federal appropriations, the National Park Service is unable to fully staff the properties under its management,” it read.

Not even the bathrooms were spared from the government shutdown, as a few worried travelers found out before speeding away. The indoor exhibits and bookstore were also dark, leaving only the outdoor information signs and two lobby areas accessible through screen doors.

Officials at Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania said it will stay open during the shutdown, but winter lectures and other programs have been canceled.

The Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site in Hyde Park, N.Y., was closed.

In Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which furloughed 140 of its 180 full-time employees, said that roads and trails in the park that are seasonally open will remain open, but that park visitors’ centers and restrooms will be closed.

Looking to go someplace where you won’t have to worry about what’s closed and what’s open? Then head to Minnesota or Michigan.

Those are the two states least affected by the shutdown, a study by the financial services website WalletHub says.

The website measured the impact on each state based upon several criteria, including its share of federal jobs, the number of federal contracts per capita and access to national parks.

The USA Today Network contributed to this story.

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The House must still vote on the measure later Monday afternoon or evening, but final passage is a formality. The bill also funds the popular Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years and delays or suspends a handful of tax increases that were to help pay for insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

After a weekend of partisan finger-pointing — in which Democrats branded the shutdown the “Trump Shutdown,” after President Trump, and Republicans branded it the “Schumer shutdown” — Monday’s vote offered Republicans and Democrats a way out of an ugly impasse that threatened to cause political harm to both parties.

Mr. Schumer, speaking on the Senate floor, announced that he and Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, had “come to an arrangement” to adopt the three-week spending measure while continuing to negotiate a “global agreement” that would include the fate of the dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children.

Monday’s vote came after a frantic weekend of work by a bipartisan group of more than 20 senators, who on Sunday night were discussing a plan in which the government would stay open through early February, coupled with a promise from Mr. McConnell to allow a vote on a measure to protect the Dreamers from deportation.

Mr. McConnell pledged Monday morning that he would permit a “free and open debate” on immigration next month if the issue had not been resolved by then. But his promise was not enough for many Democrats, and on Monday morning, moderate Senate Democrats were still pressing for more in exchange for their votes to end the shutdown.

By noon, just before the first vote to end debate on the spending bill, the moderate Democrats were predicting passage.

“We’re going to vote to reopen the government,” Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, a Democrat whose state is home to thousands of federal workers, told reporters. Mr. Warner said there was now a “path clear on how we’re going to get a full-year budget and we got a path clear on how we’re going to start an immigration debate.”

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Senator Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with Democrats, said he was a “strong” yes.

“I said before trust but verify,” he said of Mr. McConnell. “He made this commitment publicly in the Senate floor. He was much more specific than he was last night. And frankly I think this is an important opportunity for him to demonstrate that he will carry through.”

— Sheryl Gay Stolberg


Trump: the Democrats “have come to their senses.”

“I am pleased that Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and are now willing to fund our great military, border patrol, first responders, and insurance for vulnerable children. As I have always said, once the Government is funded, my Administration will work toward solving the problem of very unfair illegal immigration. We will make a long-term deal on immigration if, and only if, it is good for our country.” — Statement released by the White House

White House insists Trump was part of the deal-making.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, insisted that the deal that the Senatevoted on was not “drastically different” than what was discussed on Friday between the president and Mr. Schumer.

Despite what was characterized by both parties as Mr. Trump’s invisibility this weekend, Ms. Sanders still insisted that he was responsible for making a deal happen.

Here Are the Senators Who Brokered a Bipartisan Solution to the Government Shutdown

“What the president did clearly worked,” she said, calling the numbers more in Mr. Trump’s favor “than in Senator Schumer’s favor.”

“The president stayed firm, Republicans stayed firm and Democrats Ithink realized that they had to move past that piece of legislation” in order to discuss immigration going forward, Ms. Sanders said.

But she declined to clarify precisely what the parameters of an immigration deal would look like. She dodged several questions about how many of the so-called dreamers might be eligible for what she called a “permanent solution” to their legal status, or how it might be put into effect, or when deportations of DACA recipients might begin.

“They say they want to negotiate so much so that they were willing to shut down the government,” Ms. Sanders said of Democrats in response to a specific question about when deportations would start.

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She dodged a question about whether Mr. Trump had a role in dictating a web ad his campaign released over the weekend that said Democrats would be “complicit” in murders committed by undocumented immigrants. But she anticipated a full restoration of federal services by Tuesday morning.

White House official Marc Short credited the president with impacting the tide turning by calling into the House Freedom Caucus meeting on Thursday. He then - mostly - held to a script that his aides prescribed that blamed Democrats. The White House consistently said they believed Democrats in red states would be forced to come around.

But aides at the White House, many of whom had never lived through a shut down before, were unsure how to spend their time. A group of press aides considered sending volunteers to the Mall to clean up after the women’s rally on Saturday to highlight that the govenrment was shut, but they scuttled the plan when they found out that the Washington D.C. police were already doing it.

“Put this mess behind us.”

Mr. McConnell said on Monday morning that the Senate would move ahead with a scheduled procedural vote at noon on a proposal to fund the government through Feb. 8, and he urged his colleagues to put an end to the shutdown.

“Every day we spend arguing about keeping the lights on is another day we cannot spend negotiating DACA or defense spending or any of our other shared priorities,” Mr. McConnell said, referring to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the program put in place by the Obama administration that shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Mr. McConnell reiterated a pledge he offered on Sunday night that he intended for the Senate to take up immigration legislation in February if the issue has not been resolved by then. A major question as senators seek to end the shutdown is what kind of commitment Mr. McConnell is willing to make regarding the consideration of legislation for the young immigrants, a central issue in the current impasse.

On Monday, Mr. McConnell pledged that the Senate’s immigration debate would have “a level playing field at the outset and an amendment process that is fair to all sides.”

“The very first step is ending the government shutdown,” he said.

— Thomas Kaplan

Democrats wanted more than McConnell’s word.

Moderate Senate Democrats Monday morning had sought a firmer commitment from Mr. McConnell that the Senate would move to address the fate of hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants, known as Dreamers, in the coming weeks.

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The Democrats were part of a bipartisan group of more than 20 senators working throughout the weekend to forge a compromise to reopen the government. Mr. McConnell signaled Sunday night that he was listening to their demands, saying from the Senate floor that he intended to move ahead with immigration legislation in February if the issue had not been resolved by then.

But on Monday, Democrats wanted more in exchange for the votes to end the shutdown.

“Well I think the first thing he needs to do is strengthen his statement from last night,” said Senator Angus King of Maine, an independent who votes with the Democrats. “ ‘I intend.’ I would much rather he say, ‘I commit’ or ‘I will move.’”

As senators from the group shuffled in and out of leadership offices, Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona and another member of the group, expressed optimism that such a public statement by Mr. McConnell would be enough to win over enough Democrats to vote to end the shutdown. Some Democrats called on Mr. McConnell to delay a procedural vote schedule for noon.

The crux issue, it seemed, was whether the majority leader could be trusted to keep his word. Democrats have not forgiven Mr. McConnell for blocking the Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland for almost a year pending the election of a Republican to the White House. And Mr. McConnell’s promises to Republican Senators Flake and Susan Collins of Maine for votes on health care and immigration in exchange for their support of the tax cut have yet to materialize.

How much of the issue is that mistrust?

“Uh, most of it,” said Senator Joseph Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia.


— Nicholas Fandos

Liberal activists weren’t ready to relent.

A broad array of liberal advocacy groups — including unions and immigrants’ rights activists — stepped up pressure on Democrats not to accede on Monday to any deal that does not include protections for the young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers.

The advocates made clear that they do not trust Mr. McConnell.

“To anyone considering such a move, let me clear, promises won’t protect anyone from deportation, because delay means deportation for us,” said Greisa Martinez Rosas, advocacy director for America’s Voice, an immigrant rights group.

Moderate Senate Democrats on Monday were seeking a firmer commitment from Mr. McConnell. But the groups remained skeptical. Vanita Gutpta, the president and chief executive officer of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, harked back to Democrats’ vote on Friday to block a spending bill that would have kept the government open, without protecting the Dreamers.

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“We’ve made it clear that the broad progressive movement is unified in saying the Democrats stood strong on Friday, they absolutely need to continue to do so,” Ms. Gupta said. She added, “Simply put a dream deferred right now is a dream denied for hundreds of thousands in our country.”

The Sierra Club’s executive director, Michael Brune, was blunt: “Everyone in the Senate should have learned the lesson Senators Flake and Collins learned: you can’t trust Mitch McConnell. His promises are empty from the start.”

— Sheryl Gay Stolberg

The White House comment line had an attitude.

On Monday morning, a telephone call to the White House comment line reminded callers that the federal government was shutdown and offered the Trump administration’s explanation for why: “Unfortunately, we cannot answer your call today because congressional Democrats are holding government funding for our troops and other national security priorities hostage to an unrelated immigration debate,” a recording said. “Due to this obstruction the government is shut down.”

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Setting aside the partisan nature of the call, its message was only half true, if that. Most of the government is functioning, at least for now. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Communications Commission say they have enough money in the pipeline to operate normally. The White House ordered the National Parks to stay open, depriving the media of the most obvious signs of dysfunction.

Even Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign, is still in action. He has declared his investigators “essential employees.”

But was the recording legal? Norm Eisen, who served as the top ethics lawyer during Barack Obama’s first term in the White House and is now on the board of the liberal Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said the message probably did not violate the Hatch Act, the statute that bars most executive branch employees from engaging in political activity. It certainly does run contrary to its policy, and therefore “would have been inconceivable in any other administration, of either party.”

“This telephone message falls in the very thin, gray area where this White House lives, which is quite a bit north of definitely wrong, but just south, or on the borderline, of illegal,” Mr. Eisen said.

He said it violated the longstanding norm observed by presidents in both parties that the White House staff, particularly nonpartisan career employees such as the person likely to have recorded the message, is there to serve all Americans, not just those who voted for him.

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But the recording would be unlikely to generate a formal complaint, Mr. Eisen said, because no specific political candidate was mentioned. The White House changed the message as the Senate headed toward a deal.

— Eileen Sullivan and Julie Hirschfeld Davis

White House shows signs it’s on the offense.

After a weekend of relative silence from the White House, Raj Shah, a White House spokesman, appeared on CNN to defend President Trump, who had been publicly criticized as disengaged on the negotiations and unduly influenced by his senior advisers.

“We’re happy with how the president engaged,” Mr. Shah said, before shifting blame to the Democrats. “It was them that were holding back funding for our military, our troops, our border patrol agents and our first responders.”

Mr. Shah also defended a president who has been publicly accused by lawmakers in his own party of deferring to Stephen Miller, the adviser who is ideologically behind much of the White House’s restrictive immigration agenda.

“Those charges are frankly ridiculous, and they’re a little insulting,” Mr. Shah said. “The views that the president is endorsing are his and his alone.”

Mr. Trump, a president prone to hit back against his critics in real time, remained relatively restrained on Monday, except to accuse Democrats of being cowed by activists who want a fast decision on the fate of the Dreamers.

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