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Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle put on a touching display of affection today while undertaking their second engagement as a couple.

The royal pair went to the studios of Reprezent 107.3 FM in Brixton, a 24-hour underground music station and the only one in the UK presented by people under 25, arriving to tumultuous cheers from the adoring crowd.

Helen Wiltshire, 69, from Crawley, West Sussex, was overcome with emotion and broke down in tears as she thanked the pair for their visit, telling Meghan she 'loved her'.

She clasped hands with Miss Markle and Prince Harry when they left Pop Brixton and said she has a special connection with the Royal Family which dates back to the early 20th century.

Ms Wiltshire told MailOnline: 'It just means so much. In 1900, my grandfather signed the 1900 Uganda Agreement with Queen Victoria. Because of the royal connection we've always felt close to them.'

She wept as she held their hands and told Meghan: 'Thank you, thank you for all you've done.'

Speaking afterwards, she said: 'I just love Prince Harry. For him to have found someone who he really loves it is amazing. You can feel their love I wish them all the best.

Ms Wiltshire ran a shop for 25 years from across Pop Brixton and added: 'I just want to say it was a dream to meet them. I wish them all the best and thank you so much for coming to Brixton.'

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Helen Wiltshire, from Crawley, holds her hand out to Meghan as well-wishers gather to say hello to the royal couple in South London today

The radio station offers accredited training and support in topics ranging from audio and radio production and editing

They stopped to chat to people waiting in the crowd - who eagerly took the opportunity to take pictures of them

With just 122 days to their wedding, Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle are undertaking their second engagement as a couple

The couple are inside the radio station chatting to youth workers, volunteers and people who have been helped by the great cause

Inside Reprezent's studios, the couple, who got engaged in November and will wed in May, met presenter Gloria Beyi, 17, host of radio show Glory Talks, who was on air, and her producer, Finn Whitehead, 27

Helen Wiltshire, 69, (right, with her 39-year-old daughter Sandra) from Crawley, West Sussex, was overcome with emotion when she met the royal couple

They chatted animatedly to people from the station, laughing and joking as they heard about how it helps youngsters

The prince and Ms Markle were greeted by Mr Carey and an enthusiastic Harry told him in an apparent reference to the station: 'All this is amazing'

Harry told the station's founder Shane Carey, 46, the work he was doing was 'amazing', while Meghan made everyone laugh when she told them: 'I must tune in.'

And down-to-earth Meghan beamed as she waved to the crowds while wearing a £600 coat by Smythe, Burberry trousers and a £45 sweater by high street giant Marks & Spencer.

Rather fittingly, the pair listened to the track 'Flirt' by the artist Pote and Meghan praised teenage presenter Gloria Beyi, 17, telling her: 'I can see why your show is so popular. You're so thoughtful and your approach is so engaging.'

With just 122 days to their wedding, this is the first engagement of the year for the happy couple. Afterwards they greeted well-wishers who had waited for hours in the freezing cold and even stopped to pose for selfies.

Foster carer Sharley Watson, 55, waited out in the cold for hours to catch a glimpse of the couple and said she was excited to welcome them to Brixton.

She said: 'It's good to see Meghan in Brixton, a black community - it's the first time we've had a royal visit here.

'Hopefully she will want to help areas like this. I hope she liked it - I think she would like it even better at night .. she could try out the nightlife.'

American students Jennifer Martinez, 20, and Millicent Sasu, 19, from Baltimore, US, were also in the crowd.

Jennifer said: 'She's black, she's white, she's an actress, she's American .. she brings a bit of everything and has so many different qualities and brings such a lot to the table.'

Millicent added: 'I feel like she's the new face of America, which is great for our country.'

John Loughrey, 62, set up camp opposite POP Brixton at 6am this morning but despite arriving in good time, the patriot said he never believed today would be the day he would finally get to meet Prince Harry and Miss Markle.

The royalist from Streatham, south London, told MailOnline he had attended dozens of royal visits over the years but had only managed to catch Prince Harry's eye once before.

This all changed this afternoon however - in part thanks to Mr Loughrey's Great British get up. Dressed in a Union Jack hat, hoodie and trousers to match, he caught the eye of the pair as they left the community radio station.

Holding roses with a picture of the happy couple and a heartfelt engagement card, he said Prince Harry and Meghan asked his name and asked the type of flowers he had bought.

He told MailOnline: 'I said to Meghan, I've got your favourite flowers! Meghan said thank you and harry came over and shook hands twice with me. He was so excited he forgot to take the flowers off me.'

The prince came back for the flowers and the card before he was ushered away into his escorted vehicle alongside his fiancée.

Helen (pictured), 69, told MailOnline: 'It just means so much. In 1900, my grandfather signed the 1900 Uganda Agreement with Queen Victoria. Because of the royal connection we've always felt close to them.'

The prince also demonstrated that his wife to wear the trousers in their relationship during a discussion about gender equality

They chatted to dozens of young DJs - with Harry even carrying off a complicated 'fist bump' with one

Meghan and Harry smiled broadly as people cheered and shouted - and in response to Harry's gesticulating to the crowds and comment 'this is so loud, you have to', Meghan turned and blew a kiss, which had everyone screaming even louder

The visit to the urban radio station saw the couple don headphones in the studio as they listened to the music

Meghan squealed and said she was 'so excited' about her forthcoming wedding to Prince Harry.

The visit to the urban radio station saw the couple don headphones in the studio and and chat to dozens of young DJs - with Harry even carrying off a complicated 'fist bump' with one.

The prince also demonstrated that his wife wears the trousers in their relationship during a discussion about gender equality.

Station manager Adrian Newman told him that they had a question for him to which Harry pointed at Meghan and swiftly replied: 'She answers the questions!'

'Yes talking of gender equality!' Meghan quickly snapped back, with a smile on her face.

Meghan and Harry smiled broadly as people cheered and shouted - and in response to Harry's gesticulating to the crowds and comment 'this is so loud, you have to', Meghan turned and blew a kiss, which had everyone screaming even louder.

The couple were accompanied by Harry’s assistant private secretary, Heather Wong, who also helped Meghan on their first public engagement in Nottingham.

Inside the station the couple had a private meeting with the station's founder, Mr Carey, who talked to them about the station's success – it has nurtured talent including grime star Stormzy – and how its training programme for young talent has helped more than 4,000 young people so far, with another 3,000 on the waiting list.

Inside the studio DJ Glory was broadcasting, along with her friend Remi who said she was 'gassed'- excited – to meet the couple.

Appropriately - but completely by chance - Glory was playing Flirt as loved up Harry and Meghan came in and chatted to her.

Meghan confidently introduced herself, 'Hi I'm Meghan, nice to meet you too', followed by Harry, and added: 'I hear your show is very popular. I can see why you are so popular, you are so thoughtful in your approach.'

DJ Glory told her that she first came into the station when she was 16 on work experience and explained how much she had learnt about not just radio but the music industry and media in general.

'Reprezent is not just a place you go to work but it's a family, anything you need they are here for you, they nurture you until you are ready and ripe,' Glory said.

'You'll go onto Beat1….' said Meghan.

'And then there are three thousand people on the waiting list and it opens up a space for someone else to have the same experience. It's amazing, it so cool,' said Meghan, who had clearly studied her brief.

The couple then donned a pair of headphones each to listen to Glory talk through the next segment, but did not go on the air themselves.

'How did you hear about Reprezent?' asked Harry afterwards. 'You are so professional. Anyone else would have got distracted. '

'It's been so good to meet you,' said Meghan, 'good luck and take care, goodbye!'

Despite the chilly wind in Brixton, the air was abuzz with excitement from the couple and those waiting for them

In a particularly touching moment of affection, Prince Harry took Meghan by the hand as he led her along the road

Miss Markle was gifted with dozens of bouquets of beautiful flowers from members of the public

They made for a handsome couple as they braved the cold in their thick woollen overcoats

The couple were even greeted by a plucky DJ who offered to mix the tracks for them at their upcoming wedding

The Reprezent training programme was established 10 years ago in response to the rise in knife crime, to help young people develop and socialise through radio - and the couple happily posed with volunteers from the programme

Six-year-old schoolgirl gives a pink rose to Meghan and paints a flamingo picture for her Hours waiting in the freezing cold for a chance of meeting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle paid off for six-year-old Davina Coas. The devoted youngster, who stood at the front of the fenced off area, clutched a pink rose and a painting which was made as an engagement present for the royal couple. As the visit to Pop in Brixton appeared to be lasting longer than the 45 minutes allotted, Davina grew tired of asking her mother how much longer it would be to meet the royal couple. But it seems her perseverance paid off as they made a beeline for schoolgirl, dressed in a purple coat and bobble hat, as they left the studio. Davina Coas (pictured) showed the flamingo painting both she and her mother made for Miss Markle after the royal couple came over to speak to her today The newly-engaged pair smiled and chatted to her as she handed over a pink flower and showed them the painting she and her mother had made for them. As others in the crowd began to scream and cry with excitement, Miss Markle leaned in to ask the little Brixton schoolchild her name. Davina's mother Inna told MailOnline it was a dream come true to meet the couple and it made the cold wait worthwhile. She said: 'My children are both mixed-raced, so it means a lot to have someone like Meghan joining the monarchy. They are a beautiful couple.' Jokingly before the couple made their way out to the crowds, Little Davina told her mum she was cold to which her mum replied: 'No pain, no fun!' And it turns out the wait was worthwhile with both Meghan and Harry greeting the youngster.

Next door the couple meet with some of other young people – volunteers, DJs and those on the training programme –to hear about their experiences.

That was where they met with DJ YV Shells, 24, from Woolwich, who is also studying to be a doctor and juggles his medical degree with his work at the station.

He has also become something of a champion of women's rights at the station and said afterwards that he was 'spun' that Meghan introduced herself and said she had heard about his passion for gender equality.

He said: 'They were so cool, so down to earth. I couldn't believe it when she spoke to me and said she had heard about my work on gender equality. It was beautiful, if I am honest with you.

'I am firm believer in normal behaviour when it comes to women, not special, just normal, which means respecting people. It spun me that she mentioned it. I was almost embarrassed as it doesn't seems anything special to me. Just normal.'

It was then that station manager Adrian said they had a question for Harry.

Adrian asked how many times harry had emailed President Obama to persuade him to be interviewed for his guest edit of Radio 4's Today programme.

'There wasn't too many email exchanges, really,' Harry explained.

'We both share a very similar outlook and the main purpose of that was let everybody know that young people in the world matter so much.

'Some of the world's biggest problems that everyone is facing, whether it be in our community or on a global scale.

'If you get good minds together to be able to have that conversation and shine a light on the young people of today and what they are doing then eventually the pendulum will swing and all of a sudden everyone under the age of 30 and all their ideas and creativity and connectivity will explode in a really good way.'

Chatting about the issue to gender equality with DJ YV Shells, Meghan said: 'You have to remind yourself that self love is important.

'It think [your attitude] is incredible. Good for you.' Harry added: 'As males we have to do our part or it's not going to work.'

Downstairs the couple chatted with some larger group of DJs and volunteers.

Jeremiah Asia, 20, said; 'They were very down to earth and didn't want to say much, they just wanted to listen to our stories. How we all came to the station by different routes but have come together as a family. They had a lot of words of encouragement.'

DJ Remi Adermi, 24, had only been at the station since August but had already bagged her own show.

She said: 'They just wanted to know why we were here and what we have got out of the experience.. They had a lot of words of encouragement.'

Remi also couldn't resist getting Harry to have a go at her trademark 'fist pump' - involving a series of complicated hand gestures – which she 'had practiced with her brother the night before' in the hope that he would be game enough to do it.

'I just thought it was now or never. He's a cool guy, a sweet guy. And he did it!'

Remi showed the prince home to do it once and then Harry carried it off perfectly. 'That's just for us, just between us,' he said, laughing.

Harry and Meghan were handed a bunch of flowers by one well-wisher in Brixton this afternoon

Harry holds a woman's hand while Meghan chats to another well-wisher outside the radio station in Brixton

Meghan puts her arm on her husband-to-be's back as they greet well-wishers after their visit to the radio station

The trip today came after Harry and Meghan have already carried out their first official royal visit together last year

Harry and Meghan approached the station's founder three days before Christmas asking if they could come and see the station for themselves

The pair held hands as they smiled and waved at the adoring crowd, before making their way into Pop Brixton

Meghan beamed at the crowd, flashing her stunning engagement ring as she wrapped up against the cold in a grey woollen coat

The bride-to-be giggled as she made her way inside the venue, while Prince Harry chatted to volunteers

As the couple left the studio after their 45 minute visit, they shook hands with a large crowd of well-wishers inside including Grace White, ten, and her sister, Olive, seven, from nearby Balham, south west London.

Grace was carrying a bouquet of flowers and said Harry asked if they were for Meghan. 'Well you had better hang on and give them to her yourself,' he said kindly.

When Meghan came along she asked where the girls were from and Grace asked her if she was excited about the wedding.

She said: 'Of course I am! And kind of squealed a little bit.'

Their mother Helen added: 'She just couldn't hide her excitement when Grace asked her. She was glowing.'

Meanwhile, plucky DJ Jevanni Letford handed his business card to the love struck prince as he toured Reprezent radio studio in Brixton on Wednesday afternoon.

The local musician told the Prince he would DJ at his reception.

Speaking afterwards, Mr Letford, 28, told MailOnline: 'Prince Harry took the card and said 'okay!' And put it in his pocket.

He said: 'Prince Harry if you're reading, getting me to dj at your wedding will be the second best decision you've ever made in your life - after asking Meghan to marry you.'

Shane Carey, 46, founder and chief executive officer of Reprezent, who hosted the couple, said: 'Since the visit was announced there's been massive excitement in the station - much more than I could have expected.'

He added: 'We're having the spotlight shone on us from all the world's media pretty much, we've never had this attention.

'The whole point of this is that the young people learn how to be creative and then shine with it and they're really getting a chance now.'

Inside Reprezent's studios, the couple, who got engaged in November and will wed in May, met presenter Gloria Beyi, 17, host of radio show Glory Talks, who was on air, and her producer, Finn Whitehead, 27.

Alongside the music, she chats with her listeners about her favourite tracks, tweets and life generally.

The couple timed their entrance perfectly as the presenter had just started a track which meant they could talk without the listeners hearing them.

The 17-year-old DJ admitted she was the youngest in the station when she was quizzed by Ms Markle.

The teenager talked about how she had been given the opportunity to host her own show after doing work experience at the station when aged 16.

At one point Harry made Meghan laugh by gesturing towards a CD mixer as if he was about to start 'scratching' a track.

As their few minutes with the presenter ended, Meghan praised the presenter, adding: 'I can see why your show is so popular. You're so thoughtful and your approach is so engaging.'

Meghan then made everyone laugh when she added: 'I must tune in.'

Miss Beyi said there had been 'a lot of shock' around the visit, adding: 'For two people who are making headlines in the news to come to a place where there's usually just a little column in the newspaper (about us) - I think a lot of people thought those two worlds would never collide.'

Miss Markle spent time after the visit waving at the crowds and greeting individuals who had waited all day

The couple even made people laugh inside the station, as they got involved with mixing and said they would tune into the show

Meghan praised the presenter, of the show, telling her: 'I can see why your show is so popular. You're so thoughtful and your approach is so engaging'

Miss Markle held on to her husband-to-be, while he led her through the crowds and into Pop Brixton in south London

Hundreds of well-wishers made their way to south London, gathering outside Pop to see the couple - who took the time to stop and say hello

Harry and Meghan visit Reprezent to see their work supporting young people through creative training in broadcasting

The Reprezent training programme was established 10 years ago in response to the rise in knife crime

The couple learned about the training programmes in Brixton, and met some of the current and former volunteers

Harry and Megan chat to young people on the Reprezent radio programme about their experiences

More than 4,000 young people have been through the Reprezent programme, with over 3,000 more on the waiting list

Harry and Meghan are at POP Brixton, a temporary project that has turned disused land into a creative space for businesses

The couple are meeting presenters and staff from Reprezent FM which trains hundreds of young people each year

Prince Harry and his bride-to-be Meghan Markle are visiting the London studios of a youth-orientated radio station today

There was a huge applause when Prince Harry and Meghan arrived just in south London shortly 3pm

Wearing a grey coat, black trousers and a black top, Miss Markle accompanied her equally smart fiancée as they shook hands with the mayor of Brixton and local dignitaries before beginning their tour

The couple were greeted and an enthusiastic Harry said in an apparent reference to the station: 'All this is amazing'

Meghan wore a coat by Smythe, Burberry trousers and a sweater by Marks & Spencer

The couple were greeted by local dignitaries when they arrived and a huge cheer went up when the crowd first saw the royals

Founded in 2003 by former teacher Shane Carey, Reprezent 107.3 FM grew out of a south London community radio project in response to a sudden increase in knife crime in Peckham, south London.

In 2011 it won its FM licence and is now known as a hotbed of UK music talent, nurturing stars including the grime maestro Stormzy, who started off as a guest but whose natural persona led to him being offered his own monthly show. Several of its presenters have also gone onto work on stations such as Radio 1Xtra.

In the last few months alone, Reprezent has also collaborated with Damon Albarn's Gorillaz, while stars including Noel Gallagher have dropped in to do interviews.

Reprezent has become such an urban success story that it now runs its own training and mentoring programme, teaching participants everything from booking guests to presenting and production.

More than 4,000 have been through the station's training programme already – which offers accredited training and support in everything from audio and radio production to communication skills, confidence building and volunteering - with another 3,000 on the waiting list.

According to Shane Carey, CEO and Founder, it was Harry and Meghan who approached him three days before Christmas asking if they could come and see the station for themselves.

Apparently they had learnt about its work with The Queen's Young Leaders, which Harry has been particularly involved in, who in turn introduced him to William, Kate and Harry's Royal Foundation, the umbrella group for their own charitable interests.

They are visiting a community radio station which trains hundreds of youngsters every year in media and employment skills

The bride-to-be was delighted as she smiled and waved at the crowds who lined the pavements to catch a glimpse of her

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's visit to Brixton left the London neighbourhood buzzing with excitement - with hundreds lining the streets to welcome the couple

Prince Harry and his fiancée happily stopped to chat to people stationed outside the radio station in south London

Dozens of photographers, broadcast cameras and journalists were in place to capture the first moments of the royal visit

Inna Coas, 42, and her daughter Davinna have been waiting since 10am to catch a glimpse of the couple. Miss Coas, who is originally from Moscow, Russia, said: 'Like Meghan, my children are mixed race. Meghan is an inspiration and her marrying into the royal family will give them models to look up to'

Members of the public eagerly waited for the arrival of Harry and Meghan for their visit to youth-orientated radio station

A group of youngsters from station have been excitedly tweeting through the morning, ahead of the couple's arrival

Six-year-old Davina Coas helped her mother paint two flamingos in love as an engagement present for the couple

Well-wishers took along bouquets of flowers adorned with pictures of the happy couple, and wore their Union Jacks as they waited in the cold

Brixton resident of 50 years Jean Carter, 72, has been waiting for the royal couple since midday. She said: 'This visit is a part of history'

Harry and Meghan will visit the Reprezent FM studios at POP Brixton, a temporary project that has turned disused land into a creative space for local, independent businesses

WHAT IS GRIME? Grime music, which began in London at the turn of the century, has been thrust into the mainstream media in the past year, amid the successful rise of Stormzy. His debut album, titled 'Gang Signs & Prayers', released in February, reached number one in the UK charts - a feat achieved by no other artist in the scene. Stormzy's rise to fame, alongside the popularity of Skepta and J Hus, helped sales of grime to rocket by 109 per cent, according to industry figures. The genre is based around some of the realities of urban lifestyle, including gangs, drugs, violence, guns and negative terms for women. Wiley, considered to be the 'godfather of grime', and other prominent artists such as Kano and Lethal Bizzle have also mentioned cannabis in their songs.

'We didn't invite them, they approached us just before Christmas. I was asked to give a major presentation the next day and have been working on this non-stop ever since,' he said.

'The reason they are coming is because we are aligned very closely to their interests, we do a lot of work around mental health. The whole model of Reprezent is peer mentoring, and I know that is something that really interests Prince Harry.

'Reprezent came out of a community station and has been so successful that it has just eclipsed everything else.

'Reprezent is about giving young people a voice and confidence. And radio is probably the way to do it. There are so many jobs that you can do within radio – not just the obvious skills, but also getting on with people, turning your hands to all sorts of jobs. '

Mr Carey said a lot of people had been asking him: why Meghan?

'Well, by coincidence 60 per cent of our intake are women, and they become, through their work here, quite strong, confident, opinionated women,' he said, referencing her strong feminist principles, outspoken nature and philanthropic work.

Mr Carey said Reprezent's training programme allowed young people to fulfil their potential and to progress into further education and employment opportunity.

Many of the young people who complete the training are able to volunteer as presenters and producers on the station.

Harry and Meghan were whisked inside Pop Brixton - a community project that houses independent local businesses

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's visit to Brixton left the London neighbourhood buzzing with excitement

Well-wishers had been allowed into the building's covered courtyard and they lined barriers as the couple walked past

Harry and his bride-to-be smiled after they arrived in a chauffeur-driven car at the studios of Reprezent FM in Brixton

Reprezent is known as a hotbed of UK music talent, nurturing stars including the grime maestro Stormzy (left) - while stars including Noel Gallagher (right) have dropped in to do interviews

Inna Coas, 42, and her daughter Davinna waited from 10am to catch a glimpse of the couple. Miss Coas, who is originally from Moscow, Russia, said: 'Like Meghan, my children are mixed race. Meghan is an inspiration and her marrying into the royal family will give them models to look up to.

'I think it's brilliant and beautiful. We have made a poster and my daughter has brought a painting to give to them as a gift.'

Pam Simmons, 60, even bought a camp chair especially so she could wait in comfort for the newly engaged couple while enjoying a cup of wine.

She said: 'Harry and William are down to earth, there is only one way to find out what the problems are in life and that's to come to the grass roots which is what they do.'

Accompanied by her husband of 41 years Paul, they said they were hoping to catch the pair to wish them a happy marriage.

Crowds braved the chilly weather to catch a glimpse of Harry and his bride-to-be in Brixton this afternoon

Excited members of the public wait outside as the pair learn more about the training programmes, and meet some of the current and former volunteers who benefited from their time on the station's courses

At one point the couple turned to acknowledge the well-wishers lining crash barriers behind them

Reprezent 107.3FM already has a sizeable audience outside of London and is growing in America, where it is streamed online.

'London is seen as pretty cool when it comes to music at the moment,' Mr Carey said.

'When it comes to what we do here, only 20 per cent go on to be presenters - there is so much more to the industry….production, artist liaison, social media management.

'A lot of young people who come through us, don't even go into the music industry. They go into customer facing jobs, because they have great CVs packed with work experience.

'That is as much as a success for us as anything else. '

Royal fan who sobbed as she met Meghan and Harry has a historic connection with the family

The woman who was overcome with emotion when she met Prince Harry and Meghan Markle today has a long-standing connection with the royal family, MailOnline can reveal.

Helen Wiltshire, 69, from Crawley, West Sussex, travelled to Brixton with her 39-year-old daughter Sandra to meet the royal couple today.

She was photographed embracing Miss Markle on the streets in south London and told the actress she 'loved her'.

Ms Wiltshire, who used to run a shop in Brixton for 25 years, later revealed her special connection with the royal family which dates back to the early 20th century.

Helen Wiltshire (right) travelled to Brixton wit her daughter Sandra (left) to see the royal couple on Tuesday

She told MailOnline that her grandfather signed the 1900 Buganda Agreement and said she has a 'always felt close' to the family.

The Buganda Agreement, also knows as the Uganda Agreement, formed the relationship between the British Uganda Protectorate and the subnational kingdom of Buganda.

It was signed in March 1900 by Buganda's prime minister Sir Apolo Kagwa and British explorer Sir Harry Johnston.

Ms Wiltshire revealed her family's connection to the agreement when both Meghan, 36, and Harry, 33, visited the underground music studios of Reprezent 107.3 FM in Brixton.

Helen Wiltshire, from Crawley, holds her hand out to Meghan as well-wishers gather to say hello to the royal couple in Brixton

They arrived to tumultuous cheers from the adoring crowd and the Suits actress beamed as she waved to people who had lined the streets.

Ms Wiltshire said: 'It just means so much. In 1900, my grandfather signed the 1900 Buganda Agreement with Queen Victoria.

'Because of the royal connection we've always felt close to them.'

She wept as she held their hands and told Meghan: 'Thank you, thank you for all you've done.'

Speaking afterwards, she said: 'I just love Prince Harry. For him to have found someone who he really loves it is amazing. You can feel their love I wish them all the best.

British explorer Sir Harry Johnston (left) signed the 1900 Buganda Agreement while Queen Victoria (right) was on the throne

'I just want to say it was a dream to meet them. I wish them all the best and thank you so much for coming to Brixton.'

Meghan squealed and said she was 'so excited' about her forthcoming wedding to Prince Harry.

The visit to the urban radio station saw the couple wear headphones in the studio and and chat to dozens of young DJs.

Harry even 'fist bumped' with one DJ and demonstrated that his wife wears the trousers in the relationship after he was asked about gender equality.

Station manager Adrian Newman told him that they had a question for him to which Harry pointed at Meghan and swiftly replied: 'She answers the questions!'

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Meghan Markle watches as Prince Harry is taught how to fist bump

Meghan Markle has closed down her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts, Kensington Palace confirmed.

Prince Harry's fiancee took the decision because the accounts "haven't been used for some time". Ms Markle also ran her own lifestyle website, The Tig, which she closed in April 2017.

The palace said the former actress and UN ambassador was grateful to everyone who had followed her over the years.

The move came after the couple made their first official visit in London.

In December 2017, Ms Markle had 1.9 million people following her posts on Instagram, and more than 350,000 Twitter followers.

Her Facebook page had almost 800,000 likes.

Image copyright The Tig Image caption Ms Markle explained the closure of her lifestyle website, The Tig, in a post in April 2017

Earlier on Tuesday, Harry and Meghan were greeted by crowds of well-wishers at community radio station Reprezent, in Brixton, which trains youngsters in media skills.

Ms Markle went to the engagement in a Marks & Spencer sweatshirt, Burberry trousers and a Smythe coat.

A DJ at the station, Jeremiah Asiamah, described the pair as a "power couple", and added "they became family in the space of five minutes".

"She's beautiful, such an amazing character, if there's any way you could describe a power couple in this modern day and age, it's definitely them."

Image copyright AFP/Getty Images

The founder of Reprezent FM, Shane Carey, welcomed the visit saying: "We're having the spotlight shone on us from all the world's media."

During the visit Ms Markle picked out male presenter YV Shells, for his work in promoting women on the station.

She said: "Empowering the women to make sure they're in a space where it's not as much [male] driven, to be the man there supporting I think that's incredible."

Harry and Ms Markle also visited Pop Brixton, a community project housing local start-ups and restaurants.

Image copyright Getty Images

The couple met one of the station's presenters, Gloria Beyi, 17, and her producer Finn Whitehead, 27.

Gloria said there was shock that such a high-profile couple had visited their radio station: "I think a lot of people thought those two worlds would never collide."

Talking to the teenagers, Ms Markle said: "I can see why your show is so popular. You're so thoughtful and your approach is so engaging."

She added: "I must tune in."

The couple announced their engagement in November and are due to marry at St George's Chapel in Windsor in May.

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2/42 8 January 2018 Journalist Carrie Gracie speaks to the media outside the BBC in London after she turned down a £45,000 rise, describing the offer as a "botched solution" to the problem of unequal pay at the BBC. Gracie said she told the corporation she wanted equality, rather than more money, and was determined not to help the organisation "perpetuate a failing pay structure by discriminating against women" PA

3/42 7 January 2018 A man reads a newspaper as he takes part in the annual 'No Trousers On The Tube Day' (No Pants Subway Ride) at Liverpool Street Station. Started in 2002 with only seven participants, the day is now marked in over 60 cities around the world. The idea behind "No Pants" is that random passengers board a subway car at separate stops in the middle of winter, without wearing trousers. The participants wear all of the usual winter clothing on their top half such as hats, scarves and gloves and do not acknowledge each other's similar state of undress. AFP/Getty

4/42 6 January 2018 League Two side Coventry City celebrate victory over Premier League side Stoke in the FA Cup third round PA

5/42 5 January 2018 A commendation ceremony takes place at Manchester Town Hall to recognise the actions of police and rail staff following the terrorist attack at Manchester Arena in May 2017 PA

6/42 4 January 2018 Stuart (no surname given) with his possessions in a bus stop near Windsor Castle, Berkshire. Prime Minister Theresa May has said she disagrees with Tory council leader Simon Dudley, who called on police to clear rough sleepers from Windsor before the royal wedding PA

7/42 3 January 2018 Storm Eleanor lashed the UK with violent storm-force winds of up to 100mph PA

8/42 2 January 2018 Members of National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) hold a demonstration against rail fare increases outside Kings Cross Railway Station, London. Average rail ticket prices across Britain have risen by 3.4 percent, the biggest increase to rail fares for five years EPA

9/42 1 January 2018 A man takes part in the Mappleton Bridge Jump, an annual unofficial tradition where those willing jump from Okeover bridge on New Years Day into the River Dove PA

10/42 31 December 2017 Passing clouds creating beautiful colours in Wimbledon on the last sunset of the year Rex

11/42 30 December 2017 One person was taken to hospital after a fire broke out on the ninth floor of a building in Joiner Street in Manchester's Northern Quarter mcr_cabbie/Twitter

12/42 29 December 2017 Heavy snow, rain, thunderstorms and wind have caused disruption across much of Britain as a band of "severe" weather rolled across the country. Travelers were warned of dangerous roads conditions, with Highways England advising road users to pack shovels, food and water if they do venture out. The weather didn't just affect travel however, camels on a farm near Richmond, North Yorkshire and various other animals are having to deal with the cold weather PA

13/42 28 December 2017 Alastair Cook celebrates after reaching his double-century during the third day of the fourth Ashes cricket test match Reuters

14/42 27 December 2017 Sheep are driven to another field in the Cotswolds after overnight snow caused travel disruptions across parts of the UK PA

15/42 26 December 2017 Harry Kane celebrates after scoring his third goal, Tottenham's fifth, during the Boxing day Premier League match against Southampton at Wembley. He broke Alan Shearer’s record of 36 Premier League goals in a calendar year, scoring 39 from 36 matches. Kane also finished 2017 as Europe’s leading scorer ahead of Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, who has 54 goals from 63 appearances in all competitions. Harry Kane has 56 from 52. AFP/Getty

16/42 25 December 2017 Swimmers get out of the water after taking part in the Christmas Day Serpentine swim in Hyde Park, London Reuters

17/42 24 December 2017 Stuart Broad of England bowls during a nets session at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Australia. The fourth Ashes test starts on Boxing Day Getty

18/42 23 December 2017 Staff members console each other as they survey the damage after a fire destroyed a number of buildings at London Zoo. An aardvark has died and four meerkats are missing. Eight zoo workers have been treated by paramedics after a desperate attempt to save the animals from the blaze, which broke out in a petting area.

19/42 22 December 2017 Druids, pagans and revellers gather in the centre of Stonehenge, hoping to see the sun rise, as they take part in a winter solstice ceremony at the ancient neolithic monument of Stonehenge. Despite a forecast for cloud and rain, a large crowd gathered at the famous historic stone circle, to celebrate the sunrise closest to the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. The event is claimed to be more important in the pagan calendar than the summer solstice, because it marks the 're-birth' of the Sun for the New Year. Getty Images

20/42 21 December 2017 Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz, British Defence Minister Gavin Williamson in the presence of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May sign a treaty between the Republic of Poland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on cooperation in the field of defense and security EPA

21/42 20 December 2017 A protester wears a 'STOP BREXIT' hat outside the Palace of Westminster Reuters

22/42 19 December 2017 The Choristers of St Paul's rehearse for a series of services and concerts over the Christmas season at St Paul's Cathedral in London REUTERS

23/42 18 December 2017 Joe Root, the England captain is interviewed after Australia regained the Ashes. England lost by an innings and 41 run runs in the third test at the WACA in Perth Getty

24/42 17 December 2017 Photos of Richard Ratcliffe and his wife Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been jailed in Iran, on display at their home in north London. Mr Ratcliffe says he believes there is "still a chance" she may be released from an Iranian prison in time for a dream Christmas together. PA

25/42 16 December 2017 Oxford Street in London is filled with shoppers with 8 shopping days before Christmas Rex

26/42 15 December 2017 Jonny Bairstow of England headbutts his helmet to celebrate his century during day two of the Third Test match in the 2017/18 Ashes Series between Australia and England at the WACA in Perth, Australia. Bairstow was embroiled in controversy at the beginning of the tour after lightly headbutting Australian opening batsman Cameron Bancroft in an exchange in a bar

27/42 14 December 2017 People at the Grenfell Tower National Memorial Service PA

28/42 13 December 2017 Wax figures of Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson wearing a Christmas Jumper at Madame Tussauds EPA

29/42 12 December 2017 Victims and family of victims of the Grenfell Tower fire, Nicholas Burton (left), Sandra Ruiz (second right), Karim Mussilhy (right) and a girl who asked not be named (second left), hand in a petition to Downing Street, asking for an overhaul of the public inquiry. PA

30/42 11 December 2017 A homeless man on the streets of Manchester. Many people are spending the night on the streets in freezing temperatures as the Met Office continues to issue weather warnings across the country. The Shelter charity has said that more than 300,000 are now homeless across Britain, equating to the population of a city the size of Newcastle Getty

31/42 10 December 2017 Pedestrians walk over the Millennium Bridge with St Paul's Cathedral pictured in the background as snow falls AFP/Getty Images

32/42 9 December 2017 British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, left, and Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani, right, with interpreter at centre, during their meeting in Tehran, Iran. Johnson is expected to discuss the fate of detained British-Iranian woman Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who is serving a five-year prison sentence for allegedly plotting to overthrow Iran's government. AP

33/42 8 December 2017 British Prime Minister Theresa May (L) and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker address a press conference at the European Commission in Brussels AFP/Getty Images

34/42 7 December 2017 Nick Dunn, one of the so-called Chennai Six is greeted by his sister Lisa as he arrives at Newcastle Airport after being released from India after serving four years in jail on weapons charges. PA

35/42 6 December 2017 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (L) greets Nigeria's ambassador to the United Kingdom, George Adesola Oguntade (C), and his wife, Modupe Oguntade, during a private audience at Buckingham Palace in central London AFP/Getty

36/42 5 December 2017 800 abandoned buckets appear at Potters Field Park, London, in a moving tribute to the 800 children who die every day, on average, due to a lack of clean water and sanitation. Just one bucket in the installation, part of WaterAid’s #Untapped appeal, could hold almost enough safe drinking water for one child for a week. Every £1 donated to the #Untapped appeal until 31st January 2018 will be matched by the UK Government. WaterAid / Ollie Dixon

37/42 4 December 2017 British Prime Minister Theresa May smiles to European Union President Donald Tusk as she attends Brexit negotiations' meetings AFP/Getty

38/42 3 December 2017 The last Supermoon of 2017 sets over Whitley Bay, Northumberland PA

39/42 2 December 2017 The crowd reacts as England's Dawid Malan fails to stop a boundary during the first day of the second Ashes test match REUTERS

40/42 1 December 2017 England manager, Gareth Southgate, jokes with Belgium manager, Roberto Martinez, after their sides were drawn in the same group during the Final Draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia Getty Images

41/42 30 November 2017 A supporter of Lauri Love, who is accused of hacking into U.S. government computers, wears a Donald Trump mask as he protests in front of the Royal Courts of Justice in London AP

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She was the queen of savvy self-promotion, complementing her acting career with a carefully-curated Instagram page and lifestyle blog.

From her thoughtful and intelligent tweets to her opinions on food and plonk, there was very little about her life that Meghan Markle didn't share with her fans.

But today marks the end of an era, because Megs has finally deleted her Instagram and Twitter accounts.

She did away with her blog The Tig last April, but now she's taken the drastic action of closing down her socials all together.

(Image: Instagram)

(Image: Instagram)

(Image: Twitter)

The princess-to-be has yet to say why, although speculation is rife that it's part of an effort to protect her privacy now that she's joining one of the most famous families in the world.

Despite her changing approach to sharing, Meghan still remains as down-to-earth as always.

A point which she proved when she kicked out those casual vibes when she visited a Brixton radio station with Prince Harry today.

Despite being a Hollywood actress, the 36-year-old proved that, like her boyf, she's set to be a much more low-key royal compared to Prince William and Kate.

Aside from all the hand holding - which Wills and Kate would never do, don't you know - here's all the signs that Meghan and her laid-back LA vibes are set to shake up the formal ways of the palace...

(Image: PA)

(Image: PA)

The hair

While Kate's tresses were blow-dried to within an inch of their life when she made her first public appearance with William at a charity concert in Norfolk in December 2010, Meghan today opted to pull her hair back in a super-casual messy bun.

She even had unruly tendrils falling around her face - quelle horreur! - as she waved to well-wishers outside the POP Brixton studio.

(Image: PA)


(Image: UK Press)

The clothes

For Kate's debut, she chose an interview-chic style, digging out her trusty black heels and tights which she paired with a super-formal blazer and a dressy dress.

Not so for Megs who threw on a grey woolen overcoat. Of course, it's unlikely to be a George at Asda spesh and is probably worth more than the entire contents of Primark put together, but still - it is a woolly coat.

(Image: PA)

(Image: Daily Mirror)

(Image: PA)

(Image: PA)

And we need to talk about the trousers. The TROUSERS! Have you ever seen K-Middy rock a pair of trews unless she's being all sporty and such?

That's not to mention the chic but simple black jumper Meghan wore, compared to Kate's formal two-piece designer suits.

The scarf

The upper echelons of society must been cringing in their Chanel suits at the sight of Meghan's bunched-up scarf.

(Image: Getty Images Europe)

Giving zero effs about the right and wrong way to wear a scarf, the stunning actress went her own way and rocked the thrown-on look.

The jewels

While Kate wears nothing but her engagement ring and family heirlooms from the royal vaults, Meghan cracked out the dress jewelery for her appearance. What a legend!

She accessorized her hands with three simple silver rings, and a matching bangle was clearly visible under the sleeve of her coat.

(Image: Daily Mirror)

(Image: Andy Stenning)

The hand holding

As the future King of England, Wills makes like his granny the Queen and steers clear of packing on the PDA with Kate.

(Image: Getty Images Europe)

(Image: Alexi Lubomirski/Getty)

Not so for Meghan and Harry, who looked like they wanted to eat each other when they posed for their engagement shots.

And they were as tactile as ever in Brixton, with a shy Meghan holding on tight to Harry's hand. Because, why wouldn't you?

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