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Google Doodle Hari Ini Rayakan Ulang Tahun Virginia Woolf ke-136

VIRGINIA Woolf is widely regarded as one of Britain's greatest novelists, whose influence on the literary world continues to be felt to this very day.

As Google celebrates the much-loved author on her 136th birthday with one of its Google Doodles, here's what you need to know about her life, work and tragic death.

Hulton Archive - Getty Virginia Woolf is one of Britain's greatest novelists

Who was Virginia Woolf?

Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen in Kensington, London on January 25, 1882.

Her parents were the historian and critic Sir Leslie Stephen and the celebrated beauty Julia Stephen, who raised their daughter in a literate, well-connected household.

Upon the death of her mother in 1895, Woolf suffered the first of the mental health episodes which blighted her life, including a more serious breakdown when her father passed away in 1904.

She began writing at an early age, having her first piece published in December 1904, and writing for the Times Literary Supplement from the following year.

Along with her husband, Leonard, whom she married in 1912, she became part of an influential group of writers known as the Bloomsbury Group prominent in London during the early 20th century.

Woolf's first novel, The Voyage Out, was published in 1915, and her subsequent writings established her as one of the leading novelists and essayists of her time.

Alamy After publishing her first novel in 1915 Woolf wrote prolifically until her death

She published prolifically between the First and Second World Wars, with her final novel Between The Acts issued just after her death in 1941.

After producing the final manuscript for that posthumous work, Woolf fell into a depression, her diaries of the time hinting at a growing obsession with death.

On March 28 1941 she drowned herself in the River Ouse near her home, Monk's House in Lewes, Sussex – her body was not found for three weeks.

The 59-year-old's heartbreaking suicide note to her husband began: "Dearest, I feel certain that I am going mad again.

"I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time."

Google Google is commemorating Woolf on her 136th birthday with this Doodle

Woolf's legacy has endured well beyond her tragic death, with the author's importance coming to the fore with the rise of the feminist movement in the 1970s.

The famous play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Ablee, its title a play on the Disney nursery rhyme, inspired a film version starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.

Nicole Kidman won an Oscar for portraying Woolf in the 2002 film The Hours, an adaptation of Michael Cunningham's 1998 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.

The National Portrait Gallery ran an exhibition in her honour for three months in 2014, and she has been cited as an influence on writers such as Margaret Atwood and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Google created a commemorative Doodle to mark Woolf's 136th birthday on January 25, 2018, using an image by London-based illustrator Louise Pomeroy.

Which books did Virginia Woolf write?

In total, Woolf published nine novels:

The Voyage Out (1915)

Night and Day (1919)

Jacob's Room (1922)

Mrs Dalloway (1925)

To the Lighthouse (1927)

Orlando (1928)

The Waves (1931)

The Years (1937)

Between the Acts (1941)

She's also well known for her non-fiction, particularly the book-length essays A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas, published in 1929 and 1938 respectively.

Getty - Contributor Woolf's final work, Between The Acts, was published after her death

What were Virginia Woolf's most famous quotes?

"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." (A Room of One's Own)

(A Room of One's Own) "Though we see the same world, we see it through different eyes." (Three Guineas)

(Three Guineas) "Never pretend that the things you haven't got are not worth having." (A Moment's Liberty)

(A Moment's Liberty) "Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners." (A Room of One's Own)

(A Room of One's Own) "I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman." (A Room of One's Own)

(A Room of One's Own) "If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people." ( The Moment and Other Essays)

Getty - Contributor Virginia Woolf was one of the foremost author's and essayists of the inter-war period

What is a Google Doodle?

In 1998, the search engine founders Larry and Sergey drew a stick figure behind the second 'o' of Google as a message to that they were out of office at the Burning Man festival and with that, Google Doodles were born.

The company decided that they should decorate the logo to mark cultural moments and it soon became clear that users really enjoyed the change to the Google homepage.

Google Google celebrated the Autumn Equinox with a themed doodle

In that same year, a turkey was added to Thanksgiving and two pumpkins appeared as the 'o's for Halloween the following year.

Now, there is a full team of doodlers, illustrators, graphic designers, animators and classically trained artists who help create what you see on those days.

Among the Doodles published in recent months were ones commemorating German scientist Robert Koch, Jan Ingenhousz (who discovered photosynthesis) and the 50th anniversary of kids coding languages being introduced.

Earlier in the year, the search giant celebrated the 2017 Autumn Equinox , which marked the official ending of summer and the coming of autumn.

Karena tidak dapat mengatasi depresinya, Woolf mengenakan mantelnya, mengisi kantungnya dengan batu dan berjalan ke Sungai Ouse pada 28 Maret 1941. Ia kemudian terjun ke sungai itu.

Pihak berwenang menemukan mayatnya tiga minggu kemudian.

Meskipun popularitasnya menurun setelah Perang Dunia II, karya Woolf kembali bergaung dengan generasi baru pembaca selama gerakan feminis tahun 1970an. Woolf tetap menjadi salah satu penulis paling berpengaruh abad ke-21.

( - agu/agu)

Google doodle hari ini, Kamis (25/1/2018) merayakan ulang tahun Virginia Woolf ke-136. Woolf lahir di Inggris pada 25 Januari 1882.Woolf dibesarkan di sebuah rumah dengan sebuah perpustakaan besar yang kerap dikunjungi para intelektual. Lantaran itu tidak mengherankan, Woolf kemudian menjadi anggota integral Grup Bloomsbury, kelompok intelektual dan seniman kontemporer terkemuka ketika itu.Nama Virginia Woolf mencuat karena novelnya Mrs. Dalloway (1925) dan To The Lighthouse (1927). Mrs Dalloway bercerita mengenai seorang tokoh fiktif bernama Clarissa Dalloway dengan seting waktu pasca Perang Dunia I. Novel ini disebut salah satu novel terbaik Virginia Wolf karena ditulis secara detail sehingga pembaca dapat membayangkan setiap gerakan si tokoh.Sedangkan di novel To The Lighthouse, Woolf bercerita mengenai sebuah keluarga Ramsay di Skotlandia dengan latar belakang waktu tahun 1910-1920. Novel ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, The Window, Times Passes, dan The Lighthouse.Selain novel, Woolf membuat karya non fiksi seperti "A Room of One's Own" (1929). Karya ini menampilkan perspektif pemikiran feminis Woolf pada dasawarsa kedua abad ke-20.Namun hidup Woolf berakhir tragis. Selama Perang Dunia II berkecamuk di Eropa, Woolf mengalami depresi berat.Untuk menghormati penulis awal abad ke-20 ini, Google pada hari ini membuat sketsa wajah Woolf yang dikelilingi daun-daun berguguran, untuk menggambarkan tema visual yang kerap dipakai Woolf dalam karya-karyanya.Selamat ulang tahun ke-136, Virginia Woolf!Baca juga artikel terkait GOOGLE DOODLE atau tulisan menarik lainnya Agung DH

TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM - Halaman utama situs mesin pencarian Google pada Kamis (25/1/2018) menampilkan doodle sosok Virginia Woolf .

Lahir di Kensington, Middlesex, Inggris pada 25 Januari 1882 dan menghembuskan nafas terakhir pda 28 Maret 1941 atau pada usia 59 tahun.

Lalu, siapa dia sebenarnya dan kenapa menjadi doodle ?

2. Lahir di Kensington, Middlesex, Inggris pada 25 Januari 1882.

5. Alumnus King's College London atau kini bernama Queen Elizabeth London .

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID - Situs pencarian Google memasang Virginia Woolf di google doodlenya. Siapakah Virginia Woolf?

Dia lahir pada 25 Januari 1882 dengan nama asli Adeline Virginia Stephen. Ia tumbuh dalam keluarga kelas atas pada akhir era Victorian.

Dia merupakan perempuan yang cantik dan anggun. Ayahnya, Leslie Stephen, dan Ibunya Julia, merupakan pasangan yang sudah pernah menikah sebelumnya.

Leslie memiliki anak bernama Laura, sementara Julia memunyai Gerard, Stella, dan George Duckworth. Ketika mereka menikah, lahirlah Vanessa, Tobby, Virginia, dan si bungsu Adrian.

Baca: Siswi SMP Meninggal Dunia Usai Berhubungan Intim dengan Pacar, Fakta Mengerikan Pun Terungkap!

Masa kecil Virginia sudah diisi dengan bacaan-bacaan bermutu. Ini berkat bimbingan ayahnya yang memiliki perpustakaan pribadi yang begitu lengkap. Hingga tak jarang penulis-penulis terkemuka waktu itu kerap bertandang ke sana.

Leslie Stephen pula yang mengajari Virginia tentang cara membaca untuk pemahaman yang mendalam. Inilah yang nantinya membuat Virginia dapat berpikir sangat kritis dan memiliki kemampuan seni menulis di atas rata-rata. Namun kisah tentang Virginia kerap ditulis dengan bahasa yang kelam. Mungkin karena kisah hidupnya sendiri sangatlah muram.

Baca: VIDEO - Pocong Ini Bikin Anak-anak yang Pulang Mengaji Ketakutan, Polisi Menangkapnya, Ternyata!

Pada tahun 1895, Virginia melakukan usaha bunuh diri pertamanya -- mencoba melompat dari jendela, tak lama setelah ibunya meninggal.

Selama 1905-1912, Virginia tinggal berpindah-pindah di kawasan Bloomsbury, London. Ia wanita terpandang dan seorang yang jenius. Di sini ia bertemu dengan Leonard Woolf, yang kemudian menikahinya pada tahun 1912. Leonard merupakan pria yang dapat memahami kepekaan perasaan Virginia dan hasratnya yang tinggi untuk berkarya. Virginia aktif menulis kritik anonim di Times Literary Supplements.

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