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Floor collapses at Jakarta stock exchange

Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN) Dozens of people were injured Monday when a floor at the Indonesia Stock Exchange in Jakarta collapsed, spilling people onto the lobby area below.

At least 77 people were taken to local hospitals after a hallway between two buildings suddenly gave way, according to Argo Yuwono, senior commissioner for Jakarta police department.

Two people have since been discharged. Police said most injuries were minor and they did not comment on the cause of the collapse.

Inilah detik-detik robohnya selasar atap lantai 1 Tower II Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Senayan, Jakarta, roboh pada 15/1/2018 pukul 12.10 Wib. Puing menimpa sejumlah orang yang berada di bawahnya. Lebih dari 70 orang luka. #BreakingNews #ElshintaHotNews — Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) January 15, 2018

A CNN Indonesia correspondent said after the collapse the stock exchange director was shouting at people through a loudspeaker to evacuate the building, which also houses the World Bank's Indonesia office.

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Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Floor collapses at Jakarta stock exchange building

A mezzanine floor has collapsed at the Jakarta stock exchange building (IDX), injuring dozens of people.

Dramatic CCTV footage captured the moment of collapse, which sent a group of more than 30 students gathered on the mezzanine crashing into the lobby.

The area was evacuated and cordoned off by police, but trading has now resumed.

Police say 72 people were hurt and are being treated in three different hospitals in Jakarta, but there have been no fatalities.

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Police ruled out an explosion as a cause of the collapse

Police spokesman Argo Yuwono told local media that some of the victims, who had injuries to their hands and feet, had been taken to nearby hospitals.

Chaotic scenes

Rebecca Henschke, BBC News, Jakarta

Police using dogs and riot gear have pushed journalists back from the lobby area where the roof collapsed. They say it was not a terrorist attack, but they are still investigating what caused the floor to collapse. Fifteen ambulances have left the scene carrying the injured, officers say.

It happened during most people's lunch break so the building was quieter than usual, but there were still hundreds of people there.

The Jakarta stock exchange is a grand two-tower building with a vast marble floor lobby. The Indonesian government has being pushing for more foreign investment, but today's chaotic scenes here are not the image they want to portray.

Mr Argo told Metro TV: "We are still investigating the cause, but for now our priorities are the casualties."

The incident happened shortly after 12:00 local time (05:00 GMT), according to a journalist from Metro TV who was in the building.

Marlia Zein added that there was a "loud banging", leading people inside to "immediately" run out of the building.

A student named as Alfita, who was on the walkway when it collapsed, told Reuters news agency: "There was a rumbling noise but it wasn't an explosion.

"It was like something had fallen, and suddenly the floor we were standing on fell away."

The stock exchange has re-opened for the afternoon session, with exchange chief Tito Sulistio saying the system was "not affected".


A mezzanine floor has collapsed at the Jakarta stock exchange building (IDX), injuring dozens of people.

Dramatic CCTV footage captured the moment of collapse, which sent a group of more than 30 students gathered on the mezzanine crashing into the lobby.

Indonesia Scores injured after floor collapses at Indonesian stock exchange Police say collapse of Jakarta building’s mezzanine level, which injured at least 75 people, was an accident Play Video 0:19 CCTV shows moment floor collapses at Indonesian stock exchange – video

At least 75 people have been injured after a mezzanine floor at Indonesia’s stock exchange building collapsed.

CCTV footage showed a group of 40 visiting students on a balcony section plunge as the floor gave way with a cascade of glass, metal and other material crashing on to the ground floor where several others were walking.

A Jakarta police spokesman said the collapse was an accident and not the result of an explosion.

National police spokesman Setyo Wasisto told AFP 75 people had been injured. There were no reports of deaths so far.

Television images showed chaotic scenes as victims were taken to hospital or lay on the ground outside the tower complex in the centre of the city’s business district.

“I saw many people bleeding,” student Rizki Noviandi, who was taking part in a competition at the exchange building, told Metro TV.

“So many people were carried out of the building and were left on the grass outside … until the ambulances arrived.”

Hundreds of employees were evacuated from the complex, which was bombed by Islamist militants in 2000. At least 10 people were killed and dozens injured by a car bomb in that attack.

“Our search and rescue teams, the police, doctors, the firefighters are all still working,” Wasisto said. “They are cleaning the debris and also searching for other possible injuries.”

Most of the injuries were to arms and legs, including broken bones, a spokesman for one local hospital said.

Jakarta police spokesman Argo Yuwono added: “The accident happened at the first floor … It’s a floor where many employees are passing by.”

The collapse took place in one of the complex’s two towers.

“There was a sound, like something had fallen off a building structure, for about 20 seconds. Everyone was panicking and people were immediately being evacuated,” Amailia Putri Hasniawati, a journalist based at the exchange, told AFP.

It was not immediately clear what caused the accident at the tower in Sudirman district, which was built in 1995.

“Material degradation could be the cause,” Iswandi Imran, a construction expert, told local TV. “It could be corrosion or anything which slowly degrades the strength of the structure so it cannot take the weight any longer. But all that has to be investigated.”

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