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Tinggal Hitungan Hari, Insidious The Last Key Bakal Sapa Penonton Indonesia

Penggemar film horor pasti tahu film Insidious. Setelah sukses dengan film Insidious 1, 2 dan chapter 3, dalam hitungan hari akan hadir Insidious: The Last Key. Sekuel keempat ini bakal tayang di bioskop Indonesia mulai Jumat, 5 Januari 2018. Jadi siap-siap, guys!

1. Film ini mengambil latar belakang waktu antara film Insidious Chapter 3 dan 1


Pada sekuel keempat, Insidious: The Last Key bakal mengupas tentang masa lalu Dr Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye), seorang cenayang yang bisa berkomunikasi dan menjelajah alam gaib. Insidious: The Last Key hadir dengan latar belakang waktu antara Insidious Chapter 3 dan Insidious 1.

2. Pada sekuel ini, Elise harus menyelesaikan teror hantu di rumah masa kecilnya


Pada sekuel keempat, Elise akan menghadapi teror yang terjadi di rumah masa kecilnya sendiri. Elise akan kembali ke rumahnya saat kecil dan menghadapi rasa takut serta teror paling mengerikan yang pernah dialaminya, dikutip dari

3. Penggarapan film ini melibatkan produser spesialis film horor. Kebayang kan seramnya kayak gimana?


Dikutip dari situs resminya, Insidious Movie, film ini ditulis oleh Leigh Whannel yang juga penulis naskah Insidious Chapter 3 dan Saw. Produser spesialis film horor dilibatkan dalam pembuatan film ini. Seperti Jasun Blum (Get Out), Oren Peli (Paranormal Activity) dan James Wan (The Conjuring).

Berdurasi selama 103 menit, penonton harus bersiap menghadapi scene-scene yang mengagetkan dan mendebarkan.

4. Lihat trailernya di sini

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Pada trailernya, Elise harus menghadapi roh jahat dengan wujud yang mengerikan dan jari-jari tajam menyerupai kunci. Elise harus berkelana lebih jauh ke alam gaib yang disebutnya the Further untuk menghentikan teror hantu itu.

Penasaran bagaimana akhirnya? Jangan lupa tonton filmnya.

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VIVA  – Setelah dianggap sukses dengan 'Insidious' (2010), ' Insidious : Chapter 2' (2013), dan ' Insidious : Chapter 3 ' (2015), franchise horor itu akan kembali meneror 2018 ini dengan ' Insidious: The Last Key' yang akan tayang mulai 5 Januari 2018 besok. Di film keempatnya ini, kisah horor akan berpusat pada masa lalu sang parapsychologist, Dr Elise Rainier yang diperankan oleh Lin Shaye, yang harus kembali bergelut dengan iblis-iblis pengganggu kehidupan manusia. Plot film akan menguak sederetan fakta masa kecil Elise yang mendapat pendidikan keras dari sang ayah, hingga sejak kapan dia bisa berkomunikasi dengan bangsa setan.

Dalam trailernya, scene dibuka dengan adegan menyeramkan di mana seorang wanita yang bertemu sesosok iblis bernama KeyFace, dibanting ke tembok dan ditusuk di bagian leher dengan jari sang iblis yang berbentuk kunci tersebut. Hingga kemudian kamera menyorot adegan parjalanan Elise menuju kota bernama Five Keys itu, demi menolong sebuah keluarga di sebuah rumah berhantu. “Rumah yang dihantui ini adalah rumah keluargaku,” ujar Elise sebagaimana terlihat dalam trailer di youtube , Rabu 3 Januari 2018 Pembangunan atmosfer horor di franchise 'Insidious: The Last Key' ini masih menggunakan formula lama berupa setting rumah tua menyeramkan, dengan ornamen kayu dan tata cahaya yang minim. Berbagai sound fx penghasil bebunyian menyeramkan pun merupakan resep khas seperti di tiga film terdahulunya, yang mengantarkan penonton ke sejumlah adegan horor mengejutkan. Film yang akan bercerita tentang usaha Elise menghentikan kutukan di rumah keluarganya yang dihantui sosok iblis KeyFace ini, akan membawa para penontonnya untuk mengetahui siapa sosok iblis itu dan apa alasannya meneror rumah keluarga Elise tersebut. (one) Baca Selengkapnya ...

Back in the day, movie studios used to dump horror movies on Christmas, aiming to snag audiences full of people gleefully hoping to subvert holiday expectations. Those days have mostly passed (December box office has become a second summer when it comes to grosses), but horror has found a new home in early January, where it acts as the perfect cure to the Christmastime blues.

And Insidious: The Last Key will surely jump scare the holiday hangover right out of you, as this new clip from the film promises.

Insidious: The Last Key is the fourth film in the Insidious series, but the second film chronologically, following paranormal investigator Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) in the time before the first movie (where she kicks the bucket). The new film delves into her backstory, with the elderly psychic investigating a haunting at her childhood home. Spookiness abounds! Demons appear suddenly! You scream and throw your popcorn in the air because it’s that kind of movie!

Anyway, here’s that clip (courtesy of IGN). It has just about everything you’d expect from an Insidious movie at this point: bleak colors interrupted by splashes of red, a kid in peril, unsettling sound design, and a creepy demon hand (which we can safely assume is attached to a creepy demon body that will lurch into the frame at some point).

Insidious The Last Key Clip

The film once again puts Shaye (a genre veteran and a total onscreen badass) in the spotlight, proving that 74-year old women can totally command a horror franchise. While the screenplay is once again written by series veteran Leigh Whannell (who also returns as Specs, one of Elise’s fellow investigators), Adam Robitel is in the director’s seat this time around. Robitel previously directed the very creepy The Taking of Deborah Logan, so I’m curious to see how he acquits himself in an established horror franchise.

Insidious: The Last Key opens on January 5, 2018.

The original Insidious (2011) was a welcome return to indie horror form for director James Wan and writer Leigh Whannell, who followed up their original breakthrough film, Saw, with a couple of misguided and forgettable excursions into major studio territory (anyone remember Dead Silence?). Insidious was intimate, original, a little insane, and genuinely creepy; it also established some of the stylistic and narrative devices that Wan would utilize for large-scale horror success with The Conjuring a couple of years later.

Plus, it was a hit, which meant the “we have a new horror franchise!” signs lit up at the offices of original backer Film District. So Insidious 2 came along in 2013, with Wan and Whannell taking up camera and pen again, but it proved to be an unnecessary, overplotted, and often incoherent sequel that actually dissipated the good will of its predecessor. Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015), a prequel, was directed by Whannell himself from a streamlined script, making for a marginally better film but still something of a wheel-spinner.

Which brings us to Insidious: The Last Key. When you get to the fourth film in a franchise, particularly in the horror genre, the thing is often sputtering along on fumes, so I’m happy to report that The Last Key is the best Insidious entry since the first one. And the reason for that is unlikely franchise star Lin Shaye. I say unlikely because, with most horror movies geared these days toward the late-high-school/early-college crowd, and featuring casts that reflect that, it’s improbable that a wise and earthy 74-year-old woman could emerge as the focus of a successful series like this and find a following of her own.

But Shaye’s paranormal investigator, Elise Rainier, is indeed the heart and soul of the Insidious saga--which has forced Whannell (who is back on screenplay duty for this one while Adam Robitel directs) to twist the franchise into even more of a pretzel since Elise actually died at the end of the original movie. Thus with what is essentially the franchise's fourth chapter, he goes back in time again, as The Last Key taking place after Insidious: Chapter 3 but before the events of the first two films. And this time Elise is squarely the center of the story, as she returns to her own childhood home to investigate a haunting there and finds that she has unresolved supernatural and family business of her own to take care of.

Shaye is a warm, empathetic, and engaging presence in all the films--arguably the best thing about them, really--and this time out, you’re invested in her struggle all the way. The actress transmits a genuine feeling of deep psychological and emotional pain as she returns to the house in which she grew up and is forced to delve back into her own tormented memories. The ultimate shape of the plot is nothing especially new -- let’s just say that Elise did not have a happy childhood, in part because of her abilities to contact the other side, but Shaye brings a sense of real grief and sadness to the proceedings.

We do care about Elise at this point, as well as her two dim but likable assistants, Specs (Whannell) and Tucker (Angus Sampson). In this vein, Robitel and Whannell make sure to include a decent amount of character moments for all of them amidst the scares and jolts. The director follows Wan’s formula mostly to a tee, alternating extended sequences of dread-filled silence and frame-filling darkness with jump shocks and some morbid new imagery, as well as yet another excursion into the eerie recesses of the Further. Robitel, who also directed the intermittently spooky found footage chiller The Taking of Deborah Logan, doesn’t do anything groundbreaking here but does provide some genuine scares.

Make no mistake, however, this is Lin Shaye’s show, and Whannell was smart to realize that the series was really about her character. That goes a long way, even in a series that should theoretically be on its last legs by now. But Insidious: The Last Key manages to unlock some humanity and tragedy from a well-worn narrative and revive a meandering franchise while bringing it full circle. Horror movies only ever transcend their limitations and become more than just exploitation when you care about the people, a lesson that Wan (who is still a producer on this series) and Whannell have taken to heart.

Insidious: The Last Key is out in theaters this Friday, Jan. 5.

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